

  1. Squire16 Jul 2014 @ 18:14

    omg omg omg i LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!
    had such a bad day, and get home to replace my on board sound card because one of my 3.5mm jacks broke off INSIDE of the jack....so yeah side+center+sub are shorting...
    and when i get this card it got bad latency issue with asus drivers...
    and this driver has fixed the latency problem i love you.


  2. StoneCold17 Jul 2014 @ 12:29

    I don't know if anyone will see this message of mine, but here goes.

    I'm trying to install the unified drivers on my Xonar DX. v1.72 beta. First, I did uninstall the standard Asus drivers for my card, then proceeded to install v1.72 beta. However, after rebooting, it's as if my PC isn't detecting my sound card whatsoever. I'm running Win 8.1 x64, am I right to assume that the drivers aren't compatible with Win 8.1 x64 or should I try the older v 1.64 stable release ?

    Please assist, I really want to see if these unified drivers will help with older games such as Fifa 98 where I have crackling audio.


    I managed to get the v1.72 drivers properly installed, I didn’t see the card profile drop down box at the bottom. Once I selected my card there it installed everything correctly, apologies for not seeing that the first time round.

    I still have a few other questions:

    1) The improved low DPC option, if I were to select that, would any type of control panel option be installed as well ?

    At the moment, I selected the normal Asus Media control panel.

    2) Are any low DPC fixes implemented into the driver itself without selecting the low DPC option during setup ?

    3) When right-clicking the Asus media control in the system tray, I see there is an AIO option. I opened that up cause I had no idea what that was and saw to settings. The default values were 16-bit and 10ms. I changed it to 32-bit and 1ms. If I may ask, what does these two settings influence ? Is it a good thing to modify them or not ?

    Report back: With regards to the crackling audio, there is a massive difference in the audio quality compared to the standard Asus drivers (no surprises here). I decided to test out Fifa 98 Road to World Cup, with the standard drivers, lots of audio stutter/crackling. Using the 1.72 unified drivers, the audio problems are basically solved 100% (without the low DPC option selected during setup). I’ve yet to do some more testing but it’s MILES better than what I had.

    If you could provide me with some insight to my questions, I’ll appreciate it big time. I too wish to make a donation at month end.

    Thank you very much for this unified driver, you ROCK !


    • CarvedInside17 Jul 2014 @ 20:19

      1) Both panels are available, but none of them autostart with windows. A major cause of increased DPC latency is running ASUS Audio Center.
      2) No and yes. I haven't done any changes to the driver itself. The changes I made where to configuration files, for example setting 44.1 sample rate as default compared to 96KHz like on original drivers has a impact on DPC latency.
      3) Those settings are for ASIO playback only. ASIO is a audio output protocol. You normally use Direct Sound and have to explicitly select ASIO as output in audio applications, and then those settings will apply to that ASIO audio playback.
      I suggest you read about recommended audio settings in FAQ: Q&A 9.

      It's good to know that your not having the problems you had with the original drivers.

      Before you ask any other questions, please read Uni Xonar features page, Uni Xonar FAQ page and the Asus Xonar DX manual.


  3. Gugugu18 Jul 2014 @ 00:43

    Hello !

    I currently have a Xonar DX.

    After reformatting my main HDD for a new SDD, I came to install the drivers over on ASUS's website and had the "Please plug in your Asus Xonar DX Device" error

    Found that the EEPROM failure was the issue and ran http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Xonar_EEPROM_Failure

    Great success, the card now installs and furthermore works, I have full sound ; great !

    My problem is that the xonar audio center refuses to start. It just won't launch ( it flashes on my process tabs then simply vanishes )

    Found someone who went through the same process than me on this forum ; http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/352391-28-please-plug-asus-xonar-device

    He basicly says that he fixed his Software issue ( the hardware is working 100% at this point ) by using your third party program.

    I've reformated my SSD and futhermore CLR'd my BIOS and installed your Xonar audio Center to have the same problem.

    This basicly feels like a dead end at this point, any help would be great !


  4. asdf18 Jul 2014 @ 17:41

    Hi there. I have an essence STX II soundcard and as usual the ASUS drivers are shite. Will guys ever consider a unified driver for this new card? Thanks,


  5. Robert Hanner20 Jul 2014 @ 15:13


    how long will the old Xonar Cards, especially the STX and the new STX II, be supported by the UNi drivers?
    I'm planning to buy a STX and asked the ASUS support how long they support it with drivers. They said they don't know. I don't want tu buy a $150 soundcard I can't use with Windows 9 anymore.



