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Hello everyone!
1 month a go i installed the drivers from here and everything went fine. Until yesterday something strange happened: The sound coming out of the right speaker of ANY device connected to the card became less louder than the left one. So, now the sound is not balanced, which is tremendously annoying...
So, trying to fix the issue, i made these checks:
-Sound balance in windows: perfectly balanced
-Sound balance in Xonar Xense: perfectly balanced
-Using the motherboard integrated sound, the sound is balanced. Only when i switch to the Xense the sound becomes unbalanced.
After these checks i realized the problem is from THE CARD.
So, i tried the following:
-I reinstalled the drivers -> nothing happened.
-I used System Restore to restore Win8 to 1 week ago (when the card was working) -> nothing happened.
You may say: why don't you simply adjust the mixer increasing the right volume?
This doesn't work really well...because if i balance the audio this way, when i increase the volume from windows or from xonar xense audio center, the left volume increases faster than the right one. So i have to balance the sound every time i change the volume.
Also, if i use headphones after i balanced the sound from the mixer, i get a headache after 10 minutes, which means that even if the intensity is balanced, something is wrong with the sound...
PLEASE HELP ME :sadsmiley
anybody experienced this problem? Any solution?
P.S. i tried this but didn't work
It could be that your card has a hardware malfunction, if that's the case there is nothing you can do except return it to warranty. I would suggest you install win7 on a separate partition and check there as well or better try the card in another system.
Here is something you should try but most likely it wont work, try setting the volume to 100% in windows, and set it to 80% in all audio applications that are active while testing.
Anyway , let us know of any developments.
thanks for the quick answer! i'll keep you posted on that 🙂
I found that, somehow, the latest beta drivers caused some whining in the right speaker. It worked fine with those drivers for quite a while, but then, one day, I noticed the whining and it irritated me to no end.
Perhaps you have some similar issue? Try using the previous version and see if it helps.
I just downgraded my drivers but nothing changed. Next weekend i'll have a new computer with win7 installed so i'll try to see if it works on it. If it does it's a SW problem, if it doesn't it's a HW malfunction....
Which is nothing new for me, considering that the 20% of hardware i bought in my ilfe always had failures. I'm sure someone had put a curse on me LOL
Hello there!
It would be very appreciated and, as I think fine donated, if you developed such unified drivers for Mac OS X for ASUS Xonar series.
Actually, I was told that ASUS isn't planning any development of drivers for Mac OS X. I think that many users of Macs and Hackintosh builds would donate enough to support such project.
I have to use my old Creative Audigy SB1394 with ancient (2009) kX drivers that don't allow Mic input and Line in. So this way is very limited for me to use. I can only listen to music in 2.0 without stereo 5.1 upmix, and watch video with 5.1 audio. But I can't talk in skype or record quality audio on this SB. About ASIO I'm shut up finally.
Hello. Sorry buy I can't do drivers for Mac OS.
Hi, i got the asus xonar phoebus, when is it coming a update to this card?
Can't add support for Phoebus cards, because the drivers are totally different. And getting involved in a separate driver mod for Phoebus cards its very unlikely to happen. Sorry.
Today I tried to install your new driver after a re-installation of windows 8. But all the setup says is "Please install an uni xonar device".
The hardware manager, files my Xonar HDAV under "audiocontroller for multimedia".
Reinstalling, deactivating & co. didn't work. Do you have any guesses?
Which driver did you have before? Have you tried the solutions that are presented at this page?
Here are 3 new methods to install. Try them in the presented order:
1)Try with "Digital Signature bypass" selected in the uni installer and without enabling test mode.
2)Start windows in safe mode and do the same as . Mode info on how to enable safe mode at this page(possible solution no2)
3)Enable test mode and install the drivers with "digital signature bypass".
These are slightly newer methods based on the old ones, so please let me know which one worked.
That was a quick one!
Thank you very very much for your answer (i was a bit in panic...). Installing the single, unpacked driver and then the whole uni xonar drivers worked (while other methods like safe mode didn't). Now my Xonar sounds better than ever 🙂
Hi all,
I've just bought a DX, but after reading several forums I already have some questions...
- Is it possible to connect, at the same time, directly to the card, speakers and a headset, and use your driver to change the audio source from one to the other (through the control pannel, I gess) My goal is to use speakers or the headset without having to unplug one to plug the other.
- If not, I should connect the headset to the FP connector, but those are wired to the mobo. In that case, which device is sending the audio output, the DX or the mobo sound chip (Cmedia azalia)
Thanks and congratulations for your great work!
I don't know why you did not do this before, you should connect your FP to the Xonar card.
Hallo and thanks for your greate drivers.
