

  1. SniperDaws02 Oct 2010 @ 23:37

    CarvedIns i know you have a lot of people asking for help and it seems like people are asking you instead of Asus to fix things in the drivers but could you find out why the delay patch doesnt work with my DS but does for everyone else ?

    ive put in a ticket at Asus and aksed them why i get the reverb but im not holding my breath.

    Asus should put you on the pay role because the driver team are worse than monkey's 🙂


    • CarvedInside03 Oct 2010 @ 00:28

      Yeah. And I'm pretty overwhelmed right now 🙁
      Send me a e-mail with all the details(again) like connections (analog,digital), headphones.. And I'll try to think about it 🙂


  2. CarvedInside02 Oct 2010 @ 23:59

    yes sorry, I had some problems these days:(


  3. dmxdex03 Oct 2010 @ 00:33

    Car just like to clarifty your driver is alot better than the asus drivers 😉


  4. joms03 Oct 2010 @ 02:00

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-497">
    CarvedInside :
    Yeah. And I’m pretty overwhelmed right now
    Send me a e-mail with all the details(again) like connections (analog,digital), headphones.. And I’ll try to think about it

    wouldnt it be better to post the detail here instead of an email so that people who have the a similar problem/situation can read and learn from the answer you will be giving, if any, as well?


    • CarvedInside03 Oct 2010 @ 13:07

      In a way it would, but not many people read the previous comments. And I may need more info so I don't want to fill a page full of replies.


  5. MO03 Oct 2010 @ 03:29

    I managed to fix my ASIO problems. Just installed foobar instead of winamp and ASIO is working:) No patches, just clean UNi Xonar 1790 v1.1 install. But want to try C media version. So, CarvedIns if you have some free time maybe you can have a look what could be wrong with C Media version install under Vista? Cause there is no VISTA folder after extraction, I know that VISTA is basically WIN7 and install should go from WIN7 folder but something is wrong... I'm talking about UNi Xonar 1790 (all-in-one) v1.11 package.


    • CarvedInside03 Oct 2010 @ 13:09

      Free up your mailbox. I tried sending it yesterday but I got I failure notice.


    • Con03 Oct 2010 @ 20:55

      I just say to you (and others...) something of common sense: forget Vista! Is the worse Windows edition of Microsoft ever... You have today Win7. Just use it.


  6. MO03 Oct 2010 @ 14:13

    Sorry. Try this one - [email protected]


  7. Con03 Oct 2010 @ 21:25

    I see in this forum (and maybe another) that people invest much energy and efforts to get the most of the Asus Xonar cards. On this site and forum the focus is on the software/drivers for those Asus audio cards. I`ve analysed more close specially the Essence STX which I own. A general problem of those cards is not software, but hardware. The concept of Asus concerning Xonar cards is great as a principle. The implementation of the ideas is very wrong, and with many design faults. But the cards work sufficient well, and Asus sells god, and even declare there's cards as the best in the world.... But the most buyers are not satisfy at all... Therefore this site, this forum and many others.
    As I said above, I`ve analysed the hardware of Essence STX, and modified it accordingly. There are many and basic modifications. Maybe I will comeback later on this subject. This card (STX) can well act as the best sound source ever, but the elementary modifications are needed. There is not the software which can bring this and another Xonar cards to the real performances. I do not want to disappoint CarvedIns. He done a real god work to put together all these Xonar drivers in one unified driver. The only good software modification is to put/use ASIO (last - 32 bits) in these drivers. There is the only these cards needs to perform well, after the hardware is modified as necessary...
    I can say very short that a basic modification is to change the power supply to 15V stabilized on STX (f. ex.), and the quartz clock on all the Xonar edition. The result is outstanding only if the quartz is replaced with another one more accurate (1ppm or better). I try to suggest that the way to work with (modify) the software/drivers is not the best way...


    • CarvedInside08 Oct 2010 @ 11:16

      Depends, quality wise you might be right, but I personally think the drivers are the worst part of the Xonar cards are the drivers. What good does swapping the OAMPs if you can't watch a movie without glitches for example..

      If you have the time and want to write an article on how to hardware mod the Xonar, I'll be more than happy to publish it.