    • CarvedInside21 Jul 2014 @ 17:05

      It's difficult to say. Uni Xonar drivers are modded drivers based on the original drivers. If C-Media, who is does the original drivers for the cards and sends them to partners (Asus, Auzentech, HtOmega), does drop the support for win 9, then there won't be any Win9 compatible driver from me either.


  6. Squire22 Jul 2014 @ 15:39

    so after little while I'm having weird problem, when I turn down the volume within windows the left channels turns down and but right channels stay at full volume
    restarting does nothing, reinstalling the drivers only seems to fix it temporarily , but that's annoying as its happening often now....
    i have the D1


    • Squire22 Jul 2014 @ 16:11

      well seems reinstalling/restarting a few times didn't fix it, eventually got it working normally again....after like thousand reinstalls of the driver jumping between the original and uni (your) ones
      what caused something like this....?


      • CarvedInside23 Jul 2014 @ 23:49

        What OS do you have?

        It could be something wrong with your card. I don't think I've seen anyone else mentioning a issue like yours.


        • Squire24 Jul 2014 @ 23:36

          win7 x64,
          its been fine for last two days. Although I haven't reset my pc for those two days either...but hopefully its fixed...but its defiantly driver related.


        • Squire24 Jul 2014 @ 23:41

          thanks for the reply though will keep you updated if it happens again.


        • RossScott25 Jul 2014 @ 14:24

          I've had this exact same issue also, but on Asus's default drivers, this is why I sought these out. It happens on Windows 7 64 bit also.


  7. YellowFlash24 Jul 2014 @ 20:41

    Hello guys!

    I have D1 soundcard. The sound is great through the speakers, but the Vocal FX tab is not working. I have the latest driver, I could find. I added the Skype.exe to the list, I have GX on etc etc, still nothing. When I call the sound tester in Skype, my voice is still the same.
    The question is, if I install the Uni driver, from here, is there any chance, that my VocalFX effects will work properly?


    • CarvedInside25 Jul 2014 @ 23:28

      Don't know. If audio drivers contained in the latest UNi Xonar driver package are newer than what you have installed so far, then you should try the UNi Xonar drivers.


  8. michal28 Jul 2014 @ 21:46

    Thank you so much
    The drivers fixed my BF4 problem!!


  9. James29 Jul 2014 @ 07:46

    Hi, I love your work. I want to know if it is just me or whether or not this is a driver issue. If I choose a "line in" profile and run my system listening to music and choose to sleep my windows 8.1 then when I power up the music only sounds for less than a second and then it is silent. I suspect it may be the "uni switch" software. I can get the music back my changing profiles to a non line-in to a line-in profile. My sleep is a sleep to hard-disk with not power to the pc at all during sleep (car setup).
    Also a new feature that I would like would be midi control to the uni switch profiles.


    • CarvedInside30 Jul 2014 @ 22:11

      There is no Uni Switch, there is only XonarSwitch and it a separate thing from UNi Xonar drivers. If you believe that your problem is from XonarSwitch please post on XonarSwitch dedicated page.
      Before posting, I suggest you try to replicate the problem using Asus or C-Media Panel only (that is without XonarSwitch running). If the problem does not manifest with any of those panels, then it's a issue within XonarSwitch.


      • James31 Jul 2014 @ 08:07

        Thanks for your suggestions. Yeah I meant the XonarSwitch. I will try to uninstall it but I need to know how to select the line in as the recording source without XonarSwitch. I can't see it in the C-Media Panel and use Asioforall in my music software. Can you tell me how it is done please?


    • James28 Sep 2014 @ 16:20

      Just letting people know I found a solution to the "line in" not being active after a power down sleep. The card seems to have a cold default to the "Aux in" which is on a header on top of the card, the middle one. I got the idea to try all the headers because when you change sources you hear a click, like a mechanical sound from the card itself as the analog is switched to the AD converters. Any way, happy now I can be using an analogue input then put the pc in hibernate (ram to HD mode), then resume and the input still continues as expected.


  10. James31 Jul 2014 @ 12:16

    where you say under mixer is practically empty. Just a box with vol, a picture of a room on the left and on meter in the middle and empty space.
    Will I reinstall drivers again? I am using windows 8.1 fresh install with your driver only.

    LE: Just updated to the latest and still nothing on the C-Media Mixer tab. 🙁


    • CarvedInside31 Jul 2014 @ 17:26

      Don't know why its missing. Try setting using Asus Audio Center instead or selecting Line In through Windows->Volume->Recording devices.

