

  1. Paul24 Jan 2014 @ 23:34

    May I ask you something? I've noticed that DirectX and WaveOut outputs the audio in a different way, especially on 5.1 mixes. And the correct way seems to be WaveOut. The problem is that almost all Windows applications (for example software dvd/bd players) uses DirectX. I've tested it via custom wave using pink noise and also using a mix program like Nuendo (via ASIO). Using DirectX, if I output a single sound to (for example) Left Surround I get sound also sound from the Right Surround (and the left surround is at a lower volume). Using ASIO or WaveOut this doesn't happend and the output is just as expected. Is this a problem of DirectX or something related to the drivers? I'm still on 1.71 but I'll try 1.72 asap.


    • CarvedInside26 Jan 2014 @ 01:27

      I am not sure what you mean with 5.1 mixes. Left Surround and Right surround as in Rear Left and Rear Right? Which OS are you using?
      Maybe all this is because you have 5.1 upmix enabled, then I guess it's possible for the sound from one speaker to go to the others speakers. And that would explain why it does not with ASIO output as stereo upmix does not work with ASIO output.

      If it would be a directx problem then you would have the same behavior with the onboard card as well.


      • Paul31 Jan 2014 @ 22:26

        Sorry for the late reply. Well I'm on Win7 SP1. The card setup is 6ch IN and 6ch OUT - 48KHz. No DSP enabled. So everything should be OK. I have created a 5.1 Dolby Digital file with noise that come out in sequence to each channel (Left, then Right, then Center, then LFE, then Ls and then Rs). Using DirectX (for example if I use MPC-HC with 'Default Direct Sound device' or 'Xonar D2X Audio Device" when hearing the 'left surround' noise I also hear noise from right surround and left surround is at lower volume than expected. If I setup MPC-HC to 'Default WaveOut device' then the playback is exactly as expected (when playing Left Surround I hear only that channel at right volume). The same apply to ASIO, obviously (right playback). The same behaviour appear in other programs (for example Sound Forge). Many thanks.


        • CarvedInside01 Feb 2014 @ 18:46

          Are you using analog or S/PDIF output? You did not mention if you have stereo upmix enabled or not. Disable it (or install the drivers without stereo upmix) and check again. Then if the issue is still there, try checking how your onboard card handles things. If it works correctly in DirectX (without sounds crossing over) then you should try different UNi Xonar drivers (1.72, 1.64 and you can also try 1.41) and see if any of those does things differently.


    • Tauko26 Jan 2014 @ 19:45

      Works great with my AIM SC8000 sound card. Thank you.


      • CarvedInside26 Jan 2014 @ 19:55

        Are you sure you are replying to the right comment (as in replying to Paul's comment)?


  2. Mats25 Jan 2014 @ 13:21

    Thought my stx sounded too sharp and some dist on the higher notes. Just by accident I stumbled over this driver and thank God, it sounds great. I thought I got some EMI and was prepared to buy a DAC and spend some 200 dollars. I would like to thank you for your hard work and I will make a donation.


    • CarvedInside26 Jan 2014 @ 19:59

      I'm glad to hear it. Just for my information, which panel & configuration have you selected in the drivers when you've installed them (Normal, Low DPC Latency, C-media)?
      Thanks for your support.


  3. ICH25 Jan 2014 @ 13:26

    Yes, Front Right is louder than Front left! its true.
    Balance from Windows sound mixer is 50/50....... but why they shows 2 speakers? i have 5.1!? in my onboard sound is it synchron, both shows same constellation.


  4. MAdMike25 Jan 2014 @ 15:11

    Hi, i have a question, new driver compare to older version 1.71 sounds to me more bright, better. its my placebo or its improved something? Your'e doing great job, thank You.


    • CarvedInside26 Jan 2014 @ 20:20

      It could be possible that C-Media made some changes to sound in 1722 audio drivers. At least at this time, I don't have a opinion on this matter.


  5. Pjstaab25 Jan 2014 @ 23:25

    Can I separate outputs for front panel and optical? I can get audio to come out of just optical but anything that comes through front panel is also mirrored through optical.


  6. boli8826 Jan 2014 @ 19:24

    Maybe a noob question: How come Smart Volume Normalization boosts the surrond channels? Seem like more sound is steered to the surround channels. Rear speakers sound louder also.


  7. Zsolt26 Jan 2014 @ 21:14

    I have a D1. I have a ridiculous latency from the microphone. It's basically impossible to talk with this kind of latency. Is there a fix for that?


    • CarvedInside26 Jan 2014 @ 22:46

      I haven't encountered this before or read about others having it, may not be the Xonar card. Try connecting the microphone to the onboard card and see if you still have the issue.
      Which OS do you have?


  8. Alan31 Jan 2014 @ 08:14

    I'm from Brazil, and I found your site and I love the driver, excuse me for my english.

