

  1. Andy08 Apr 2013 @ 14:49

    new website new beta for playing please ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Anywhere10 Apr 2013 @ 19:40


      Nice site! With the 1818 1.70 drivers how can I change the ohm on headphones?


      • CarvedInside10 Apr 2013 @ 19:58

        Hi. Thanks:)

        Depends. If you installed drivers with Cmedia Panel , then you can't from Cmedia Panel, but you can launch Asus Audio Center from Start and there you can change.
        But if the option is missing from Asus Audio Center, and you had it before with older drivers then its a bug and I will have to investigate.
        Let me know which of the two is your case.


        • Anywhere10 Apr 2013 @ 20:29

          Ps. Regarding your article about dpc latency:

          We have talked about this extensively on guru3d.com. Consensus atm is that enable hpet in bios, disable in windows (7!). Tsc (another better timer) will be used if present this way, if not it will fall back to hpet. Windows 8 has some other possible option I cant remember. Also a user wrote a tool to increase timer resolution, something that you previously had to pay for. Also ymmv, some motherboards respond differently. http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=376458. Virusscanned and source available, seems safe.


          • CarvedInside11 Apr 2013 @ 16:56

            Your comment was put in spam for some reason, thats why it wasn't shown.

            Thank you for sharing this information. I've haven't seen the new topic at guru3d.com. Been reading a bunch of topics on timers and Win7, and I think one of them was with this TSC, but from what I could gather this TSC has a few issues (like a slight mouse lag). Imo the classic (non-HPET) timer is the best of them, and in need one can use a tool like the one you've linked to get a lower DPC latency.
            The tool you've linked is nice as it runs as a service so it should come in handy.
            Please reply me with the link to the Guru3d topic where all discussion with Tsc is.

            Hopefully one day I will have time and patience to go through all DPC latency stuff and write a definitive guide about DPC latency. ๐Ÿ˜›


            • Anywhere11 Apr 2013 @ 20:04

              Step 1) Download and install the Microsoft "xperf" tool. It's in the [Windows Performance Toolkit]. It's small, just a few megabytes. This tool will tell you what actually caused the spike you see in dpclat.

              Step 2) Run the xperf tool to start watching what's causing the spikes. Open a command line console, and then type:

              xperf -on Latency

              Step 3) Allow the xperf tool to collect information for 5 minutes while you use your computer. After you feel you did a little monitoring, then stop it. Type:

              xperf -stop

              This creates a C:\kernel.etl file which is a log of the DPC's and ISR's taking place during that timeframe.

              Step 4) Create a report file so you can see where the spikes came from. Type:

              xperf -I \kernel.etl -symbols verbose -a dpcisr > latency_report.txt

              This will create a report file called latency_report.txt in whatever folder you're in.

              Now, you need to interpret this file. It shows you a list of the maximum latencies produced by each driver. A DPC of 512 means one of your drivers/devices was blocking all processing on your system for 512us. All you have to do is find the one that says "512" on it.

              Here is an example of one of my report.txt's:

              In this case, dxgkrnl.sys is an Nvidia mobile GPU driver, and its power management is causing massive latency spikes in the system.

              Looking forward to hearing your results if you have 10 mins to test this.

              If anybody else can test this too, it would be awesome. I think these EVGA boards are high quality in the latency department, we just gotta find the device that's throwing the spikes.

              Thanks a million,
              - Nolay (Evga forums iirc so no credit to me)


  2. Sam DeRenzis09 Apr 2013 @ 06:40

    Thanks this is what I wanted, thank you :S I goto sleep now


  3. nightcro09 Apr 2013 @ 12:21

    My antivirus and browser,says that UNi Xonar v1.70 is infected with WS.Reputation.1,why ?


  4. Honda09 Apr 2013 @ 16:09

    Its possible enable VocalFx on Xonar Xense?



    • CarvedInside10 Apr 2013 @ 00:11

      Long story short, its not possible. Better search for an application which does something like this.


  5. Sven09 Apr 2013 @ 18:14

    Hey, is that problem with fading/increasing Audio levels while having 2+ audio sources from previous drivers in 1.70 still there?
    Sure i can live with that bug but without it my dxg would be nearly perfect ๐Ÿ™‚


    • CarvedInside10 Apr 2013 @ 00:08

      Don't know, its probably still there. You are free to check it out and let us know. Personally I can't test for it with every driver.
      Truth be told,this bug has a very little chance of ever being fixed C-media. And if I manage to fix it, then this fact will certainly be there in the release notes.


