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My microphone no longer works in the front and rear panel. There's no response at all with the microphone device under recording devices when i plug it in and out or make noise.
Your microphone could be dead or the card's input could be faulty.
I have exactly the same problems and have had for some time, I tested the microphone on another audio device and it is fine, I also tried the audio from an xbox controller microphone and it was the same, fwiw I am using a D2X card.
I have a 5.1 system and a Xonar DG on Windows 7 -64bit. I have installed UNi Xonar 1822 v1.75a r2. I have a problem with channel swaping randomly - sometimes my center plays as rear/side, front side plays as center etc. I have read about that bug on asus xonar website so i download PLX fireware update Ver 1.0 (, but this didint help at all. Please do any of You have clues what to do in my situation?
You've replyied to someone elses comment that has nothing to do with yours. You should have made a new comment.
Where did you noticed that the channels are swapping, does it happen in games/movies, does it happen in Asus/C-media Panel speaker test or does it happen in Windows Speaker Setup test?
That firmware is only for early manufactured PCI-e Xonar cards and fixes a similar problem but the cause was different. In your case check that you have GX turned OFF. If you only have this issue with 1.75 drivers you could try older drivers like 1.64. There is the possibility that your Xonar card has a hardware malfunction.
How can I get the Xonar essence to play through high end headphones directly by connecting to the sound card headphone jack out 1/4". Is it possible? I have everything installed but no sound coming out. Power is there, the control panel comes up but nothing. What can I do. I downloaded the latest driver for windows 8.1
I have a 5.1 system and a Xonar DG on Windows 7. According to this document, I shouldn't be having a stereo upmix if the control panel is set to Audio Channel: 6 Channels and Analog Out: 5.1 speakers. But when I play music in iTunes I still have music coming out of the rear speakers. This really doesn't sound very good and I'd like it to never do the upmix. But I still want 5.1 content to use all speakers. iTunes doesn't have any preferences for number of speakers, or for doing its own upmix, as far as I can see but I could be wrong there. What am I doing wrong?
I just checked replicating the issue in iTunes and I don't have the sounds upmixed to the other speakers. For iTunes see that you have Direct Sound in the "Play Audio Using" settings. Check that you did not enable Dolby enhancements in the Asus/C-Media Panel and GX is off.
Have you tried with other audio players? How do they behave?
I'm 100% positive it was doing the upmix before, but I don't recall changing anything and now stereo and surround content is working correctly. iTunes settings were correct and GX was off, but I'm not sure what the Dolby enhancements are. Is that the stuff on the Effect tab? Or maybe it was a computer restart that caused my settings to apply. Either way thank you for your help and the driver is awesome.
Hi, enjoying the driver's superior sound wrt originals. Only one small problem, something I've probably overlooked. When I first installed the drivers, the default Windows volume setting thing in the taskbar was replaced by a rather handy custom one, with easy access to switching from rear panel output to front panel, where my earphones plus mike are connected. Really nice for sudden skype calls and whatnots. However, after complete re-installation of my system (got an SSD), and after installing the Uni Xonar drivers, I have the default Windows speaker icon and volume setting thing. The sound works fine, and I can switch the output from Xonar DG audio center, but I sorely miss the quicker way. 🙁 Have I botched the installation somehow, or was the custom volume slider thingy some external app I've completely forgotten about? Any help is greatly appreciated.
With regards,
I think beside the UNi Xonar drivers you've installed XonarSwitch. If you use XonarSwitch then I recommend you install the Uni Xonar drivers with Low DPC latency configuration.
Hello everyone, I have an Asus Xonar Essence ST and use the drivers unixonar. I have a dual operating system, Windows 8.1 when they are running fine, when they use windows server 2012 r2 minimal mode to achieve the highest quality and I try to switch from speakers to headphones AsusAudioCenter stops working due to an APPCRASH and so it is impossible to listen with headphones. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance
Try using C-media Panel or XonarSwitch instead of Asus Audio Center.
Hi, I've just installed the UNi drivers from here for my Xonar DGX card. An issue persisted from the original drivers that I thought might be fixed by these drivers. I have my Microphone plugged into the microphone slot on the card, yet the Windows 'Recording Devices' sound window shows both the Microphone and the line-in inputs as 'Currently Unavailable' ( ). Nothing I do changes this, and no applications can use the Mic in this state. Is there anything i can do about this? Or am I going to have to follow the advice of the ASUS support team and reinstall windows? Thanks in advance if you can help!! 🙂
Hi. But from the picture you linked Microphone shows as ready. If Microphone input does not work it could be a windows bug I don't know about or your Xonar Microphone input is broken. Besides reinstalling, if you have another PC available you could try and check the Xonar card there and see if Microphone input works or it is broken. Also try your microphone with the onboard audio card and see if it works there.
