

  1. dmxdex27 Sep 2010 @ 21:21

    How do i enable GX mode? i have have installed with c media centre b1


  2. SniperDaws28 Sep 2010 @ 00:32

    The Delay fix isnt working for me for some reason, im still getting reverb in Bad Company 2 using

    Xonar DS with latest (normal) Uni Xonar drivers
    Windows 7 32bit
    Sharkoon Xtatics Analog 5.1 Headphones, it only seems to be this game im having problems with, games im playing at the moment

    Prince of Persia
    Mafia 2
    World of Tanks (Sound is poor but i think its the game)
    Blur (Sound is poor but i think its the game)
    Star Wars The force unleashed 1 (Sound is poor but i think its the game)
    World in Conflict
    Bad Company 2 Sounds really echoey like your in a cave, until i turn down the rear speakers to 65 instead of the default 76.

    i dont use GX cos i dont think any of these games actually use EAX 🙂


  3. SniperDaws28 Sep 2010 @ 00:38

    ok my post has disapeared 🙁

    anyway i was saying that the delay .bat hasnt worked for me on my Xonar DS under Windows 7 using your latest drivers ( normal install )

    my other games are fine without sounding like your in a cave......lol

    My temporary solution is to drop the rear speakers for the default volume of 76 to 65 in the Xonar control panels mixer settings.

    oh im using the Sharkoon Xtatic Analog 5.1 headset.


    • CarvedInside28 Sep 2010 @ 22:11

      I didn't delete it:(. Maybe you didn't press submit or there was some kind of error.

      Have you tried with C-media Audio center? Maybe you could also try setting the sound delay from the C-media interface.


      • SniperDaws28 Sep 2010 @ 22:52

        im using windows 7 so i have the same problems with the C-Media control panel starting up, although i could install it then run the game and see if its anybetter.


  4. dmxdex28 Sep 2010 @ 01:27

    Ok i downloaded both bat files and ran one after another. A box pops up for about 1 ms and dissapears is that right?

    I also failed to mention that i am using the 1790 all in one C media driver.


    • CarvedInside28 Sep 2010 @ 22:12

      yes, it changes the settings in the registry, enabling GX and after that it closes.


  5. dmxdex28 Sep 2010 @ 07:53

    I reinstalled the drivers fully just too be sure. I have ran into a problem. The control panel doesnt show up in the bottom right of windows. I checked the icons and it says windows host process (rundll23) I do remember getting an error message pop up somewere along the lines when i was removing the driver. How do i fix this.

    [merged comments]
    which one is the latest b1 or b2? My control panel has disapeared so hopefully the guy who makes these drivers can sort it out. From what i can tell it sounds better that the asus drivers espcially in dolby headphone.


    • CarvedInside28 Sep 2010 @ 22:24

      I am aware of the issue and I will fix the Audio panel start-up for Win7 in a new driver release. Meanwhile you can find it by going to Start-> Control Panel.

      b2's are newer, they are the ones included in the v1.11 driver package.


  6. SniperDaws28 Sep 2010 @ 19:01

    it happens to me aswell using the C-Media control panel, when you install it dont click restart and it will be there but soon as you restart it wont start with windows, im sure its somthing or nothing and will be fixed soon im guessing, just use the normal drivers for now 🙂


  7. Daichi28 Sep 2010 @ 21:46

    C-Media control panel is working perfect for me - b1 and b2 as well
    Win Xp sp3 and Xonar DX 😀


  8. SniperDaws28 Sep 2010 @ 23:10

    ok ive installed the C-media control panel and there isnt a delay option for me which is probably why the delay .bat doesnt work, my card (Xonar DS) doesnt have any dolby on it what so ever only DTS, im also connected to my card using the Green, Black and orange mini jacks and im not using Digital out.

    The Xonar DG uses Dolby and not DTS and of course the other cards use both so im a bit of an odd ball card. 🙁


  9. Touche29 Sep 2010 @ 04:05

    Is it normal that Xonar DX doesn't work when 5.1/7.1 analog out and 96/192kHz are selected? I only get weird noises from my speakers, but 44.1/48kHz work fine.

    CarvedIns, when do you expect to have new drivers ready (the ones with c-media panel and GX button, panel startup issues solved etc.)?

    [merged comments]
    And what about the SVN option? Will it be available in C-Media panel?


    • CarvedInside29 Sep 2010 @ 09:53

      Don't know what to tell you about the 5.1 and 96/192KHz, which OS do you have?

      Regarding a new driver, I would preferably release it when I get my hands on a new driver from C-Media/ASUS. As of now the only fix I can do is fix the autostart-up so I would preferably wait until there are more changes/fixes to be applied.

      As for GX or SVN option, don't know if I will be able do add them in C-M panel. I tried re-enable the Sample rate switcher for Windows XP and I had no luck so far.


      • Touche29 Sep 2010 @ 12:23

        Win7 x64, MBO Gigabyte EP45-UD3R

        More people have this problem and with different cards. It seems one of them fixed it with older drivers for Vista:
        http://tinyurl.com/32qjd7r http://tinyurl.com/3254rdb

        [2nd edit]
        This is interesting. It seems it could be PLX firmware related. I thougth it only had problems on AMD boards.

        I’m using official 1775 drivers at the moment.

        [3rd edit]
        Sorry for multiple posts. I just checked and it’s the same in XP x86 with 1747 drivers. As soon as 5.1/7.1 are selected, 96/192 stops working.

        Regarding the SVN, is it something that could be enabled/diabled via bat file like sample rate/GX?


        • CarvedInside29 Sep 2010 @ 20:30

          I had problems with my Xonar DX with an Intel P35 board and fixed them with the PLX firmware update. So its not just for AMD. You should do the update.