  6. L0neWarri0r10 Apr 2013 @ 12:06

    Thx man! )


  7. PTmax10 Apr 2013 @ 18:52

    Good Job CarvedInside!
    Nice to see that you are still working on these drivers, keeping them up to date.
    New Addons feature is great. I'm impatiently waiting for someone to make Alexa's mods compatible with this feature...


    • CarvedInside10 Apr 2013 @ 20:21

      Thank you:)

      I'm am pleased with how the first iteration of addons feature turned out. Hopefully it will be put to good use:)


  8. hunterz011 Apr 2013 @ 06:49

    1.70 drivers installed fine for me, Win7 x64 in test signing mode.

    I found it confusing that one of the options was "C-Media Panel", yet the "Low DPC Latency" option also apparently installs the C-Media Panel by default. What's the difference between the "Low DPC Latency" option and the two C-Media Panel options?


    • MasterFaster11 Apr 2013 @ 10:24

      Test signing is not needed. The driver (including the .inf) should be digitally signed.


    • CarvedInside11 Apr 2013 @ 15:56

      Low DPC Latency option doesn't autostart the Panel/Audio Center at startup, nor the GX services. C-Media option will autostart the Cmedia Panel.
      Now strictly from the DPC latency point of view there isn't any difference, but with Low DPC option you ensure than nothing interferes with the system other than the actual drivers.


      • hunterz011 Apr 2013 @ 18:45

        Post #4000!

        I installed 1.70 using the Low DPC option, but the C-Media panel autostarts (at least as a tray icon). Maybe the installer just didn't clean that part out of my previous configuration in the upgrade?


        • CarvedInside11 Apr 2013 @ 20:11


          Did you uninstalled previous version ?
          I am thinking that maybe your startup entry is from an older configuration. If you go Run->msconfig->Startup , sort by manufacturer, and tell me the name of the startup item for C-Media corporation entry in manufacturer.
          You can check Start->All Programs->Startup folder, see if there is an entry there for starting the panel (it shouldn't be, regardless of the configuration).

          When I introduced the functionality in the driver cleaner, this is exactly what I had in mind, to be able to switch the panel and configuration without uninstalling. In my testings it worked. And now with the final version of the driver, I am on Low DPC and C-media does not autostart.


          • hunterz012 Apr 2013 @ 05:46

            Xonar-related stuff I see in msconfig->startup:
            - cmicnfgp.dll
            - hsmgr.exe
            - hsmgr64.exe

            Forgot to mention that I did not uninstall, as I remember you mentioning driver cleaning features.


            • CarvedInside12 Apr 2013 @ 22:28

              If you can and its not to much, please export the registry entries in "HKEY Current User\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" and from "HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" and send them to me by email.

              After this you should uninstall the drivers, use driver sweeper and install again. As it could be that you might have more leftovers.
              Of course if you don't want to bother with it, I suggest to disable the 3 files from msconfig, if you wish the Low DPC Latency experience :p

              Well the driver cleaner included in the installer its more for deleting left overs from the uninstall.


  9. DDB11 Apr 2013 @ 12:11

    Hello CarvedInside,
    I would like to thank you making official drivers better as much as it is possible. They helped me a lot. The sad part is they are still not enough for me, or I am doing something wrong. I'm using Windows8 64bit with Xonar DX and for me Xonar drivers are working far worse than in Windows 7. I have often sound stuttering issues while i'm listening to music via Spotify (music streaming service) and very often when i'm watching a movie. And that's when my settings in C-Media Panel are set properly for this specific file, if (for example) my Xonar DX is set to 2 channels while i'm watching a movie with ac3, audio stutters like every minute or so. Am i doing something wrong?


    • CarvedInside11 Apr 2013 @ 16:13

      It could be Win8 at fault here. There are many reports on the internet forums about shutters in Win8. And I've seen first hand how stupid things can be in Win8 compared to Win7.
      Anyway to know if your problems are related to the Xonar card or not, you should disable it and enable the Onboard card.

      Here are some advices that might help:
      Read the recommend settings for FAQ: Q&A 9
      Check the tips in Part2 of The Case of DPC Latency article
      Try a different video player.

