

  1. Miko03 Aug 2010 @ 12:56

    Works fine on ST and Win 7, 64bit. I install driver with admin permission, thanks.


  2. Neker03 Aug 2010 @ 18:13

    Asus HDAV 1.3 win7 x64
    Thanks a lot, however mod drivers don't install. Downloaded and uninstalled old drivers. Same problem as Rayne and Alex: during installation a msg appears saying "please plug-in the unified card”. The options are "Continue" and "Cancel". By clicking "Continue" the same msg pops up again and drivers don't install. I noticed that after trying to install the mod driver the soundcard is shown as "Unknown device" in Device Manager. Tried both, normal and low latency driver.


  3. Anonymous05 Aug 2010 @ 16:31

    There's a way to play audio files at 176.4KHz with WASAPI on an Esssence ST on Windows 7 x64?


    • CarvedInside05 Aug 2010 @ 18:21

      I can't help you in this matter, maybe one of the guys here can.
      Want to ask you if it worked before with the original drivers?


  4. Satoz05 Aug 2010 @ 19:59

    works great on windows 7 64bit & xonar d1!! thanks!!


  5. Anonymous05 Aug 2010 @ 21:56

    I could not use sampling to 176.4 even with the old drivers with WASAPI, but I can resample to 176.4 smoothly with ASIO even at 32Bit...


  6. Andrei Croitor06 Aug 2010 @ 20:57

    First I want to say that this is a great initiative and I hope you will continue working on this.
    Second I want to ask you why do you have a problem with upmixing 2 channels to 5.1. If you select output as 5.1 you would normally expect to hear in all the speakers. If you wish to only hear in 2 speakers you can select on output 2 speakers.
    I have Xonar DX and I usually have selected PCM with 7.1 virtual speaker shifter. Before I had sound in all my speakers (in foobar) but now only in the 2 in front.
    I wanted to try with Dolby Digital live but I have no sound at all.
    If there is a way to enable upmixing with your driver please tell me how.
    Thanks a lot!!!


    • CarvedInside07 Aug 2010 @ 18:17

      Hello Andrei,

      As time allows I will continue working on them. Well the problem is that stereo sounds upmixed to 5.1 results in a very bad sound quality & experience. Stereo sounds is a God bless to music, even true surround music sounds inferior compared to the stereo version. Now the stereo upmixed to 5.1 sounds smothing like on 5 speakers mono.
      This is the way it supposed to work, you listen to music you get 2.0, you play a game or watch dvd/bluray movie you get 5.1 , and thats without changing the output 5 times a day.
      That being said why would you need the stereo upmix ? 🙂

      A easy way to fix things is to copy-replace cmudaxp.ini & AsusAudioCenter.dll from the original drivers to the Uni Xonar driver installation kit and do a reinstall. Though I hope you have a change of heart about the stereo upmix thing 🙂


  7. Andrei Croitor07 Aug 2010 @ 21:52

    Well, on my foobar there is a great difference on how the music sounds on 5.1 on comparison to 2.0 (a lot better on 5.1). I think the upmixing has an algorithm or something like that that splita the sound from each channel into 2 channels (ex. left channel is split into left channel front and left channel back) giving an interesting 3d sound if you have the sattelites positioned properly. This splitting although is not as good as on my ubuntu's Rhythmbox where the splitting is more obvious.
    I know that the 2.0 sound is made to be stereo, but if you have a 5.1 system it would be a shame not to use at full potential. At least I think it would be useful to "copy" the sound from front to back, that wouldn't change the stereo at all. I think that most of the users having 5.1 systems would agree with me on this one

    Thanks and regards!!


    • Pradesh08 Aug 2010 @ 04:26

      You might try the following DSPs which give me good sound from stereo files,
      in this order:
      Noise sharpening (foo_dsp_delta) (~120%)
      Free Surround (foo_dsp_fsurround) (0.70, 0.50, 1.25, 1.00, linear, music)
      Channel Mixer (foo_channel_mixer) (6 channels, stereoimage width 1.25, upmix off and subwoofer 1.25, subwoofer tab use, all channels, volume 1.50, bass redirection off, and delay tab distance in meters)

      Good separation of voice in center, music on front and rear.


