

  1. Virus05 Dec 2010 @ 13:30

    Click form soundcard are restart card to enable front panel.
    Also I fixed a small issue in switcher, v3 here: http://virusdev.ovh.org/files/UniXonar%20Helpers/...

    Sorry I do not have time to write SampleRate Switcher for XP


  2. Virus05 Dec 2010 @ 13:46

    Here: http://virusdev.ovh.org/files/UniXonar%20Helpers/...

    Also source AutoIt3 scripts available here: http://virusdev.ovh.org/files/
    in UniXonar Helpers


    • CarvedInside05 Dec 2010 @ 21:13

      Its is working great.

      Thank you for your work & help. I have to say it really nice what you did.


  3. mohal05 Dec 2010 @ 14:07

    With your new version virus i hear 3 or 4 "click" from the card but always nothing happens.


  4. Virus05 Dec 2010 @ 14:29

    Does not switch you to front panel ?
    Does it run as admin ?
    What OS you have?

    For me device registry key is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}007
    Because that last part may change I added check for value 'Driver' inside class 4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} subkeys keys. So it search for Driver=cmudaxp.sys.


    • mohal06 Dec 2010 @ 11:52

      I have win 7 ultimate 64 bits and admin or no admin does not change and when i launch one of the exe it appears the Xear 3d audio center only


  5. Dealth06 Dec 2010 @ 04:39

    Hey, Essence ST owner here. Whenever I try to install these drivers, afer I install them and boot back into Windows, I can't get any sound. The card isn't recognized.


  6. genclaymore06 Dec 2010 @ 08:05

    Great driver, but I really wisih you some how get the headphone amp support done in the cmedia control panel. the db settings dont really do help with amping headphones.

    The headphone amp option is needed. It will really help those with Xonar ST STX and Xenses if you could some how merge that option into the cmedia panel some how. Or a seperate app that can be used to do it that isnt asus default app.


    • CarvedInside06 Dec 2010 @ 21:00

      I don't know that option, don't have it on my DX . But if you have that in the ASUS Panel, please do the following, so you can figure out what is the corresponding registry setting. 1) Install normal driver,. 2) Start->Run->regedit 3) Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "folder", then press F3 and write "BassBasedBLevel" and press find next. 4) Export the 000x registry "folder", where x is a number . Do this with amp support on & also with it off.
      After that send both files to me by e-mail.


      • achaye09 Dec 2010 @ 08:35


        Do you still need the two registry files for the implementation of headphone amp levels? I have a Xonar Essence ST (PCI) that has the headphone amp options and can provide you with the registry files if you haven't already received them.


        • CarvedInside09 Dec 2010 @ 10:25

          I already received them. Thanks. Most likely the files will be ready in the coming days.


  7. Virus06 Dec 2010 @ 12:50


    You must disable all application using soundcard, because devcon will not restart card. I use Gmail Checker Plus in Google Chrome a seems this ext block card, and I must also close Google Chrome, as TeamSpeek, Foobar, WMP and all other sound apps.

    Is that option is in ASUS Panel ?


  8. Mr. Chang07 Dec 2010 @ 14:01

    When foobar2000 playing music using Asus Xonar ASIO as primary output, is the sound card supposed to be locked such that no game could use it?


    • CarvedInside07 Dec 2010 @ 15:37

      Yes thats right, with ASIO 2.0 the sound output is exclusive. I recommend you install and configure ASIO 4 ALL, this way you can hear the sound from other applications.


  9. Virus07 Dec 2010 @ 15:52

    ASIO4ALL work exclusive too when using hardware buffer (with is far better for me).


  10. Mr. Chang07 Dec 2010 @ 16:46

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-1053">
    CarvedInside :
    Yes thats right, with ASIO 2.0 the sound output is exclusive. I recommend you install and configure ASIO 4 ALL, this way you can hear the sound from other applications.

    The last time I tried it (6 months ago? Forgot!), ASIO4ALL also had its own share problems, especially when playing old games like StarCraft while playing music using foobar2000+ASIO! 🙂


  11. Crazy Jak09 Dec 2010 @ 12:49

    Cannot access or get the C-Media panel to work with 1.26?


    • CarvedInside10 Dec 2010 @ 00:01

      Please do an uninstall, use Driver sweeper to clean remaining files and install again. For the Driver sweeper part, check the FAQ page.


      • Crazy Jak10 Dec 2010 @ 00:41

        Thanks but I did that a number of times. I finally ended up searching for the .cpl extension and found it - at least I can now access the properties etc.


  12. Mark09 Dec 2010 @ 22:15

    For the first time in months I do face a problem. When adjusting the volume in applications such as Windows Media Player, Traktor DJ Studio and Winamp the sound is cracking. This problem only occurs when adjusting the volume. I use Win XP SP3 (x86) with my Xonar D2. If necessarily, I can upload a sample where you can listen yourself. I already tried reinstalling software (Winamp) and reinstalling the Unified drivers (different modes and with- and without ASIO patch). What's up?


    • CarvedInside10 Dec 2010 @ 00:02

      Send me the audio recording, I don't have much time right now, but when I do, I will look it up:)


      • Mark10 Dec 2010 @ 00:37

        Here you go: http://members.home.nl/markvm/sample.mp3

        Tested the 1.25 and 1.26 drivers. The problem doesn't occur when changing the volume under the volume control of Windows. It only occurs in any program such as WMP and Winamp.

        Help really appreciated. Perhaps I'll donate some more as I already did previously.


      • Mark10 Dec 2010 @ 01:57

        Even tried the newest original drivers from asus. Just to make sure its nothing with the uni drivers. But the same problem.


  13. Alexa10 Dec 2010 @ 11:30

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-1064">
    Mark :
    Here you go:
    Tested the 1.25 and 1.26 drivers. The problem doesn’t occur when changing the volume under the volume control of Windows. It only occurs in any program such as WMP and Winamp.
    Help really appreciated. Perhaps I’ll donate some more as I already did previously.

    When you have these problems with the sound just turn on SVN in Asus Conrol Center


  14. Alexa10 Dec 2010 @ 11:32

    Can u create batch file SVN (Smart Volume Normalization) for C-Media control Panel?


  15. kENSHu10 Dec 2010 @ 22:51

    great drivers man, keep up the good work. I was wondering if you could or if there's a way to make an option to change the polarity of your speakers.. like creative has with thx console. Because when i had a creative titanium i always changed the polarity of my speakers and the sound is much better/ more dynamic and less dull than when compared to default..



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