

    • CarvedInside03 Nov 2010 @ 17:51

      That is for XP only. In windows Vista & 7 that option doesn't appear.

      Virus, I can make a bat file that does this, but it won't be able do switch between front or rear without a restart or without disabling and re-enabling your Xonar card.


  1. Daniel04 Nov 2010 @ 21:06

    Does this driver work with the Xonar DG?


  2. bullseye05 Nov 2010 @ 17:00

    New drivers for Xense with new ASIO on ASUS ftp.


    • rankena05 Nov 2010 @ 17:49



      • bullseye05 Nov 2010 @ 18:23

        Actually, there's nothing changed since DG 1792 was released, except ASIO.


        • CarvedInside06 Nov 2010 @ 01:00

          Nice catch! Indeed there is a newer version of ASIO. Thank you! I myself wouldn't had thought that Asus would update files within the same driver version. New drivers with the newer Asio will be out tomorrow I think.

          It seams that with the new version of ASIO you can't change the ASIO settings in foobar anymore, you have to close it and launch ASIO settings thorough right clicking Asus Audio center tray icon. Guys what do you think about this? Should I include this ASIO in a newer release?


    • rankena05 Nov 2010 @ 20:18

      ASIO is very important for ASIO users,like me.


  3. Shiver05 Nov 2010 @ 17:45

    Just started using your drivers Carved, and already I've noticed a huge change. Amazing work, will give them a full run through and try to send you some feeback. Thanks again for your hard work!


    • Touche05 Nov 2010 @ 21:47

      What version did you install? What was the change?


      • Shiver05 Nov 2010 @ 22:55

        Using 1792 v 1.20 for D2X under 64 bit windows 7 ultimate. Went for C-Media with GX on. Used the DPC checker posted here, and have gone from a peak of 5000 down to 1000 peak! I play a lot of games and have really noticed the difference; basically sounds dont get off too soon or altogether any more, it's kind of like having a decent sound card installed! =P


  4. Audiofeel06 Nov 2010 @ 00:49

    What about REAL EAX 2.0 support under XP SP 3.I dont want EAX 3/4/5 but at least the specified EAX 2.0 to practically work.
    Do the C-Media really use a EAX 2.0 simulation technology to compensate Sensaura license loss ,i mean does ASUS cut game support from C-Media drivers to implement their useless feature GSXlala.Did they (C-Media ) implemented Q-Sound or something.
    The sound in UT2004 ,when using hardware 3D and hardware 33 + EAX with my D1 is extremelly poor under the level of what a good ALC 650 implementation was able to do with 32 hw channels.I can simply hear my footsteps to the right and left instead of in the middle ,really messed up EAX 2 support.
    Is there ASIO support in the 1792 ,because modding the DX driver to work with D1 made Foobar ASIO to not function ?
    And what about the LFE filter ,that for me only works with v1764 ,the cd driver and first official version ?!Does it works in this release ?


    • CarvedInside06 Nov 2010 @ 01:06

      Asio does work by modding the 1792 DX drivers. But you need to reconfigure the Foobar Asio Virtual Devices.
      LFE filter works, but if you are refering with ASIO, then it doesn't work only if you apply ASIO patch.

      For the Real EAX 2.0 I can't help you with that, I mean I probably won't be able to fix it. But it may work better with uni xonar drivers, you will have to check them.


  5. bullseye06 Nov 2010 @ 02:03

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-746">
    CarvedInside :
    It seams that with the new version of ASIO you can’t change the ASIO settings in foobar anymore, you have to close it and launch ASIO settings thorough right clicking Asus Audio center tray icon.

    For me it works fine, try to reconfigure foobar, remove "foo_out_asio.dll.cfg" from foobars folder or do clean install. I use portable version so it's painless to remove it and install again.


  6. jtstellar06 Nov 2010 @ 10:30

    hi.. i have win7 64bit, essence xonar essence stx. i use headphone line out.

    i play music with foobar and asio. if i play a music file under foobar asio and i stop it and go to a different audio source say a youtube video on firefox, there is no problem. but if i PAUSE the music file in foobar instead of completely stopping it and then start the firefox youtube video, notice that there is no sound, then go back and stop the foobar music completely and now let the firefox youtube sound comes out, the sound becomes unbearably loud and goes completely haywire with literally a burst of volume.

    this happened to me with the asus official driver as well and it nearly killed my headphone. i am wondering if this is a foobar issue, or can this be fixed at the driver level, thanks. i will definitely chip in if i can get this fixed.. it'll be good investment to save expensive headphones from damage.


    • CarvedInside06 Nov 2010 @ 23:14

      Don't know what to say about this issue, don't think some one else reported it. Have you tried with the C-Media Panel version? You might try with it. And also if you have windows volume to maximum try to lower it at lets say 70-80%.


  7. VIKINGS06 Nov 2010 @ 12:43

    Ok Carved I tried a few more times today and got it to work suddenly. The quality does seem better(hope its not just placebo, my ears are not some of the best around). Now what I did was, I replaced the ini and dll to re-enable 5.1 upmix and the try that worked was runing simple setup with no bat files. Now questions:
    1. I seem to have the old xonar panel, where is that cool cmedia panel everyone is talking about?
    2. What exactly am I missing on by not runing and of the bat files?
    3. What exactly is this asio thing, what does it do, how does it help?
    Thank you.


