

  1. wiak18 May 2014 @ 02:22

    has anyone else noticed the tray icon is missing in action sometimes when running it for a while?
    i have to kill it from taskmgr and start it again to get it to show up in tray again


    • Giulio19 May 2014 @ 10:50

      That usually means the app has crashed. Have you noticed this behavior happening from a certain revision onwards?


  2. Terry Murphy19 May 2014 @ 06:13

    Sound Card Model : Xonar DX2
    Xonar Driver Version :
    Xonar Driver Registry Key : SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}009
    Xonar Card Instance ID : PCI\VEN_13F6&DEV_8788&SUBSYS_82B71043&REV_00\5&1259FAD&0&2000E1
    Operating System Version : Microsoft Windows 7 Professional x64
    Operating System Locale ID : 5129

    Hi, Thanks for a very useful application, on the latest version I'm not able to open the asio driver panel from the right click menu- it's greyed out. I can access the asio driver panel from other applications (JRiver MC19, asioconfig.exe).


    • Giulio19 May 2014 @ 10:45

      Hi. Revision 527 had some problems in correctly detecting the ASIO driver on some systems. When detection doesn't work correctly, the result is exactly what you are reporting (ASIO driver menu entry grayed out).

      The revision I'm using internally has a solution implemented. If you would like to test it, please send me an e-mail following the instructions above ("How to contact the author").


  3. Frank24 May 2014 @ 22:53

    I downloaded Xonar Switch, thanks for the work.
    But I don´t get it how to use the most important thing:

    I want to change the Volume of all 5 Channels (5.1) individual, for saving them for different Positions in my Room.

    But these Settings in Tab "Mixer" are greyed out. I can only change Front Left and Front Right Volume, not C, Ls, Rs ect.
    Output is on Dolby Digital Live. I use a Coax Cable.
    Why is this?


  4. Frank27 May 2014 @ 12:31

    Hi. I installed Xonar Switch on Windows 7 for my SOnar Essence STX, but in "Mixer" the Buttons for Center, Rear Left and Right are greyed out. Can´t use it. Only Left and Right. So it´s useless. What´s wrong?


    • Giulio27 May 2014 @ 12:52

      Those settings affect the output volume of the corresponding analog channels. They are enabled when you choose an analog output that uses those channels (Rear 4 speakers, Rear 5.1 speakers, etc.)

      The STX only has front left and front right connectors and therefore the options that enable the extra sliders aren't available in the analog output combo-box.


  5. Frank28 May 2014 @ 02:13

    Ah, ok, thanks.

    But thats the Problem. I can configure the 5 Speakers on my Receiver, but when I change the Loudness of the Sound, the Loudness of the modified Channels changes differently. Hard to say. Don´t know why but i have to configer big differenceres in Decibel. This is my Configuration when I sit at the Rear End of my Room (on my Dolby Digital Receiver):
    FL: -5
    Center: 10
    FR: -5
    SR: 4
    SL: -1

    MAybe I should change Loudness only on the Computer, not on the Receiver to keep the Balance?


  6. Frank28 May 2014 @ 02:15

    What about this other Mod Program "Dolby Home Theater". I can not install it, is it worth trying to solve the Problem?


    • Giulio28 May 2014 @ 10:28

      When replying, please use the Reply button of the post you are replying to, to keep the threads organized and readable.

      From what you say I take you are using SPDIF with Dolby Digital Live to connect to an AV receiver. The channel sliders in the mixer section are for analog outputs, and that's why you don't have access to them on your card.

      I don't know the Dolby mod, maybe someone who does can provide a better insight.

      What you report is weird though. Once you have set your per-channel volume in your receiver, the receiver master volume should keep the balance. I think you should post on some AV thread specific for your receiver model and see if someone else is experiencing the same problem. Maybe check if there is any firmware update.


  7. reli11 Jun 2014 @ 00:01

    Hi, first of all thank you for the awesome application.
    There is a problem with the latest version which is triggering a DEP Mitigation in the EMET 4.1 update 1. The application will crash immediately on start up.
    I have reverted back to version Thank you again.

    Error message as follows:
    Problem Event Name: BEX
    Application Name: XonarSwitch.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 535e4e77
    Fault Module Name: StackHash_7555
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
    Exception Offset: PCH_07_FROM_ntdll+0x0003D72C
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Data: 00000008
    OS Version: 6.3.9600.
    Locale ID: 2057
    Additional Information 1: 7555
    Additional Information 2: 7555f9ea32fd9d5933f0cb3dd1d13164
    Additional Information 3: 40bb
    Additional Information 4: 40bb5276e1edb5068d244f976b70faa5

    And from Event log:
    EMET detected DEP mitigation and will close the application: XonarSwitch.exe

    DEP check failed:
    Application : D:\XonarSwitch(1)\XonarSwitch.exe
    User Name : MyPc\MyPc
    Session ID : 1
    PID : 0xEA8 (3752)
    TID : 0x654 (1620)
    Module : N/A
    Address : 0x006E15D8


    • Giulio11 Jun 2014 @ 23:02

      Nothing has changed in XonarSwitch regarding DEP in the last revision (531) compared to the previous one (527), so the reason you see a different behavior from EMET has probably to do with some difference in EMET itself or some different setting.


