

  1. CarvedInside14 Oct 2012 @ 17:10

    C:WindowsSystemCmicnfgp.ini . Try there and see if they are stored in that file. I'm not sure if that location is still used in Win7/8 with the newer drivers. Let me know if you find them there.


    • ColPanic14 Oct 2012 @ 18:37

      No, there's nothing of any use in that file. It seems to be information regarding CmiCnfgP.cpl: title, tray text, which .ico file to use as the icon, etc.


      • CarvedInside14 Oct 2012 @ 20:00

        When I find where are the EQ profiles now saved I will let you know.


        • ColPanic14 Oct 2012 @ 20:07


          I also discovered that simply disabling and re-enabling the card from the device manager will apply registry changes to the c-media panel: no restarting or logging off required.

          I now have a few preset files of .reg files containing different values for the EqGain setting.


  2. badsykes15 Oct 2012 @ 10:24

    I just installed the 1.63 beta on Essence ST card and seems stable with foobar after 4 minutes of song and the switching Headphone to Speakers and back is working...
    Thanks carvedIns..Seems ST have no updated drivers since 1794 on official Asus download page...


  3. BorgX66615 Oct 2012 @ 16:42

    I'm interested in using your drivers however i read the the GX option will be disabled (if i read and understood it correctly!) will this affect my game play??


    • CarvedInside15 Oct 2012 @ 20:01

      Depends on which configuration you select in the Uni Xonar installer configuration. Select Normal if you want to have GX option available.

      GX is only useful for older games that supported EAX.


  4. TotallydubbedHD (@To16 Oct 2012 @ 14:35

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-6453">
    CarvedInside :
    Glad the UNi drivers helped. I think most of us here use the C-media Panel.
    Nice thing you got going on that site. Good luck with it in the future.
    I don’t have anything with that number but I think the donation came through. Thank you very much:)

    Thought to let you know that the video is now uploaded 🙂 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ_Ry1_RpDs



    • CarvedInside17 Oct 2012 @ 22:14



    • badsykes17 Oct 2012 @ 23:50

      I had that before the Essence ST....It was very solid ..The nice thing about selling the DX was that i gave to someone that had been very skeptic about buying a discret sound card like many...I gave him the card for a couple of days just to listen to it and he was overwhelmed completly so at least the selling wasn't without emotions... 🙂 ... I am happy that i made someone felt a deeper emotion about using a PC component..

      BTW: your video just made me realize something very usual...That the front panel on the case can be actually conected directly to sound card :))...I always plugged the Headphones behind the case...
      Is too late anyway because with Essence ST and the Audiotechnica Headphones long cables i keep them plugged all times and just switch between Headphone and Speakers...


  5. MasterFaster16 Oct 2012 @ 17:40

    Here are updated 1807 & 1813 driver packs based on C-Media Audio Panel:

    ASUS Xonar DX v8.0.8.1807 Beta Win7_Win8 modified driver C-Media Panel Edition by MasterFaster

    PCI_DX_8_0_8_1807_CMediaPanel_Win7_Win8.rar (8.75MB) http://www.sendspace.com/file/ddcamt

    ASUS Xonar DX v8.0.8.1813 Beta Win7_Win8 modified driver C-Media Panel Edition by MasterFaster

    PCI_DX_8_0_8_1813_CMediaPanel_Win7_Win8.rar (8.76MB) http://www.sendspace.com/file/1pyo91

    Packs are updated on 2012-10-16. I did cosmetic changes to the installer.


  6. Tocammo17 Oct 2012 @ 13:14

    Working with Xonar STX on win7 x64 so far. Thank you for the great work


  7. tempuser17 Oct 2012 @ 22:42

    Just upgraded from 1.62 beta to 1.63 beta, it broke input on my Xonar DGX.


  8. Andrew18 Oct 2012 @ 21:39

    Asus Essence ST windows 8 x64 beta drivers today!Installed working great!


  9. remederoaccutan19 Oct 2012 @ 20:23

    in the new official asus drivers (published on 18 october 2012), the upmix issue and dpc problem is still here?


  10. aphocus20 Oct 2012 @ 10:14

    you have 3 latest drivers, and the 3rd one is older than the 4th which isn't marked as latest, perhaps you should have One latest beta, and one latest non-beta and make sure they are actually the latest versions, otherwise thanks for the drivers.