      • Con11 Oct 2010 @ 00:33

        I agree that the drivers are also important for a good result in using Xonar cards. The software and hardware goes together off course. My idea is that to get the most out of this cards, first the hardware have to be at the best performances. The glitches could well come on quite old computers motherboards. The last motherboards use an new architecture in processing the streaming. There is something like a hardware ASIO (a direct connection between the CPU and the main bus/PCIex). The software ASIO (witch is used in Xoar drivers, fix the direct connection and exclude the mixing of Windows system in this streaming. The best improvement is to have both, that hardware direct connection and the ASIO driver working in the same time. This is possible on the last models of motherboards for i7 and i5 (maybe) CPUs. I have an ASUS P7P55D-E Premium with i7 CPU. Else there is not only about to change the OPAMPs on the Xonar (STX in this case). Is to be changed the power supply (witch is totally wrong made by ASUS) for the analogue stage on this card, there is to change the oscillator/crystal, there is to change many, many others in this card. But at the end of these changes man can get the best source sound ever (with the existing drivers, but ASIO in place). To make all these modifications is not easy for everyone and it need good skills (and tools) in electronics and desolder/solder SMD components. I will try to find that time for write about all these... Could be a quite long article... So far I was interest to get the most of this cards in playback for music. The Essence STX/ST (witch I`ve modified) is made for this first of all.


  8. dmxdex03 Oct 2010 @ 21:55

    CARVEDINs Drivers for me has improved the posional audio and may the sounds louded through dolby headphone.


  9. alex03 Oct 2010 @ 22:17

    I tried the drivers, seem very nice 🙂 but what about Gain settings in the C-media control panel? For Essence ST. In asus's control panel you can select, so i can do it in the c-media control panel? From what i saw i can click on the volume in the DSP section in the main settings and add +12db, that's the same for the +12db gain in Asus's cp? I just have to use the asus panel, c-medias is much cleaner, thanks 🙂


  10. Jake05 Oct 2010 @ 16:22

    I have an issue where it is IMPOSSIBLE to remove the c-media cpanel once it's installed. I installed the c-media panel earlier today, decided it didn't offer anything I needed and decided to go back to the regular xonar panel... the problem is that even after installing / uninstalling and registry cleaning multiple times, the c-media panel will ALWAYS start once an audio driver has been installed regardless if I am using your driver version or the official asus driver. I have tried your uninstallation guide multiple times to no avail. If you can provide me with a solution that would be most helpful.


  11. Guardian06 Oct 2010 @ 20:53

    could somebody tell me why the ftpserver is down? Anyone?


    • CarvedInside07 Oct 2010 @ 13:38

      I have some problems with the server. What files do you need? I will send them by mail.


  12. dmxdex07 Oct 2010 @ 01:59

    Your trying to get rid of it. I wish my c media panel would show up on my desktop.


  13. MO09 Oct 2010 @ 00:06

    CarvedIns, could send C Media to [email protected]?


    • CarvedInside09 Oct 2010 @ 14:22

      I did sent it just after you wrote it the first time. I will send it again, please check if its not in the spam folder.


  14. dmxdex09 Oct 2010 @ 15:41

    Car any reason why the C media panel disapears from the quick bar when you reboot? Only way to get it back up is to reinstall. But when i reboot again it disapears.


    • CarvedInside09 Oct 2010 @ 20:50

      I unintentionally disable its autostartup. You can find the shortcut in Control Panel, you can either create from there a shortcut on desktop or add it to Start->(All)Programs->Startup. Hope this works.


  15. Arseniy S.10 Oct 2010 @ 00:09

    Guys, I've ordered Xonar D1 today, connected my 5.1 earphones Roccat Kave 5.1 which are working perfectly on my Realtek HD audio. Launched Xonar Audio center, set 5.1 speakers and I don't hear any test sound on rear, sub, center, only LEFT and RIGHT channels. Tried the same via windows control panel -> sound -> configure, set to 5.1 and still only 2 channels. What to do? I've removed all previous HD audio drivers and disabled it in BIOS. I have Windows 7 64 Enterprise installed. Please help, it's really frustrating.


    • CarvedInside10 Oct 2010 @ 18:56

      Try this:

      1.Set your speaker/headphone configuration like in this picture.
      2.Try the speakers test and see if its working. If this works go to step 3.
      3.Make sure you enable 5.1 in the game options. You should try a game like Half life 2.

      You should read the ASUS Xonar Manual, just to be sure you got everything right.



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