

  1. Aleks15 Jul 2014 @ 19:19

    this thing is awesome... it replaces me whole frontend stuff!
    if there was a way to replace HSMGR too... with some alternatives


  2. xdarkx15 Jul 2014 @ 19:28

    hey, my norton removed xonar switch when it tried to update.. Now Im trying to download using chrome, chrome removed it saying malicious software..Did something change suddenly?


  3. mh000115 Jul 2014 @ 22:03

    NIS 2014 is reporting the new version of XonarSwitch as malicious because of it's behaviour (SONAR detection, that means it's heuristic). According to the detection log, NIS sees XonarSwitch accessing some of its own registry settings as a malicious actions. Just hilarious 🙂


    • Giulio16 Jul 2014 @ 09:58

      Yeah, that's so overkill that I doubt it's intended. HKEY_CURRENT_USER is the area of the registry Microsoft recommends using for applications, so seeing writing data there as malicious can safely be considered a bug, unless it's plain bad design.


  4. xdarkx15 Jul 2014 @ 23:14

    yeah.. I can turn of NIS 360 but worst part is chrome won't let me download it removes as soon as it downloads sayings its malicious.. :\. Any work around ?


    • Giulio16 Jul 2014 @ 10:03

      If you open your download list (CTRL+J) you should have an option to restore the download.


  5. xdarkx16 Jul 2014 @ 11:09

    Thanks that worked.. Wonder why chrome started blocking it as well.


    • Giulio16 Jul 2014 @ 11:37

      Please use the reply button inside the post you are replying to, so that the contributions are organized and more readable.

      About Chrome, I think it's a matter of reputation. An unsigned executable which isn't one of the most popular and downloaded applications out there, probably triggers a "suspicious" status in Chrome risk assessment algorithm. I'm ready to bet that signed malware wouldn't get a warning: Chrome isn't scanning the executable itself but just weighing some environmental variables and that sometimes, like in this case, leads to inaccurate results.

      I understand why they do it, and the intention is commendable, but that kind of approach tends to penalize independent developers like myself, that don't want to spend $200 per year to buy a third-party signature certificate.

      The fact the Chrome alert appeared simultaneously with NIS saying it's malware of course looks sinister, but the timing is just a coincidence.

      As mh0001 pointed out above, NIS isn't identifying XonarSwitch as malicious via signature (the multi-engine scan I posted above shows it's considered safe by all major and not so major antivirus engines), but rather via heuristics, i.e. NIS is trying to guess how dangerous XonarSwitch can be by analyzing its behaviors. The fact is, their behavior analysis seems to be a bit flawed, since even writing in a perfectly legitimate section of the registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\XonarSwitch), which is the very one recommended by Microsoft for applications to use, is flagged as dangerous.


  6. PrMinisterGR23 Jul 2014 @ 16:55

    One feature request I would ask, is an audio channel test (eg, Left, Right, Center etc), depending on speaker configuration.

    The app is awesome!!! If I were you, I would simply bundle it with the custom driver, and have it as an option there.

    Thank you again for your work!


  7. Tyler Keough24 Jul 2014 @ 02:44

    Hey. Awesome software.

    Just dropping by to report a glitch. I have a Xonar DX on Win 8.1. Sometimes the right stereo channel drops off, leaving only the left channel active. In order to remedy this without reboot, I run Front Panel Switch v3.2 from the standalone apps pack. If I am currently on headphones, I'll run the HP switch. If speakers, the speakers switch. This always fixes this issue. However, I just ran into this issue, and in doing so it killed XonarSwitch (no longer listed in Task Manager). I went to launch XonarSwitch, and it fed me "Subscript out of range". I rebooted, and was presented with the same error dialog upon reboot. I then ran Front Panel Switch v3.2 a few times, alternating between HP and speakers, and tried relaunching XonarSwitch between each attempt. After the fourth or so try, XonarSwitch fired up without issue.

    So perhaps I'm in the vast minority, but I thought I'd run this by.

    Thanks for this excellent piece of software!


    • Giulio25 Jul 2014 @ 11:06

      As soon as I get a bit of spare time I'll download the standalone apps and see if I can reproduce the incompatibility and fix the crash.

      Besides, if I recall correctly the standalone apps basically restart the card to force it to "see" a parameter change, so I guess they fix the glitch because they reinitialize the driver and hardware. Are you sure it's not a physical problem with your Xonar? I have a DX under Windows 8.1 as well and I've never had the channel volume unbalance happen to me, ever.


    • CarvedInside25 Jul 2014 @ 23:42

      I don't think the issue you are reporting with the channel dropping off has anything to do with XonarSwitch. It would be related to XonarSwitch if it would only happen when XonarSwitch is running.
      I've seen reports like this before and I think it's a physical problem with your card. Of course there could a very strange bug within the audio drivers, but I find this to be less likely.
      Front Panel Switch v3.2 is restarting the audio card when it is run.


  8. mh000126 Jul 2014 @ 23:39

    I had a very strange error some minutes ago. I was watching a live stream on Twitch and switched my headphone profile from stereo to 7.1 with dolby headphone. In this moment the Xonar Switch icon vanished, the sound output was completely gone and replaced by a VERY loud squealing noise together with some static.
    I had to switch to another output (so that the relais on the card is switching) and back to HP to stop this noise, muting didn't help.

    Any idea what could have caused this? From my understanding, switching channels during audio playback can only result in no audio at all but not in such awful distortions.


