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Thank you carved, btw guys on these new drivers(1.25) do I still need to copy the .ini and .dll from the original drivers to enable 5.1 upmix? Or is it enable by default on this version?
Thank you! nOw my card work 100%. I let the music play! I;m'spechless!!!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
Hm, I just finished downloading it and it seems to be just a simple exe.:P No ini's or dll's to replace. So whats the word on the 5.1 upmix?
Sorry that this causes problems to you. I will add an option in the installer for the 5.1 upmix in a couple of days.
<blockquote cite="#commentbody-772">
CarvedInside :
So you have both starting up?
Yeh, both of them starts at startup.
There isn't seem to be an option to use front port audio for the C-Media Control Panel. Mic works great at front port though. Keep up the good work CarvedInside! Love the drivers! 😀
I understand that you can choose one of them ,but i was refering that would be nice to switch between them ,as you do with Creative X-Fi modes ,you click a button and the modes change on the spot ,depending of what you need.
Maybe you can find a way so to switch from inside each panel to the other one on the spot.
Anyway tomorrow i will make a clean XP installation with the latest release you ve made to see how it is.
If you think to make a clean install, than you should install win7. Its work on every machine (old or new). Is hard to understand why people still use XP today... Win7 is made for treat the sound in much better way than XP does. And is the best Windows edition.
do not be so sure.
Sorry to say this, but you are wrong. WinXP will most probably beat Win7 in any benchmark, even in JavaScript websites(like new yahoo mail) interpretation. Except for the individual volume control, the win7 sound module is in fact inferior and it posses problems to the driver developers.
I suppose it can be done. But I must admit I don't really see the point, except for the fact that C-Media Panel lacks some options.
You see , using only the C-Media panel will give you a lower DPC latency, may fix some pops & cracks using Digital Out & other problems. So if you bring the asus panel also, maybe all these fixes won't work.
But I will think about your idea.
For your other comment. Most likely X-Fi Crystalizer won't work with Xonars.
Hi, first of all just want to say thank you so much for tackling these drivers. Personally I've noticed improvement across the board performance and sound quality-wise since installing these, I've never had a problem with a release. The one thing I usually do however is edit the files to turn back on the 5.1 upmixing. I definitely understand the reason for disabling it but I kinda like it. In any case, now that you have a single .exe installer now, would it be at all possible to add an option during the install for enabling or disabling the upmix, since the files can't manually be edited anymore? Thanks for listening, and a big thanks again for working on these!
Yes, as a matter of fact I was planning on implementing the option in the installer all along.
I think it will be ready in a couple of days.
That's great news. I don't know much about installers so wasn't sure if it would be a pain to do, especially considering having it disabled by default was priority. I anxiously await it. In the meantime though 1.20 has worked flawless for me, despite the driver file update issue you had mentioned. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for answering
I tried reinstalling foobar and the driver but unluckily it still lags and stutters.
Am I missing some special DSP settings?
I also wonder if there is a way to reset all the ASIO settings.
You may have to manually delete Foobar settings from Documents and Settings(XP) or Users (Vista/7). Easy way to find it is by using search on you OS disk and deleting any Foobar folder.
I use portable foobar so I can't find settings file in my Users directory.
I am having problems with this ASIO version. So it might not be that good. Reverted back to 1.20 . I suggest you do the same. At least for now.
Thank you very much Carved. Btw here's some feedback on a bug, if I switch to 2 channels(to listen to some mp3s or whatever) my subwoofer stops working, no more bass. As you know using windows 7 ultimate 32bit, asus xonar d2/pm, and aimp2. So I reverted back to 1.20 for the moment. Keep up the good work.:)
P.S. Having the option with both panels might not be a bad ideea.(if we can avoid the problems that might bring along), to be honest after all the hype I wasnt to impressed with the cmedia panel...
P.S. A edit option for our posts would be nice too.:)
So this issue only appears in 1.25? Does it happen when you listen through ASIO or through DirectSound (winamp default)?
I know an edit button would be nice but these are the options using this blog. Anyway I don't mind correcting posts.:)
Yep only in 1.25 as I am currently using 1.20 and here the problem doesnt appear. I think it was direct sound, first instalation didn't have asio(forgot to check it) but check both asio and direct just in case I am mystaken.
Thx for correcting my post.:P
I like the fact that C-Media panel has lower latencies, but lack of several options make it unusable for me. Front panel select is the most serious one, then SVN. Would there be any benefits then with Uni drivers with Xonar panel, opposed to official drivers, for me, if the official ones aren't having any problems so far?