    I have a doubt, I have a Earforce Z6A, which is 5.1, and the driver board to the analog output option, which would put headphones or 5.1 speakers? I'm afraid we should have an option like: headset 5.1.


    • CarvedInside31 Jan 2014 @ 18:47

      In that case you need to select 5.1 speakers and 6 channels (if your are on Win Vista/7/8). Setting these settings for headphones are perfectly fine. I can't add a option like headset 5.1 and there is the fact that such an option would not make any difference.


      • Alan31 Jan 2014 @ 22:06

        Just realized that when selecting analog output: earphone, the volume options that have on my headset it would be: Front, Sub, Cen and Surround do not work perfectly, only when I set up speakers in 5.1. But as you said, I can leave set to 5.1 speakers that even if there is no option "headphones 5.1" will make no difference, right?

        Sorry for my english. Using Google Translator.

        Thank you, you saved my life here with this doubt, has won a fan. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

        And your driver is perfect, never stop with this great work you do. Congratulations!


  9. Douglas Robinson31 Jan 2014 @ 20:57

    these new 1.72 drivers work very well on my Asus DX. On windows 8.1 no problems so far, thanks


  10. Miguel701 Feb 2014 @ 12:55

    I have a DGX and i found front panel volume a bit low with my headphones (hd518) compared to back panel volume, both using pro gaming amp mode. There is any solution for this? I use speakers too and i don't like to plug my headphones at the back and unplug my speakers. (My front panel cable is shielded.)

    Is there a way to connect both speakers and headphones to the back panel?


  11. Mark02 Feb 2014 @ 03:49

    I'm using 1.72 on Windows 8.1 with a Xonar DX and I can't find a way to run it without having to enable test mode, the digital signature bypass is not working in any way I try to install it.


    • CarvedInside04 Feb 2014 @ 18:33

      First and foremost don't select "Digital signature bypass(...)" when installing the drivers in non-test mode. If drivers still don't install, then you can check the possible solutions from here.


  12. Baptiste02 Feb 2014 @ 23:14

    Hi, Miguel7, a semi-dumb idea would be to connect your headphones on the backpanel and speakers on the front panel.
    Xonard DG and DGX do have an integrated heaphone amplifier, but maybe it's only on the main back panel output?


    • Miguel703 Feb 2014 @ 16:20

      The AMP works in both places. If i ser it to exciter modelo when connected to the front painel the volume is high enought, but it says that it's only for 64+ ohm headphones and my hd518 are only 50ohm.


  13. Kuss04 Feb 2014 @ 15:42

    Anyone get the MagicVoice to work with the new drivers in C-MediaPanel?


  14. Xerol33t06 Feb 2014 @ 23:34

    Dear Carved Inside,
    I reinstalled Windows to 8.1 Pro and I am not able to get working my new one card Xonar DG. Tried using 1.72, 1.71, even version called "stable". I was trying by using your troubleshooting methods and they didn't worked. I even combinated Test Mode, Safe Mode, installing drivers alone and cleaned after drivers after every try. What should I tell you so you can check what's wrong with my PC? In device manager it says - device is working properly. In Playback devices if I set Xonar as default and use "test" or put some music the bar is going up like it just plays but there's no sound. Xonar DG Audio Center or your GUI also works every time. Just there's no freaking sound. I think I checked everything. I'd be grateful if you'd help me. Cheers and keep up your work!


    • CarvedInside07 Feb 2014 @ 02:04

      Those troubleshooting methods are for when the drivers do not install, which is not the case as drivers do install and the card does seem to function. Has your sound with the Xonar card ever worked?
      From your description I would say that your card has a hardware malfunction, which can only be solved by sending it for warranty.
      Just to be sure check that your connections do work, check them with the onboard card. If you used SPDIF connection instead of analog, check that you have properly selected SPDIF output in the Xonar Audio Center. And of course you can do some other checks like trying your card in another PC, but this is unlikely to matter.


  15. Pierre-Louis07 Feb 2014 @ 02:25

    Hello CarvedInside,

    I just want to thank you for all the hard work you have put into this project, I really appreciate it, I really do hope others feel the same. ASUS have been extremely useless and not very forthcoming with updated driver releases and support. When I find myself employed again, I will make sure to donate, you surely deserve it.

    By the way, I am using the latest 1.72 driver on Windows 8.1 with an ASUS Xonar D2X, everything is working perfectly. You might also like to know; it fixed a very annoying sound issue I had in one of my games "Metro: Last Light" voices would always be much harder on the surround channels than on the center channel. The problem is now solved. My hat off to you. ^_^

    Keep up the good work, it is really, REALLY appreciated.


    • CarvedInside08 Feb 2014 @ 17:31

      Hello. I'm glad to hear this. When you are employed, sounds perfectly fine 🙂
      Thanks for the comment and for sharing your experience. I think the fix for the sound issue in games is from using the newer audio drivers (which are made by C-Media), so in this case I can only take credit for making these drivers available for you guys. On this matter, prior to 1.72 which drivers you had installed?



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