      • Andrei Croitor08 Aug 2010 @ 09:04

        Yes, foobar has plugins for upmixing, I tried one myself, but not all the applications have this kind of plugins. When I will have time I will try tu update the kit like CarvedIns suggested.


  8. RR09 Aug 2010 @ 18:00


    These driver does not work on 64-bit Vista. It only says that "Don't support this platform" when trying to install.


    • CarvedInside09 Aug 2010 @ 20:56


      I'm sorry , I couldn't test it on vista. But there is a fix, please copy-replace from the ftp serversetupforvistafix2 the 2 files in the Uni Xonar...Win7 and run the setupvista.exe. Should work!


  9. Mark11 Aug 2010 @ 22:30


    Thanks for all your superb work here! I use these drivers for my Xonar D2 (on WinXP 32 bit). Works great!

    Only in Traktor Pro I expierence 2 seconds lag when I drag a new song in the deck while playing another song (live) in another deck. The selected Audio Device in Traktor Pro is ASUS Xonar ASIO driver. When I install the Asio patch I can't select the ASUS Xonar ASIO driver anymore in Traktor Pro. Any solution?


  10. Mark11 Aug 2010 @ 23:31

    Problem solved already. I uninstalled the Nvidia Asio drivers of my Asus A7N8X nForce2 motherboard which were not uninstalled yet after disabling the onboard sound in bios when I installed the Xonar D2 into my system.

    Thanks again for your great work, keep it up m8!


  11. TA11 Aug 2010 @ 23:40

    With Dolby Headphone, the latency is still going up from ~80 to ~800 microseconds. Can that be helped, or is the implementation that bad?


    • CarvedInside12 Aug 2010 @ 16:29

      Dolby implementation is really bad. I get ~500 microseconds in Winamp with the sample rate set to 44.1 KHz and on Windows XP. Maybe you have other functions active, like equalizer ?


  12. aBg_rOnGak12 Aug 2010 @ 10:19

    Yay! So far so good...


  13. Tom13 Aug 2010 @ 01:59

    Hey there,

    Just wanted to say these drivers look great!

    The only thing that appears to be missing are the 64-bit ASIO drivers. I confirmed that there's no entry for them in the HKLMSoftwareASIO key for 64-bit Windows (there is under the Wow6432Node subkey, for 32-bit)

    They are in the original Asus installer. I haven't been able to confirm if the CLSID for the 64-bit ASIO dll is present or not... but in any case its something to look out for.

    Totally stoked to be getting smooth 2-5ms latencies for Cubase5 and FLStudio on my Xonar DX. (Win7 64, FYI)




    • CarvedInside13 Aug 2010 @ 12:23

      Hi tom,
      For ASIO 2 the registry settings paths are changed. I think is uses the same settings from Wow6432Node subkey. The asio drivers are 64 bit and from what I can remember when I was working for ASIO patch I also found the CLSID for 64 bit ASIO in the registry. Yes in the original 1780 drivers the old paths exist cause it uses ASIO 1.0.

      This gave me an new idea. Thank you for the heads up, might be really useful with the ASIO patch and all.


  14. disco13 Aug 2010 @ 05:53

    xonar d2x, w7 x64, ableton live 8.1.4.

    asus driver: asio works but latency is off the charts and cannot be changed. reports 80ms but in reality it's 800ms or more.

    uni driver: asio doesn't work at all. as soon as i change anything (sample rate, bit depth, driver error compensation) or press a key on a midi keyboard ableton stops responding. 🙁 non-asio driver works tho but can't get under 25ms without audible artifacts.

    [merged comments]
    never mind the previous comment. it started working after i left it for some time to chill. it’s unchangeable 10ms in + 20ms out but it’s best i ever had. thanks man!


    • CarvedInside13 Aug 2010 @ 11:56

      Glad to hear that in the end it works.
      If you cant change ASIO settings try to run as administrator, there is information in the blog post.


  15. sv000713 Aug 2010 @ 09:05

    You rock!!!
    Asus sucks!!!



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