
Web apps and services list for web developers

List of web applications and services that could prove useful for web developers. Among the topics covered are various CSS code generators, file type conversion tools,  website reports for performance, security, accessibility, SEO and other metrics. This page will be periodically updated.


  • 20 Jan 2021: Added Convertico to Conversion tools.
  • 25 Mar 2019: Added Photopea to Design and photo manipulation.
  • 04 Dec 2017: Added SVGOMG to Optimization Tools. Added Online Convert to Conversion tools.
Sprite generators
  • Retina Sprite Generator - Generate retina and standard sprite images online. Get your retina ready CSS codes instantly.
  • CSS3 Patterns - Browse and edit gallery of pure CSS patterns.
  • Patternify - Design patterns and save them as a PNG image or as Base64 encoded image for CSS use.
  • PIXLR Editor - Web based alternative to PhotoShop. Work in layers, replace colors, transform objects, and more - all from your browser. Requires Adobe Flash.
  • Photopea - Web based alternative to PhotoShop.
  • PIXLR Express - Apply a quick fix or add a personal touch with creative effects, overlays, and borders to pictures.
CSS code generators
Conversion tools
  • ICO Convert - Icon maker and favicon generator. Create a multi-size Windows icon from different png images.
  • Convertico - PNG to multi-size ICO converter.
  • Base64 Image - Convert images to Base64 encoding so they can be embedded using img tags or CSS, speeding up load times for smaller images by preventing additional HTTP requests.
  • Vectorizer - Convert raster images like PNGs, BMPs and JPEGs to scalable vector graphics (SVG).
  • Online Converter - Convert media easy and fast from one format to another.
  • RealFaviconGenerator - Generate favicons for all devices/platforms.
Optimization Tools
  • SVGOMG - Service for optimizing SVG vector graphics files.
Media queries
  • MQtest (archive.org) - A tool to help identify which media queries your device responds to.
Regular expressions tools
  • Debuggex - Online regex tester with regular expression visualization.
  • RegexTester - Online regex tester.
Website performance, security, mobile friendly and other checks
  • Pingdom Website Speed Test - Test the load time of a web page, analyze it and find bottlenecks.
  • GTMetrix - Analyzes your site’s speed and provides recommendations on how to optimize it.
  • Google PageSpeed Insights - Identify ways to make your site faster and more mobile-friendly. Automatically generates minified HTML, CSS, JS files and optimized image files.
  • Sonar - Check websites for security, accessibility, interoperability and performance issues.
  • Google Mobile Friendly Test - Check if your web page is mobile-friendly.
Website privacy
  • WebbKoll - This tool helps you check what data-protecting measures a site has taken to help you exercise control over your privacy.
Website SEO
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