

  1. molunbun21 Jul 2010 @ 12:09

    You saved my day.
    Keep up the good work.


    • CarvedInside21 Jul 2010 @ 13:26

      Glad to hear that! Please post your audio card model and which windows do you have.


      • molunbun21 Jul 2010 @ 18:47

        Xonar DS on Windows 7 x86.
        Sadly I found a problem with ASIO.
        Playback using foobar with ASIO was laggy even the latency was set to 80ms, most noticeably when I was using other applications at the same time.


        • CarvedInside21 Jul 2010 @ 20:06

          I'll try to look into it. I also noticed asio being laggy, but i don't use it so I'm not used to how it should work. <del datetime="2010-07-22T11:48:16+00:00">If you had no ASIO problems with your previous drivers, you might try to copy and replace them UNi XonarWIN7SoftwareDriverdll and do a reinstall. The files are named cmasiop.dll and cmasiopx.dll</del>


  2. rankena22 Jul 2010 @ 10:35

    Everything works fine on my system Xonar D2/XPsp3.Thank you very much!!!


  3. Zee22 Jul 2010 @ 19:26

    Just installed, Everything is perfect as expected. I dont use ASIO so I dont bother... BTW I didn't like the new Red icon its ugly than the previous one.

    Ohh, I forgot to tell I m using Xonar D2X on Windows 7 32-Bit with 4GB of RAM.


    • CarvedInside22 Jul 2010 @ 20:14

      Glad to hear that! The red icon is the default new icon for the 1788. Maybe I'll make one myself to further differentiate my release from Asus. If you or anybody else has talent designing one you should send it to me.


  4. jenyar22 Jul 2010 @ 19:36

    Thank you for filling the gap left by ASUS. Should I uninstall my earlier (1780) drivers before install?


  5. Qant23 Jul 2010 @ 00:04

    Xonar DX on Windows 7 x86.
    Thanks for the driver!
    The icon in system tray should be an old (black-dark blue) or new colouring (red-orange)?


  6. Me23 Jul 2010 @ 00:18

    Xonar ds on win7 x64 user here. So far so great, thank you for the new drivers!


  7. rankena23 Jul 2010 @ 09:18

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-7">
    Zee :
    Just installed, Everything is perfect as expected. I dont use ASIO so I dont bother… BTW I didn’t like the new Red icon its ugly than the previous one.

    Design is not important!!!IMPORTANT JUST SOUND QUALITY!!!


  8. Rentokil23 Jul 2010 @ 09:56

    Mate, this is quite an effort that you have put in and I don't know about other people but myself; I'm extremely greatful for your efforts.

    I have downloaded the driver files off your FTP and will test them tonight.

    Thanks again for all your help and I really think ASUS should consider giving you a job. 🙂


    • CarvedInside23 Jul 2010 @ 11:46

      It really was an effort and it means a lot that you realize and appreciate what I have done.Thank you!
      Yes I think they should!:)

      PS: when you install them, please post if its working and on which model and OS.


  9. Axaion23 Jul 2010 @ 15:00

    Having some issues with this, Installs fine after i uninstall the previous driver and reboot, But when i open winamp, (I use kernel streaming on that, but same happens with DS and nullsoft waveout) I get no sound in anything, and if i close it while its "playing" I get a loud pitch as if it just played the entire song in 0.5 sec.
    If i close winamp, I can listen to stuff like youtube fine however.
    Running on XP SP3

    Any ideas?

    Forgot to say its a DX card 😐 (checked power cable and so on) Using Headphones aswell (Headphone mode instead of 2 channel and 48khz)


    • CarvedInside23 Jul 2010 @ 15:24

      What OS are you using?

      Try this:
      A) 1.Select Nullsoft DirectSound Output and click Configure. 2. Press reset all , press refresh and select from device Asus Xonar DX, click ok. 3. Restart winamp.

      B) Try changing output to 2 channels and also try 44.1 KHz.

      C) Uninstall and install Winamp again. Maybe a plugin isn't configured properly to recognize the card.

      Ill will try to reproduce you're settings/configuration.

      Edit: Tried switching to headphones with 48 KHz, installed and switch to kernel streaming, and it worked fine. Tested on DX / WinXp64(sp2)


  10. Axaion23 Jul 2010 @ 18:44

    Im on XP SP3, And if it worked for you, it must be my side i guess, since it even worked for you in xp 64bit :O
    Im not running any plugins or anything in winamp (using winamp lite) cept for KS, but no difference in which i chose, ill try again later ^_-

    [merged comments] Ok, seems my winamp was totally messed up, working fine now! (after 3 reinstalls of it 0_o)


  11. UBS24 Jul 2010 @ 17:23

    Thank you for all your hard work. Installed on Win 7 x64 with Asus D2X w/out issue.

    Will be testing heavily and report any issues if found.


  12. Pavel24 Jul 2010 @ 22:52

    Thanks! Works on WinXP Sp3 with Xonar D1. So to hold 🙂


  13. molunbun25 Jul 2010 @ 19:25

    The ASIO patch fixed the lag but now ASIO settings (e.g. Bit-Depth, Latency) cannot be saved. Anyway it is still a great improvement and thanks so much for the patch.

    [merged comments] Solved. Need to run as administrator to change settings.


    • CarvedInside25 Jul 2010 @ 20:36

      By run as administrator, you mean you launched Foobar (for example) as administrator? If you can give me some details it would be great. Thanks

      PS: you guys are quick 🙂


  14. rankena25 Jul 2010 @ 19:32

    OK!!!Lets try!!!THANK YOU!!!

    [merged comments]
    Drivers Uni Xonar 1788 XP-Vista-7 v.1.0 + ASIO 1.0 Patch and Uni Xonar 1788 XP-Vista-7 v.1.0 low DPC latency + ASIO 1.0 Patch work P E R F E C T !!! XPx32SP3 Xonar D2.


    • CarvedInside26 Jul 2010 @ 16:55

      I'm glad to hear that. I only tested it on XPx64 and Win7x64, so I'm glad to hear is also works on 32bit OS and that its working great. Thank you for feedback:)


  15. rankena26 Jul 2010 @ 19:19

    Thank you,Carvedins!Great work!



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