

  1. Mike16 Sep 2013 @ 15:58

    Hey, any chance of getting these working with Xonar U7? The standard Asus software is absolutely terrible...


  2. Walter Peck17 Sep 2013 @ 00:30

    Thanks both. I had tried XonarSwitch only the other day but it didn't support Flexbass. I've just taken another peek and it's been updated so I've moved to this.

    Thanks again.


  3. Kyrah Abattoir (@KyrahAbattoir)17 Sep 2013 @ 04:16

    Hey, first thanks a lot for those drivers, it's so much better than the fficial asus driver.
    I was wondering if anyone could tell me what my problem is, when recording from the mic input of my xonard D1, i get a constant 10hz "tapping" noise that sounds a bit like a helicopter (but not very loud), it happen even when no microphone is actually plugged in the card.
    I removed the card, cleaned it (and the pci port) and reseated it and the tapping appeared to have vanished, but it came back during a skype call a few minutes later.
    Should i get a new card? Is this a common problem?


    • CarvedInside17 Sep 2013 @ 23:35

      I haven't heard of anyone having this issue. have you had this before with asus drivers? The noise could be from the card or something else. My advice is first try with different version of the drivers, try 1.64 if you've used have 1.71 now. If issue still persists if it's possible for you to try your card in another PC . If not try installing a temporary windows with Skype and required drivers only, use different drivers and see if you still get the issue. Let us know of any developments.


  4. Iksch17 Sep 2013 @ 17:03

    On Windows 8.1 Pro and Xonar D1 the C-Media Panel looks totally different, the card seems to get picked up as "Oxygen HD Front/Rear" and the mixer tab is completely non-functional.


    • CarvedInside17 Sep 2013 @ 23:46

      From feedback so far, C-Media Panel works with Windows2012R2 which is the server equivalent of Win8.1. Try uninstalling and installing again. Try a different version. Try installing without any addons if you are currently loading any.


      • Iksch18 Sep 2013 @ 13:02

        I didn't use any addons, I tried the different install options (Low DPC and C-Media Panel) and reinstalling.
        Made some screenshots with descriptions to illustrate the issue here: http://imgur.com/a/mCl4H is what it looks like on Win8.1 and http://imgur.com/a/8Cnsq is what it should look like. The Asus Panel works fine. Thanks 🙂


        • CarvedInside18 Sep 2013 @ 20:40

          I see. thanks for the details and for bringing this up. It seems it loads the XP version of the C-media Panel. I will have to see if there is something that I can do, if not only a new version of the C-Media Panel will fix this. Either way I think it will take some time to fix this. In the meantime you might be interested in XonarSwitch application that might fill the void. 🙂


          • Iksch18 Sep 2013 @ 20:46

            Thanks! XonarSwitch seems to work great! 🙂
            I'll have to hold up on 8.1 anyway because Nvidia can't release a driver for my 560Ti that doesn't freeze - but that's another story...

            Thanks for looking into it. Your driver package makes the card worth using.


    • Cruxx27 Sep 2013 @ 00:27

      I'm having exactly same issue


  5. David Lykaios17 Sep 2013 @ 22:09

    On the next release, can you make it so HSMGR64.exe and HSMGR.exe are optional start up e.g start as disabled due to some games (Saints Row 4) failing to launch because of it. Only just fount the fix, after someone on the steam forums mentioned that this kills it!


    • CarvedInside17 Sep 2013 @ 23:26

      You can use Low DPC Latency configuration when installing and manually add Xonar Audio Center to Startup. This will get you basically what you want without HSMGR files. Now I should mention that usually hsmgr exes do not do much without enabling GX option in Xonar Audio Center. Just for my information, have you enabled GX or not?


      • David Lykaios17 Sep 2013 @ 23:38

        I havent got GX enabled, but the files still load up by default because its added as a startup item.


        • CarvedInside18 Sep 2013 @ 20:33

          I see. Thanks. That's the default behavior for them to autostart.
          Next time follow my previous instructions and you will be set to go.


  6. badsykes18 Sep 2013 @ 12:27

    It's intersting to see the battles of opinions between driver quality Asus vs (new) Creative in users mind...


    Read the comments at the bottom...Unixonar is brought up in discussion too..


  7. CYPER19 Sep 2013 @ 23:40

    Does anyone have a clue why my Microphone Boost option gets disabled after restart. It wasn't like this before, but after my latest Windows installation it started happening.
    I've reinstalled the drivers numerous times, but still after every restart microphone boost is disabled.

    It is very annoying.


    • CarvedInside20 Sep 2013 @ 17:44

      Could be a application that runs at startup and changes the mic behavior. For example Steam has mic options and can override the default one. You need to enable the mic boost in settings for that respective application.


  8. Ruben20 Sep 2013 @ 16:54

    Hi, I am running WIndows 8.1 official RTM (from MSDN) atm, have a Xonar DX and can confirm that the 1.71 drivers work fine. I will continue to check functionality and if bugs occur I will post them.


    • CarvedInside20 Sep 2013 @ 17:38

      Thanks for the feedback. Which Panel Configuration do you use? If you are using C-Media Panel, how does it look to you, like this(XP) or like this(Win7/8)?


      • Christoph Leipold20 Sep 2013 @ 19:41

        For me under Win 8.1 RTM ist loking like XP. Thats why i think panel not working right. To change from Stereo to 5.1 channel output i have to do this in Windows audio configuration.


  9. Suraj20 Sep 2013 @ 20:16

    Hello, i am really happy that someone is out there to solve our problems. i have one small request . for first time users like me i am having a tough time adding the standalone packs could you please help me in making a tutorial with all the steps in detail. your help will be gladly appreciated. Thank you. I own a xonar DG card.

