

  1. Nintendo Maniac 6425 Sep 2014 @ 10:50

    Question: Could I use this software to work-around the resampling that the Xonar control panel does with WASAPI? (particularly with cases where ASIO isn't an option) My desktop PC's mobo is dead so I'm using a laptop currently, therefore I can't really test this program with my Xonar DS...

    More info on the WASAPI resampling (does not occur with SPDIF):


    • Giulio25 Sep 2014 @ 11:04

      No, you can't, and the reason is that the premise you are taking from the OP of the linked thread that the resampling is done by the ASUS control panel is false.

      The resampling is actually done in the driver, and both the ASUS original control panel and XonarSwitch act merely as interfaces between the driver and the end-user, exposing the driver's settings.

      WASAPI, when used in exclusive mode, gives the audio card the potential to set its sample rate dynamically, but that also depends on how the driver implements WASAPI calls. If it's confirmed that the ASUS implementation doesn't allow dynamic sample rate change, then AFAIK there's nothing that a user interface like the ASUS control panel or XonarSwitch can do about it.

      The only help you could get in this scenario from XonarSwitch compared to the original control panel, is to create a profile for any sample rate and switch manually using keyboard shortcuts while you listen to music. Far from optimal, but it should work.


      • Nintendo Maniac 6425 Sep 2014 @ 11:18

        Darn, so it is the driver? *sigh*

        A year or so ago I tried to bring up the subject in the comments for the Xonar UNi drivers, but that didn't get anywhere,..in fact I'm not sure my comment even exists there anymore.


        • Giulio25 Sep 2014 @ 11:48

          Yep it's the driver.

          The problem with WASAPI is that it's fairly different from ASIO. With ASIO, the playback software can take control of the card's hardware and set things like the sample rate directly. It bypasses the normal driver entirely. For this very reason, most driver settings in XonarSwitch or the ASUS control panel, including master volume, have no effect whatsoever while you play music through ASIO.

          On the other hand WASAPI, when in exclusive mode, merely bypasses the system's mixer. That means that, whereas in shared mode the Windows audio subsystem resamples all audio streams to whatever sample rate has been chosen by the user in the "Advanced" tab of the audio endpoint's property window, when in exclusive mode it sends the audio stream to the driver untouched. It can do that because, being exclusive mode, it's necessarily a single stream and therefore it doesn't need to be mixed.

          The driver then compares the audio stream sample rate with the card's current sample rate and matches them if they don't. Well-written drivers match the audio card internal rate to the stream's rate and thus achieve bitperfect playback. If what they say in the thread you linked is true, the C-Media driver does the opposite by resampling the audio stream to the card's current rate.

          And, I might be wrong, but I seriously doubt there's anything even a very experienced modder like CarvedInside can do about this: AFAIK one would need the driver source code to do that.


  2. Red5goahead27 Sep 2014 @ 12:49

    Glad to back with the Xonar Dx, I use the embedded Realtek since I installed the new hardware , few months ago

    A question about Xonar Switch, is it possibile to disable rear speaker when Pcm / Spdif ? Xonar panel don't allow this.

    When I listen music using Google Play Music Unlimited on Marantz through Pcm/ Spdif I would to disable the pc speaker



    • Giulio29 Sep 2014 @ 10:58

      That's not possible AFAIK, since the audio card has a relay that switches between rear and front panel output, but it doesn't allow for an "off" position.

      Also, I see from your screenshot that you have headphones plugged in the front panel connector, so I guess switching to front output to silence rear isn't really on option for you.

      You might try to set the output to rear 4 speakers and play with stereo upmix to try and see if you can clone the rear panel front speakers to rear panel rear speakers, keep your speakers connected to the 2 rear channels instead of the front ones, and switch back to rear 2.0 in the Marantz profile to only have output to SPDIF.

      I'm not positive it will work though, I can't replicate your exact layout, so please let us know if it works to help others that might have your exact same problem in the future.


      • Red5goahead29 Sep 2014 @ 22:03

        I solved using "front 2 speaker" with Pcm output through Spd/If, for the A/V profile



        • Giulio30 Sep 2014 @ 11:42

          Yep, that's gonna switch the output away from the rear panel, and it's a perfectly working solution as long as you don't keep your headphones plugged into the front panel all the time.

          In that case, and depending on the headphones impedance, a 95% master volume level could be a bad idea for their longevity.


  3. Bill29 Sep 2014 @ 23:40

    Hey Giulio!

    An idea I've had: Maybe you could add an option to "set volume at windows startup" that overrides the profiles setting. What do you think?




