

  1. Paopao27 Jul 2010 @ 02:21

    Will try this, for sure on win7 Home Premium 32bit, FTP works greaat! Normal ONE since i`m listening a music and watching some movies. Thanx for this...


  2. hbscott27 Jul 2010 @ 05:08

    I would like to try your driver updates, but the server is either down or overloaded. I am getting the "server is taking too long to respond" popup after a short wait.

    Has a daily limit been met? If so, I can gladly wait until tomorrow. Are there any download mirrors? Thanks

    [Merged comments]
    I found another link under “Top Clicks”. Thanks.


    • CarvedInside27 Jul 2010 @ 13:59

      The ftp server doesn't have any download limits. Maybe downloads from ftp servers are blocked by your administrator/ISP. Or maybe my server's internet connection was down.


  3. yudicuba27 Jul 2010 @ 08:27

    thanks a lot for your great work !!!
    i have a small problem using the xonar D2X and my headset TRITTON AX PRO
    when i play something through my speakers logitech Z550 (analog connected) i have a noise through the headset (toslink connected) at the same time
    the only way to stop it is to switch from 6 channels to 2 on xonar control center
    I'm running all of this on 7 X64
    thanks again

    forgot to tell you the drivers im using (Uni Xonar 1788 XP-Vista-7 v.1.0 low DPC latency)


    • CarvedInside27 Jul 2010 @ 14:10

      You had this issue with previous drivers, of course using this exact setup? You hear noise or sound coming from your headset?


  4. kEx27 Jul 2010 @ 12:20

    The mod works fine on my STX. Your as awesome as daniel-k <3 Thank you. Keep up the good work.


  5. jenyar27 Jul 2010 @ 13:45

    - Fixed 5.1 stereo upmix issue, stereo sounds won’t be upmixed to 5.1,7.1 or 4.0 anymore (stereo is played in 2.0, surround is played in 5.1)

    Hi Carved, just a question: should I still be able to activate the 5.1 upmix from a 2.0 source via the Dolby setting, for instance if I want to play a stereo movie through my 5.1 analog speakers?


  6. yudicuba27 Jul 2010 @ 15:02

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-45">
    CarvedInside :
    You had this issue with previous drivers, of course using this exact setup? You hear noise or sound coming from your headset?

    thanks for the quick answer
    yes i had same noise (its not a sound) its noise like bubbles underwater (really difficult to describe the exactly noise)
    ty again


    • Mitsi27 Jul 2010 @ 21:41

      Could this be modded to fix my issues on my Auzentech X-plosion which has the same crappy C-media driver.?


      • CarvedInside27 Jul 2010 @ 23:06

        Without modifying it you wont be able to install it. Maybe I'll release a modified driver for the rest of the cards based on C-Media. I will send you an e-mail when its done.


  7. rayne27 Jul 2010 @ 20:29

    great work....downloading, waiting to try it on!


  8. rayne27 Jul 2010 @ 21:42

    Its not working for Asus HDAV 1.3 win7 64 bits


    • CarvedInside27 Jul 2010 @ 23:10

      Hope you can answer my questions.Did you uninstalled the previous drivers? It installs correctly, audio card appearing in Device manager? Thanks.


      • rayne28 Jul 2010 @ 14:25

        Yes. I've uninstalled previos drivers follow by reboot my pc.

        Then during the installation, it pop up a msg "please plug-in the unified card" kinda msg...

        & I've tried to install the driver @device manager, msg "Encounter some prob for installing the driver"


  9. Mitsi27 Jul 2010 @ 23:38

    A generic C-media driver would be awsome..please do mail me if it is looking likely


  10. Sto28 Jul 2010 @ 14:44

    Works fine on STX and Win7/64, thanks 🙂


  11. Pradesh01 Aug 2010 @ 11:51

    Great mod, but please can you include newest OpenAL (openalweax.exe), i've found


    • CarvedInside01 Aug 2010 @ 12:38

      Thanks for the information! On the Openal page the latest version is But I found the version in creative titanium driver package .
      When I release a new driver I will update OpenAl too. Anybody who wants to install it, I also uploaded to my ftp server.


  12. Gabi01 Aug 2010 @ 13:52

    good job!Works fine!


  13. Pradesh01 Aug 2010 @ 14:53

    Works fine on W7 64b, D2X, little lattency with asio, but there is wasapi too for foobar2000 :p


  14. Alex02 Aug 2010 @ 18:28

    Win 7 x86, asus xonar hdav 1.3 slim
    The same thing as rayne said:
    I’ve uninstalled previous drivers, rebooted pc,
    during the setup it shows a msg please plug-in the unified card
    Any ideas?


    • jenyar02 Aug 2010 @ 19:34

      Correct me if I'm wrong or you're talking about a different message... But I think the message is a leftover from the DX drivers, since only PCI-express cards require a floppy power cable. I just ignored the message and the drivers installed without a hitch.


      • CarvedInside03 Aug 2010 @ 14:08

        There are 2 different warning/error messages. One is with the power cable and the other one is plug-in unfied/xonar card, in which it doesn't detect your card based on the driver you are installing. You will get this error if you try to install Xense non modded driver on a DX for example.


    • CarvedInside02 Aug 2010 @ 19:39

      I'm looking into this issue. Currently I didn't find anything that could cause this issue. If I find anything I will send you a e-mail(if you typed a valid e-mail) with a modified build.


      • rayne07 Aug 2010 @ 18:10

        Finally there someone using the same card HDAV 1.3 with me...looking forward the solution from CarvedIns..


  15. GaHero02 Aug 2010 @ 23:43

    Very good drivers, but two small things:

    1.) The Flex Bass is working for me but only reverse. I have a Teufel 5.1 System. If I switch Flex Bass off I will have bass and if I switch Flex Bass on there will be no bass. With the old original drivers it works the right way.

    2.) It is possible to add the upmix, which you fixed, automatically? It's the only thing that I miss form my X-Fi. It upmixed 2 channel sources automatically and pass through 6 Channel sources at the same setting in CMSS 3D. By the Xonar I always have o switch the input channel numbers.

    Pls continue the great work...


    • CarvedInside03 Aug 2010 @ 14:29

      1) I think the old drivers where "wrong". Flex Bass should work like how you described now.When its on you can "filter" bass frequencies.
      2) There are 2 ways to activate the stereo upmix. The more practical one is by activating Dolby Pro Logic IIx.



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