

  1. HighDPCLat05 Mar 2013 @ 08:49

    Hey, I have a question regarding the Xonar Audio Center. It automatically starts up when I turn my computer on but I always close it once my computer is loaded up. Does having the program turn on even once affect my DPC latency? And if so how do I turn it off? I'm still getting high DPC with the low DPC pack.


    • CarvedInside05 Mar 2013 @ 12:21

      It affects your DPC latency if in that Windows session the Audio Center is started and even if its closed afterwards, I've already stated this in the post above.
      If you would turn of Xonar Audio Center you would basically convert to Low DPC version. Better uninstall the drivers and install them again with the low DPC version. I'm not sure I understand but if you still got Xonar Audio Center autostart after rebooting when you've installed UNi Xonar with low DPC latency option, then let me know, of course with the complete details (OS, soundcard, driver version)
      There are multiple causes for higher DPC latency, by installing the UNi Xonar with Low DPC latency option you only solve the high DPC latency coming form the Xonar card & drivers.
      Regarding high dpc latency you can check and read theThe case of DPC latency article and also check the comments.


      • HighDPCLat06 Mar 2013 @ 07:32

        Yes, the Xonar Audio Center does autostart after rebooting while I've installed the UNi Xonar with low DPC latency. I'm running WIndows 7 64bit Home Premium with a Xonar DX sound card. The driver version is I did however manage to fix my DPC latency after a few hours by downloading TuneUp Utilities and letting it optimize my computer. Though I would still like to know how to prevent Xonar Audio Center from autostarting, TuneUp doesn't have a way to turn it off.


        • CarvedInside06 Mar 2013 @ 16:14

          I will check that out to see if there is a general or localized problem with Low DPC Latency in 1.64.

          To disable Xonar audio center autostartup go to Run(or Win+R)->msconfig->Startup tab -> Uncheck "CmiCnfg Dynamic..." -> Ok


  2. Jeremy Diltz05 Mar 2013 @ 17:14

    I love the Uni drivers. They are extremely versatile and wonderfully functional. I would be satisfied with my xonar dsx without them.

    I'm currently using the analogue outputs to connect to a sirus CM 5.1 headset. There are 3 analogues out. I was curious if it was possible to increase the db of the LFE via the registry alterations mention in the Unixonar tips section. Basically, I have a wonderful bass punch to the larger 40mm drivers in the headset via the CM usb mixing console, however it is lost when connection via analogue out to the DSX. Clarity is gained however and it would be most wonderful if I could find the best of both words via a bass boost.

    Also, this my be interesting to you, the Sirus headset is based upon the CMedia chipset. On aspect of the of the CM Sirus effects UI is that it has access to the Flexbass 2, which has a the usually crossover slider, but also a low frequency booster.

    Could flexbass 2 be intigrated into with the UNI package?

    Link to CM PACKAGE: http://www.cmstorm.com/en/products/audio/sirus/

    Thank you again for your wonderful work!


    • CarvedInside05 Mar 2013 @ 18:34

      Hi. Don't know if something like this is possible. I will try to take a closer look at the flexbass settings. I would suggest to try other methods to increase bass. One would be to increase the first 2(3) sliders of the Equalizer. Another method that you could try is increase volume to subwoofer from (for Xonar Audio Center: Mixer->Playback-> Woofer slider).
      Hope these will be of some help to you.

      Sirus headset has a different C-media chip and different driver architecture.It won't be possible to use or integrate Flexbass 2 in the UNi Xonar drivers.


  3. Brian06 Mar 2013 @ 07:44

    Running the latest version on Win 8. Suddenly getting the "Hata Region Unload" popup message whenever I try to launch the audio center. (Asus Xonar DX). Any suggestions what to do when this starts happening?


    • CarvedInside06 Mar 2013 @ 13:52

      Did you change your windows language? Uninstall drivers and install them again.


      • Brian07 Mar 2013 @ 19:26

        Didn't change my language. Did install a few games SimCity/Deadspace 3... can't think of anything other than that. Uninstalling and reinstalling a few times finally worked, thanks. I ran into this problem once before randomly seems to creep up (obviously something changing, but no clue what's changing or what's causing it).


