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How do i go about doing this? sorry i am a novice.
Adding a program shortcut to startup?Then check this out!
I have Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
The C-Media panel doesn't appear anywhere for me.
I tried several times with complete uninstalling,
registry cleaning and reinstalling.
Any ideas how to fix this?
If you can't start it even from control panel do this steps (it might work with only the steps 0-4):
0. Uninstall the drivers & restart
1. Enable "show hidden system files" In explorer
2. Go to C:Windows and search for cmi
3. Sort the result by name & delete the ones that start with cmi . (like Cmicnfgp.ini.cfl, cmifltr.)
4. Repeat the search & delete with the word cmudaxp
5. Go to start->run-> and type regedit
6. Press F3 to seach, type C-Media
7. Delete all the entries that contain the searched name.
8. Also try the step 5 & 6 with the words : "cmudaxp", "CmiCnfgP"
9. Install the driver again.
<blockquote cite="#commentbody-528">
CarvedInside :
Try this:
1.Set your speaker/headphone configuration like in this picture.
2.Try the speakers test and see if its working. If this works go to step 3.
3.Make sure you enable 5.1 in the game options. You should try a game like Half life 2.
You should read the ASUS Xonar Manual, just to be sure you got everything right.
I did it already and nothing. I tried to plug usual stereo headphones hole by hole separately, center, sub, side, only FRONT OUT hole is working. Also when I'm connecting all cables sometimes randomly I hear a lot of scratches and popping sounds, but when I left only 1 cable - front out, all scratch sounds dissapears. I tried ASUS latest drivers and UNi Xonar 1790 1.11, nothing helped. It's driver problem or hardware and I need to return my Xonar D1 to the seller?
Thanks for your help.
If the speaker test doesn't work I think you have a defective unit and you need to RMA it.
<blockquote cite="#commentbody-529">
2. Go to C:Windows and search for cmi
Probably stupid question, but do you mean a search including
the subfolders? (just wanna make sure I wont erase too much ...)
No cmi* file directly in the Windows folder, and Cmicnfgp.ini.cfl isnt't
there at all (including subfolders).
Yes, not only the results in the Windows folders, but from all subfolders as well.
I just followed your advice on fully removing the drivers from the registerys. Now i cannot reinstall. Keep saying something about please plug in C-Media Oxygen Hd. These drivers are a pain in the arse. Im going back to the asus ones.
Well, you obviously did something wrong.. And why did you fully removed the drivers from the registry in the first place?
Because you said.
The c media control panel disapears when i reboot after an installation. Same guy had a problem as me. You posted how to fix it. I went by your instructions.
I went to your post about adding a c media shortcut. But it said no criteria found.
I said : "If you canβt start it even from control panel do this steps (it might work with only the steps 0-4):"
That means if Cmedia panel didn't worked at all for him, which wasn't the case for you.
Updated the link, it works now.
Thats for xp.
I looked through MSCONFIG startup tab and the drivers are not even detected on their or anything.
And i would also like to point out the EXE file for c media is nowere to be found on my pc that is what im getting at. I cannot add something to the startup if it is not on my pc.
Thats a guide that works on Win7 too. And you don't need an exe, instead you have to use and create a shortcut from Control Panel-> Uni Xonar or whatever its called .
funny boy dmxdex.
lol im a noob i know i admit it.
I have an issue. When i open start up the file is not showing up at the top. How do i get it up?
I did what you said and it has not worked. I went to start up folder right clicked new shortcut. I typed it C:windowssystem32taskmgr.exe clicked next and added UNi Xonar and rebooted. Its still not showing up.
Sorry but you will have use normal version or wait for the next version (whenever that is:P).
<blockquote cite="#commentbody-535">
CarvedInside :
Yes, not only the results in the Windows folders, but from all subfolders as well.
Now C-Media Center appears in control panel, though keys for cmudaxp.dll and cmudaxp.sys could not be deleted from registry.
I have to admit that I probably just hadn't searched for it properly before π
It appears when I set control panel to "show all items", but labeled "Uni Xonar audio" (as I should have guessed).
In my earlier attempts I've looked only in the "Hardware + sound" section and did a text search for c-media, so that I didn't find it.
Thanks for your help CarvedInside!
And BTW: The sound is richer than with original drivers and anyway better than my Realtek alc889 onboard sound.-
This may be a bit off-topic (but that's what lead me to buy the Xonar XD):
Can it be normal that the same speakers give worse sound at Realtek alc889 chip of a new mainboard than at Realtek AC97 chip of a five year old board?
No its not normal for Realtek alc889 to sound worse than the Realtek AC97 chip. Realtek alc889 is big step up compared to AC97. Besides improper configuration, if you had Windows XP with the old motherboard with Reatek AC97 I can only guess that the worse quality could come from the Windows 7 audio drivers, and that's because Windows 7 has a different audio driver model compared to WinXP .
Sorry total newb here, but ASUS has been giving me no responses what so ever about my issue, and the support forum has proven to be a tit on a duck useless.