I think you fixed it just by thinking about it... Sorry for wasting your time... 🙂
Hi, new to the awesome mod. I'm having issues with the Magic Voice function. It just won't work. I've turned on the GX but nothing happens, still. Added the app, too. Using Windows 8.1 x64. Trouble was since I upgraded from W7.
On Win 8.1 have you tried Magic Voice with the original drivers? When you installed UNi Xonar drivers which option have you selected under Panel and Configuration? Choose "Normal" if you haven't and try Magic Voice then.
Yes, originally I used it with the original drivers. Even ran it using compatibility mode for W7 and admin. When I installed UNi Xonar. I picked Normal, didn't work. Then I cleaned everything and reinstalled with the one that says GX, still doesn't work. Is yours or anyone else's working?
But did it work with the original drivers in Win 8.1 or not?
ATM I don't know if it works for me. Will try to check later.
No, it didn't. Original drivers worked for me in W7. Both original and modded drivers don't work for me in Win 8.1.
Took me a while to figure out that the old games I was trying to play caused a blue screen because of the GX mode…
Does anyone happen to know whether it's possible to use other EAX emulation solutions, from different vendors? For example, Realtek distributes one called "3D Soundback", and I believe Creative have something similar, too. In case these work by replacing the DirectSound (or whatever) libraries, intercepting EAX API calls and emulating them in software, it could be possible that some of them work regardless of what audio interface is being used. I wondered if anyone had any experience or knowledge about this. There are some older games that lack quadrophonic audio or certain effects if EAX is not being used, I believe.
Hello, can anyone tell me if there are any quality differences between Xonar DG and Xonar DG SI ? Mainly for headphones.
Hi I have the ROG Xonar Phoebus, can I use these drivers? If I can which card profile would you recommend.
Hi. These drivers do not work with Phoebus cards and won't work in the future either.
Hi! How can i disable "Stereo Upmix", i.e 2ch sound to front speakers only, not 5.1, and native 5.1 to 5.1ch without switching manually in C-Media Panel. Thanks for advance!!
I'm having static/buzzing noises when ever I pause my music, I'm not sure if its playing during the music, but its quit noticeable when the music stops. The buzzing stops a few seconds after the music is paused, but comes back when I start the music again, and pause it. I tried adjusting the volume on the windows 8.1 toolbar to produce the "Ping" sound, and I still here the buzz, but it only lasts for a second. I never had this problem, until I was forced to reinstall the drivers again, after my cousin deleted it accidentally. I tried both the newest "UNi Xonar v1.75a rev.2" driver, and the older "UNi Xonar 1814/1815 v1.64 r2" listed as proven stable, but for both the buzzing persist. Please help me fix this issue.
I'm using these drivers with the Asus Xonar STX soundcard, and Sennheiser 598 headphones.
It is not the drivers. Something else is at fault, maybe it's something that's been installed or updated from the moment these issues showed up. Try to closing any background running applications. Try a different player. See if you get the same noises while using your onboard audio card.
I didn't install anything new, two most recently installed program is the uni drivers, and OpenAl, which I think is a part of the uni drivers. I noticed the sound is only noticeable when the volume is really high. The buzzing/humming sound happens even when everything is closed, and I change the volume from the windows toolbar. If you the information I gave doesn't give any Ideas, as to what's causing this, then I'll try to uninstall the sound card like you said, and use the onboard audio.
Yes OpenAL is part of the Xonar drivers. At the moment I don't not have any other ideas.
My receiver is accepting Dolby Digital from Windows sound manager thru S/pdif. My receiver won't accept DTS from either Windows or C-media. I get no sound thru s/pdif using c-media no matter what i do. Xonar DS, Windows 8.1 64bit, using UNi drivers.
I reinstalled Windows 7 today and since then the soundcard drivers refuses to find my soundcard no matter what Ive tried so far. Before I used some probably year old drivers and it was all fine. Ive not changed anything hardware-wise.
Any suggestions?
Have you read this page? Try the possible solutions presented there.
You may have a chipset problem. Check to make sure your bios, motherboard, and chipset drivers are up to date. Then try to install the drives again.
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