

  1. alex20 Aug 2012 @ 00:56

    Hi ! can you please release a signed xonar d2x driver for windows 8 x64 ?


    • CarvedInside20 Aug 2012 @ 08:53

      I am not sure what kind of signature are you referring to . The files are signed, except inf and the drivers work for almost all.
      You can try checking digital signature bypass option in the installer while having TestMode ON, if you have problems. Or you can install drivers ver 1.41 which has the inf signed as well.


  2. Frank Vicari21 Aug 2012 @ 04:37


    Over the weekend I attempted to install the drivers on a Win 8 Enterprise Eval build (test sign ON), and ended up with a working control panel, but no options in it - couldn't choose speaker modes or audio channels or rates.

    I reinstalled Win 7 so I'd have working sound, but was curious if there was something I did wrong?



    • CarvedInside21 Aug 2012 @ 11:28

      I don't know. Having a working panel isn't exact science. I've made some suggestions in Regarding WIN8 CP/RP support but they work and they don't.


  3. MHOE22 Aug 2012 @ 15:19


    I am running Windows 8 64bit and have problems with C-media panel (and with the original one from Asus) as well... When I finish installation of my xonar essence ST card, the panel works - however, after restart it fails to launch.

    I've tried to set prefered value for native ASIO before restarting (using C-media panel) - however, it doesn't appear to work because bitdepth value is stored within c-media in registry and using "asioconfig.exe" which someone suggested doesn't help either (I can choose "ASUS Xonar ASIO driver" there but then ERROR "No ASIO driver found - Select a valid ASIO Driver or check your setup" comes up).

    When using J River media center, ASIO is present there but when I try to play something, it wants to output in 64bit! WASAPI works fine even if I let the option "Source bitdepth output" on. Strange.

    Please, is there any way how to manually modify registry to set 24bit output directly for ASIO, not c-media configuration, using Win8? (And is it possible to manually switch rear headphone/speakers output using registry?).

    Thanks very much, I am totally out of ideas right now... Everything worked absolutely well with Win7 64bit!


    Edit1: Importing registry from WIN7 also doesn’t work, J River still gives message about 64bit output…
    Note: I am using Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation (Build 9200)

    Edit2: Testmode and disabling drive signature also doesn’t work, tried both uni xonar (different versions) and original drivers (different versions), using driver sweeper for registry cleaning… Impossible!!!


    • MHOE22 Aug 2012 @ 21:44

      IMPORTANT: native ASIO works with Xonar Essence ST/STX bitperfect driver

      - Here is the ST download: http://devid.info/download/35710/19, google for STX version), audio panel still not working (I was able to open asio configuration panel with J River media center but latency settings were pushed back to 10ms everytime I closed J River... Asioconfig.exe doesn't work for me)

      For CarvedIns - Please, could you have a look at that beta version and tell me if it is possible to modify your uni xonar to work with ASIO on Win8 as well? ASIO with that version works with 10ms latency settings only and sounds crappy so not very useful even when it "works" =/


    • CarvedInside23 Aug 2012 @ 21:05

      Regarding Win8 compatibility, this is how it is at the moment.
      Here are the registry keys for ASIO with 24 bit output, just so you know, they are for x32bit ASIO files(FYI on 64bit OS you can have 32bit ASIO or 64bit files, and Jriver probably uses the 32bit one). Don't know if this will work or if the keys will match to your system.
      That import of registry from win 7 doesn't contain ASIO settings thats why it does not work.

      The ASIO from 17731 beta drivers is different from the ASIO 2.0x versions and even if they were more similar I don't think I could do anything to make the ASIO 2 more compatible with Win8.


      • MHOE24 Aug 2012 @ 03:57

        Thank you so much for you effort, really, much appreciated! However, it still doesn't work for me =/ What I did:

        1) Install uni xonar driver 1.53, successfully finished... Then applied your registry files (the first one worked, the second with "(2)" at the end didn't) and checked ASIO panel (24bit, 50 ms latency was there, are these your applied settings? I guess so).

        2) Jriver playback = success

        3) Restart

        4) ASIO panel doesn't work (very expected) and Jriver playback = fail (still that 64bit output)

        Any other advice, please, for 24bit 80ms latency playback?

        I don't need rear panel switch that much but I just can't exist without ASIO on that "DPC latency killersoft" = Win8... To be honest, much improved sonic quality with win8 compared to win7 is the only reason I want them so bad... =/ Thanks, man, really, for any help!


        • CarvedInside24 Aug 2012 @ 19:07

          But what happens if you restart and don't start asio panel, does Jriver playback still works or not?