      BTW Please use reply to discussion instead of posting new separate comments.


      • James01 Aug 2014 @ 16:56

        thanks for all those suggestions. I got the Mixer back by reinstalling your drivers using the 'reset config' but it doesn't set the line-in properly like it's only 10% as loud, un-like the XonarSwitch program which makes it normal full volume. I'm probably asking too much from a normal sound card.


  11. Adam05 Aug 2014 @ 17:24

    Will this work for the Essence STXII?


    • CarvedInside06 Aug 2014 @ 20:29

      Currently it won't work. Will try to launch a version with STXII support in the near future.


      • Adam06 Aug 2014 @ 23:58

        Do you know if the drivers for the STXII is as shitty as the ones for the STX were @ launch?


        • CarvedInside07 Aug 2014 @ 00:51

          Drivers used for STXII are the same as STX ones. Now maybe the situation is a little bit better than how it was when STX launched. Personally, I would not buy any Asus Xonar card, especially if it where a expensive one. If you don't mind bugs that will never be fixed (like the one described here) and uncertain support for future Windows versions then go for it.
          There is one more thing, you should know that for STXII if you would want to use future UNi Xonar drivers, then you would need to have Windows running in TestMode.


  12. Hagar07 Aug 2014 @ 04:41

    Well I must be stupid. I have a ASUS XONAR HDAV 1.3 DLX and a 1.3 Slim. The SLIM is on a Windows XP system while the DLX is on a Windows 7/64 system. I'm using MEDIAMONKEY 4. And I can't for the life of me install this update that supposedly is better. It gets so far and then ask me to plug in something. Then I still have the issue with MEDIAMONKEY using either WASAPI or ASIO. ASIO4ALL works but I needed to put a ASIO file in MM plugins. Its a hit and miss. Only WASAPI gives me 5.1 sound.
    So any chance for the mentally challenged, how telling me what I'm doing wrong.


    • CarvedInside08 Aug 2014 @ 10:00

      In order to install the Uni Xonar drivers on a Win7 x64 system with Xonar HDAV card you need to enable test mode.


      • Hagar08 Aug 2014 @ 20:11

        Thanks, I really thought I was doing everything right and either was blind or just missed this step or didn't think it applied to me.

        Speaking of though, are these uni drivers worth installing now thinking of the extra steps to jump through?
        Going to go back and re-read this site. The advantages are.........

        Oh, the links to download watermark removal are dead. IF I was to have this issue, is there someplace else to get them?

        Really thanks for helping out...


  13. Alex08 Aug 2014 @ 00:36

    Thank you for the drivers! I started getting high DPC issues, sounds cutting out on videos. Your drivers with low DPC profile fixed this issue. Not only that, my computer speed has significantly improved since installing your drivers (ie: windows load time, application load times and even web browsing). 2 Thumbs up.


  14. Ashish Radadiya08 Aug 2014 @ 14:12

    Hello Developers,
    I am using Xonar D2X card. and intalled latest UniXOANR driver v1.72.

    Recently I have tested my speaker with the following link to play video online. But unfortunately I am not getting any sound during surround sound speaker test.

    While same video was downloaded using the link: http://download.dolby.com/Content_Download/channelcheck-large.mp4
    and video is posted on the page below under title "Channel Check" ==>> MP4 Large 27 MB : http://www.dolby.com/in/en/consumer/technology/home-theater/dolby-digital-plus-download.html

    The downloaded video is 5.1 [Dolby AC3 48000Hz 6ch ] so there is no upmixing problem at all and speaker test works very fine since there is no need for upmixing.

    May I get your help in this matter?? Probably during online play PC receives stereo sound but still it should be converted to 5.1 in dolby pro-logic-IIx mode.


  15. Callum09 Aug 2014 @ 02:59

    I have asked this before, but am still struggling with it, I cant find help anywhere and help would be GREATLY appreciated. Ever since I've had my new DGX I've been unable to alter my music playback using my Mouse+keyboard, So if i am ingame and I want to pause music to listen to footsteps I have to Alt-Tab out of the game and pause the music. This is extremely inconvenient, I've reinstalled the drivers like 5 times, It worked once but the next day it wasn't working anymore.

    Please PLEASE help me!! Thank you


    • CarvedInside09 Aug 2014 @ 08:04

      I don't see how the problem you have is related to the Xonar card and its drivers. It has to do either with windows and its settings, the mouse or keyboard settings and drivers, or with your music player configuration.



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