

  1. Daniel14 Oct 2014 @ 19:55

    Will you ever make these unified drivers compatible with Asus ROG phoebus solo? Current Asus drivers for Phoebus are not great. Hope one day you can make these drivers compatible.


    • CarvedInside19 Oct 2014 @ 13:52

      No, sorry. Phoebus has a different audio chipset and different audio drivers for it than the rest of the Xonar cards.


  2. gamingexpert1315 Oct 2014 @ 02:47

    Thanks for these drivers. I especially like XonarSwitch.
    A few things that I wish they had (that my onboard Realtek drivers had) are:

    --Option to swap Left & Right channels
    (My right speaker has volume/power/bass/treble controls and a headphone plug that I want near me on the left side of the room. Swapping the output lets me swap the speaker positions, which is how I had it with the onboard Realtek audio/drivers.)

    --Option to output to Front & Back outputs at the same time
    (I also used to do this with the Realtek drivers for my onboard sound so I know it's possible. There's many reasons this is useful. (1) I have 2 sets of speakers that I want to output to at the same time, one set has good sound, and the other has special light effects I want running but poor sound quality. (2) Another usage is to simply use 2 sets of speakers to have fake surround sound. (3) Another usage is to have speakers and headphones running at the same time, or 2 sets of headphones [independent volume control would be nice too]. (4) Another usage, which actually might be an additional feature since it's more complicated, is to output 2 different audio streams to the 2 different outputs at the same time. For example if I wanted to output a movie to one room/output, and music to another room/output or headphones.)

    --Option to boost output volume past 100%
    (I was looking for this option when playing video files with very low sound in my media center program on my tv, which cannot boost audio past 100% like vlc. I'm outputting across the room to a soundboard and amp, so I have it boosted there as well, but it also boosts the noise picked up in the signal, so boosting it before it leaves my computer gives me more clean sound data compared to the noise. I don't want to enable SVN because automatic volume control typically has constant annoying volume changes instead of just setting a louder volume that I want. I also finally just noticed that in the standalone apps pack there's HpAMP/HP AMP switcher, which looks like it can boost by +12 or +18, but it says it's for headphones...maybe I'll just try it for speakers, if that will work the same way.)

    Thanks for all the work so far! It's really helpful.


    • CarvedInside19 Oct 2014 @ 13:48

      Just for clarification, XonarSwitch and UniXonar are 2 separate things. XonarSwitch is done by Giulio and it has its own page.
      1) You can exchange L & R if you switch the output from Rear 2 Speakers to Rear Headphones and press Set button near the Analog output combobox in XonarSwitch. Such an option is not available when your output is set as "Rear 2 Speakers". The different between Rear 2 Speakers and Rear Headphones option is you have different addition options for each. So if you don't use Dolby Virtual Speaker option and you have only 2 speakers you can use the output as Rear Headphones. This is how the original Asus/C-media drivers are and there is nothing I can do on that front.
      2) Xonar cards can't have Front Panel and Rear(or Back) panel working at the same time.
      3) In XonarSwitch if you go to Realtime Settings->Mixer->Playback pane you have sliders that let you increase the volume. I don't think t this is a better way to increase the volume rather than through speaker volume. Don't use HPAMP switcher for speakers. The +12 or +18 option is for changing Ohm for Headphones that support different Ohm.


  3. PS15 Oct 2014 @ 09:24

    Using drivers on Win10x64 on Xonar DX.

    Adjusting volume results in the left side going mute before the right. At 0% volume I can hear the right side at roughly 10% with the left side mute.


    • PS16 Oct 2014 @ 01:27

      Little more. Listening to music, it seems It is not in mono as I seem to hear different sounds from the left and right side.

      Yet in balance options of speaker properties, adjusting the left slider results in adjusting volume like normally, adjusting right side does nothing, and setting both to zero results in the same 10% coming out of left side.


