

  1. ars9221 Oct 2010 @ 14:35

    tried the FAQ workarounds,but same thing.Guess I'll have to use the default one only until I reformat my comp end of this year.....


  2. Rondel21 Oct 2010 @ 16:30

    Thanks Carved! Will give the new drivers a spin as soon as I get back from work. By the way did you notice how the recent 'driver updates' from Asus always introduce minor corrections and never focus on any major issues? GX or stability? Sheesh. Either way, you're long overdue for a paypal thank you which will also go your way later today.

    Once again, thanks for your support!


    • CarvedInside21 Oct 2010 @ 22:25

      You are right, although they contain some undocumented fixes, but never the less, the major issues aren't one of them, btw this fixes are done by C-Media. Asus are much worse, as they didn't even bother to update OpenAl which is a download and replace procedure.

      Received you donation! Many thanks & I wish you the best!:)


  3. rankena21 Oct 2010 @ 18:19

    1792 low latency with ASIO2 works perfectly!Well done CarvedIns,Thank you!About SQ later.

    PS: Xonar D2 WinXpSp3


  4. Mysticode21 Oct 2010 @ 18:22

    Blargh! So all of our cards with this problem might be defective? This issue was not present before I upgraded to Windows 7 64bit. Reading through the ASUS forum, I can only find multiple instances of this problem with people using Win7 64bit 🙁


    • CarvedInside21 Oct 2010 @ 22:10

      You can try installing Windows XP and also try your card in another PC. I used my DX with Windows 7 x64 for a while, and didn't notice the problem you have.


  5. Mysticode21 Oct 2010 @ 20:01

    Oh lordy, ASUS’s new soundcard? I am really let down by the rabid Win7 64bit issues, without a exclusive document from ASUS saying there is 150% NO problems with Win7 64bit, why would someone buy this thing?

    Forgot the link: http://campuslife.asus.com/news/index/78


    • CarvedInside21 Oct 2010 @ 22:16

      I was shocked as well. The new buget card seems to be the "flagship" of Xonar series. Guess which card got the 1792 driver update from ASUS. :p


  6. Eroticus22 Oct 2010 @ 01:42

    Not working for me ... telling that same thing like orignal drivers ~.~

    some one can help me ?

    MSN : [email protected]


  7. CrazyT22 Oct 2010 @ 02:12

    Download server ain't working, could someone please upload it on Rapidshare or uploaded.to or freakshare WHATEVER

    I want these drivers because the asus are pretty bugged for me


  8. v0rren22 Oct 2010 @ 03:30

    i love ur driver! but can u add a front/rear audio pannel change in the c-media interface with windows seven 64 bit? i noticed is already included in the c-media interface for windows xp....

    sry for my bad english 😛


    • CarvedInside22 Oct 2010 @ 11:12

      I noticed that there are some options missing in the C-media interface, some are missing from XP and some from Win7.

      I would love to add them, but for now I didn't found a way to do it.


  9. Mysticode22 Oct 2010 @ 10:31

    CarvedIns, I am ultimately confused on the install of the latest Uni drivers.

    I have the Win7 drivers downloaded, I ran the following bat files.

    1.normal (default).bat
    2.low latency.bat
    4.CMediaPanelGX on.bat

    Then I ran the setup.exe.

    Do I need to disable hsmgr at all? I'm lost.. please assist me with this.


    • CarvedInside22 Oct 2010 @ 11:08

      You need to run only one bat file,each bat file(1-4) is corresponding to a version of the driver. So if you want the low DPC latency package of the driver you run only the 2.low latency.bat . If you want the one with the C-Media Panel you run the 3.CMediaPanel.bat.

      If you previously used GX, you don't need to disable hsmgr. And in the packages 2 & 3 its automatically disabled.


      • Mysticode22 Oct 2010 @ 19:51

        Well what if I want the features of all the bat files? Hence why I already ran them. I wanted the control panel, I want the DPS latency, I want the GX on, so I ran those bat files.

        Is there an issue with doing this?

        Also, is the CMediaPanel the normal Xonar Panel? Or is it different.


        • CarvedInside22 Oct 2010 @ 20:05

          Those .bat files change the driver package that you are installing. Each one is a DIFFERENT customization. Its like having 4 different drivers, you can install only one. C-Media Panel is different from the XONAR PANEL. About low DPC version read the release notes from 1.01 drivers, and for C-Media panel read this post.


  10. bullseye22 Oct 2010 @ 12:32

    New drivers for DS & DX cards on asus ftp server (they are 1792).

    But it seems that nothing in them new since 1792 DG release.


    • CarvedInside22 Oct 2010 @ 19:30

      Thanks for the heads up.
      I am interested to see what ASIO version is included in these drivers.


  11. SniperDaws22 Oct 2010 @ 19:29

    WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO Bad Company 2 reverb is fixed in the new drivers CarvedIns thank you so much im soooo happy now, i can hear where the enemy is now no in a bottle sounds anymore 🙂

    Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you


    • CarvedInside22 Oct 2010 @ 19:42

      Thats really great news! Interesting that it didn't work for you before with the .bat files or setting it manually. Thats another C-Media mystery.

      I'm glad that your problem is solved!


  12. adm23 Oct 2010 @ 11:05

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-650">
    CarvedInside :
    Those .bat files change the driver package that you are installing. Each one is a DIFFERENT customization. Its like having 4 different drivers, you can install only one. C-Media Panel is different from the XONAR PANEL. About low DPC version read the release notes from 1.01 drivers, and for C-Media panel read this post.
    I'm a little intimidated, too...even though I got the drivers installed, I can't say I'm confident I did it 100% correctly.

    Would it be possible to get a simple step-by-step walkthrough for dummies? If somebody here wants to save CarvedIns some work, I'd be happy with anyone's guidance.


    • CarvedInside23 Oct 2010 @ 17:09

      Well, you couldn't have done it wrong. Don't know if this will make more sense besides what I wrote here and in the readme.txt from the driver folder.
      If you launch directly setup, its perfectly fine. Previous versions featured 3 different driver packages each one with its own setup.exe. Lets say if you want to replace the Asus Audio Center with the original C-Media one you will need to run 3.CmediaPanel.bat and then setup. By doing so its like downloading another driver package. Hope this sheds some light.

      Received your donation. Thank you very much for your nice gesture!


  13. adm23 Oct 2010 @ 11:00

    Thank so very very much!

    I play hl2.exe games and use Dolby Headphones with me, so this recent fix is a huge deal. Even with the last version surround sound was better, so I am really excited to get these new drivers installed.

    Wish I could afford a bigger donation, but please accept my heartfelt thanks. Very impressive work.


  14. adm23 Oct 2010 @ 22:32

    Heh, I'm just a weenie 🙂 It's working *great*...can't believe how much better 5.1 sounds. Beautiful.

    If I could ask one more question regarding the GX function:

    I've been investigating how to get EAX/OpenAL/GX to work with Valve Orange Box (newer Source) games, and this list seems to be the go-to link: http://connect.creativelabs.com/alchemy/Lists/Gam...
    Orange Box entry here: http://connect.creativelabs.com/alchemy/Lists/Gam...

    But I cannot find the requisite registry path. Does this tweak apply to your drivers? I notice they did install OpenAL. Thanks!

    And you're very welcome--I really do wish I could give you a donation that could buy more than a beer 😛 But soon! You really do deserve a salary for this.


    • CarvedInside26 Oct 2010 @ 01:52

      I need to read a little bit more about Orange Box & EAX so I could answer to your question. I will try to answer in a couple of days.



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