  4. John06 Mar 2013 @ 20:01

    Hi there,

    I've been using Uni Xonar drivers for some time, as the original ones were making cracking noise all the time when using ASIO.
    One thing I noticed though is that when an application that uses ASIO takes control of the audio card, no other application is able to output any audio. For example, when I start Kontakt, I do get audio output from it, but my browser isn't able to output any audio at all. Nonetheless, the Windows 7 soundmixer does show the audio levels for whatever is playing on Youtube.

    Is there anything I can do in order to prevent this from happening and to have sound on every application?


    • CarvedInside06 Mar 2013 @ 20:11

      Sorry, thats not possible with the current ASIO implementation.

      You might be interested in using Kernel Streaming or Wasapi (non-exclusive) instead of ASIO as output if the audio application or its plugins support this.


    • hunterz006 Mar 2013 @ 23:35

      I thought the whole point of ASIO was to give an application direct, un-shared access to the sound card for lowest possible latency.


  5. dbozan9907 Mar 2013 @ 01:52

    This driver is supposed to work on the HT Omega Claro 2 as stated "HT Omega Claro(Plus,2, Halo,e) Series", but the installer doesn't recognize my card. The only way I was able to install the drivers was to use the "1.64 Driver only.7z" I found in the comments with the "CMPCIP7.INF" from the official Claro 2 drivers "claro81795.zip"

    When doing it this way, The driver seems to function fine and the upgraded C-Media Panel (from "Asus and Cmedia Panel Standalone Instalation.7z" ) functions correctly.

    BUT, the driver from "1.64 Driver only.7z" seems to be the "Low-DPC Latency" version, and not the C-Media version with GX enabled. (I like having EAX for older games.)

    Could you please update the installer to support the HT Omega Claro 2?

    As a side-note, the ASUS Audio Center doesn't do anything at all (just closes immediatly, no messages or anything), but I guess that's to be expected since it's not an ASUS card.


    • CarvedInside07 Mar 2013 @ 17:27

      I will fix this. I am working of a new driver package and I will fix support for HTOmega Claro 2. But don't know when it will be ready as I have other priorities at the moment. Hopefully you don't have a problem waiting a bit longer.

      I don't know why you copied CMPCIP7.INF and it worked because that file is for eClaro, CMPCIP9 is for Claro 2.

      Asus Audio Center works only on Asus cards.


      • dbozan9907 Mar 2013 @ 23:11

        CarvedInside :
        I don’t know why you copied CMPCIP7.INF and it worked because that file is for eClaro, CMPCIP9 is for Claro 2.

        To clarify, I used the "CMPCIP7.INF" file from the Official HT Omega Claro 2 Drivers which correspond to this card. I Guess the numbering changed between versions or something.

        CarvedInside :Asus Audio Center works only on Asus cards.

        Ah, that's what I figured.

        Anyway, thanks for the quick response and doing what you're doing! Keep up the good work!


        • CarvedInside08 Mar 2013 @ 16:49

          Which OS do you have?


        • CarvedInside08 Mar 2013 @ 16:49

          Which OS do you have?


          • f00z28 Nov 2012 @ 21:56

            It is Windows 7 64 bit. I tried removing them completely and using driver sweeper, then installing and it took forever to install (the bar sat there for ages) then when it did it didn't work (unsigned driver etc) , so i went to device manager uninstalled and reinstalled driver by dowloading the driver itself (zip file) and installing it, then it worked but it's still upmixing. Looked in the registry and Dual2d is all 00.
            It's only upmixing for certain things. All flash like youtube , pandora, etc seem to be upmixed, but windows sounds and vlc are not upmixed. Makes no sense, it used to work even with the original D2X driver.


            • CarvedInside28 Nov 2012 @ 22:53

              Your settings are 6 channels, 5.1 speakers right?
              Might be a bug in the latest version, someone else reported this. I could not reproduce this.
              Try the older versions, 1.61 should work without any stereo upmix problems, 1.62 & 1.63 I don't know.

              Btw why did you mention "and it is still upmixing stereo to 5.1"? the still part I don't understand the context in which you are mentioning this.