      Hopefully these will help. I am sorry I can't help you more.
      Let us know of any developments.


  10. ManMountainUK11 Apr 2013 @ 15:55

    Firstly, thank you for the time you've invested to continually update these drivers, very much appreciated. With the latest release however, I've had to roll back to the previous drivers, which have been absolutely rock solid. The latest caused a BSOD in Windows 8 Pro x64 for me, something I've never seen since installing the OS. I was running the game Sang Froid Tales of Werewolves. With the older drivers reinstalled, everything is fine again ๐Ÿ™‚


    • CarvedInside11 Apr 2013 @ 16:15

      Thanks for the feedback. Might be a isolated incident or not, we will know when other reports come in. I will try to do a more intensive test on Win8 myself.


  11. Iriroro11 Apr 2013 @ 20:14

    First of all, thank you for your drivers and for your work you made. But i have a question. I can't use environment effects. They dont seem to work. EQ is fine. Not that i want some env. effect, but I would like to know why - if it's some bug or something in settings.
    Thank you very much again. ๐Ÿ™‚ (DGX and Win8 64x)


    • CarvedInside11 Apr 2013 @ 20:24

      Are you using ASIO or WASAPI as audio output? Which driver version and panel configuration do you have installed?
      I've just tried env. effects on Win7, with C-Media panel and they work, so I am not sure what the deal is. Maybe a uninstall and install again would make em work.


      • Iriroro11 Apr 2013 @ 21:56

        Yeah, they worked for a while, but then stop working. I reinstalled drivers and again - working a while and then stopped. Using the newest drivers, only Xonar Audio Center and ASIO. Not sure where the problem is.


        • CarvedInside12 Apr 2013 @ 00:17

          Well, environment options don't work when you use ASIO (2.0) as output.


          • Iriroro12 Apr 2013 @ 00:26

            That's it. I use 2.0... but its weird that they work for a moment after reinstall.


          • Iriroro12 Apr 2013 @ 01:41

            And if you say, that your env. effects work, i dont really know, whats the problem. I'm using C-media panel now as well, but nothing. Is anyhow possible to make'em work pls? I mean, what should i do, i'm totally noob in these audio things. Tyvm.


            • CarvedInside12 Apr 2013 @ 01:48

              If you are playing music through ASIO ,then at that moment env. effects won't work and there is no way around it.
              If you have the problem while playing though Direct Sound then thats another thing.


              • Iriroro12 Apr 2013 @ 01:52

                And how do i know which one i'm using? ๐Ÿ˜€


                • CarvedInside12 Apr 2013 @ 02:35

                  You check in your player->Preferences and search for Output Device , it might be under playback. Each player has its own settings structure.


              • Iriroro12 Apr 2013 @ 03:20

                Ok, i have the problem while playing through Direct Sound. I'm using GOM player, and in audio setting, whatever i choose (and restart GOM), environment doesnt work.
                Not sure what is wrong. ๐Ÿ™ :/


                • CarvedInside12 Apr 2013 @ 03:47

                  Check with older UNi Xonar drivers.
                  I will check the latest drivers in Win8 in the coming days.


                  • Iriroro12 Apr 2013 @ 03:49

                    Ok, will try, thank you very much. ๐Ÿ™‚


                  • Iriroro12 Apr 2013 @ 22:19

                    Now its working. I still use 1.70 drivers, but i uninstalled everything as your guide says (with Driver Fusion etc.) and install it again in test mode enabled. I didnt check bypass digital signature and driver cleaning. Environment effects work for now and i hope they will be in the future. Dunno if it was some problem with old drivers, or some software collision, but it seems to work now.


                  • Iriroro12 Apr 2013 @ 22:21

                    Moreover, i set test mode off, and drivers still works, so... i hope i did everything ok. :/


                  • Iriroro12 Apr 2013 @ 23:06

                    OK, so it stopped working again. I tried to install official asus drivers, but it stopps work as well. I think it is some problem of Windows 8, or maybe my build (9200). I dont really care for env. effects, but i cannot sleep, when i know that something is not ok. ๐Ÿ˜€


                    • CarvedInside13 Apr 2013 @ 03:28

                      Well there is no fix for that and probably will take a long time before C-Media will ever fix it.
                      Some things are what they are (broken). Try not to think about it.