          SVN might work with a bat file, I will have send you an email when I have created the batch file.


  10. joms29 Sep 2010 @ 11:08


    I have been searching the net and found this. Anyway, would your drivers make my Asus Xonar ST plus H6 addon card function as a 2.1 sound system? (stereo fronts + subs). Most of the options I see is either a 2 channel system, a 5.1 system or a 7.1 system. I don't know why Asus doesn't care about 2.1. I'm sure this isn't that hard to do.

    I want the ability to crossover my front stereo speakers so that no bass sounds come out from them and all the bass goes to my subs.

    If your driver can do this then I'd be a very very happy man !!!

    (BTW, i also posted this in the asus forum site)


    • CarvedInside29 Sep 2010 @ 19:46

      I've created a workaround guide for 2.1 sound, it works with my xonar dx & my Logitech G51 but I don't know if it will work on your ST plus H6 addon and your speakers. I will send it by e-mail, you can either let a working email address in next comment or you send me an e-mail.


  11. joms29 Sep 2010 @ 14:38

    By the way, can you run me thru on how to install the unified drivers and asio? I have yet to install the card and i want it to be perfect upon install. Do i also use foobar? Is it the best player to give the best sound? thanks


    • CarvedInside29 Sep 2010 @ 19:19

      You install the driver, then if you want to listen to music throught ASIO you should you install ASIO 1.0 Patch. Foobar really shines if you use it with ASIO output and with lossless music files(FLAC, APE). For mp3 files Winamp will do the job!;)


  12. MO29 Sep 2010 @ 18:35

    Running Essence ST + H6 on Vista 64bit and getting a lot of problems with this set of drivers, sadly. First of all I can't install C Media Center driver - get "don't support this platform" error. Installed normal set of drivers - tried ASIO with winamp - crackling. After applying ASIO 1.0 patch A - after restart sound card and drivers don't boot, OS shows "no audio output device is installed". Unninstallation in add/remove programs is also not working properly. So, nothing possitive except that if not using ASIO I can hear better audio quality compared with latest official Asus 177.31 drivers.


    • CarvedInside29 Sep 2010 @ 19:30

      I'm sorry to hear that. It might have something to do with your windows installation/setup or with the fact you have Vista and there might be a slight incompatibility compared to Win7. As you can read in the comments a lot of people use this drivers without any problems.
      "tried ASIO with winamp – crackling" - thats one of the reasons ASIO 1.0 Patch exists. In the next drivers you will be able to preapply ASIO 1.0 Patch so maybe you won't encounter the boot problem.
      What version & set of drivers did you used? Do you have installed Vista's Service Pack 2 ?


  13. joms29 Sep 2010 @ 19:42

    Let me get this right:

    1) I download the (version 1.11) all-in-one-package from the link above then extract
    2) I install the driver by clicking the setup in the "normal" folder (I sure wish there's a readme that explains what setup I should choose. I don't know if I should choose the Low DPC / normal / with C-Media Center)
    3) After driver installation, I install the ASIO 1.0 Patch A y double clicking the w7v64 (as my OS is win7 64-bit)
    4) I install foobar then play a song

    1) Do i need to adjust any setting in foobar / Xonar ST Audio Center?
    2) By doing the steps above, did I already install ASIO? I did click te ASIO patch A but I never installed an ASIO program or such. Is ASIO installed when I install the sound card driver?
    3) Upon doing the steps above, I play music in foobar and my music sounds bad. It's like the vocals are so thin and its like my speakers are very underpowered. Previously, my speaker can play loud when using the built-in soundcard from my motherboard. Now in foobar and in my Windows player, the sound sucks.
    4) How do I make my subwoofer play? It's an independent powered subwoofer separate from my stereo self powered bookshelf speaker. (my speaker = audioengine 2 / my subs= velodyne impact 12). I tried connecting my sub to the sub out of my H6 addon card but there's no sound.
    5) Can you turn ASIO on or off? How ?



    • CarvedInside29 Sep 2010 @ 20:06

      The steps are correct. For start you should install the normal one.

      2) When you installed the driver it also installed a version of ASIO 2.0 driver which isn't that good, after that you installed the Asio 1.0 driver through the patch. You might need to download & install the Asio output plugin for Foobar.
      1) Sample rate in Audio Center, the 24 bit output in volume->playback devices... , and for foobar you need to set ASIO Xonar ST as Playback->output, after you install the plugin from above.
      3) It shouldn't suck, thats the one thing this card is realy good at. Maybe you did something wrong or your card is defective. Retrace your steps, read (again) the manual, check cable connections, options in Foobar. You should also check your card with ASUS latests drivers, just to exclude all the possibilities or to see what went wrong.
      4) I just replayed to your other comment about this problem
      5) you don't have to turn off ASIO, it is just a part of the drivers.


  14. MO29 Sep 2010 @ 19:55

    Yeh, Vista is updated to SP2. I used UNi Xonar 1790 1.11 from all-in-one package.

    If I’ll be able to install C Media drivers maybe the ASIO problems may disapper cause these drivers is specially created for ST/X.


    • CarvedInside29 Sep 2010 @ 20:24

      by C-Media Drivers you mean UNi Xonar with C-Media Audio Center or the original drivers from C-Media? Either way there isn't a specially created driver for ST/X except the ASUS original one.

      Tell me what version of driver you wish to install and I will send you a custom version with ASIO patch pre applied by e-mail tomorrow.


  15. MO29 Sep 2010 @ 20:35

    I installed "normal" from all-in-one package 1.11, these are UNi Xonar 1790 as I understand. It installed with Xonar Audio Center + Oxygen audio control center. I want to install C media center also from all-in-one package, but as I mentioned I'm getting an error.



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