

  1. Olmy15 May 2011 @ 16:17

    I reinstalled with low latency, silent installation, closing the command prompt with some 'could not find file' messages seemed to make the installer finish normally, however my pc still hung during shut down. Seeems like the driver is working though. Would be good to find a solution to that hang issue though as I'm not particularly fond of hitting the reset button when windows is still running.


    • CarvedInside15 May 2011 @ 17:36

      I haven't heard anyone having this problem before. That being said I am inclined to think that there is a software compatibility issue on your system. Try having all the updates for windows installed and check for newer versions of the software you have currently installed.

      Btw don't close the command prompt it will automatically close when the installation is over. don't worry about the messages.


  2. Olmy15 May 2011 @ 19:07

    That's what I thought but I had just installed Windows 7 and nearly all the updates an hour previously. I'll keep an eye on it.


  3. essence stx user15 May 2011 @ 21:01

    Ive reverted my drivers to the earliest one possible, the drivers for vista (despite being on w7). they somewhat work, but not entirely without problems. main thing is that I dont have any wasapi dropouts with these at all. wasapi is working fine here. no automatic sample rate though, but oh well, dont know if we will ever see this. would have sticked to my prodigy hifi 7.1 if I could, but its w7 drivers are even worse than those for the essence.

    in order to have those drivers here working at all, HsMgr(32?).exe has to be closed, otherwise no winamp, foobar or mpc-hc will start up at all (only the 64.exe version may run). and when switching sample rate, its best to close winamp before, then to switch and then to open it again, as otherwise it will crash. also same when switching from asio to wasapi output in winamp, crash potential when doing this without closing & reopening winamp after that.

    CarvedIns, I'd like to know about this 5.1 stereo upmix issue, under which circumstances were stereo sounds automatically upmixed to 5.1? I only need analoge output for 2.0 and SPDIF 5.1 for original DD and DTS transfer to my receiver. nothing else, dont care about games or headphone. are these old drivers affected by that?
    same for the center and real channel delay issue, are these drivers affected as well (in regard what I am doing with these, analoge 2.0 to speakers and SPDIF 5.1 DD and DTS transfer)? under which circumstances? can I fix this setting manually?


  4. essence stx user15 May 2011 @ 21:05



  5. M.15 May 2011 @ 21:15

    And im pretty desprated... i don't get wtf is going with this drivers. They should work well.. but not this time..:( why? Still same action:P


  6. CarvedInside15 May 2011 @ 21:36

    I don;t know what to say.. Just to make sure use driver sweeper(3.0) and ccleaner registry cleaning.

    And like I asked you before, "Have you tried the two test builds and/or the possible driver signature workaround?"


  7. essence stx user16 May 2011 @ 04:28

    Im wondering, does this card do automatic 5.1 --> 2.0 channel downmixing?
    because usually when playing 5.1 movies in mpc-hc with my 2 channel system, I have to add an extra filter to downmix to stero channel setup. but now, even with this option disabled, I still get the content of all 6 channels put out on my stereo system instead of hearing only front left and front right, without me having any control about this process.


    • CarvedInside17 May 2011 @ 15:04

      Well If you are using MPC-HC you configured it to output in 5.1, because normally it doesnt work as it will output to 2.0 . Revert the changes or try with another player.

      Don't know what else to say, I really try to answer to your questions but its hard as you have all these problems I have no clue how to answer.


  8. essence stx user16 May 2011 @ 05:25

    went back to uni 1.31 after some testing and then back to again. this time I didnt have to prevent HsMgr.exe from starting and dont get any program crashes at startup and when chaning sample rate on the fly any more.
    dont know why it works better this time. coincidence? bit faulty installation when I tried it first?


  9. Ocet16 May 2011 @ 13:54

    i installed Razer Barracuda AC-1 control panel and it works 100%
    from the razer site. Hehe always more options 😛


  10. essence stx user16 May 2011 @ 15:36

    what has this control panel to do with the xonar card & drivers?


  11. Ocet16 May 2011 @ 15:51

    it have razor esp, usable speaker delay time and dts neo pc btw my card asus xonar dx


  12. essence stx user16 May 2011 @ 19:51

    anyone knows in which files the wasapi drivers are included, here in this version and also in the original asus driver package?