You've probably heard this a million times by now, but the issues with the Xonar DX and the right channel dropping out randomly, is causes by the GX feature in the driver correct? Windows 7 64bit driver that is.
Also, at even more infrequent random times, there will be a horrendous high pitch screeching coming from my audio, lasting only a few seconds before cutting off. Before calling Ghost Hunters, I thought I should ask you about this issue first.
If you rather respond to me by email, please write me at mysticode gmail dot com.
Thanks Obi-wan.
Sorry, I'm not familiar with the random dropping of the right channel. I didn't had any of these problems with my Xonar DX, but I almost never used the GX feature.
Did you update the firmware for your Xonar?
Do you still have these issues when GX is turned off? If yes and yes are the answers you might have a defective unit on your hands.
Thanks for your response. I have to my knowledge upgraded to the latest drivers for my soundcard, and I assume it included firmware, but I might be wrong. Does the firmware come separate from the drivers?
With the GX disabled, the right channel issue has pretty much gone away. I can recount it happening once in the past month or so, where before with GX enabled it was once a week.
Any idea about the random screeching? Or how about Skype crashing randomly? I have read about all these issue on the ASUS support forum.
Yes, I've had that same issue, on a Xonar DX and I've told Asus exactly how to reproduce it. It happens on my system every time I play a video through VLC Media Player or Media Player Classic HomeCinema. Every time I use those programs for playback, the right channel drops off. I couldn't tell you exactly why, something with 5.1 audio? The way they handle channel mapping? But I can reproduce it, and the only lasting fix is just to not use them, or reboot after using them.
Go into the Xonar control panel, and disable GX feature. Then try VLC etc again. Works for me!
The firmware is different from the drivers. You have to update it separately . For downloads and instructions go to Asus download page, select any windows, and go to Utilities, and download PLX fireware update Ver 1.1. If this doesnt solve your problem, in my opinion your Xonar card might be defective.
I have a problem with your latest drivers.
I am listening to MP3, so I select 2 channel input, 7.1 output.
But it doesn't upmix like it used to with ASUS official drivers.
It's like I selected 8 channel input, 7.1 output.
I don't like Dolby Pro Logic, but if I turn it on I DO get sound from all my speakers.
Maybe I should add; I’m on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.
It shouldnt be upmixed unless you select 2 speakers as input and 5.1 or 7.1 as output then choose DTS neo:pc it will then be be upmixed π
I DID select 2 speakers as input and 7.1 as output. I can't select DTS neo:pc. I am using the normal version of the drivers, no C-Media control panel, I'm using the ASUS control panel.
Ahhhhh sorry im using the Xonar DS card which us only DTS and doesnt have Dolby.
Ok, well I'm using a Xonar DX. Latest firmware.
I tried to uninstall and re-install the Uni Xonar drivers but I still don’t get normal behavior.
I think this is a normal behavior for this drivers, as I disabled the stereo upmix, to get back that functionality you have to copy-replace cmudaxp.ini & AsusAudioCenter.dll from the original drivers to the Uni Xonar driver installation kit and do a reinstall.
Hey all!
Just got an Asus Xonar HDAV1.3 soundcard. Everything else works, but cant seem to get DDL or DTS interactive work with games through HDMI to my AV-amplifier(Onkyo TX-SR607).
It shows correctly on my amp(OSD indicates DD/DTS) when I active the option, but when I launch a game or an application the sounds reverts back to stereo every time.
So my question is, does anyone have a working 5.1 DDL/DTS interactive through HDMI on their Xonar cards?
I posted the problem to Asus forums, but dont have much expectations on their usual. Here´s the post:
Any information would be much apreciated!
And for the last words. Thanks very much for these great UNI drivers Daniel K. They saved my ass when I was using Xonar DX2.
Do you have this problems with the original drivers? Cause there might be a problem with my drivers and the HDAV cards.
Just tried it with the original drivers and the same problem occurs. So don´t worry, your drivers work as well as the original ones in that situation.
I googled a bit more and realized that this problem happens with every card using DDL through HDMI.
Maybe it´s somekind of HDMI handshaking problem (some post suggested that).
Thanks for replying anyways.
Keep up the good work.
You can try the Uni Xonar C-Media Panel version of the drivers, maybe it will work with them.:)
<blockquote cite="#commentbody-580">
CarvedInside :
The firmware is different from the drivers. You have to update it separately . For downloads and instructions go to Asus download page, select any windows, and go to Utilities, and download PLX fireware update Ver 1.1. If this doesnt solve your problem, in my opinion your Xonar card might be defective.
Hmm I lost you. I went to the Downloads page, but I then choose an OS version? Not seeing that.. When I simply go to my audio card download area, there are only driver updates
Select Windows XP, and there is another category besides Audio(with drivers) called Utilities ( at the bottom).
Did, but I'm using Windows 7. Does this matter?
It shouldn't, don't know why its not listed under Windows 7 as well.