    • Giulio30 Sep 2014 @ 11:38

      Hi BIll and thanks for your feedback.

      I added your suggestion to my feature request list.

      In the meanwhile, in some cases it could be possible to achieve what you ask by using the default profile.

      One could create a profile that has most parameters set to "Don't change" and basically only explicitly sets a master volume level, and then set it as default profile and thus have XonarSwitch load it at startup.

      It's clearly not exactly what you suggested though, and it's fairly easy to come up with scenarios where my workaround wouldn't be viable.


  4. Bill30 Sep 2014 @ 20:21

    thx for considering it Giulio! 🙂


  5. dfgdfg01 Oct 2014 @ 11:36

    I'm thinking about to use Linux Mint or Ubuntu as a second OS. Are there any plans to port XonarSwitch to Linux or could you recommend a similar application?


  6. Alex03 Oct 2014 @ 18:44

    Hey, thanks for the program, it's been really useful since I got my Xonar sound card.

    Any chance for a "reverse stereo channels" feature? Or maybe I've missed it somehow, but I swear I've checked everywhere. My speakers are reversed, since the controls are on the right speaker (easier to reach from the left side). I usually use my headphones anyway, but some way to set channels separately for each profile would be great.

    Cheers. 🙂


    • Giulio04 Oct 2014 @ 13:24

      That feature is only present when you select headphones as your output. You enable it by clicking on the "set" button.
      I don't think it's possible to swap stereo channels in the ASUS or C-Media control panels on stereo speakers, but I could have overlooked that.

      If it is indeed possible in the other control panels, please let me know and I'll try to implement it on XonarSwitch as well.


    • Bill06 Oct 2014 @ 20:58


      I don't know what music/videoplayer you're using, but I'm pretty sure most players allow for channel reversing, so, in case it can't be implemented to xonarswitch, you can do it this way. Hope that helps!


  7. David07 Oct 2014 @ 01:59

    Hi Giulio

    Thanks for making this program freely available. I prefer it over the ASUS application.
    Please could you make it so that when you plug headphones into the front of your PC, sound is automatically diverted from the speakers?

    I noticed in the latest version there is an alignment problem with the system tray icon and the text in buttons on the pop-up. I put some images here (there are two images):



    • Giulio07 Oct 2014 @ 10:56

      AFAIK, only the Xonar DG and DGX support jack sensing, so unless one has those cards, a software has no way to know when a jack is being plugged into the front panel connector.

      About those two cards, to try and support the feature I need help from someone who owns one of them and is willing to check some things for me on their system and ideally to test some prototype.

      The alignment problems seem to come from non-standard system metrics.

      The text being truncated is difficult to fix, since I have no control over all possible fonts types and sizes the user can choose. There is an undocumented setting you can use to try and fiddle with which font is being used by XonarSwitch. By default it uses the system font, but you can add a string value called "UIFont" under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\XonarSwitch containing the name of the font you want XonarSwitch to use for its interface. Currently, when you set a custom font, a size value of 9 is used and cannot be changed.

      About the tray icon, it's more difficult to say. Do you have any non-standard setting that could affect the tray icon size or alignment?

      In both cases though there have been no changes in the last revision compared to the previous one.


      • NetNerd20 Oct 2014 @ 14:17

        Hi. I have a Xonar DGX and I am willing to help add support for jack sensing to the software. It's not a feature I use, but it doesn't seem like it should be a hard feature to help test out for the benefit of others.
        I'd also like to report that I too have the tray icon glitched slightly in the latest update (http://imgur.com/FwDaf2A). I do have a theme applied to Windows, but I don't think that's the cause due to the fact that it has never caused issues in the past (and it isn't just affecting me). My DPI/scaling options are all at the standard 100% by the way.

        Anyway, feel free to contact me if you want some help testing in regards to these things.


        • Giulio20 Oct 2014 @ 21:04

          Thanks for offering to help with the jack sensing feature. I should be able to contact you in the next few days.


          • alexis21 Nov 2014 @ 04:06

            I also experience that glitched tray icon.
            I'm using 0.9.555

            Nice program btw.


            • Giulio21 Nov 2014 @ 11:17

              Thanks for reporting.

              The icon glitch is proving more elusive than anticipated, since I have not been able to reproduce it, not even once.

              Does it happen every now and then or always?


              • NetNerd21 Nov 2014 @ 15:04

                I can't speak for alexis, but I haven't seen the tray icon unglitched since it first started happening. This is including after restarts, so it certainly does seem like a weird bug.
                Which OS do you test on, and are there perhaps any recent Windows updates which affect it? I use Win7 x64 (Home Premium) with all but some of the more recent updates installed.