      • PS31 Oct 2014 @ 05:37

        Got around to uninstalling, using your driver fusion .bat file to clean things after reboot, and reinstalling with the 1.75b rev.2 drivers you just released. Works. Thanks


  4. Apostolis15 Oct 2014 @ 12:14

    Has anyone tried Uni Xonar with the Win10 ?
    Theoretically they should work, but you never know....


    • chris21 Oct 2014 @ 21:39

      Tested and keeped. Essence STX.
      Works fine, however on ASIO there are some issues as the system think is in idle after some minutes and starts the maintenance tasks making the sound oscilating and distorting. Cannot stop that. 🙁
      On WASAPI is perfect.


  5. recep16 Oct 2014 @ 20:46

    WOW! I am so regretful being so late to install these drivers as an audiophile! SO much better than stock drivers.
    I chose Cmedia Panel installation.I wasnt expecting this much sound improvement! Thank you guys for making this very good drivers!


  6. Larry17 Oct 2014 @ 11:23

    yes... stock drivers are s*** plus Asus is ALWAYS late to release stable/new drivers... expect to release Windows 10 drivers at least 6 months after release


  7. David18 Oct 2014 @ 12:49

    When are we going to get support for the STXII?


    • CarvedInside19 Oct 2014 @ 13:19

      This Monday or Tuesday. I'm sorry for the delay.


      • Mopral19 Oct 2014 @ 14:37

        Will they work only with STX II or also with STX II 7.1?


        • CarvedInside19 Oct 2014 @ 14:54

          They will work for both STX II cards. STX II 7.1 is the same card as STX II and has exactly the same drivers, the only difference is it has the 7.1 multichannel daughterboard additionally to the main card.


  8. TomP19 Oct 2014 @ 10:28

    Many thanks for this web site - very appropriate as I'm just about to buy a half-height Xonar card for my new HTPC !! Can I ask....

    1. How to load the drivers and avoid loading the Asus ones? Do I do it before installing the hardware?
    2. Thinking of buying an HDAV Slim because it has a SPDIF coax output, although are there any other Xonar's with this kind of output?
    3. What applications should I use that best use these drivers?

    Thanks in advance...TomP


    • CarvedInside19 Oct 2014 @ 14:46

      1) You install the UNi Xonar drivers only after you've installed the card. For HDAV cards you need to enable Windows Test Mode before installing the drivers in order for UNi Xonar drivers to install
      2) Xonar HDAV Slim would be the only Xonar card with S/PDIF coaxial output that is slim. If you can use the analog jacks or S/PDIF Toslink then a better buy in my opinion would be a Xonar DX. You can search for cards by features and connections here: http://event.asus.com/multimedia/xonar/find.htm
      3) I'm not sure I understand. There are no applications (as in audio/video players) that work better with these drivers.


      • TomP19 Oct 2014 @ 17:15

        Many thanks, but a few more comments / questions (same numbers) if you do not mind.

        1. Never heard of the Test mode, so thanks for the hint
        2. The Xonar DX that I can find does not have a digital output at all, so which model(s) are you suggesting - DG? DGX? D1? STX? DSX?
        2. I need the coax output because my recorder already has the toslink port used.
        3. I see the ArcSoft app that came with the cards is now obsolete, so are there any other Bluray player apps and/or recording apps that might be suitable

        Supplementary - ASUS refer to HDAV software, but I cannot find where it is maintained / updated. Any advice?


      • TomP12 Dec 2014 @ 10:48

        I only just got my PC built and am ready to install, but your link to Windows Test Mode > Remove the Testmode watermark guide has links disabled to be able to download the .exe and Norton blocks Softonic download of v0.8 as not safe. What can I do?


        • CarvedInside12 Dec 2014 @ 19:04

          Download the file from here. I've checked the contents and it's 100% clean. Here is the VirusTotal report.
          If Norton still flags this as suspicious probably because the remove watermark edits system files, but that does not mean it's malicious.