    LE: Sorry i just found out . i had to rename the file to .zip. i request someone to post the correct settings for using the sound card. EX: which feature should be enabled which should be disabled. i have connected my xonar dg sound card to logitech x540 5.1 speakers. running win 7 x64.


    • CarvedInside20 Sep 2013 @ 20:59

      The standalone pack is a self extracting archive, don't know why you would have a problem with it.
      Now you need it this only if you want to change specific things and not go to the Asus panel.
      You can read recommended settings for the card in the FAQ: Q&A9.


  10. Lunadesign22 Sep 2013 @ 00:24

    I've got a new D1 that I've set up in a Win 7 64-bit workstation but the 5.1 output is really erratic with the Asus and UNi drivers - when I use the test app and keep clicking on the a specific speaker (i.e., Left Front) about 1/5 of the time, the voice comes out a different speaker than expected. Any ideas what might be wrong?


  11. David Chramcow24 Sep 2013 @ 07:15

    I actually have an issue to report under Windows 8.1 Pro RTM.

    I recently purchased an AMD Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition Vapor-X video card, after installing it I thought it would be a good idea to re-install Windows from scratch and seeing how Windows 8.1 was just made available through Microsoft DreamSpark I went ahead and installed it. To my surprise, the latest UNi Xonar Drivers (1.71) didn't work under Windows 8.1, it made my Xonar DS completely non-functional, it wouldn't show up under Control Panel/Sound, etc, I had absolutely no audio from it, it did show up under Device Manager with an exclamation point, meaning that something had gone wrong in the installation. Under Device Status it said:

    "The device cannot find enough free resources that it can use (Code 12).

    If you want to use this device, you will need to disable one of the other devices in the system"

    So after a couple of hours of testing (I actually removed the card and put it in another system and it worked flawlessly), I made the decision to rollback to Windows 8, after the install, everything was working perfectly, just as it should. Are these drivers not ready for 8.1?

    Couple of notes:

    * I did disable Driver Signature Enforcement Policy prior to the install under Windows 8.1
    * Under Windows 8.1 Preview, everything was working perfectly, so there's gotta be something different in the RTM build.

    Thanks and please reply back.


    • CarvedInside24 Sep 2013 @ 17:42

      I personally didn't had time to install Win8.1 and test the drivers, but reports from others said that drivers actually work in 8.1. The only issues where C-Media Panel doesn't show the options properly and there might be some issues with WASAPI playback. Now in your case I don't know why they didn't work at all. Seems like a resource conflict with other devices. Don't really have a solution for you now.
      It could be from the audio drivers, these pre-8.1 drivers in particular cases not working properly or it could be something else like other drivers or a bug in Windows 8.1 RTM . Anyway we will know more once C-Media releases audio drivers specifically for Win 8.1 (so far there is no sign of them) which I will use in a new release.


    • MasterFaster24 Sep 2013 @ 17:45

      Have you tried to disable the on-board audio?


  12. David Chramcow24 Sep 2013 @ 18:42

    Thanks for the replying you guys.

    Yeah I really don't know what was causing that issue, I did remove the onboard audio (it's been disabled since day one). It's a damn shame since I was really liking Windows 8.1 lol, but I guess I'll have to wait for the new C-Media drivers.

    One more thing, this issue was present in not just one Windows 8.1 install, I reinstalled 8.1 (fresh install) around 3 times, and every single time the card failed to install correctly.


  13. johnew07 Oct 2013 @ 00:43

    Xonar D2, XP pro, Tritton surround sound Headphones.

    I know many people are using Windows 7/8 now but I am still using XP Pro (Don't hold it against me)

    Thanks for your hard work in modified drivers. I have a problem getting the speaker test to work on v1.70 and v1.71. When pressing the test button it sticks on "Left Front" The setting are Sample rate:192khz. Analog out:5.1 speakers SPDIF Out is unchecked, all others unchecked. When I could not get the speaker test to work I just clean uninstalled that version. V1.64 works no problem and the surround test works, so I am still using this version.

    I see audio drivers have been updated
    v1.71, 1816 for Windows XP.
    v1.70, 1814 for Windows XP
    Could the updated audio drivers be the problem that I cannot get these versions to work?.


    • Exactmat08 Oct 2013 @ 17:14

      I've the same problem but i only use Analog 5.1 and headphones.


    • CarvedInside08 Oct 2013 @ 18:16

      Yes these new drivers could be the problem. Does the 5.1 sound work properly in a game or movie? Because if so it could be a bug limited to the speaker test within the 1.70 panel (ASUS Xonar or C-Media). Btw, which panel did you use?
      You are perfectly fine with 1.64 drivers, the audio drivers included in UNi Xonar 1.64 may in fact be the best drivers until now.

      FYI, since you've mentioned you have set sample rate to 192KHz, maybe you may want to have a look at FAQ:Q&A9.


  14. Frankie07 Oct 2013 @ 05:48


    Is they any news if Asus Xonar D2X will support Windows 8.1? I have this card coming tomorrow I using Windows 8 atm but I now worried this wont work under 8.1 🙁



    • David Chramcow07 Oct 2013 @ 21:59

      Well in the 8.1 Preview Version the UNi Xonar drivers installed perfectly for me, but maybe something changed in the RTM build that made the install unsuccessful, I'm really hoping for an updated version for 8.1.


    • CarvedInside08 Oct 2013 @ 18:27

      There is a note in the post above about Windows 8.1 compatibility. It could work fine.



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