                    • Iriroro13 Apr 2013 @ 18:18

                      Sure, no problem. Maybe i will use Win7 again. I dont like that metro start anyway. Thank you for you time mate. ๐Ÿ™‚

                    • Iriroro15 Apr 2013 @ 19:49

                      Ok, I believe this is my final post. I found out, that env. effects stop working right after I use my IM Miranda. When i shut it down, everything works fine. So there is collision between Asus softw. and Miranda. Dunno why, but that's it.

                    • CarvedInside15 Apr 2013 @ 20:08

                      ๐Ÿ™‚ Then the problems are not that bad. Thank you for letting me know.

  12. xonarSTuser12 Apr 2013 @ 12:34

    Is HDAV H6/A expansion for Xonar ST compatible and supported by UNi Xonar drivers?


    • CarvedInside12 Apr 2013 @ 22:12

      If it works with the original drivers then I think it should work. Nobody bothered confirming if it works or not so if you try please let me know of the results.

      If you have a x64 OS, you might need to enable Test mode and select "Digital signature bypass" in the UNi Xonar driver installer in order for the drivers to install and work.


  13. Jebbel12 Apr 2013 @ 12:39

    the new 1.70 doesn't install for me. The installer takes about 3 full minutes to fill the progressbar and then just hangs there forever. Xonar DG on Win7 x64. Did a full cleanup with driver fusion prior to install. Do I need to enable test mode?

    thanks for your great work :). The previous driver installed properly.

    LE: managed to fix the install by going into safe mode. Xonar DG @ win 7 X64. Furthermore, disabling HPET in bios fixed ALL my stuttering problems. surfing the web, analysing DPC latency, running 3D package modo with realtime animation playback going and listening to music. Zero stuttering! sweet, will check in-game nowโ€ฆUsed to have stuttering there as well periodically. Thanks CarvedInside!


  14. Dann13 Apr 2013 @ 02:36

    Improved Low DPC Latency option. Now it allows access to C-media Panel as well. And Asus Audio Center wonโ€™t autostart after driver installation like it previously did.

    This feature is bad for me, first of all c-media panel is ugly and lacking of front panel switching anyway, autostart for Asus Audio Center were like panacea for Windows 8 some time ago, allowing access to Audio Center (one time is better than nothing), and it probably will be useful for the the new coming 8.1 builds. Is there a way to install 1.70 low dpc without c-media panel? Otherwise it's excellent, but maybe a little polishing like a setup addon, which will allow to drop the cmedia panel for those one, who doesn't need it?


    • CarvedInside13 Apr 2013 @ 03:24

      C-Media Panel was already installed even with previous versions and its installed with Asus original drivers as well but its direct access is disabled.
      How it is now, it won't affect your system more than it did before. Hope this clarifies this.

      Don't worry about the autostart thing.


  15. Raziel108713 Apr 2013 @ 04:32

    What's is the difference of C-media panel & The Asus Audio Center? I'm confused which one to use as I have a STX...Which is better or are they just basically the same thing?


    • CarvedInside13 Apr 2013 @ 05:05

      They are not the same. Please check the table in UNi Xonar Features.


      • Raziel108713 Apr 2013 @ 07:49

        Oh I'm sorry for the misunderstanding but I'm using a Essence STX w/ the Low DPC latency driver ver 1.70 ....which audio panel should I use to maximize Low DPC? Asus Audio Center or C-media? If I use C-media, will that be the same as using the C-media driver? I'm running my audio via Optical cable fyi. so I had to enable SPDIF OUTPUT: PCM....

        The Asus Audio center has a lil more DSP settings than C-media, that's really all I noticed...


        • MasterFaster13 Apr 2013 @ 08:26

          Yes, the C-Media Panel is the same. The official Asus driver pack also includes the C-Media Panel, but they have AsusAudioCenter as default.

          Probably, you may want to use C-Media Panel, for low DPC latency. Though personally, I haven't noticed any significant difference in DPC latency against AsusAudioCenter, Thus I'm using AsusAudioCenter.

          Other things will increase your DPC latency noticeably, maybe a driver or a program. For example, Parallels Workstation 6 will greatly increase your DPC latency.
          Enabling Dolby Headphone will also increase DPC latency, and maybe some other effects will increase DPC latency. That's to be expected though.


        • CarvedInside13 Apr 2013 @ 23:43

          C-media Panel. Launching Cmedia Panel won't affect your DPC lantecy, launching AsusAC will.



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