Ive got one problem. When i installed the latest 1814 (1815) driver. The volume control only reduces the left channel on my asus ST. The right channel gives me full volume all the time. I use win8 64 whith wasapi ks or wve out. Asio volume control works fine.
Back to 1800 (1813) driver all works fine but asio latency sample must be much higher than on 1815 driver.
Any suggestion why 1.64 1815 volumecontrol fails on right channel?
Greatings from Germany
Hi & ty.
Strange. Uninstall and install 1.64 drivers again, this might help.
Btw the loop fix only works once, after that you must restart and restarting windows sound service is unnecessary, would be so nice to find a permanent fix
I installed the latest version for my xonad dx, and i noticed i didn't had the option to use front panel headphones, and the option to select 5.1 speakers, only 2,4,6, and 7.1, WTF ?
And when i download the FP headphones and install it, it gives back the old style look of the driver.
Also, what is the benefit of this driver mod, compared with the stock asus ?
I presume you've selected and installed the Cmedia Panel version and not the Normal (Asus Audio Center) version, say that next time along with other details like what is your OS.
Those options are lacking probably because of bugs in the current version. <del datetime="2013-02-11T20:20:28+00:00">I haven't noticed them myself since I don't use FP headphones. 6 channels is 5.1 and vice-verso. I wi1l have to check previous new versions (like 1.61,1,62) but 1.53 should work just fine if you decide to use UNi Xonar drivers. </del>
Benefits are outlined in this page, especially at UNi Xonar Features, besides that you got updated components which might fix different bugs or provide better stability then the old versions that you get with stock drivers. I'm not sure why did you install the drivers without reading or knowing the benefits.
Ok, sorry i didn't read the FAQ, also if anyone could clarify this for me.
1.I installed the latest beta version
2.Why now i have basically two different audio driver windows ?
3.In this picture i selected the right thing to have 5.1 sound ? And if i want to have only stereo sound, i will just put System Input 2CH and analog output 2 speakers ?
4. What is Xear 3D EX ? I need that one enabled ?
I have installed using C-Media without GX, i am missing something, that GX ?
Please use "reply" from the last comment if its related to that discussion , don't create new comments.
You don't have 2 drivers, you have access to both audio control panels (Asus and Cmedia). Yes stereo is 2 ch/2 speakers. Xear 3d is GX button, you don't need it. Please read the Xonar manual regarding options.
Thanks, but there is a way to install only the Cmedia control panel, i don't want both. Or there is a way for you to implement FP headphones into the Cmedia as well ? And if will install with the normal control panel option, it's basically the same thing, includes all the fixes this driver mod brings, in the normal asus control panel ?
There is no way to add FP switch to Cmedia Panel. Btw I was mistaken when I said it was a bug in the current version, I already mentioned that in the Features table that those options are missing. Anyway please read things next time.
Normally the external FP Switch should start the default panel for the current configuration (C-media in your case). If it starts the Asus panel, try uninstall and installing the drivers again.
Anyway in your case if you need the to switch to FP frequently , better use Normal version. Yes you get the UNi fixes.
Thanks, one last question, how to measure dpc latency ? I'm using windows 8, so dpc latency checker doesn't work proper in windows 8. For this to measure i need LatencyMon, and just play some music and measure the qs ?
I don't know of a good way to monitor DPC latency on Win8. Don't know if Latency Mon will work fine in Win8 either, and I can't tell you which values would be considered normal for this. Yes play music.
Ok, thank you very much for all the help, but if you want to make me understand, what is that setting in the installation re-enable stereo upmix, i don't understand what is it, and i have google it...
Total bliss.. thx 4 all your work
I thought it was time for a thank you. I had been using your 1.53 drivers with the original control panel for a while now as I thought a front-end application like a control panel surely wouldn't affect the inner workings of the underlying driver. I also disliked the idea of needing a work-around for switching to front panel headphones...Today I updated to 1.63 (saw 1.64 still had some problems) and thought I'd try out the C-media panel instead. I don't know if it's the drivers or the panel, but what a difference! To me it sounds clearer (less hissing/harsh highs), better sound-stage (spatial placement/more room) and punchier bass. Almost as if the sound was slightly muffled before and a veil has been removed. - I know this sounds like esoteric hifi-enthousiast talk, but I have no better way of describing it -
Thanks for these drivers, CarvedInside!
Appreciate it!
Just the other weeks, 2 others reported that C-media Panel provides a better sound. I personally can't comment on this. But I think this is possible, it could be that Asus Audio Center interferes with the sound, like it does in case of DPC latency. As others express they're opinion on this, we will have a better picture of this.
From time to time I do tests with RightMark Audio Analyzer and those didn't showed any difference between versions, or between panels. But RightMark tests don't tell the whole story.
