

  1. Whinette25 Aug 2010 @ 01:48

    Anyone can help me for that spdif in problem?

    I've pluged a toslink (with the adaptator) onto the spdif in.
    In the xonar audio center, mixer > record, the spdif in is selectionned with the red eye. No monitoring mode and/or validity check.

    I surely miss soemthing, but can't see what.


  2. Con26 Aug 2010 @ 22:50

    Already integrated, installed and tested (only playback) the new files from the new released XonarDG driver (1790) on to STX card/hardware. It`s work!

    It sounds a little bit better. A better sound scene, more clear details, and a little more dynamics. But not spectacular...

    Tested with mp3 320Kb/48Khz, and ogg-vorbis 1500Kb/192Khz on stereo amplifier, SPDIF 192Khz on external decoder, and direct analog out from the STX. Foobar 2000, out on ASIO 32bit/6ms.
    Win7/64bit on Asus P7P55D-E Premium, i7 860, 8Gb mem, Xonar STX

    My "cmudaxp" mod file (Software driver/INI) looks like this:

    ; Copyright 1999-2007, Asus Xonar Essence STX Audio;

    PCIVEN_13F6&DEV_8788&SUBSYS_835C1043 = WDM_CMPCI6

    SpDigitalOut = 0x00000000
    NeoDecodeMode = 0x00000002
    NeoParam = 0x00000000,0x00000002,0x3f000000,0x00000007
    DVSMode = 0x00000006
    Dual2D = 0x00000001
    WaveoutChannelsLimit = 0x00000008
    AdcFormatOnDemand = 0x00000001
    MicinHardwareGain = 0x00000202
    MicBoostL = 0x00000001
    HsSwitch = 0x00000000
    OutputFormat = 0x0002ee00

    I`ve modified the original version of Xonar STX driver, and not UniXonar.


  3. Jayakiran27 Aug 2010 @ 05:26

    My Card : Asus Xonar D2X

    Windows 7 x64 Ultimate - Uni Xonar Drivers 1.01 DPC low-latency without ASIO patch.

    Cakewalk Sonar 8.5 PE does not recognize ASIO driver.

    Sonar : There are no audio devices for the current driver model on your system.

    But Sonar worked with the official drivers; It had a lot latency though.

    Foobar works well with the ASIO driver.

    Plz help CardvedIns.


    [merged comments]
    Adobe Audition 3.0.1 does work with ASIO.

    I then installed the ASIO patch, but it crashed both Foobar, and Audition when I tried to use the card, i.e. play or record.

    had to uninstall and reinstall Uni Xonar drivers, back to square one.


  4. rankena27 Aug 2010 @ 10:19

    It would be very nice to try and test on other systems 1790.Impatiently waiting UNI 1790.


  5. Red527 Aug 2010 @ 14:33

    Hi. I've not installed these drivers yet. But I've a question about Xonar DX wasapi exclusive support that seems have not complete support by offical drivers.

    Please refer to this link: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/matthew_van_eerde/archive... for a test application and related source.

    and this link to download a simple and short wave to test. http://www.4shared.com/file/fhSiUYtM/Iggy_pop_-_T...

    Someone can test it (play-exclusive.exe) on own Xonar Dx, peraphs with unified drivers ?
    Often the play start fine but most of time for some kind of driver issue the play getting worst (click/pops/void/delay and some kind of noise)

    Media Portal developers, maybe the best open source media center, are trying to improve and audio renderer based on wasapi api for Windows Vista and Windows 7. but there are some problems with wasapi exclusive mode support. Before that card I've a Terratec Aureon 7.1 Pci based in c-media 8768+ and I wasn't in trouble. with media Portal a lots of WAVEFORMATEX are rejected by driver as not supported (0x88890008 AUDCLNT_E_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT)


  6. Tony27 Aug 2010 @ 15:27

    Have to say these work realy well for me on Win7 Sp1 was getting some install issues maybe fixed in the 1.01 drivers not tested them yet.

    BTW new drivers are out on Asus site now 07/23/2010,


    Not modded them to try them out yet


  7. touccer27 Aug 2010 @ 17:18

    Someone can mod 1790 driver simply to work on Essence ST?


