

  1. joms30 Sep 2010 @ 01:38

    Can i clarify this reply you gave" 1) Sample rate in Audio Center, the 24 bit output in volume->playback devices… , and for foobar you need to set ASIO Xonar ST as Playback->output, after you install the plugin from above."

    1) Sample rate - set to 44.1khz as I play mainly .wav and apple lossless files. Is this right?
    2) Where do I find the 24bit output in volume/playback devices? Is this in the Xonar Audio Center? There is only Main/Mixer/Effect/Karaoke/Flexbass/VocalFX. Its not in any of those. The Main tab can only make you change - Audio Channel / Sample Rate / Analog Out / SPDIF Out
    3)In Foobar, there is the Add New in Configured Virtual ASIO devices that i clicked. Should I choose a bit depth of 16-bit / 24-bit / 32-bit and what latency should i put?

    Thanks again

    [2nd edit]
    I still can’t find the “ASIO Xonar ST” in the Playback-Output of Foobar. Is this in the Playback-Output-Device ? There are only 4 choices in my Device which are:

    Null Output
    DS: Primary Sound Driver
    DS: Speakers (Asus Xonar Essence ST Audio Device)
    DS: S/PDIF Pass-Through Device (Asus Xonar Essence ST Audio Device)

    should I be able to see an ASIO Xonar ST there?

    [3rd edit]
    Ok i finally found the ASIO: Asus Xonar ASIO Driver. I had to restart the foobar2000. By the way, I tried to edit the ASIO driver in foobar and tried mapping the sub to LFE but I still can’t get my subs to output any sound. I connected my independent powered subs to the sub output of my H6 addon card. Is there any way to check if my H6 is working?


  2. Touche30 Sep 2010 @ 03:03

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-469">
    CarvedInside :
    I had problems with my Xonar DX with an Intel P35 board and fixed them with the PLX firmware update. So its not just for AMD. You should do the update.
    SVN might work with a bat file, I will have send you an email when I have created the batch file.

    Yes, PLX 1.1 indeed fixed it. Thank you for the bat file if you manage to get it working. Ideally, you will find a way to make C-Media's panel with all these features working. That would be great. If you don't, I might continue to use the one from ASUS, as I haven't had any problems with latency so far.

    You wrote that you would like to get a new driver version with more fixes from ASUS or C-Media, so you could build a new version of yours. Unfortunately, I don't see it happening anytime soon, if at all, seeing how terrible their support is.

    Keep up the good work.


  3. leithm30 Sep 2010 @ 10:11

    I use the HDAV Deluxe card via analog. Does anyone know why when watching freeview on 7MC there is quiet muffled sound coming from my surround and center speakers yet the two front speakers are working normally? this is on STEREO 2Channel channels aswell.. its almost like sound is bleeding through or upmixing to 5.1


  4. joms30 Sep 2010 @ 16:36

    Damn, I still can't get my active subwoofer to play. I hook it up on my H6 card but no sound comes out of it. Any way to make the stereo config into a 2.1 system?


  5. SniperDaws01 Oct 2010 @ 18:32

    i just turn on Flexbass and set it to 80Hz for 2.0 sources, my sub works then 🙂


  6. MO01 Oct 2010 @ 23:57

    CarvedIns -> could you send me what you've promised? Thanks in advance:)


  7. joms02 Oct 2010 @ 00:35

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-480">
    SniperDaws :
    i just turn on Flexbass and set it to 80Hz for 2.0 sources, my sub works then

    This works given that your subs is connected to the subs output of your H6 card?


  8. joms02 Oct 2010 @ 00:47

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-482">
    joms :
    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-480">
    SniperDaws :
    i just turn on Flexbass and set it to 80Hz for 2.0 sources, my sub works then

    This works given that your subs is connected to the subs output of your H6 card?

    I tried this and it works IF i put the setting on 5.1. It doesn't work if its on 2.0 though.


    If the setting is in 5.1 and I play a normal CD track that is recorded in 2.0. Will the main front speakers play the sound differently? (like remove some vocals and put the vocals in the center channel and such)?


  9. joms02 Oct 2010 @ 00:54

    crap i thought it worked already (and it did in windows media player) but when i fired up Foobar using ASIO, the sub didn't work again. I tried setting the ASIO preference such that "subs" was mapped to LFE but still, the same. No output in my subs.

    Is it right that I should map it to LFE? Any other thing that I should do to make my sub work in foobar? Thanks


  10. SniperDaws02 Oct 2010 @ 01:44

    Sorry Joms im not using the same card as you 🙁 so ignore me, i thought you were on a DX/DS or DG.


  11. dmxdex02 Oct 2010 @ 08:41

    I just noticed that EX XEAR 3D enabled gives me proper surround sound in games. does this enable EAX? it seems when this is turned off EAX goes off.


  12. MO02 Oct 2010 @ 13:29

    Yes, XEAR3D = Asus GX mode. Another note: game mode doesn't work properly, it enables only 2 of my 7 speakers.


  13. SniperDaws02 Oct 2010 @ 20:24

    Most new games dont use EAX so you dont have to have GX turned on, if you are using Vista or Windows 7 and playing an EAX game then turn on GX if its not an EAX keep it turned off as it could conflict and cause sound problems.


  14. dmxdex02 Oct 2010 @ 18:57

    What do you mean game mode?


  15. MO02 Oct 2010 @ 19:28

    DSP mode which have game/movie/music/HI-Fi and GX modes.



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