
Do UNi Xonar drivers work with ASUS Xonar SE, Xonar AE 7.1, Xonar U1, Xonar U3, Xonar U5, Xonar U7, Xonar EssenceOne, Xonar Essence STU, ROG Xonar Phoebus, Xonar D-Kara?

No, none of these sound cards will work with UNi Xonar drivers. The reason is these cards have different audio chipsets with different base drivers than the classic Xonar cards.

I will not make a modded driver for any of these sound cards, namely ASUS Xonar U1, Xonar U3, Xonar U5, Xonar U7, Xonar AE 7.1, Xonar SE, Xonar EssenceOne, Xonar Essence STU, ROG Xonar Phoebus, and Xonar D-Kara.

You may find some useful information on how to correctly setup your card by reading the Xonar best settings guide that I wrote for the UNi Xonar supported cards and the audio guides we have on the website.

If you are having trouble you could check out ASUS ROG soundcards subforum.

Related articles that may be applicable to your card as well:

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