  11. remederoaccutan22 Oct 2012 @ 06:40

    I would like to know if you can create a plugin or something to convert all sound pitch to 432hz from 440hz. More infos: http://wonderinspirit.wordpress.com/2011/10/10/water-sound-images-of-432-hz-and-440-hz/

    To convert 440hz to 432hz i found thoses ways: modify semitones by -0.318 with foobar + soundtouch (-0.3176665363342928 exactly), 98.182% pitch scale (when converting mp3 with GoldWave) and reduce playback speed by -1.82% (with soundtouch too).


    • remederoaccutan22 Oct 2012 @ 06:42

      I wanted to say or reduce playback speed, thats 3 differents ways (sry for my really bad english)


      • CarvedInside24 Oct 2012 @ 03:34


        Sorry, I can't help you with that. Although the link seems interesting stuff.


    • Patrick22 Oct 2012 @ 23:21

      What an interesting article, so interesting I experimented with goldwave and some tracks and I have to say that the original tracks in 440 Hz now sound weird to me compared to
      432 Hz. 440 Hz sounds like the singers are on helium! 432 Hz is more natural!
      Just my impression of it though. A plugin to achieve 432 Hz would be terrific!


  12. MasterFaster22 Oct 2012 @ 22:57

    ASUS Xonar DX v8.0.8.1815 Beta Win7_Win8 modified driver by MasterFaster

    PCI_DX_8_0_8_1815_Win7_Win8.rar (15.61MB) http://www.sendspace.com/file/ez7oxh

    ASUS Xonar DX v8.0.8.1815 Beta Win7_Win8 modified driver C-Media Panel Edition by MasterFaster

    PCI_DX_8_0_8_1815_CMediaPanel_Win7_Win8.rar (8.76MB) http://www.sendspace.com/file/hrqexs


    • MasterFaster22 Oct 2012 @ 22:59

      builds 1808 and 1812 are also available


      • MasterFaster23 Oct 2012 @ 04:49

        I also found 2 different versions of ASIO and 2 different versions of ASIO


        • CarvedInside25 Oct 2012 @ 11:37

          Thx for sharing.


          • MasterFaster25 Oct 2012 @ 17:58

            In my 1815 Xonar DX pack I included all the latest files and of course ASIO

            As I said there are two different builds of ASIO and two for

            For example the official Xonar STX 1813 driver has the same build that is also included in DG 1813 driver.

            But the new official Xonar ST 1813 driver has also ASIO but different build (the md5 hashes are different). If you check with the hex editor the file cmasiop.dll you will see that somewhere refers to d:SVNbincmasiop.pdb
            So I suppose it's compiled from a somewhat SVN source (private obviously).

            The same thing is happening with the 2,0.0.12 ASIO found in 1812 D2 driver and 1815 DS driver (which are different).
            The ASIO of D2 is probably a somewhat SVN build, but the one included in DS driver is different and it seems to be newer.

            Anyway forget about what I wrote, and if you want to create a new UNi Xonar driver pack, just use my driver pack as a reference, as it has all updated files.

            C-Media and ASUS are confusing me 😀


            • CarvedInside25 Oct 2012 @ 18:38

              Yeah, thanks for the work. If I will release a new UNi Xonar driver I will use the files you've carefully selected 🙂

              I think its confusing for them also.:)


        • CarvedInside25 Oct 2012 @ 11:37

          Thx for sharing.


  13. TotallydubbedHD (@To23 Oct 2012 @ 02:40

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-6567">
    badsykes :
    I had that before the Essence ST….It was very solid ..The nice thing about selling the DX was that i gave to someone that had been very skeptic about buying a discret sound card like many…I gave him the card for a couple of days just to listen to it and he was overwhelmed completly so at least the selling wasn’t without emotions… … I am happy that i made someone felt a deeper emotion about using a PC component..
    BTW: your video just made me realize something very usual…That the front panel on the case can be actually conected directly to sound card )…I always plugged the Headphones behind the case…
    Is too late anyway because with Essence ST and the Audiotechnica Headphones long cables i keep them plugged all times and just switch between Headphone and Speakers…

    Fair play man!
    And yes it can be directly plugged in if you want 🙂
    I've now un-plugged mine, as I don;t use the FP audio.


  14. Vista23 Oct 2012 @ 14:24

    1815 released with DS drivers. Will unixonar be updated?


    • CarvedInside23 Oct 2012 @ 15:33

      Thanks for sharing. As Uni Xonar drivers 1813 seem pretty stable I'm am not in a rush to release a new UNi Xonar driver just yet.



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