
UNi Xonar driver cleaner

UNi Xonar driver cleaner is a tool that uninstalls the Xonar driver and cleans any remaining driver files and settings. It's functionality is also build in the UNi Xonar driver installer under the "Run driver cleaning before install" option and starting with UNi Xonar v1.81 it is used as the default uninstaller.

It cleans:

  • old driver copies from Windows driver store
  • any remaining driver files and components
  • C-media Panel and Asus Audio Center
  • Xonar driver Windows startup entries

Version history

  • v1.01

Download v1.01 / Mirror

Cleans drivers for:

  • ASUS Xonar DG, Xonar DGX, Xonar DG SI, Xonar DS, Xonar DSX, Xonar D1, Xonar D2, Xonar DX, Xonar D2X, Xonar HDAV, Xonar HDAV Slim, Xonar Essence ST, Xonar Essence STX, Xonar Essence STX II, Xonar Xense.
  • Other C-media CMI8786, CMI8787 and CMI8788  audio chipset cards:
    • Auzentech HDA X-Purity 7.1, X-Meridian 1G, X-Meridian 2G.
    • HTOmega Claro, Claro Plus, Claro II, Claro Halo, eClaro.
    • Razer Barracuda AC-1, TempoTec HIFIER Serenade, AIM Audio SC8000.
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