              • alexis21 Nov 2014 @ 16:29

                It is permanent. At least on windows 8.1


              • Giulio21 Nov 2014 @ 20:09

                I test on Windows 8.1 and XP, so the question now is why it doesn't glitch on my system.


  8. dfgdfg16 Oct 2014 @ 00:50

    1 more suggestion: The steps the indicator on the volumebar moves when I'm using the mousewheel is currently set to 2 %. Could we have the option to set it to 1 % to get a finer volume adjustment?


    • Giulio20 Oct 2014 @ 13:35

      Thanks for your feedback.

      I implemented your suggestion. Sliders will have a global customizable mouse wheel sensitivity (with a default increment of 1) in the next XonarSwitch revision.


  9. Bill20 Oct 2014 @ 14:05

    Thumbs up Giulio! And thx for implementing the start volume thing too! 🙂


  10. Red5goahead20 Oct 2014 @ 14:21

    A note about tray icon. Often clicking the icon with the mouse right button to change the current profile


    I got the Xonar and the Windows 8.1 related menu either and it's quite annoying


    Will it possible to merge left and right menu interfaces in a single one to exclude the right menu event forvever?


    • Giulio20 Oct 2014 @ 15:15

      What you are experiencing is downright a bug, and not just a sub-optimal implementation of a context menu. It doesn't happen on all machines: I have XonarSwitch on two different setups and haven't found a way to have both menus on-screen simultaneously by right-clicking on the XonarSwitch icon.

      That's not to say I doubt what you are saying, or that things are ok the way they are.

      Rather, since having a context menu showing up when right-clicking on a tray icon is a standard feature of windows applications, I'd prefer to fix the bug than remove the right-click functionality.

      Can you (or someone else, if there are others experiencing the same problem) give any indication that is useful to reproduce this behavior?


      • NetNerd20 Oct 2014 @ 15:25

        Hey, I have a way to trigger both context menus, although I don't know if it's the same issue or not. The XonarSwitch context menu seems to open on the mousedown event for the icon whereas many context menus open on the mouseup event. If you hold the mouse button when over the XonarSwitch icon then move it off to one of the Windows tray icons or a blank area on the taskbar then both context menus will appear.


        • Giulio20 Oct 2014 @ 15:28

          That's really helpful thanks. @Red5goahead can you confirm this is your case also and if you have both mousedown and mouseup on the XonarSwitch icon the contect menu doesn't glitch?


          • Red5goahead20 Oct 2014 @ 18:52

            Yes! XonarSwitch is triggered by mousedown event. Instead, the beside icon, the network related one, is triggered by mouseup event. Probably sometimes I click the icon and the event trigged so when I move over the cursor on the other part of application bar when I release the right button the other event is triggered and the result is the two overlapped menus.

            PS: se non è chiaro provo a spiegarmi poi in Italiano eh. Credo che allineare il tipo di evento può essere utile. Ho provato tutte le icone che ho nella tray e funzionano così, cioè nel modo opposto a Xonar Switch, anche la stessa Xonar Dx Audio center.


            • Giulio20 Oct 2014 @ 19:02

              Then it's fixed.

              Really stupid bug BTW, but I never slid the cursor between right button down and right button up, so I never got to experience it first person and notice it was tied to the wrong event. But hey, that's what beta-test is for.

              Unless something unanticipated happens in the meanwhile, expect the hotfix today or tomorrow.

              Thank you for reporting and thanks to NetNerd for providing a reliable way of reproducing the issue.


              • q.win20 Oct 2014 @ 21:11

                I just recently moved the icon to that tray area (had it hidden before) and had this problem, but I thought it was a Windows bug because I only ever had the normal windows volume icon there before. Thanks for fixing it!


  11. Cu21 Oct 2014 @ 01:15

    Hello, I want to report a bug using my Asus Xonar DX.
    I currently use my Asus Xonar DX with the SPDIF output to my DAC FiiO E17 has optical SPDIF. When using the panel on the Asus Xonar and change the sample rate change saw him reflected directly on the screen of my Fiio E17, which indicates when the Xonar 48khz 44khz or 48khz used, 96kHz and 192kHz respectively as configured according to the Panel.
    However, to make these changes Xonar Switch, I do not see any change in my

    Fiio E17, only see the visual change in the Asus Xonar panel, but in reality there is no change in the signal sent when changing back from the Xonar panel again if the change is.

