

  1. Joey28 Nov 2010 @ 17:08

    Thanks for making these drivers!

    Going back to 1.20
    1.26 won't install on Win7 64bit; driver signature error 🙁


    • CarvedInside29 Nov 2010 @ 11:02

      Hopefully when I get my hands on newer driver files, this problem will go away.

      The 1.20 work because some files are from the 1790 drivers.


  2. Virus28 Nov 2010 @ 18:52

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-967">
    Joey :
    Thanks for making these drivers!
    Going back to 1.20
    1.26 won’t install on Win7 64bit; driver signature error

    Strange, I have W7 x64, and 1.26 install with no problems. sys file is not modified, only ini is modified so SHA1 from catalog file will not match, ie. installer will report that driver is not signed, but it should work.


  3. Virus28 Nov 2010 @ 18:59


    Can you give me source iss file for installer? Maybe there is a error. I'm good with Inno Setup. Also you should use Unicode Inno Setup if installing on Windows XP on newer systems.


    • CarvedInside29 Nov 2010 @ 10:57

      Yes of course, I will send it later by e-mail along with the drivers files in a archive format.
      What about Unicode Inno setup? How do I change it and why should I?


  4. Virus28 Nov 2010 @ 22:24

    Xonar FP for CMI Panel

    It a simple autoit3 app (for now), it feature automatic Xonar restart and saves last speaker settings


    • CarvedInside29 Nov 2010 @ 11:01

      Great, I will test it when I get home.

      Just so you don't put to much work into this. I hope that C-Media will unlock all the missing features from its Audio Panel with the X-Meridian 2g card and its drivers. Its supposed to come in December.


  5. Anthony.B29 Nov 2010 @ 13:05

    CarvedInside :
    You get the Digital Signature whenever you restart?
    Good background noises or bad?:)
    Regarding the sound on 7.1, if you listen to stereo music and what it to go through all 7.1 speakers, then you need to check the Stereo Upmix option when installing the drivers.

    Yes, Windows says there is no Audio drivers installed, then I go to device manager and it says "Asus Xonar D1 Audio" with the warning, so I gotta restart, F8 and disable Driver Signature Verify or some shit its called

    Background noises, good noises. I never noticed some back vocals in this song before and I was amazed when I heard it.

    I didn't see the Stereo Upmix when I installed it, maybe I missed it. I'll try it later today


  6. antonyfrn29 Nov 2010 @ 17:31

    Im running win7 64bit sp1 RC installed the 1.26 noticing more poping than the 1.25 drivers with foobar2k is it possible in the next version to add the option to select what version of ASIO to install for this cards.


    • CarvedInside29 Nov 2010 @ 21:35

      Can you try and check if still pops with 1.26 and a different installation of foobar (portable) that your default one?


  7. Marc Bourgoin29 Nov 2010 @ 18:26

    Heyyo man, looks great! Thus far this version of the drivers are the best yet. The Xear 3D works well (I benchmark GTAIV BOGT 37F/S off and 49F/S on) and so far no crashing! Hope it stays this way! 😀

    Btw I'm the Mark B that donated a few months back, lol, you just have me down with a k instead of a c. 😛


  8. Marc Bourgoin29 Nov 2010 @ 20:23

    Heyyo, DOH! Spoke too soon... Oblivion crashes almost immediately with Xear 3D enabled.. dang, lol, oh well that's only one game that has issues (always had on my Xonar DX). Another issue I have still is if a game crashes with Xear 3D / GDSX 3D the last half second of sound loops infinitely in my soundcard.. and disabling the driver, disabling Xear 3D.. nothing fixes it, only rebooting my PC.. is there something you can program to flush any sound in the soundcard? I can guarantee it's in the soundcard.. even stopping the windows audio service doesn't fix it.. nothing does.. blargh. 🙁


    • CarvedInside01 Dec 2010 @ 20:53

      Don't think I do anything about Oblivion crashes.:( . The patch you posted in the next comment, have you tried it? I know its old , but try to see if it works. The GX in the latest drivers should also contain whatever fix they did in that patch.
      On another note, is Oblivion using the latest patch? Try updating.

      If you killed the disabled the card & audio service, than I don't think there is anything you can do except restart.