    • Alexa16 May 2011 @ 20:33

      Asus Xonar Drivers doesn't support wasapi and apo(Audio processing object) effects because it's just tweaked windows xp drivers.They still have kernel C-Media built new drivers based on new windows 7 arhitecture, asus will to.Many problems comes because Micrsoft has remove Direct Sound 3D from Vista and 7 and add arhitecture only for HD audio.You can see that the many other companies with PCI audio cards have this problem and they don't want to build new drivers.(Creative,C-Media and others).The audio war will stopped if Microsoft bring back direct sound 3d architecture.

      We only can complain to Microsoft forum or just go back to windows xp.


      • PTmax16 May 2011 @ 23:58

        Alexa, what about these modified drivers you talked about before? Do you have some kind of release date?


        • Alexa17 May 2011 @ 01:01

          Do u mean on apo effects for Xonar?The only good effect is DHT 4,other effects can decrease the sound on xonar,dts Ultra pc maybe can blow the dac.


          • PTmax17 May 2011 @ 01:17

            I'm talking about the new realtek drivers with the cool new control panel and features. Back when you released the DHT4 you said that:

            "this drivers is only for dolby Ht…next driver will support all fuctions.Please wait."


      • essence stx user17 May 2011 @ 01:30

        Im just wondering whether there is that magic file of the Vista drivers for which wasapi is working fine without pops that I could replace with that one of 1793 -.-


        • CarvedInside17 May 2011 @ 15:06

          From my knowledge there is no such file, i think WASAPI implementation is in the actual driver files.

          BTW, I tried to answer to some of you previous questions.


  13. essence stx user16 May 2011 @ 21:09

    if the driver dont support wasapi, how come that I get sound with wasapi plugins?


  14. sp16 May 2011 @ 22:08

    Anyone experienced asio problems with cubase and sampled instruments?
    I haven't had any luck with anything after 1777 and maybe 1788 with the asio patch.
    Every other newer version will cause cracks, clicks and spiked asio usage shown at the handy cubase performance meter (sometimes even by moving the mouse pointer or adjusting the zoom in the timeline during playback) in every requested latency and either 16 or 24bit depth.
    Hurts my ears too...
    The inability to use the sound hardware from other software simultaneously is not a big deal.
    When a try to apply the asio patch (from within the installation procedure)
    nothing or even stranger things happen, and I'm not referring to the driver signature issue.

    My system is a quasi-clean install Win7 64bit Ultimate core 2 quad with 4Gb Ram

    Can I have the really nice latest uni-xonar while maintaining a workable asio configuration for my DAW work? The asio patch thing doesn't do it for me...

    I'm backing up my system tonight and will test again the 1788 package tomorrow.
    Any suggestions/ideas are welcome.

    Thank you for reading.


    • sp17 May 2011 @ 17:24

      Thanks for the reply
      I have tried using ASIO4ALL v2. If I recall I had poor performance when using it together with the 1793 1.31 driver. Cannot remember the specifics but it wasn't a good enough configuration to use. Strangely enough asio4all v2 works fine at the moment with the 1777 asus driver installed. Weird.


    • CarvedInside17 May 2011 @ 15:11

      Don;t know what to say. Maybe using ASIO4ALL might help you.


  15. juanantofb17 May 2011 @ 03:01

    Hi, sorry for my English

    I used the google translator

    I am a blind person using screen reading software




    both the Asus control panel, like the C-Media, not adapted for use with these screen readers

    would be possible to adapt in order to use with screen readers?

    a solution may be, assign hotkeys to each control, and label graphics

    I do not understand programming, but you sure you have a solution for me

    in other programs, which are not accessible, I change parameters in the Windows registry, and it works

    There are registry keys to control panels, Asus or C-media parameters?

    or some file. ini, where i can change the parameters?

    thanks, and I hope your help, it is a pity not to use my Asus Essence STX, because I can not Change your parameters in the control panel

    if you need information about screen readers, please contact me at [email protected]



    • CarvedInside17 May 2011 @ 15:31

      I do understand what you are saying and I am sorry that you can;t control the audio settings you want.

      One thing I want to ask you is do you want some specific settings or you want to change the settings back and forth?

      The thing is I can't edit or modify the Asus or C-Media Panels .
      Settings are stored in the registry, but they aren't labeled so you can understand for what option it stands for. For example GX is labeled as HsSwitch , and so on.
      And there is the things that the changes don't apply in real time, you would have to either restart or disable and re-enable the sound card from device manager

      The only thing I can help you for now is if you want some specific settings like Switch to 5.1 channels or enable DDL, I could make for you a separate application for each of those settings , that changes the registry and restarts the sound card so the settings are applied.



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