  8. Daichi27 Aug 2010 @ 18:52

    What is quality of sound on this UNi Xonar drivers? Quality of sound is important to me - I'm not satisfied with sound on official drivers. I will soon tray this 🙂


    • CarvedInside27 Aug 2010 @ 19:29

      You'll have to try them. You should check the UNi Xonar 1788 with original C-Media Audio Center


  9. Daichi27 Aug 2010 @ 20:19

    I have Xonar DX and WinXP sp3
    Do you think that I will get a better sound with this than with 1.01??
    Thank you


    • CarvedInside27 Aug 2010 @ 20:36

      Currently I personally can't say anything in that regard. But a as you see in the comments it might sound better.
      Anyway overall I consider that driver a better choice.


  10. Alex27 Aug 2010 @ 21:18

    So i tested the Uni. Xonar 1.01 driver and i have to say it sound like 100 time better then Asus driver when i enable the Dolby Pro Logic IIx , in normal mode it sound the same, i don't feel any difference.What is amazing is that when I enable the Dolby Pro Logic IIx it sound perfectly , perfect bass , treble , middle ,everything it's awesome. But what i don't understand is why the Hi_Fi doesn't emulate anymore 5.1 channel when i chose audio channel 2 speakers and analog out 5.1 speaker and the source is 2 ch....i asked Asus why it emulates on Original driver and they responded me that it transform 2 channels in 6 ch ,resulting surround sound.Ans they've told me that if i what 2 channels to play in 2 ch and 6 ch to sound in 5.1 ch i have to chose these option : audio channels 6 ch and analog out 5.1 speakers and it worked for me. Thank you very much for this awesome driver :)....can't wait to see the new one with 1790 vers.


    • CarvedInside28 Aug 2010 @ 12:17

      Regarding Hi-Fi emulating 5.1 , first it shouldn't as Hi-Fi mode disables all Xonar Audio Center enhances and second I "fixed" the stereo to 5.1 upmix . If you want to reactive it look in this FAQ guide at 4. How to reactivate stereo to 5.1 upmix


  11. Con28 Aug 2010 @ 18:23

    I can confirm that both ASIO 24bit and 32bit doesn`t work with more than 2 speakers (stereo) / 8 ch on Xense and DG based drivers (1788/1790). This happen on Xonar D2X and motherboard P6T Deluxe V2. I use Foobar.
    ASIO 32 bit doesn`t work at all with 1788 driver no matter sampling frequency (configuration above). But works with 1790 based driver on only 2 speakers/8ch.
    Everything works fine, no matter driver version, ASIO bit depth, nr. of speakers on STX, D2 audio cards on motherboard P7P55-E Premium.

    It is about win7/64bit…


  12. rankena28 Aug 2010 @ 21:54

    Very bad news about 1790 and ASIO.How vexing.


  13. Con28 Aug 2010 @ 23:25

    As another result of my last tests, I can see that the component C-Media Oxygen HD Converter, which it should work in to the Xonad D2X driver, is not compatible with ASIO 32 bit depth. So, if the last version ASIO files are together in the driver with the Oxygen HD Convertor component, the driver and the D2X card wouldn`t work correctly. This is about 1788 & 1790 drivers, on win7/64bit.
    As long as the old ASIO files (24bit depth) are copied in, the Convertor component become functional again (it is possible so to setup the samplings frequencies).
    And the overall sound result is in this case very good on 192 KHz sampling. It seems that in case of D2X, D2, this Convertor is very important for the good performance of these cards. It is works without this Convertor component, but not in the right way.

    As a conclusion about these tests and efforts from many people for make these Xonar cards to work at the top of its hardware performances:
    Shame on you ASUS!
    It is the job of your professionals who are well paid for do this work!


  14. Red529 Aug 2010 @ 01:50

    a sad discover . with official driver and its gorgeous Audio center when I switch from a source 6-channel / 5.1 output / dolby digital Live / FlexBass ON to a headphone front panel oriented 2 ch in / Out configuration the flex bass still working and cut me off the bass freq.! shame of you Asus. awsome hw card but the driver not.


  15. Tricia29 Aug 2010 @ 17:34

    Thank you!!! I had a horrible echo and pulsing noise on all recording tasks with Asus d2/pm card, but after installing your 1788 driver (win xp sp3) it's gone. (Any ideas what caused it?) BUT I'm having problems with ASIO even with the patch. Magix Musicmaker now complains that it cannot find the Asus ASIO driver - I haven't tried it yet with Cakewalk so I don't know - and ANY ASIO I choose gives me clippy scratchy stuttering sound on playback, even ASIO4All free drivers. How do I install the ASIO patch? I ran the batch file and ended up with a folder in Program Files, but I'm not totally sure what happened.



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