          I don't know and haven't heard of any improvements DPC latency or to the sound quality in Win8 , and even if MS would say something like this, I would have a hard time believing it. You can check sound quality for yourself with RMAA and compare it between Win7 and Win8.
          I am only saying this because it might not worth the time and effort to get everything going in Win8 like it was with Win7.

          Sorry I can't help you more.


          • MHOE24 Aug 2012 @ 19:23

            If I restart Windows 8, it is not possible for me to even start asio panel... nothing like asio panel or c-media/asus audio starts and I am not able to start anything so I don't even try anymore.

            Short answer - Jriver still gives message about 64bit output - sounds like native ASIO is not "activated" and so nothing is requesting signal in specific format (24bit in my case) and therefore signal stays in 64bit (Jriver internal path is in 64bit)..

            DPC latency is way way worse in Win8, you can look for many angry discussions around... And I can tell you that I am not even able to play lossless musíc with WASAPI etc. because of that. Only native ASIO works (it has large buffers I guess). About the sound - microsoft claimed it WILL sound better - and you can google for many opinions about improved SQ... Really, very easy to notice with high-end gear.


  4. sakiboj24 Aug 2012 @ 20:26

    Hi, for 4.1 system i must setup 4 channels and 4 speakers? And can somehow save setting so i dont have to change always from fp headphones to speakers?


    • CarvedInside25 Aug 2012 @ 12:47

      Usually yes. But if you only want to listen to stereo music coming from all speakers then install the drivers with stereo upmix option enabled and select 2 channels and 4 speakers.
      I am not sure which settings you want to save, you can't have both outputs FP headphones and speakers enabled at once, and you have to manually change it.


  5. angel25 Aug 2012 @ 02:36

    hi, I have purchased a Xonar DX today
    what is the appropriate driver for it here i run on win7 x64
    thank u


    • CarvedInside25 Aug 2012 @ 12:56

      You can go with any of the uni xonar drivers, go try the latest ones, but if you have any problems please also try the Asus ones.


  6. angel26 Aug 2012 @ 00:00

    ok and thank u 🙂


  7. ColPanic26 Aug 2012 @ 05:09

    I recently purchased a Xonar DX and I have a few questions about the C-Media Audio Panel (using the 1.61 uni drivers with up-to-date date Windows 7 32-bit).

    1) Where is Smart Volume Normalizing (SVN)? I don't want to use it; I just want to know where it's at to make sure it's not enabled.

    2) Is it best to use the samplerate combobox under Analog Output to change the samplerate or from the Advanced tab under windows 7 output properties?

    3) What is Xear 3D? Enabling it does nothing.


    • CarvedInside27 Aug 2012 @ 19:11

      1)SVN it's missing from the Cmedia Panel. Don't worry this one is always disabled.
      2)You have to change it in both places.
      3)It the same as GX (EAX emulator) on the Asus Audio Center. It won't work on C-Media option, only with C-Media GX enabled selected in the UNi Xonar Installer.


  8. Jason P26 Aug 2012 @ 09:08

    I'm still getting an issue on the DG where if the input to the driver is too high and the driver compresses it (such as when the bass on the EQ is turned up all the way), the speaker balance shifts to the left until the input sound to the driver is at or below what it defines as the maximum. This is easily demonstrated by going to Mixer in the ASUS Control Panel and turning up the two sliders under Playback to 100 instead of 76. Is there any fix for this? I'm using the 1800 release of UNi here. It was the same on the latest official drivers.


  9. Michael26 Aug 2012 @ 16:43

    got xonar d2x yesterday, but no matter what i do, no sound, not with original drivers, not with unified drivers

    uninstalled the realtek on-board drivers, if thats important to know

    win7 ultimate 64bit


    • ars9227 Aug 2012 @ 08:30

      disable onboard audio through the BIOS.


    • CarvedInside27 Aug 2012 @ 19:19

      Does you card show in Device manager as unknown device?If yes then you can try the instructions from here.
      And you can also try turning test mode on and install the drivers with "Digital signature bypass" option checked.


  10. Robert Roos26 Aug 2012 @ 17:12

    Putting the C-panel in autostart seems to make it work under Windows 8.


    • guzmanus27 Aug 2012 @ 11:58

      How do you do that? Link it to the startup folder?


    • MHOE27 Aug 2012 @ 17:08

      What exactly did you put into the startup folder? Or what did you do to achieve that? Which version of Windows 8 do you have? And is it x86 or x64?


    • CarvedInside27 Aug 2012 @ 19:14

      Thanks for sharing this.
      Let me ask you something, does Asus Audio Center work for you in Win8 ?


      • MHOE27 Aug 2012 @ 19:54

        For me, neither c-panel nor asus audio center worked even when I tried to put them into startup folder... Using Windows 8 build 9200 x64. (just to let you know my experience...)