  9. Roman20 Oct 2014 @ 16:23

    Carve i guess the driver will be out tomorrow... THANK YOU!!! i'll try it on windows 10 as well.


  10. Red5goahead21 Oct 2014 @ 12:12

    A question about FlexBass on Xonar DX I bought a new sub , an Indiana LIne Basso 850 and I'm try to resume this feature to optimize the system

    I'm using Xonarswitch to build profiles for different purpose.

    My question about FlexBass is: with settings below for HT


    I activate the Flexbass with a 120 HZ crossover frequency and large option for front and center,surround small instead

    My target is that the Flexbass work as LFE+MAIN or LFE/Both option in the modern Avr so with front and center (large) there is no cut but the frequencies below the cross-over limit, on these channel, are merged into the original LFE channel. For the surround (little) I've less doubts so that channel should be cutted over cross-over limit and merged down into LFE. Am I right?


  11. James21 Oct 2014 @ 13:45

    Hello Sir I am using Asus Xonar DGX card and your drivers. When listening to music I installed drivers as C-media Panel and sounds very good. I have ATH-m50x. Please tell me settings for best sounds effects in gaming like Battlefield 4. Gx should be enabled or not or install drivers as other option. I have F&D A333u Speakers. Thank you.


    • CarvedInside22 Oct 2014 @ 22:56

      Keep GX off. I am not a fan of sound altering effects. If you wish to read about recommended audio settings then check FAQ Q&A9 page.


  12. Leandros21 Oct 2014 @ 17:48

    I'm trying to reinstall the driver for my Xonar DG on Windows 7 after a format, but it gets stuck at the driver installation window, failing to detect the card. I didn't have this issue installing the driver before and was wondering if you have any idea what could be up. The device is recognised in the device manager under the correct name, leading me to think that the system does recognise the card. I also didn't move it to another slot, so I can't think of any reason why this wouldn't work. Any tips? Thanks in advance.


    • CarvedInside22 Oct 2014 @ 23:04

      Hi.If by any chance have you enabled "Driver signature bypass (...)" then uncheck that option and try installing again. If that was not the issue check one of the Possible solutions from this page.


  13. Mopral23 Oct 2014 @ 16:44

    Thanks for the stx II driver. Works great! Too bad it does not solve the fucking echo issue with battlefield 4


    • CarvedInside23 Oct 2014 @ 19:03

      That is strange, the drivers should fix the echo. Can you check the Windows registry if the registry settings keys for the speaker delays are properly set? To do so navigate to Xonar registry settings as described in FAQ Q&A 5.1, there check for the following keys LsRsDelay, CenterDelay, LbRbDelay and see if they are set to "00 00 00 00".


      • Mopral23 Oct 2014 @ 20:09

        I follow the FAQ but it seems that these registry keys do not even exist in my registry... (driver 1.75b on windows 8.1 x64)


        • CarvedInside23 Oct 2014 @ 21:21

          Think I found the issue. Please download 1.75b r2 drivers and install those. After the installation check the registry for Delay values, check bf4, and report back if echo is fixed.


  14. Roman23 Oct 2014 @ 20:09

    YES, now that everything works under 10 i can make it my primary OS, thank you Carved :D, my STXII loves you 😀


    • CarvedInside23 Oct 2014 @ 20:20

      Glad I could help. 🙂
      Can you help me with something. I'm investigating a potential issue with the drivers and STX II cards. Can you check the if these keys exist in the registry settings? Solved.

      LE: There was a issue with original 1.75b drivers. You should download and install 1.75b rev2.


  15. Larry23 Oct 2014 @ 20:48

    So these drivers work under Windows 10 both flavours? I have Win10 in a VM so the sound is not an issue for now, but just to make sure.



    • CarvedInside24 Oct 2014 @ 16:02

      They work, but since these drivers and not made for Windows 10 there could be some issues here and there (like this one).



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