About the C-Panel GX ON installation mode - does it mean that GX is allways on, or is there a button to select it like in Xonar panel?
Well except for what is written in the release notes, if you don't find those fixes usefull for you, I guess there aren't other benefits using UNi drivers. At least for the time being.
GX is always on. Sorry no button:(
No, not exactly. The HSmgr files are loaded, but "GX" mode is can be enabled/disabled in the C-Media panel with the "EX Xear 3D" button. With EX mode, all games behave just like having the GX mode enabled, and disableing EX makes everything behave like GX is disabled.
P.S. what means "chech this if you have HDAV" under installation?
It do the same thing that the "hdav enhance.bat" in the 1.20 driver (run the CmEnhance.exe with specific parameters).
Check this only if you have a Xonar HDAV soundcard.
Good job, CarvedInsi!
I found cause of little sound degradation in measurement with some version of driver (xonar D1). Cause is low DPC latency driver modification (disabled HsMgr.exe). With normal driver mod all OK.
It almost unbelievable. I mean I understand why the DPC raises when using the normal version, but the fact that running Audio center(or HsMgr) is responsible for increasing sound quality, thats insane.
When you have the time, can you please double check the results? When testing use the 1.25 version, and do the following test:
1) Normal version
2) Low DPC latency (after installing restart your system)
3) Low DPC Latency, but with Audio Center in the background/tray. ( run it from start->programs)
4) Cmedia Panel Version
Then export all results and send them by mail or store them on a web storage site.
OK. Results in .sav or html?
In 1.25 diffierence is noise level.
sav + html files:
…and look at peak in 22 kHz on Intermodulation distortion graph.
and on other graph except normal driver.
new link: <a href="" target="_blank">
The graph pictures are mising from the html. I think you forgot to archive the folder that comes with the html.
My bad.
It seems you want to prove that Windows 7 is better than XP, but according your benchmark Windows XP gets more scores than windows 7, so it wins.
Big score is worse. Less is better. This is the logic in this case. Are many benchmarks done everywhere witch prove this. Else I do not want to prove anything. It was only an common sense observation...
Hy, I installed your newest version of xonar unified driver (1792 1.25) first by trying normal version and then the low latency one. I'm using Windows 7 Professional x64, specs are as follows: Intel Pentium Dual Core E2200 (FSB 800 MHz, 1MB L2 cache), Kingston HyperX DDR2 1066 2x2GB memory running at 800 MHz (cause of processor), Xonar Essence STX rev. 1.02, Hitachi HDP725025GLAT80 ATA Device, Palit Radeon HD 4650 1 GB, Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R rev 1.1. I mentioned these specs cause maybe some of these components have impact on my pops & clicks through ASIO in foobar2000.
First to say something about asus official drivers. I waited bitperfect ASIO for a long time. I haven't tried the beta ones from asus site cause I don't like betas. I waited for final release many months. When I tried 1792 official from asus, I was surprised. Bitperfect finally worked. But after few seconds loud pops and clicks came through my Pioneer SE-A1000 headphones. I was dissapointed.
I know how difficult can be to make a perfect driver. I thought it could all be related to this - slow processor which is today really low end, I know. I'm planning to buy Intel Q6700 for a low price or Intel Q9650, or if I got some more money, i7 platform. To get to the point - then I thought it was my hard disk who caused pops & clicks. Then Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 maybe cause many times he is the reason. His update especially. But this is funny. DPC latency checker shows minimal latency of 129 us. Average is 151 - 167 us but when kaspersky updates itself it goes higher. When I surf through web with Firefox, it goes up to 430 us sometimes. This is almost the limit. But I hear pops & clicks even on 161 us. Thats strange. I think that the new ASIO version is really broken. I know there are many factors in it.
One important thing. I can really hear small changes in sound quality. With any audiophile headphones advanced user can hear it. My headphones has frequency range from 10 Hz to 30 000 Hz with 45 ohm. Your driver gives somewhat "digital" sound but not as many clarity as official, every time I listen to my usual tracks I found that I need to increase volume a little bit. But that didn't help. Soundstage seems a little far away sometimes. Official asus drivers have somehow more natural sound in my opinion. I don't know what you did in your configuration but it volume is somehow lower. Your drivers are indeed better than official cause those pops & clicks are not so loud, but still audible and they happen less often - but they happen.