    • Giulio28 Jul 2014 @ 18:14

      Something like that has happened to me once on my DX and another time on an external USB DAC and in both cases there was Skype involved. Did you have it running in the background by any chance?


      • mh000128 Jul 2014 @ 22:24

        I always have Skype in the background, but I didn't have a talk running. Sometimes I switch profiles during a Skype talk without problems. I often call someone when the output is still stereo and then I switch to 7.1 + DH when we want to play games. That always worked. I also tried to reproduce the issue with Twitch and some other web video players like Youtube, but without success. I think it is a bit strange that XonarSwitch has crashed as well without any error message coming up.


        • Giulio29 Jul 2014 @ 15:31

          As I said, it happened to me a total of two times, and I use Skype daily for work, so whatever is the problem it surely is extremely rare. The connection with Skype isn't certain either, because of the infrequency of the problem.

          And even if Skype was involved, that would be relevant only as a hint on how to reproduce the problem for troubleshooting purposes, but an application can't be held responsible when the hardware does weird things.

          The fact XonarSwitch crashed is certainly a bug (software shouldn't crash under any circumstance). It's the result of not being able to cope with this extremely rare situation properly.

          Just like Skype, I really don't think XonarSwitch can be the cause of the issue, because it merely sends commands to the C-Media driver: it doesn't (and can't) interact with the hardware directly.

          So, likely, either it's some sort of hardware glitch that causes the driver to freak out, or it is the result of the driver doing something weird directly. Whatever the case, XonarSwitch crashes because it's not designed to handle this specific chain of events.

          If you find a way to reliably reproduce the issue please let me know. I won't be able to prevent it (that's something only C-Media can do) but at least I can improve the way XonarSwitch behaves when it happens.


  9. Smyl328 Jul 2014 @ 05:29

    Awesome app, thank you!
    However it would work to do the given command in the command line parameter even if its already running. I just tried to make a batch file to automatize profile switching upon a given application is running, then switch back profile with XonarSwitch command but I couldn't..


    • Giulio28 Jul 2014 @ 18:18

      Command line parameters on a XonarSwitch instance while another XonarSwitch instance is running is already supported. Have you included the /NoUI switch?


  10. delsen14 Aug 2014 @ 01:20

    i love you for this app. i really searched some time for something like this, god bless you son!
    that thing is awesome!


  11. P29 Aug 2014 @ 18:12

    I would love to know why this thing is trying to connect to a website.


    • Giulio31 Aug 2014 @ 16:26

      To check for updates.


      • dfgdfg05 Sep 2014 @ 13:01

        It would be nice to have settings for this: Should Xonarswitch search for updates at all and how often?


        • Giulio08 Sep 2014 @ 12:00

          That's something for when XonarSwitch comes out of beta ( the fact lately there weren't much advancements isn't because the development is over, but rather because of a lack of spare time on my part).

          For now I prefer to have all running instances aligned to the same revision when a new one is released. I explained the reasons previously here (@ opt-out autoupdate).

          In the next phase, leaving more freedom to the user will make more sense.


  12. Johnny01 Sep 2014 @ 03:39

    I am a Xonar DX user and I was wondering why my stereo speakers are detected as "Rear 2 Speakers' (under 'analog' section)? They are plugged into the front output (2nd output, as described in the manual) which is detected as such by Asus Xonar Audio Center.


    • Giulio01 Sep 2014 @ 10:21

      The "rear" that option is referring to, is the rear panel connection (the one on the card itself) as opposed to the front panel connection. That's why rear analog layouts listed in that combo-box go up to 7.1 on the DX, while the front ones are just stereo, either speakers or headphones.


  13. P08 Sep 2014 @ 00:03

    I would have to agree with that. Thanks for answering my question and for creating this very nice and useful little utility. Ps, for me a check box to check wether or not check for updates would be quite enough.


  14. C.13 Sep 2014 @ 20:32

    Hello Giulio,
    first I want to thank you for developing this great little application.
    This is exactly what I always wanted! Thank you so much.

    I'm having a very annoying issue though, the app always goes into sleep mode of some kind so when I try to open it (left or right click) after it was running for a while time it takes about half a minute for the tool to 'wake up' and show one of the config windows. Would it be possible to call the app after a certain time to prevent it from getting flushed out the RAM or something. I'm not a developer but I hope you could understand what the problem is. Keep up the great work.

    Sound Card Model: Xonar Essence ST
    Xonar Driver Version:
    Xonar Driver Registry Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}007
    Xonar Card Instance ID: PCI\VEN_13F6&DEV_8788&SUBSYS_835D1043&REV_00\4&3A440333&0&08F0
    Operating System Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional x64
    Operating System Locale ID: 1033


    • Giulio17 Sep 2014 @ 00:41

      The issue you report is really weird. The app doesn't do anything specific to go into "sleep mode" and it's really strage the response times are that long.
      I use XonarSwitch myself and it sits in the tray doing nothing most of the time. Still, when I do use it, it reacts instantly.

      Which antivirus software do you have?


  15. Max20 Sep 2014 @ 22:13

    Excellent piece of software!
    I just re-installed my system but I go a very small issue. I created all my profiles but there is no way of sorting them or rearranging the order they show up.
    Is there a way I didn't find?


    • Giulio22 Sep 2014 @ 10:33

      Nope. Currently they are sorted in the same way they are retrieved from the registry, which is alphabetical order.



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