

  1. MasterFaster19 Mar 2013 @ 09:05

    Just a warning: Parallels Workstation 6 increases DPC latency dramatically.

    I had installed it the other day and apart from the fact that it is below competition (VMware and VirtualBox are far better), it greatly increased the DPC latency. Once I uninstalled it, the DPC latency was back to normal.


  2. MasterFaster19 Mar 2013 @ 09:57

    New driver is released:
    Xonar Xense driver for Windows 8


  3. Benjamin Reilly19 Mar 2013 @ 15:55

    Problems concern with Asus Xonar d2X CONVERTER… This part of driver cause latency and sound deterioration (at least on XP), if it is possible to delete this part of driver we could fix the problem definitely.

    … or the solution is to realize a driver mod with the possibility to not install this feature… as well as the other features unixonar installation provides.


  4. Benjamin Reilly19 Mar 2013 @ 15:59

    ... or the solution is to realize a driver mod with the possibility to not install this feature... as well as the other features unixonar installation provides.


  5. smoothjazzdaily19 Mar 2013 @ 20:33

    Thanks a lot for these drivers. My Asus Xonar Essence STX works on my Windows 7 machine like a charm. I can use my Headset on the front-panel for the first time. The orginal drivers couldn't activate this function.



  6. Michelle91119 Mar 2013 @ 22:57

    you misunderstand, it's not that my system can't keep up with its keystrokes, it only happens once in a while ie once or twice per day for a second or two, sometimes I don't see it at all. the larger problem is the DPC Latency.


  7. Michelle91119 Mar 2013 @ 22:58

    sry MasterFaste this was meant for reply to above comment


  8. rankena20 Mar 2013 @ 11:42

    I agree.


  9. CarvedInside20 Mar 2013 @ 12:41

    How do you know this?


  10. gutterhulk20 Mar 2013 @ 13:35

    is it possible to mod it for the rest of the xonar users?


    • CarvedInside20 Mar 2013 @ 16:29

      Depends on whether they eat with their hands, would like it if they where to live on another planet,and if ever made a joke that no one got but still laughed.
      A vague question answered with an ambiguous answer.

      Now seriously. Supported and not supported cards are listed in the UNi Xonar Features. I don't have any plans to make modded drivers for the cards in the unsupported list, if by any chance that's what you are asking.


  11. Benjamin Reilly20 Mar 2013 @ 21:07

    CarvedInside :
    How do you know this?

    I know this because I've installed it without xonar audio converter I've halved the latency, checking by DPC LATENCY TIMER program tool.

    I've just made my MODDED DRIVER without Xonar d2X converter driver on my own.

    I'm testing it just now.


  12. Benjamin Reilly20 Mar 2013 @ 21:08

    I've just made my MODDED DRIVER without Xonar d2X converter driver on my own.

    I'm testing it just now.


  13. Darren21 Mar 2013 @ 15:07

    Total noobie here regarding all the audio stuff and I just got my Asus Xonar STX yesterday.
    I just have 1 question. If i have already installed Alexa's Addon1 mod (DDT4) , do i still need to install the Unified Drivers?
    Everything seems to work now after I installed Alexa's Addon1 mod so I am just wondering about the Unified Drivers 1.63
    Will i experience any improvement in I install the unified drivers? Lower DPC??



    • CarvedInside22 Mar 2013 @ 20:07

      Well its better to install the Uni Xonar drivers then the Addon for DHT4, but weather or not you experience any improvements its up to your configuration and usage. Consider (re)reading the Uni Xonar features.


  14. Smeggy21 Mar 2013 @ 18:06

    ColPanic :
    That component is ancient.
    WASAPI Exclusive and ASIO are the modern preferences for that sort of thing.

    Yeah that would be great except XP doesn't support it because it's "Ancient";hence the Kernal Mode link.


  15. Die_ASUS_u_Monkeys23 Mar 2013 @ 11:48


    I have a problem with my Xonar DGX sound card. For three weeks since I upgraded my pc it all worked wonderfully but now for the last five days the sound starts clicking and popping in games and sooner or later the game lags unplayably before it eventually crashes. This usually happens after the sound of an explosion or other powerful sounds. Will these drivers rectify this or should I throw that ASUS piece of garbage away?


    • CarvedInside23 Mar 2013 @ 15:11

      You should try them, I can't be sure but they might fix the problems . But make sure you keep GX off and also check the FAQ Q&A 9 for recommended settings.
      If it does not help, the problems you are experiencing are from something else or you can trow your card. In this case I recommend to also try uninstalling the card and disable it from device manager(it would show as Multimedia device or something like this) and use the onboard audio to see if you have the same experiences. Or better yet unplug it from the system.

      Hope this helps.



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