      • Marc Bourgoin02 Dec 2010 @ 09:01


        Thanks for the reply bro. I tried the original RC1 drivers for my Xonar DX PCI-E card, and Oblivion plays for a bit.. then eventually crashes instead of instantly.. lol, sad to say I think the beta drivers I had long ago with the CmAux64 patch were the most stable.. oh well.. cause yeah this patch I don't think works with any of the W7 drivers since they switched from CmAux to AsusAudioCenter or whatever that exe is called so it's a different setup.


  9. Virus29 Nov 2010 @ 21:48


    Unlock is not a problem for me, but current C-Media panel have FP options only for pre Vista systems, it will not work on Vista and Windows 7. Also drivers are WDM, not UAA, without WaveRT support, so it a very poor implementation ...


  10. Virus29 Nov 2010 @ 22:02

    @Marc Bourgoin

    Kill HsMgr.exe and HsMgr64.exe processes


    • Marc Bourgoin30 Nov 2010 @ 09:32

      Tried that.. nogo. Just try opening Oblivion with it opened and it immediately dies and I get a split second of sound just looping through my system like a Windows 3.11 game just crashed... it's ridiculous, haven't seen this sound bug in decades until I bought my Xonar DX... Trust me I've tried it all. Logging out and in is also nogo... only rebooting (thus far).


      • Marc Bourgoin30 Nov 2010 @ 09:48

        Heyyo, quick addon! Just remembered back in the beta test period of Windows 7 64bit.. I tried this patch... http://dlsvr04.asus.com/pub/ASUS/Audio_Card/Xonar...
        Official one, and it prevented Oblivion and Resident Evil 5 from crashing almost immediately! Whatever they changed, maybe this can get somehow implemented into the Uni drivers?


  11. bacardi30 Nov 2010 @ 21:39

    hey 🙂 nice work as always, though with new installation methods you cannot install low latency AND c-media panel, can you make an option to install both at the same time? Thanks 🙂


    • CarvedInside01 Dec 2010 @ 21:00

      I think you understood something wrong, the low DPC latency driver version is different from C-Media Panel, you can't combine them.
      The drivers with C-Media Panel have already a lower DPC latency, even compared to Low DPC latency version of the driver. The only thing I could apply would be not loading C-Media Audio Panel into the memory, just like Low DPC Lantecy version does, which I think its about 7-10 MB in this case.


  12. Mysticode01 Dec 2010 @ 01:35

    So, anyone still ever get the right channel dropping to like 10% volume compared to 100% volume on the left channel? There is a long thread about this for the Xonar DS on the forums... the "fix" is to reboot your computer. How annoying.

    Anyone know?


    • Alexa01 Dec 2010 @ 14:08


      That is old GX option bug..do u update last 1792 driver for ur card?


      • Mysticode01 Dec 2010 @ 18:22

        I am fully updated with Carved's drivers. The right channel issue hasn't happened in a few days, but I will keep you posted.

        Anyone ever come across an issue where when starting up something that plays sound, extremely uncommonly the soundcard will blast high volume static noise type sound for about 5 seconds?


  13. Daniele Sabiu01 Dec 2010 @ 16:28

    Very very good job! My xonar stx sounds great with the low latency driver
    It will be relased in the future the 1792 driver for the st too?
    Could -media audio center allow to select the upsampling frequency?
    THX a lot


    • CarvedInside01 Dec 2010 @ 21:14


      If you are asking about Xonar ST support, well its already supported.
      The C-Media Audio Center allows changing Sample Rate only on Vista/Win7. For XP you can change only if you download the file "Sample rate changer for XP" at the bottom of the page, sadly this doesn't work in all cases and you have to manually edit the files to match the location where the settings are stored. If you are using XP and you are interested I can give you more details.

      BTW I want to thank you very much for your donation!


  14. Virus02 Dec 2010 @ 01:17

    Xonar FP for CMI Panel v2

    Fixed saving old SpeakerConfig value.


    I can create something like "Xonar FP for CMI Panel" for “Sample rate changer for XP” if you want, also i may send you AutoIt3 Scrips for "Xonar FP for CMI Panel".


  15. Daniele Sabiu02 Dec 2010 @ 08:09

    Hi CarvedIns
    I get a full cMP2 transport, an XP pro based system, always setted at 24/192. I'll try C-media version, if it works, 'cause I'm curious to see if sound quality will be really better. If possible send me some other informations about the "sample rate for xp", thanks.
    When I've tried the ST with your 1792 driver installed yet, Soundboard wasn't see from the system at all, so I've thinked that new driver doesn't support ST. Do you think it will be better reinstall the driver, after the change of SB?
    It's easy donate for this great job!



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