  8. Pete23 Jun 2014 @ 13:34

    Hi, thanks so much for your work on this. It might end up being one of the best things about using UNI drivers. Just curious, is there any chance you'll be able to get it to switch profiles automatically, like when I plug in my headphones for example? That's basically the holy grail for me when it comes to this card as I'm using crappy computer speakers that need to be EQ'd for the sound to be tolerable, whereas my headphones don't need to be EQ'd at all.


    • Giulio24 Jun 2014 @ 11:23

      Most Xonar cards don't have jack sensing, so I don't have any way to switch profiles when the user plugs the headphones, because nothing changes in the system that I can monitor.

      As far as I know only the DG(X) has that feature. To implement profile switching, thought, I'd need some help from someone who owns the card, 'cause mine is a DX.


      • Hasan25 Jun 2014 @ 07:53

        Hmm well yeah my DG does that, but only when Audio Center is on in the background. Though I doubt its very simple, if I could help to implement such a feature, I certainly would!


        • Giulio27 Jun 2014 @ 15:32

          How difficult it is to implement profile auto-switching on jack plug on the DG(X) depends on some details I'd need help from a DG(X) owner to ascertain. If you want, you can contact me following the instructions above ("How to contact the author").

          Due to currently tight work time constraints I might not be able to reply right away though.


  9. Mikael25 Jun 2014 @ 22:51

    Is there a way to backup profiles and restore them later?


    • Giulio26 Jun 2014 @ 16:14

      All XonarSwitch settings are kept in the registry under


      You can use the registry editor to export that key (which exports all the subkeys as well) and then later you can double click on the .reg file you created that way to restore all the settings.


  10. Mazhar27 Jun 2014 @ 17:18

    Great job dude. I absolutely love XonarSwitch! I have a Xonar DGX. If you need any help, email me.


  11. CGrey27 Jun 2014 @ 18:52

    Thank you for this useful utility! Love it!


  12. foxx133728 Jun 2014 @ 00:54

    I think something strange is happening here. After updating to the new version (I reported the explorer restart issue) my microphone input is making horrendous sounds. I didn't even restart my computer after autoupdating to the latest version and my mic input is completely nuts. I still haven't figured this out - either the DGX in just burned or there's something with the newest release (0.9.534 Beta)


    • Giulio30 Jun 2014 @ 11:43


      Sorry to hear you are experiencing problems with your DGX mic input.

      I seriously doubt it's XonarSwitch causing those issues. Besides the fact nothing changed between rev. 531 and 534 about how the input lines are handled, but more importantly XonarSwitch doesn't have the power to alter the way the hardware behaves in such a dramatic way. When it comes to inputs it's even less of a possibility since it uses the CoreAudio APIs to change input settings, so there are not one but even two further software layers between XonarSwitch and the card itself (windows audio system + Xonar driver).

      Even though for your sake I hope I'm wrong, I'm afraid in this case it's a hardware problem, even though the timing might have suggested a connection with XonarSwitch's upgrade from rev. 531 to 534.


  13. foxx133728 Jun 2014 @ 01:02

    Where can I get an old version from? I'm looking for 531 just to test what's what.


  14. Karl04 Jul 2014 @ 00:04

    Within the last couple of weeks, XonarSwitch apparently crashes on startup and uses 25% of the CPU until the process is stopped. I have uninstalled and re-installed the Xonar driver with no luck and there doesn't seem to be a way to uninstall Xonar switch. I was going to reinstall it but Chrome warns me that it's malicious and has blocked it. Any ideas would be appreciated.


    • Giulio04 Jul 2014 @ 10:26

      In order to troubleshoot your problem I need you to contact me ("How to contact the author", in the post above).
      You don't need to uninstall XonarSwtich, just delete the executable. About redownloading it, I don't get any such message from Chrome if I try. It might be your antivirus software, but that would be weird, since false positives were solved quite a bit ago.


      • SubSonix11 Jul 2014 @ 14:11

        I'm having the exact same issues, minus the chrome virus detection. Force closing it and relaunching fixes the issues though.


  15. fl0PPsy15 Jul 2014 @ 13:21

    I'm all of a sudden experiencing the same crash on startup of windows which other are reporting. Kill the task via the task manager and then restarting Xonarswitch by manually clicking on the exe does get it to work but it would be great to know whats causing this all of a sudden. No changes have been made to the Uni drivers or app.


    • Giulio15 Jul 2014 @ 13:25

      I'm working on a fix. If you want to contact me via mail (the instructions are in the post above) you can test the solution. Unfortunately I can't reproduce the issue on my system, so I have to rely on testers to check whether the modified code does indeed eradicate the bug or not.



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