

  1. Mysticode02 Dec 2010 @ 09:35

    Newb question, but what does the ASIO ms settings actually do for the soundcard/computer?


  2. Mysticode02 Dec 2010 @ 18:21

    Right right, latency.. but I am just curious what real world effects it will have on my computer if I tinker with the ms setting of the ASIO, and put it to say... 1ms.


    • CarvedInside02 Dec 2010 @ 22:38

      I'm no expert, but imagine you have a guitar connected to your PC, if you chose to use ASIO as output and settings like 100 ms, the sound will have a very noticeable delay between pressing the strings and the sound that they should produce. Changing it to 1 ms, would make it sound in realtime. For music you don't need 1 ms, I have set it to 10 ms, but I think that it depends on the CPU as well. Older CPU's might have problems with 10-20 ms.


      • Mysticode02 Dec 2010 @ 23:37

        Thanks for the response Carved.

        I have a Core 2 Duo, one of the first gen ones. Should I be ok setting it to 1ms?


  3. CarvedInside02 Dec 2010 @ 22:32

    First, just an advice you don't need to run 192 KHz only if you use specific studio tools. MP3's are at 44.1 KHz 7 Video DVDs are at 48 KHz. Setting the sample rate to higher will cause a for DPC latency to rise , and if the sample rate is higher than the specific files output, this will cause sound quality degradation.

    For the Sample rate switcher for XP, if you are patient 1-2 more days, until me or Virus, will come up with a better tool for this.

    Regarding ST problem, If I understand corectly, the ST had a problem and it wasn't detected at all. Yes it would be safer to reinstall the driver when you change the card.


    • Daniele Sabiu03 Dec 2010 @ 01:56

      My transport setting is very accurate so latency ( tested with DPC) vary from 3 to 20 microsec in idle and remain the same with cplay player working: Not too bad, is'nt it?
      24/192 with loseless files is better than others in terms of ambience, soundstage and microinformations. I've done a lot of test about it and in my audio set ( tube Preamp (Conrad Johnson Evolution 20 SE), OTL amp (GRAAF GM 20) ProAC response 2,5 loudspeakers, Straightwire Crescendo cables, is absolutely better.
      I've installed today C-media driver and it sounds better than low latency one.
      But I see always Asus interface, where I can set output sampling : is it right?


      • CarvedInside03 Dec 2010 @ 11:07

        But I see always Asus interface, where I can set output sampling : is it right?

        Are you saying that it always loads the Asus interface? If so , thats not right at all. Uninstall the driver, use driver sweeper (guide in the FAQ page), and install the driver again.

        [edit] Your your DPC latency is great.


  4. CarvedInside02 Dec 2010 @ 22:39

    The exe being different doesn't matter. This is just a patch, and it should work on any version. I was curios if it worked with the latest drivers.


  5. Virus02 Dec 2010 @ 23:39


    If you do no use foobar or Winamp with ASIO plugin, or professional audio application, this setting for you is useless.


  6. Mysticode02 Dec 2010 @ 23:45

    Well I use foobar and winamp (foobar mainly), but I am not using any special plugins with them. Is there a benefit to using the ASIO plugin for foobar? It affects my computer playing music?


  7. Virus02 Dec 2010 @ 23:58

    ASIO provides you bit-perfect (only C-Media ASIO driver 2.0),gap-less playback, without any other software/hardware audio manipulation, ideal to play lossless audio.
    For me 2.0 driver cause problems. Also C-Media implementation is not very good, better is use ASIO4ALL: http://www.asio4all.com

    [merged comments] Sorry for double post but I forgot, hare is ASIO plugin for foobar: http://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_out...

    I using ASIO for output because I like a quality of music without any DirectSound/other api, software or hardware manipulation.


    • zee03 Dec 2010 @ 12:04

      Thank you Virus for the information, I have one more noob question about ASIO,

      I have good ears and can sense minor differences in sound quality. But, I always prefer to use EQ enhancements and Up Mix (2.0 -> 5.1) on FLAC/AAC/MP3. So, I think ASIO is not for me, right?


  8. zee03 Dec 2010 @ 11:40

    I also notice slight volume drop on my right chamnnel, which I adjusted using speaker levels. When I play any 5.1 source audio (usually playing movie using Media Player Classic or VLC). I hear static noise in all channels which eleminate 5 sec after stoping the playback.

    The noise was added after last driver update I am thinking to revert back to first release, it worked fine for me. I think right now I am on 1.20


  9. Marc Bourgoin03 Dec 2010 @ 19:21


    Hmm, seems to half-work... Oblivion runs for a bit longer, about two minutes instead of instant-crash, lol... so it's something, just not quite all there. My guess is it might only be compatible to the older xonar drivers for vista 64bit / Win7 64bit beta and not Windows 7 release candidate and up.


  10. Virus03 Dec 2010 @ 19:29


    You can use DSP plugins in foobar for this, I use 2: PPHS resampler in ultra mode to 96Khz and Channel Mixer (2.0 to multi channel).


  11. Dan04 Dec 2010 @ 00:39

    Im experiencing the following problem: after installing 1.26 with c-media panel and gx enabled I can run the c-media panel only once. After this one time it just doesn't open anymore when I double click the icon in tray (computer restarts don't help). I'm running a fresh install of win7 64 bit home premium and am owning asus xonar stx. Is there some known solution for my problem?


    • CarvedInside04 Dec 2010 @ 01:24

      Will check this and report back.


    • Dan04 Dec 2010 @ 01:43

      update: it seems that the panel stops working after I set output to headphones/96khz and dolby headphones.


      • Marc Bourgoin04 Dec 2010 @ 07:34


        Odd stuff bro.. just tried it on my Asus Xonar DX, I can set 2-speakers or headphones and change the Digital Audio to anything and it opens and closes just fine.. maybe it's soundcard specific?


      • Dan04 Dec 2010 @ 10:09

        I guess it might be soundcard specific if everything works fine on DX. Especially that Im running 1.26 "normal", without c-media (old awful asus control panel) just fine ;(

        [merged comments]
        btw. is there a way to start c-media control panel other than double clicking the icon in system tray? Maybe some way to get some error log from it or sth?


        • CarvedInside05 Dec 2010 @ 00:21

          I don't understand, are you using C-Media Audio Panel or Asus?

          There is a way to start, but that wont help you, as youi wont find the a log there. I suggest uninstalling , use Driver Sweeper and install again. I doubt you would find something useful but you want to check here for errors: Control Paneladministrative toolsEvent viewer and there check the Application and System category.


        • CarvedInside05 Dec 2010 @ 18:41


          Just checked and it does work for me with the settings you described.


  12. tony04 Dec 2010 @ 06:21

    I installed this using Xonar Essence ST but there are no option to enable the headphone amp to drive my HD650 @ 300ohms. Is there an option to do this that i'm not finding?


    • CarvedInside05 Dec 2010 @ 00:16

      Which version did you install, normal version or C-Media Panel? Does it appear with original Asus drivers?


  13. mohal05 Dec 2010 @ 12:08

    Sorry but the link for the front panel switch is bad, good is : ftp://meinside.myftp.org/Files/


  14. mohal05 Dec 2010 @ 13:07

    Hum.... I have no sound with the headphone in the c-media panel with my asus essence st, when i change the option to "headphone" nothing happens.Normally I hear a click from my soundcard but there nothing



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