

  1. Rodrigo Molinari12 Feb 2014 @ 17:57

    Thanks Giulio, incredible app! For me works flawless!


  2. zee14 Feb 2014 @ 23:58

    Thanks Giulio, that's great work. I would like to share two UI bugs and a suggestion. I am using Xonar D2X on Windows 8.1 x64.
    Suggestion: In Profiles Environment settings are not available (found in Effects tab of Xonar Audio Center)
    - When switching profiles SVN settings doesn't reflect in Xonar Audio Center
    - When switching profiles EQ settings doesn't reflect in Xonar Audio Center


    • Giulio15 Feb 2014 @ 11:17

      Thanks for your feedback. I took a note of your Environment feature request.

      The other two aren't really XonarSwitch's bugs but rather a lack of a feature in the ASUS and C-Media control panels.

      It's up to an application to reflect the changes in the parameters it shows when something else alters those parameters from outside. I had to specifically implement that kind of behavior in XonarSwitch so that the Real Time Settings reflected changes made by the ASUS and the C-Media control panels.

      In the case of both the ASUS and the C-Media control panels, they only implemented feedback on those changes that are made through the system (audio channels, recording mixer, master volume and mute, etc.) while for all the other settings that are specific of the Xonar Card, they decided to act on the premise that their application was the only one sending commands to the card.

      You can verify that if you open both the ASUS and the C-Media control panel, they don't reflect most of each other's changes of the settings until you change tabs back and forth.


      • zee01 Mar 2014 @ 15:25

        Yes, I agree that's ASUS fault. One work-around can be adding an option to Kill and then relaunch Xonar Audio Center. Thanks for your work!


  3. Zed16 Feb 2014 @ 16:51

    Hi Giulio,

    First of all, fantastic work! Took me a while to come across XonarSwitch but it's exactly what I've been looking for!

    I have a feature request for you,
    Would it be possible to include output devices other than the xonar essence in the profiles? (thus disabling all other parameters for that profile)

    My use case is as follows:
    I have my PC connected to my home theatre via HDMI. I could connect audio to it as well over optical and use the xonar for that, but I would like to simply use the hdmi cable for digital audio. I have keyboard shorcuts bound to my keyboard's macro keys for headphones, headset, and PC speakers. I'd like to have another shortcut to switch my default output device to the HDMI out to the receiver!

    I hope this is feasible, and I would love to leave you a small donation if there is someplace I can do that.

    Thanks and take care,



  4. thorazine7416 Feb 2014 @ 21:05

    Thanks a lot for this, its a really well thought program that really makes manufacturer's control panels pail in comparison!

    I have one small cosmetic only suggestion: Is it posible to have a choice on font face and size used by the UI? Or if thats too much, maybe you can set it to use the standard Windows UI font face and sizes (Tahoma 8pt, Segoe UI 9pt...)?
    Or is there any reason you are using some kind of Arial font?


    • Giulio17 Feb 2014 @ 16:38

      The main reason why I used the Arial font was to get predictable and OS-independed results when aligning interface elements. I guess I could try implementing the default interface font for the system XonarSwitch runs on, and see how it turns out.


  5. MiChAeLoKGB19 Feb 2014 @ 21:49

    Thing I always wanted, to easily switch between Headphones and Speakers just with some shortcut, but you dont support my Asus Xonar Phoebus 🙁


    • Giulio21 Feb 2014 @ 16:50

      The Phoebus uses a different driver than other Xonar cards, and since XonarSwitch is rather driver-dependent, that's the reason Phoebus cards aren't currently supported.


  6. badsykes21 Feb 2014 @ 18:40

    I want to report something...
    I have an A4tech slim keyboard with some adition buttons.One of the buttons is "Shutdown PC".I usually close the PC from without going to Start--> shut down blabla.Not sure if it's related in any way with the kayboard....Everytime when i close the PC i receive this error from XonarSwitch:

    XonarSwitch is upgrading itself so chances that i have the latest version already



    • badsykes21 Feb 2014 @ 18:43

      I posted a link to a picture on a filesharing site and the forum ignore the link...Anyway the error sounds like this:

      Run-time error '91':
      Object variable or With block variable not set



    • Giulio22 Feb 2014 @ 12:09

      Thanks for reporting this. Does the error occur both when you close Windows from the start menu and when you use the keyoboard shutdown key? Does it happen if you manually close XonarSwitch by using the tray icon popup menu (right click)?