      • Robert Roos28 Aug 2012 @ 03:24

        No, it will only run directly after installing the drivers - after a reboot it won't show up. The autostart fix does not apply to the Asus Audio Center.


        • MHOE28 Aug 2012 @ 14:54

          So what is "fixed" in your point of view? We all know that it doesn't work after restart... Neither c-media nor asusxonaraudio works and you cannot use native ASIO properly, that's it. However, you can use the drivers and manually edit registry to change output on front/rear panel.

          Or does c-media work for you? Can you tell me exactly which file did you put exactly where? I tried it many times without success so I am hugely curious to solve it... 🙂


          • Robert Roos28 Aug 2012 @ 15:57

            Sorry I was way to tired when I answed you.

            What i meant was that the ASUS AC do not work after reboot even if putting it in the autostart folder. HOWEVER the C-media works just fine if you do the autostart trick. Put a shortcut to the panel .exe in the autostart folder, reboot and test. Can't promise it will work for all of you, but several people report this working.

            Good luck!


            • MHOE28 Aug 2012 @ 16:43

              Thanks for response - however, can you tell me exactly the name of the file which I need to find on the disc to create a shortcut of it and put into startup folder? I need exact instructions to be sure that I am doing exactly what you are doing because I've tried everything before without any success =/


  11. sakiboj26 Aug 2012 @ 20:26

    Thank You, much better than orignial drivers 🙂


  12. sakiboj26 Aug 2012 @ 20:28

    And what would happen if I want stereo and select 4 channels and 4 speakers?


  13. Adam28 Aug 2012 @ 08:31

    Hello - In Windows 8 x64; After installing these drivers is anyone here having issues installing or updating metro apps (the live tile enabled applications that sit on your start menu). I haven't been able to ever since trying to get my Xonar D2X to work.

    I just get a vague error; something like 'The application did not install correctly (some hexadecimal error code)'.


  14. Steve28 Aug 2012 @ 21:33

    Just wanted to say a massive thankyou; was having dreadful issues with latency which I eventually tracked down to a conflict between AdAware and AVG. Sorted that out, and then my ASIO drivers started hissing and popping on Reason - your drivers have resolved it completely, as well as reducing my latency in Reason to practically nothing.

    One thing, though, I had an error message at the end of the installation, which I did in test mode ("....the requested operation requires elevation"). It seems to have worked anyway, but should I worry about it?

    Thanks again,


    • CarvedInside28 Aug 2012 @ 22:52

      Thank you to for the donation!

      I am not sure which operation requested elevation, but since drivers installed then there is no problem. Probably might be the driver cleaning operation that needed elevation for deleting previous driver files. Next time you want to install the drivers you can right-click the driver .exe and click "Run as administrator".
      For my info, your account has administrator rights or you use a different account with administrator rights? And do you have UAC enabled?


      • Steve29 Aug 2012 @ 00:21

        My account has admin rights and UAC is disabled. I've just reinstalled with 'run as administrator' and it completed with no error message (I didn't realise this made any difference if using an account with admin rights, but clearly it does!)

        One more question - should I leave test mode enabled or switch it off?

        Thanks again


        • CarvedInside29 Aug 2012 @ 19:11

          Have you tried installing the drivers without test mode in the first place? Because installing the drivers in test mode and with Digital Signature Bypass option in the UNi installer is a solution when you can't install them normally, and in that case test mode has to remain enabled.


          • Steve29 Aug 2012 @ 23:30

            I've disabled test mode and the drivers still work fine - it was obviously just the admin rights causing the issue.

            Anyway - thanks again; I can't believe I stuck with the standard drivers for so long and had to put up with 37ms lag in Reason - now it works perfectly at just 2ms!


  15. Tarantulo01 Sep 2012 @ 12:11

    Awesome drivers my Asus Xonar D1 now has an upmix. Thx. But I am sure somebody already asked about this.

    I am using C-Media. And is there a shortcut to switch the input from to 2 to 6 channels or just to cycle them? Its quite a pain in the ass to go switch everytime you want to watch a 6 channel movie 🙂

    Thank you for anwser.


    • CarvedInside01 Sep 2012 @ 16:18

      Stereo upmix should be there with ASUS drivers as well.
      There is no solution for that. But you can do something like else won't work if you listen to music through youtube). You set this settings: 6 speakers and 6 channels in the Cmedia Panel, search and install a plugin for upmix in the music player your using (if there is a plugin). For example Foobar 2000 has a plugin called Channel Mixer that lets you do this. This way you wont need to change from 2 channels to 6 anymore.


      • Tarantulo01 Sep 2012 @ 19:31

        Thank you for the reply, so I quess I will have to live with this. Anyway 5.1 is so much better then 2.1 🙂



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