Thanks for sharing!
This is very interesting finding because I thought something went wrong with me pc after installing 1.64 c-media driver. Totally different sound signature like propheticus described with much tighter sound overall with beautiful bass and very but very clean sound. Everything is so noticeable, beautiful depth like every single sound it's in his own layer during playback. Tested with foobar on wasapi event out. Of course this all could be only wow effect or placebo caused by sudden change in my long time used sound signature with previous driver.
I have just built a brand new system running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bti and using ONLY Asus products, such as the Asus P8Z77-V Deluxe Motherboard, the Asus GeForce GTX 660 graphics card and the Asus Xonar Essence STX sound card. Any normal person would assume that building a system around a single hardware manufacturer would ensure a higher level of compatibility. Boy, was I wrong! As I said, this is a brand new system, so the issues could not be related to outdated or conflicting software on my system. This is what is happening with this card and the steps I have tried so far:
1) Updated motherboard BIOS to latest release
2) Disabled on-board audio controller
3) Installed sound card in PCIe slot
4) Connected Molex power cable to sound card
5) Installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
6) Downloaded drivers version from the Asus website and extracted compressed files
7) Installed drivers and rebooted computer
8) Got error message saying that the power for the sound card could not be detected and that the card would not work properly
9) Checked Molex connector. Tried a different Molex connector. Same result
10) Moved card to another PCIe x1 slot. Same result
11) Moved card to another PCI x16 slot. Changed speed of slot in BIOS. Same result
12) Removed installed drivers and installed version from Asus website. Same result
13) Tried the Unified drivers version 1.64. Same result with the error message about power not being detected
14) Removed Asus video card and tried with built in video, assuming interference from the big video card as both cards were next to each other on the motherboard. Same result
15) Rebuilt whole system from scratch, just to make sure everything was clean. Same problem.
16) Considered moving up to Windows 8, but the Asus drivers for Windows 8 are still at the beta stage, which makes the whole idea very scary.
17) Emailed Asus asking for support. Waiting on their answer.
I should note that the card shows up in Device Manager and I hear the clicking sound it is supposed to make when I boot the system up, which indicates that it is actually getting power. If I play an audio file, I get sound but at a VERY low volume, even with volume at 100% and the message about the power keeps coming up every time I boot. For some reason the driver is failing to recognize the card as getting power from the system, but after trying 3 different versions of the drivers, I do not know what else could be happening here.
So, basically at this point I do not know what else can be done to get this card to work. I really, really wanted to get this card running so if someone has any suggestions before I pack it up and send it back to Amazon, I am open to try any ideas to get it to work
Asus does not give a damn about compatibility with their own products, but this might not be the case here. I suspect your card has a hardware defect at the external power circuit, so in this case no matter what you try it won't do a thing.
Card takes some power from the pci-e slot as well, so probably thats why you can get sound at very low volume.
Are you using headphones? If so, when you install the official Asus driver, click the hammer icon found next to the Analog headphone out option, and set the gain to whatever your headphones are rated for.
You can then install the 3rd party driver if you want. That seems to be the only way to get the headphone loudness/gain raised on the 3rd party driver. Unless I am just not seeing it, there is no option in this 3rd party driver to raise the gain of headphones. But it does use whatever you had set in the official drivers. I assume a configuration file gets left behind.
I am using Windows 8 x64 and the official beta drivers work fine for me... for headphones anyways, I don't use speakers. Although this 3rd party driver has some advantages. It should work fine in Windows 7 also.
If you install the C-media panel version you can still start the asus panel (start -> all programs -> uni xonar audio -> xonar audio center). Here you can use the 'hammer' to set the gain. Afterwards exit the asus (xonar) panel again. I don't it's wise to install these drivers over the original ones. In my case it resulted in a BSOD. After cleaning all the old driver residues all was well.
Definitely could be the hardware fault (some capacitor on power line) or you should try your chance. Put card to a completely different pc with different PSU if you have that possibility and test it here.
I have ubuntu 12.04.2 x64. Can I use any software to increase sound quality like explained here
What is explained there are settings for different applications. If the programs you use have those options then you can set the recommended settings there regardless that your OS is ubuntu.
Have the Xonar D2X Audio Center panel with UNi Xonar v1.64 drivers installed and it sounds really great. Some of the other posters suggest the C-media panel produces ever more clear
Is it possible to swap to C-media panel and keep these awesome drivers ?
Would really appreciate some help if this can be done..... appolies if noob question...
Just uninstall and install 1.64 again. In the process you can chose normal, low-latency, or c-media panel. Chose the last one, it uses the same drivers but a different control panel.