              • f00z29 Nov 2012 @ 00:54

                Oh I completely removed all the drivers with driver sweeper and reinstalled "and it's still upmixing."
                Before I just overwrote the original driver with the new one from here.
                I'll try removing them again and installing 1.61. What I find odd is that it's only certain applications that are upmixing. It does happen in VLC occasionally.


            • PTmax29 Nov 2012 @ 01:41

              He's having the same issue as I was. And we both have Win7 x64 but different Xonars (I have DX).


              • CarvedInside30 Nov 2012 @ 17:10

                Seems to be. Anyway, if you get the chance to try 1.63 drivers as well and see if they upmix or not, this it would be helpful to know.


  6. rankena10 Mar 2013 @ 11:24

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-11153">
    rankena :
    777 in window,not lucky number,especially in 64bit decoration.


  7. Adam10 Mar 2013 @ 16:15

    Will you reconsider releasing drivers for Phoebus in the future ?? I cant stand with Dolby Home Theater v4 in Phoebus..and lots of other Xear surround garbage... really missed the Dolby Headphone..... may be time to move in to STX ?


    • CarvedInside10 Mar 2013 @ 17:49


      Integrating Phoebus is the UNi Xonar drivers is not possible. Nor do I have no plans into modding Phoebus drivers. Sorry.

      If you decide to switch to "classic" Xonar cards, maybe its not such a good idea to buy a STX or any other pricey card, because obviously you don't get what you pay for, nor did you with the Phoebus.


  8. coldroll11 Mar 2013 @ 03:56

    For the c media installation how do I enable the headphone amplifier and is it possible that you could create a low dpc latency version that enables it and Eax?


    • CarvedInside11 Mar 2013 @ 20:28

      You can't do that in C-media Panel, so you will need to launch the Asus Xonar Audio Panel (Start->All Programs -> Uni Xonar Driver) and change it from there.

      A Low DPC latency with GX (EAX) would defeat half of the purpose of the Low DPC Latency version, which is not running processes that would interfere. FYI practice dictates that running GX does more bad than good. If you need GX, use C-Media GX, you will roughly the same DPC latency. And if you really want, you can stop C-media from autostarting ( go to Run(or Win+R)->msconfig->Startup tab -> Uncheck “CmiCnfg Dynamic…” -> Ok) , thus converting this to Low DPC Latency with GX.


  9. Edmund11 Mar 2013 @ 13:46

    Thank you for your work, I tried to get my TWO Asus Essense ST cards working but no luck.
    Now I start all over and can use some expert advice.
    I run Windows XP Pro and I need that because of the DOS option.
    Asus doesn't give any support they plain lie to my face by saying XP is not supported!
    Well that might be so but according the specs it is! I have to buy Windows 7.

    What I need is to be able to play and record with this card simultaneous.
    I used Audacity and Adobe Audition VLC player before and that simple worked
    also on with higher sample rates. Now bought these cards (1 per computer ) especially for this kind of measurements, and now it turns out it cannot record cannot play higher sample rates and all Asus does is lying top my face.
    Is there anyone who ever got the measured the specs from and even came anywhere near what Asus is selling it for?

    Now I start with a new install of Win XP, with the on board sound disabled in the BIOS, after that wat do I install for the Asus card?

    Thanks for any help.



    • CarvedInside11 Mar 2013 @ 20:15

      Try the latest UNi Xonar drivers, maybe it will work with them. Other than this, there isn't anything we can do.

      This is the "great" Asus support. If latest UNi Xonar drivers aren't of any help, I suggest you try to get a refund if thats possible.


  10. Edmund12 Mar 2013 @ 13:12

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-11208">
    CarvedInside :
    Try the latest UNi Xonar drivers, maybe it will work with them. Other than this, there isn’t anything we can do.
    This is the <a href="http://vip.asus.com/forum/view.aspx?id=20110215120923443&board_id=21&model=Xonar+DG&SLanguage=en-us&page=1&quot; rel="nofollow">“great” Asus support. If latest UNi Xonar drivers aren’t of any help, I suggest you try to get a refund if thats possible.