    • Audiofeel06 Nov 2010 @ 13:26

      Thank you for your fast answers.
      I have an ideea ,though maybe you may have been had it.
      What about making dual control panel ,i mean do 2 modes for the cards similar to Creative X-Fi panels.
      One mode for music where ASIO ,upmixing and LFE to work properly and another one that keeps the game mode enbled .
      Maybe some moron ASUS engineer will copy the ideea (like they always do 🙂 ) and we will be able to properly use this cards.
      So is there any 3D technology in the C-Media drivers or they simply left alone Sensaura without putting nothing inplace ,Q-Sound for example, for which i ve heard VIA had good implementation when switching from Sensaura.
      I never expected wonders from my D1 in games ,but UT 2004 should of worked properly having in mind the so much hyped C-Media audio processor.I m starting to think that it s simply a poor controller with 192 Khz sampling capability.And of course they lie on the box and product specs regarding EAX 2.0 support.
      I ve just downlaoded your packages
      Let s see what we ve got.
      Don t hurry with making packages with newer driver numbers.It seems growing driver numbers do nothing in this Asus - C-Media case 🙂 at least for the official beta drivers.
      What do you thing ,will the X-Fi Crystalizer work with Xonars ,unoffciailly of course ,to avoid beeing sued 🙂 ?
      Thank you for your efforts!


    • CarvedInside06 Nov 2010 @ 23:31

      1. If you download the new drivers. you can choose it within the setup. Previously you needed to run 3.CmediaAudioPanel.bat.
      2. Customizing to run on C-Media panel for example
      3. Short answer, its a audio transfer protocol which can improve sound quality, but it depends on many things like what kind of speakers do you have, and the quality/compression of the music, lossless formats are recommended.


  8. touccer06 Nov 2010 @ 13:23

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-746">
    CarvedInside :
    Nice catch! Indeed there is a newer version of ASIO. Thank you! I myself wouldn’t had thought that Asus would update files within the same driver version. New drivers with the newer Asio will be out tomorrow I think.
    It seams that with the new version of ASIO you can’t change the ASIO settings in foobar anymore, you have to close it and launch ASIO settings thorough right clicking Asus Audio center tray icon. Guys what do you think about this? Should I include this ASIO in a newer release?

    I think newer version of ASIO is always appreciated for bug-fix or other...so i'm waiting for 1.21 UNi Xonar with latest 1792 driver and ASIO, I think the possibility of changing the ASIO settings with the tray icon is not essential at all...


  9. rankena06 Nov 2010 @ 21:47

    UNi Xonar 1792 1.25 drivers work without any problem.What sense from custom instalation?


    • CarvedInside06 Nov 2010 @ 23:10

      Thanks for the fast replay.

      What sense from custom instalation?

      I don't understand.


      • rankena07 Nov 2010 @ 05:12

        Begining instalation i can choose instalation type(normal,low latency,custom and others).What gives me "Custom instalation"?


        • CarvedInside07 Nov 2010 @ 12:46

          Custom installation preset is automatically selected when you choose for example Configurations->Normal and check the ASIO patch. It doesn't give you anything later on.


  10. Rigel06 Nov 2010 @ 23:41

    Hello Carved, do you suggest to install the ASIO patch with the latest UNi 1.25 on Win 7 x64? I use foobar with ASIO bit-perfect for music listening. One more thing: my ASIO settings on foobar are 32bit 2ms. Are these ok or should I set it to 24bit? Many thanks for your excellent work with these drivers.

    My card is an Essence ST.


    • CarvedInside06 Nov 2010 @ 23:59

      It depends, if you only listen to music without lets say playing games at the same time, or if you like the response of ASIO-bitperfect then I recommend you keep the default and don't apply the ASIO 1.0 Patch.

      I don't know what impact or improvement has the 32 bit output, cause technically you don't have any 32 bit music files, even 24 bit files are extremely rare. And there is another thing, you have to check if your card supports the 32 bit output, because it is said that using bit-depth higher than the soundcard supports would only degrade quality.
      That being said I suggest setting it on 24bit.:)


  11. Rigel07 Nov 2010 @ 00:30

    Ok, so I made the right choice and didn't install the patch.
    Yeah, the specs say Max. 192KHz/24bit so I'll change it to 24bit. I forgot to say also that I use the Low DPC Latency drivers and they work great for me.
    Thanks a lot! 😉


  12. MO07 Nov 2010 @ 14:03

    In "normal" installation C-Media panel is also installed. Should it be so?


    • CarvedInside07 Nov 2010 @ 15:51

      Wait what?! In normal Asus Audio Center should be installed. Remind me again what OS do you have?

      Please do a reinstall with driver clean and try again if still loads C-Media Panel.


  13. MO07 Nov 2010 @ 16:15

    Vista 64bit. It installs both - Asus Audio Center & C-Media Panel.


  14. molunbun07 Nov 2010 @ 17:52

    Thanks for the update

    I just updated to 1.25 and encountered a problem.
    I used ASIO on foobar and when I play a song, an error message appeared:
    Unrecoverable playback error: The ASIO device does not support specified sample rate (44100Hz); please configure resampler appropriately

    setting: c-panel w/ gx, asio patch, foobar 1.1, 44.1khz, 24bit, 2ms
    spec:win7 x86, xonar ds

    Also, bit-perfect asio is not working(laggy) and I need to use the asio patch 🙁
    I'd like to ask...Will bit-perfect asio ever function on xonar ds?

    Help will be appreciated.


    • bullseye07 Nov 2010 @ 18:16

      ASIO 2.0 (as you call it bit-perfect) is in the official driver package for Xonar DS card. So, they should work. Try to reinstall drivers and foobar - there is a newer version.


      • CarvedInside07 Nov 2010 @ 18:41

        Yes as bullseye says, a reinstall should do the trick. I had to remove foobar and all its settings, and install it again to make it properly work.



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