

  1. VIKINGS09 Nov 2010 @ 13:55

    Hm, for some reason my post didn't go at the bottom of the page, so I'll post it again so you don't miss it.
    "Yep only in 1.25 as I am currently using 1.20 and here the problem doesnt appear. I think it was direct sound, first instalation didn’t have asio(forgot to check it) but check both asio and direct just in case I am mystaken.
    Thx for correcting my post.:P"


  2. WDB09 Nov 2010 @ 14:52

    Xonar D2 user here. At last ASIO's working! Only tested with Winamp so far though. Will look for bugs with my Z-5500 when I get 'em back.


  3. at0m09 Nov 2010 @ 16:52

    Ahh finally my Roccat Kave 5.1 Headset works perfectly (tested with UNi 1.25 and Xonar D2X)! But one issue still exists: The surround doesnt work when you put the "colors" from the headset and the card together. But this issue can be fixed:

    [Headset Cable -> Card-Port]
    Orange -> White/Grey (Ctr/Sbw)
    Black -> darker Orange (Side)
    Green -> Green (Front)
    Pink -> Red (Micro)

    You may have to adjust the settings on the Roccat-Control-Panel (or the Asus Sotware Control-Panel).


  4. D3m0x10 Nov 2010 @ 02:37

    I need reactivate the Stereo Upmix 5.1! Im using Asus Xonar D1 [I think this product its discontinued because Asus crew dont update drivers for this model, w/e] So, please, if anyone knows how to reactivate the stereo mix, please let me knoww!!

    > Asus Xonar D1
    > Windows 7 x86
    > Uni Xonar Drivers v1.25 ASIO 2.0


    • CarvedInside10 Nov 2010 @ 09:40

      Sorry, but no one deletes your post but first comments need to be approved before shown. For the moment, try installing 1.20 and follow the instructions in the FAQ.


  5. CarvedInside10 Nov 2010 @ 09:50

    So guys does how does the new ASIO(from 1.25) work for you? Like I previously said I get random pops. I am thinking of removing them from the next driver package, but it would be helpfull if I have confirmation that in fact the drivers are buggy.


    • rankena10 Nov 2010 @ 19:48

      Work for me,but not on all PC'S correctly.8 PC'S,WinXpSp3,XonarD2,but other hardware diffenent.On 3 PC'S i hear clear crackling.I think,it too strong output signal from XonD2.


    • bullseye10 Nov 2010 @ 20:30

      I noticed that I hear clicks during foobar playback because of some file system operations or other activity, but it happens with both versions of the ASIO 2.0.

      Windows 7 x86, Xonar DX.


      • Con10 Nov 2010 @ 22:21

        I noticed the same, but for me this is related to the Foobar buffer size. With a 50ms buffer size I can clearly hear crackling, more when the computer work with something else in background. Increasing the buffer size everything is all right. Sometime this appear for me with a too low latency in ASIO (1ms). I use now 2ms and is OK. I have to remark here that this latency and buffer size work as a filter against the rest of the noise that exist in such a digital system. These both do not have to be too low... but not to high too. So it have to be a compromise between. Latency near zero (hundreds of µs) is bad! The inside processing of digital sound in the card and the rest, have to have a kind of latency, and this is the reason for a buffer size in the processing of digital signals...

        I use the original Asus driver for STX 1792, and ASIO, witch I`ve replaced in.


    • rankena11 Nov 2010 @ 10:42

      Both ASIO2 versions 1.20 and 1.25 crackling on some PC'S.


  6. K-ous10 Nov 2010 @ 09:53

    @ at0m , what issue were u facing . I might be facing the same issue with my Kave .
    The Rear Jack has to be inserted into the side input cos Xonar Control Panel shows 5.1 config having right side and left side.
    Does this driver fix it?


    • CarvedInside10 Nov 2010 @ 10:29

      Don't know if this helps but on Win7 with 5.1 channels setup, the rear speakers are in fact side speakers. This picture will show you how to properly configure this. Let me know if this is works.


  7. IronFly10 Nov 2010 @ 10:48

    @ CarvedIns: first of all, thanks for those great drivers.
    works really good on my D2X and 5.1 empire sound system.

    i'm curious about the pic you posted, there are any sound difference from using 5.1 to 7.1 with 2 lateral speakers disabled?


    • CarvedInside12 Nov 2010 @ 17:19

      I honestly don't know. But 5.1 sound should be with front and rear, not front and side speakers as Windows 7 "insists".


  8. K-ous10 Nov 2010 @ 14:36

    ty for that info carvedIns , but for this to work do i have to insert the rear into side and then take all these steps.


  9. K-ous10 Nov 2010 @ 14:53

    Ok i connected the rear to side and configured it as u said and voila it works.
    I am highly grateful carvedIns for this help.
    The Asus support was dumb enough to give me a stupid answer.
    "Dear Valued Customer,
    Thank you for contacting ASUS Customer Service.
    We don't have such function for this card.

    Best Regards,
    ASUS Customer Service
    This was my first Asus product and i bought it solely because of alleged better support than creative but Asus is going the Creative way.


  10. Najaz10 Nov 2010 @ 23:55

    Latency settings under ASIO config does not affect playback (increase/decrease sound quality). This setting is for recording purposes.

    I use 80 ms latency value with ASIO 2.0 and it seems to be a workaround for crackling during playback.

    One issue I noticed with Foobar2000 is that the player's thread priority stays normal during no playback in progress; but it is automatically set to Realtime when a playback occurs. You can verify this with the task manager under Windows. It may be the source of crackling so I advice CarvedIns to investigate this situation.


  11. at0m11 Nov 2010 @ 00:42

    @ K-ous
    Hmm now i have putted the Kave Rear Jack into Side and setted up like CarvedIns said. But now i dont have "Center" Sound?


    • at0m12 Nov 2010 @ 00:01

      Whats happening ?! After a (few) restarts the Center Sound is again available...


      • CarvedInside12 Nov 2010 @ 17:22

        Maybe your jack isn't fully plugged? If it still drops you might need to update your xonars firmware .


  12. R4yn0r11 Nov 2010 @ 14:43

    The newest drivers finally fixed the problem I had with the sub of my 5.1 headset! I finally feel the bass, lol.


  13. Bayilo11 Nov 2010 @ 16:27

    This new release did not fix the uncompressed sound (PCM and other) issue in Xonar HDAV Deluxe when using multichannel output.


  14. PCFlip11 Nov 2010 @ 19:08

    No matter which port I use I can not get the rear speakers on the 5.1 setup to work, on 1.20, I had no issues, updated to 1.25 and now I get no rear audio? I read the post but still nothing, anyone else having this issue? Im going to go back to 1.2 and see if the problem once again goes away.

    [edit] nevermind figured it out, someone has been in my computer room lol a few speakers were disconnected ^^;; yup this is why you always check your physical first before going software lol… d’oh…


  15. sutyi12 Nov 2010 @ 10:11

    Hmm... new installer doesn't seem to work very well. Did a clean install and I have no audiocenter what so ever.


    • CarvedInside12 Nov 2010 @ 17:16

      Which version did you used (normal/low DPC latency..) and what OS do you have? You might try an uninstall & driver clean with Driver Sweeper and install again.



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