    I made some progress, installed the UNi Xonar 1814(1815) v1.64 beta in my WinXP pro 32 bit.
    After a windows patch I could install "audactity" and after some experimenting I can now record in stereo! Which is more then I managed with the Asus drivers.
    The panel switch headphone-speakers works too.
    I can generate a sine of 70 kHz with audacity, but when I play that with VLC player it isn't 70kHz but a much lower frequency.
    Recording with audacity seems to work too in high resolution.
    I have some hope to get it going as I want, what must I do now to fix the sample rate issue with VLC?
    Sample Rate switch v1.2*???



    • CarvedInside12 Mar 2013 @ 14:54

      Sample rate switch won't help (it changes the sample rate just like doing it from the Xonar Center). Don't know what else to do.


    • hunterz012 Mar 2013 @ 17:01

      Nyquist theory suggests that in order to reproduce a 70kHz tone, you'd have to sample it at at least 140kHz. I'm not sure that modern consumer sound equipment generally supports sampling rates of greater than 96kHz.


      • hunterz012 Mar 2013 @ 17:03

        I guess the Xonars are technically supposed to do 192kHz, but I'm not sure if Windows XP supports that. What API are you using to access the sound card?


        • Edmund12 Mar 2013 @ 17:40

          I know I use 192kHz sample rate the Asus essense comes with a fake test report that shows how beautiful the card should perform....
          Anyway as said I use http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ and that is so far the only piece of software that seems to work now.
          No problem with "generating" any sine wave and it seems to play it too. However for what I want, I need one player and recorder simultaneous.
          VLC doesn't work with the Asus card, it creates a ghost sound, just like Windows media player and Adobe Audition.
          If I can find a player that can play 192kHz sample rates I will be happy.



  11. Edmund12 Mar 2013 @ 18:58

    Audacity unfortunately doesn't allow two options running.
    I just tried foobar and recorded 80kHz with audacity, result, A lower frequency is recorded.
    I have to check some more for what is going wrong, it seems to be foobar.
    Anyone a positive experience with an High res audio player for XP?


    • hunterz012 Mar 2013 @ 18:59

      Have you tweaked the output settings in foobar? I think it has a fair number of options.


  12. Martin12 Mar 2013 @ 22:59

    In foobar under preferences - advanced - decoding, you can adjust the sample rate.


    • Edmund13 Mar 2013 @ 14:18

      I can select every setting I want but there is no in or output above 20-22kHz.
      Not even in audacty! I created a sine wave 500Hz to 90000Hz and played it with my Oppo audio player, recorded it with audacity and nothing was recorded above 20kHz.
      Although I stepped from 20kHz to 25 kHz.
      Audacity shows samples at 192kHz but the input seems to be filtered out above 20 or 22 kHz.



  13. Smeggy13 Mar 2013 @ 01:28

    You need to use Foobar and install the Kernal Mode pluggin. Then in Foobar choice for Output Device select KS:Asus XONAR "Your Card" Audio.


    • ColPanic15 Mar 2013 @ 16:26

      That component is ancient.

      WASAPI Exclusive and ASIO are the modern preferences for that sort of thing.


  14. Michelle91119 Mar 2013 @ 06:03

    I'm at my wits end, I've been reading and researching for more than a month what's going on with my system causing this DPC latency problem and a periodic pause of normal desktop functioning (I'll be typing and everything stops, I can continue typing and what I've typed eventually catches up and writes out all at once) after noticing the pops and crackle and static in a game I found this site and have now tried UNi Xonar 1796 v1.54 and UNi Xonar 1813 v1.63 beta and installed in safe mode with cAudio Media Panel and my Regular Essense STX Xonar Audio Center. Currently installed with Low DPC Latency option.... everything is for nothing and my problem persists 🙁 I've left message after message on various forums and asked for help.... like I say wits end. Running a 980x on an EVGA FTW3 motherboard with two Saphire HD6950's 2gb and 24 gigs of ram - Win7Pro

    I've run LatencyMon and get these results after playing a game and hearing a pop http://oi46.tinypic.com/11qmhwi.jpg

    Any help would be *greatly* appreciated.


    • hunterz019 Mar 2013 @ 19:29

      I don't think your system's ability to keep up with keystrokes has much to do with DPC latency. You may have bigger issues. Look at what software you have installed and what services you have running, and see if there's anything you can get rid of. Also, making sure all of your drivers (not just sound and video, but also disk controllers, network adapters, etc.) are up to date.



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