    Switch Xonar takes only visual but no real change in the signal on the sample rate the audio card.

    Sorry for my bad English, i use Google traductor.


    • Giulio21 Oct 2014 @ 10:31

      Thanks for reporting the issue.

      One thing before I look into it: I don't know the E17, but does the screen report the sample rate after the playback has started? The reason I ask is that what might happen is that the ASUS control panel opens an audio session and therefore the changes are reflected immediately on the E17, while with XonarSwitch you might need to start playback for the E17 to detect the change.

      If, instead, you can see the sample rate while playing sound and it has not changed, then there's indeed something wrong in how XonarSwitch handles sample rate changes specifically for SPDIF.


  12. Red5goahead23 Oct 2014 @ 03:21

    My opinion about Flexbass options into Xonar Switch. it works as Xonar audio center but should not.

    look at that configuration, worthless


    If we set Flexbass on with 120 Hz.as crossover frequency but L|R , Center and C, all them, are set to large, practically the Xonar Dx (for me) does't apply any cut.
    Unfortunately Xonar Dx doesn't work as common Avr that redirect the low frequencies from large speaker and small one, either, to the lfe but it work only when small speaker is choosen.
    Common avr have options as lfe+main (Denon) or bass mix/both (Marantz) menu option to allow to use the lfe as additional channel adding to its this channel the low frequencies from the other ones, without appling a highpass filter if large speakers.
    So the logic should be different, open the speakers size, every time, and activate the flexbass radio buttons and slider only if at least one of avaiable speaker are set to small.
    This logic would be clear.


    • Giulio23 Oct 2014 @ 12:10

      Can anyone confirm this is the case with other supported cards as well?


    • Giulio23 Oct 2014 @ 17:04

      Does the Small / Large speaker size setting do anything at all by itself? I'm trying to determine how much sense it would make to have that setting available while FlexBass is off.


  13. sandwich15923 Oct 2014 @ 05:12

    Do you use dolby headphone/7.1? what is your settings? I do not know if I use c-media panel or low dpc latency...


  14. Bill23 Oct 2014 @ 13:33

    Yes, that's the way it works on both D1 and Essence ST as well.


    • Bill23 Oct 2014 @ 13:39

      Eh, sorry, I should've replied to your msg Giulio instead of creating a new one.

      Anyway, elaborating a bit on this: What Red5goahead says is correct, that's what it does. it seems as if Xonar can't have overlapping frequencies to the different outputs when flexbass is on which is weird. Tbh, it doesn't affect me as I prefer my big speakers getting only over the 100hz stuff and everything else to the sw, but it does limit its usability, I can imagine quite a few senarios where that'd be useful.

      On a side note, regarding the startup sound level option: Could it be that you can both select a default profile at startup AND a startup volume level which overrides the profile setting?



      • Red5goahead23 Oct 2014 @ 14:08

        In Italy we say "Hanno fatto trenta ma potevano fare trentuno" literally "they did thirty but they could do thirty-one".
        Probably it is not an hardware limitation but only a firmware / driver choice, that I don't understand


      • Giulio23 Oct 2014 @ 19:07

        Stop having ideas quicker than I can implement them! :p

        Just kidding, I'll see what I can do in next revision. Currently I'm divided between full time job and trying to track down the weird icon glitch that some users seem to experience and of course I don't (otherwise it would be already fixed).


  15. Khorngor30 Oct 2014 @ 21:51


    Just came across this site and saw your app, something been anoying me ever since i got my STX II, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to swap between headphones and speakers without having to open the asus driver and manually doing it, would love if there was a way to hot key it, is that possible with this app? 🙂

    Thanks in advance.


    • Giulio31 Oct 2014 @ 11:07

      I was annoyed by the exact same thing when I got my DX, and that's why I started developing XonarSwitch.

      XonarSwitch allows swapping between profiles using hotkeys (automatic profile switching based on processes is planned). That means swapping between speakers and headphones and much more. You can define a profile for each usage scenario and switch between them, setting a whole host of card-specific and general audio parameters all at once.

      That's the good news.

      The somewhat bad news is: I was recently contacted by another STX II owner and we did some tests, and it seems there's something different in how the STX II drivers work internally, so XonarSwitch in its current form doesn't detect the hardware.

      I don't think ASUS radically rewrote the whole driver, so I guess it's just a matter of figuring out the different commands to send to the card.

      The problem is, since I don't have an STX II at hand, I can't figure out the difference in the STX II driver compared to the STX one without help from someone who owns the hardware.



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