      • badsykes22 Feb 2014 @ 12:39

        I made some trial and error:

        Closing XonarSwitch BEFORE closing PC from keyboard ---> No error
        Shutting down PC from Start menu WITHOUT closing XonarSwitch ---> No error
        Shutting down PC from Keyboard WITHOUT closing XonarSwitch ----> Error

        When i get the XonarSwitch error at shutdown, windows actually shows me that a program is still running (XonarSwitch) and asks me what to do "Force Shutdown" or "Cancel"..So basically XonarSwitch will be closed before shutdown (Forcefully or Not) so the PC will go through shutdown procedure..This happens if i use keyboard button!

        Hope it helps...
        I have a feeling that is related somehow


        • Giulio22 Feb 2014 @ 20:47

          The fact it only happens when using the keyboard is probably the reason why nobody reported this before. If you are willing to help in further troubleshooting, please send me an e-mail by following the instructions above.


  7. Rodrigo Molinari01 Mar 2014 @ 03:15


    for backup profiles and settings all i have to do is export [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\XonarSwitch] ?

    Thanks 🙂


  8. who04 Mar 2014 @ 17:50

    please for the love of god make the tray headphone icon white, like all the other windows icons, it looks bad on grey color
    other than that love the app 🙂


    • Giulio05 Mar 2014 @ 14:55

      lol, I tried them on a darker theme and I agree they aren't very visible. I'll see what I can do for next revision.
      Thanks for your feedback!


    • Chris Leipold05 Mar 2014 @ 16:57

      +1 would be great to get a white tray icon like operating system icons.Thx!


  9. duudee19 Mar 2014 @ 10:32

    Just a quick question/request: Is it possible to change the behaviour of XonarSwitch to the one of the windows default "volume tool" in the tray. I mean just a left click on the programm at the tray and using the mousewheel to change the volume. Atm you have to left click XonarSwitch and highlight the volumbar first before using the mousewheel.
    Thanks for your work so far!


  10. Chn23 Mar 2014 @ 01:31

    Is it possible to get zero latency mic input monitoring on Xonar DGX? Can it be fixed with a driver update?
    With the current latency, this card is useless for monitoring mic/line in inputs.


    • Giulio24 Mar 2014 @ 11:42

      Mic input latency is something that has to do with the hardware and the driver, and those are things that only ASUS or C-Media can affect afaik.

      I merely provide an interface to try and make sending commands to the sound card as convenient as possible.


  11. Reith23 Mar 2014 @ 08:40

    Would it be possible to make the volume bar that appears next to the icon in the notification area be optional? I think it looked better before that was added and it's actually not needed for me since I just use XonarSwitch for changing between different inputs and adjust volume with the hardware volume knob.


    • Giulio24 Mar 2014 @ 11:46

      The volume bar shouldn't appear unless you left click on the tray icon. If you use a hardware volume knob and switch profiles using keyboards shortcuts you should never see it.


      • Reith24 Mar 2014 @ 21:46

        Sorry, I'm talking about the really small one that shows up next to the icon. It was added in one of the recent updates.


        • Giulio25 Mar 2014 @ 10:13

          I might add a way to remove the volume overlay from the default icons. In the meanwhile there is already a way you can achieve the same result with the current revision:
          1) Extract the speakers, headphones and SPDIF icons from the executable using somethihg like icon sushi or equivalent. Save the icons in the XonarSwitch folder for convenience.
          2) Edit all your profiles, choosing the relevant icon. Make sure "Volume Overlay" is disabled.
          After switching to profiles, you should have the same icon you have right now, but without the volume overlay.


  12. Emopunk23 Mar 2014 @ 20:04

    Many thanks for this killer utility!! Much needed!!


  13. muhahp31 Mar 2014 @ 17:42

    Thank you Man! The App is incredible;) Good luck with new versions!


  14. mh000131 Mar 2014 @ 20:15

    Thank you so much for this app! You are doing a really good job! It makes things so much easier, I never want to use my Xonar without XonarSwitch again.


  15. Saiberian31 Mar 2014 @ 22:11

    Wassup Man! I wish you luck and success in development of this app. Thx u Giulio!



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