Xonar and Windows 10 and Windows 11 compatibility
Notes about issues and fixes for Xonar sound cards and Windows 10.
Notes about issues and fixes for Xonar sound cards and Windows 10.
Some things and issues you should be aware concerning ASUS Xonar sound cards and other C-Media CMI8788 audio chipset cards.
What is DPC Latency. How to check DPC latency. Audio settings, drivers and network activity impact on DPC latency. Tips & tweaks to reduce DPC latency.
Information on whether hard drives of 3TB, 4TB, 5TB, 6TB, 8TB or more will work on ICH9R (Intel P35, Intel X38) or ICH10R (Intel P45, Intel X48, Intel P55, Intel x58) controllers.
Xonar Front Panel Switch (new version) aka fpswitch is a tool that allows seamlessly changes between rear speakers and front panel speakers output.
Page dedicated for Xonar hardware mods discussions. Includes list of tutorials.
Xonar Driver Restart is an application that will restart the Windows Audio Service and C-media audio driver.
A tool that cleans any remaining Xonar driver files and settings.
Page for Windows audio issues regardless of sound card maker.
UNi Xonar drivers frequently asked questions and troubleshooting guide.
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