Official drivers are great in terms of sound quality but those loud pops & clicks are bad. When my system does nothing important in background everything is fine.
Sorry for a long post but I'm angry when Asus can't make the proper driver so we can all enjoy in our xonar cards.
One more thing - low latency one driver gives sometimes less pops & clicks but soundstage in it seems a bit more in distance.
Currently I'm using normal uni xonar unified driver and it's ok. I don't mind if pops & click happens until it becomes too much audible.
I hope that you will find a way to correct it in future release, you did great job and you surely can do better.
I would suggest installing 1.20 version. With 1.25 I get some random pops too.
Also try to make a new install of Foobar Portable and reconfigure ASIO settings. I suggest using something like 24bit/10ms or 24bit/20ms.
The quality difference might have something to do with the low DPC latency version, although I am not convinced .
Hi again. I will try 1.20 version as you suggested. You think that Foobar Portable installation could help? I always install it in Standard mode. With Asus Version drivers ASIO worked like a charm. But of course, not bitperfect. I always used these settings - ASIO bit depth 16 bit, latency 2ms in that driver version. I thought 16 bit music needs 16 bit ASIO bit depth.
But then I see other recomendations to use 24 bit and 32 bit ASIO bit depth. So I want to ask you this: does bitperfect version of ASIO resample sound if I play 16 bit audio file in foobar and ASIO bit depth is set to 24 bit or 32 bit?STX's internal processing is 32 bit so does it do double resampling even if it's bitperfect?For example 16 bit audio transforming into 32 bit in oxygen HD chip and then resample it to 24 bit output cause that is the maximum output mode?I was always curious about that.
I want to use maximum my card can give without resampling.
I always used 32 bit 1 ms in bitperfect asio version and foobar buffer length 50 ms. When I increased buffer length it gave more pops & clicks. When I choose higher latency - from 10 ms to 20 ms I feel like I'm lossing a sound quality a little bit. ASIO patch doesn't work for me. "Hardware not present" in 32 bit mode, in 16 and 24 bit mode foobar says I need a resampler. So I'm better not using the patch.
Anyway I'll try 1.20 version and see if it works better.
A portable installation means that you don't have to bother erasing previous settings that might affect the ASIO output.
In that post , I didn't recommend 32 bit, but I think 24 bit / 10 ms its ok for any case and its more like a suggestion, cause I didn't had problems with that settings. I think the lower latency is usefull if you are recording or you have a guitar or another musical instrument connected to your sound card for processing uses. You are right most of the music is in 16 bit. I don't have that much technical background on this matter, but I don't think it re-samples sounds from lets say 16 bit to 24 bit.
With ASIO patch there is no 32 bit output. You might need to remove & add ASIO virtual device in foobar again for this patch to work.
synthetic benchmarks are synthetic benchmarks.
Rankena is right.
I used Win7x64 for about 3 months. Using the latest drivers, I tested it vs XPx64 in many different scenarios. For example I did some benchmarks:
1) I recored a demo in TeamFortess 2 and then played it in both operating systems, and recorded the average FPS. Win7 got 65FPS and WinXp got 75FPS .That's a really big difference!
2) I did the same with Call of Duty: MW. Win7:64.2 FPS and XP: 69.1 FPS
3) One of the other tests I did was with Mozilla and Futuremark Peacekeeper. I don't have the exact results saved but there was a noticing difference in the favor of XP.
If you are not convinced please do this tests your self.
I am not saying do not use Win7. But if you feel it snappier and like how its performing, that doesn't mean that its better than XP.
Benchmarks are negligible. XP lacks a lot of features, no SSD TRIM support, and it thrashes SSDs with small writes. Don't think it aligns partition properly on SSDs by default, either.
7 still does log thrashing, but it's still better than XP. 5 FPS is nothing, and easily compensated with a mild overclock.
Honestly though, I wish Linux were coded better (it literally locks up my DVD drive when I try to use linux related boot tools - every time, without fail) and had games on it, I'd stop pirating MS' overrated products and move on to a better, more sanely priced OS that doesn't use rubbish like the registry.
If you own a SSD especialy with TRIM support, Win7 is the way to go. It depends, sometimes 5 FPS its the difference between "laggy" or smooth. Some people OC their CPU for 5 FPS.
You are right XP lacks some features, but not all of them are useful , at least for the moment. I don't know if you noticed but Win7 also lacks some, like manualy arranging folders and files(except desktop) , or a more advanced Search like XP has. 🙂
In the end it matters what you need and from your OS.