

  1. Jason Dominus16 Sep 2015 @ 16:43

    Asus posted their Win10 beta drivers. Xonar Essence STX beta Their support pages are down atm though.


  2. Thraddash17 Sep 2015 @ 13:06

    Please, please help me. I've been using these drivers flawlessly for several years on Win 7/8.1 and I love them, but recently I've had a few cases of EXTREMELY loud static, randomly, when opening YouTube videos. Like, loud enough to give me a heart attack.

    I found a thread describing it here http://www.tomsguide.com/answers/id-2334090/insanely-loud-white-noise-headphones-low-volume-setting.html but no solution listed.

    Please, please can anybody shed light on this? I'm playing Russian Roulette for a heart attack with how loud it is. I have a Xonar DX.


    • Raees18 Sep 2015 @ 12:35

      That happened to me once or twice a few weeks ago too, was soooo loud damn, not on youtube though, was a vine or something I think. I watch youtube everyday and haven't had the problem so not sure what it could be.


  3. Gnomish Delight17 Sep 2015 @ 16:17

    Sweet Jeebus the new drivers are so bad.... I have to uninstall any existing drivers with a third party program, restart my PC is safe mode, install as an admin, restart my PC to get back to Windows, and go through the entire process of setting up my system again....

    Every. Time. I. Start. My. PC.

    Every time..... Any ETA on when the Windows 10 drivers will be finished? Will they get done sooner if I insert my wallet as a suppository in the donate button in lieu of oral doses? I'm dying here. Blood was vomited 12 hours ago, my neighbors are tied up in the basement until I have working surround sound again.

    Oh, Intel PC, Essence STX II 7.1 card with the daughterboard.


    • arxnova17 Sep 2015 @ 19:41

      don't tell me, ASUS drivers got a new medal awarded for reaching "Worst drivers ever" for the X year in a row?

      why don't you try the latest Unixonar for STX II? The 1.75b. I'm using 1.75a (STX) on a clean Win10 installation - also used in a 8.1 to 10 upgrade - flawlessly.


      • Gnomish Delight17 Sep 2015 @ 20:01

        Not flawless for me because I'm using optical. There's a known bug with Optical not working correctly even for the Uni drivers on Windows 10.


        • Kadano17 Sep 2015 @ 20:26

          Not working correctly as in not working at all or having occasional problems?

          I’m using 2500k, Z77, Win10, Xonar DG, optical audio and the only issue I have is 1 second audio stutters every 30 minutes or so. I’ve tried all kinds of sample rates and drivers, problem persists without change. Apart from that, it’s working as in Win8.1. Is that the problem you are experiencing too?


          • arxnova18 Sep 2015 @ 09:58

            crap. hope that's fixed in the 1.80 as i'll soon upgrade to a hifi system through optical connection..


          • Gnomish Delight19 Sep 2015 @ 02:39

            As in all I have is Pass-through, nothing else works, and pass-through only has stereo output. No settings in the Asus audio center have any effect.


  4. Kimikz18 Sep 2015 @ 08:19

    Unixonar 1.80 working fine with Xonar DG on windows 10 x64 thx 😀


    • Kadano18 Sep 2015 @ 16:02

      Do you use 1.80a or 1.80b? And do you use optical audio?

      I’m using 1.80a (1.80b failed to install twice) and still get the audio stutter every 30 minutes. Xonar DG, 24bit, 44.1khz, optical audio.


    • CarvedInside21 Sep 2015 @ 20:01

      I appreciate the feedback.


  5. arxnova18 Sep 2015 @ 10:06


    I installed the latest Unixonar in Win10 normal mode and it seems like they're installed. Also, rollback is disable so drivers cleaning should have worked. Can you confirm?


    • arxnova18 Sep 2015 @ 10:21

      the asio panel displays only 16 bit now??


    • CarvedInside19 Sep 2015 @ 04:19

      Don't understand the "rollback is disable.." part. I've written in the release notes that "Roll Back Driver" does not work if you've installed the drivers with "Run driver cleaning" option.


      • arxnova19 Sep 2015 @ 10:30

        i mean, it is "greyed out", so the clean up should have worked, as no old drivers are available anymore.


  6. Mopral18 Sep 2015 @ 19:15

    Seems like there is a little bug with 1.80b. I choose Asus Audio Center during installation but I finally got Cmédia panel installed...


    • CarvedInside19 Sep 2015 @ 04:14

      Thank you for reporting.


      • Mopral19 Sep 2015 @ 06:50

        Just try your solution.
        Asus Audio Center can be launched BUT most of the settings in it do not work at all (volume, sample rate, ...)
        All working perfectly with 1.75b


        • CarvedInside19 Sep 2015 @ 19:07

          I see, thanks letting me know. I am working on fixing this. The hole issue is strange because 1.75b were working fine in this regard.


  7. semtexxl18 Sep 2015 @ 22:58

    Thanks for the new driver. However this new 1.80a (my testing) seems to be very odd. Installation is very smooth and there is no window saying “installing unixonar audio” in comparison with previous 1.75a r2 driver. The problem with muting both audio streams while using exclusive audio output is back sadly (at lest in my case). Tested with foobar2000 v1.3.8 using WASAPI exclusive output (event) @ 24 bits on Win x86. When you play some audio stream let's say you tube video while playing audio in exclusive mode in will simply mute not only youtube video sound (like it should) but also wasapi exclusive audio output. Also when you go through your folders while playing exclusive output you logically can “hear” how windows simply blocks the sound of opening folder again like it should. But with this driver it seems very drastic. 1.75a r2 have some some sort of little skip while 1.80a a huge gap and lag in sound. I was so thrilled to see new driver here but sadly I must roll back to great 1.75a r2 driver which has no major flaws for me. BTW The sound of new 1.80a is very nice that's why it is a shame for me.

    I have Xonar D2X card.


    • CarvedInside21 Sep 2015 @ 21:16

      I've tested WASAPI playback based on your description and I didn't run into any of the issues your had. Playback from foobar2000 wasn't muted or interrupted. I have Windows 7 SP1 x64 and Xonar DX and drivers installed in Low DPC Latency configuration.
      Let me ask you some questions: Are you using Windows 7 right? Has your Windows been updated in the past months? Did you restart after installing the drivers? This is not required, but I am curious if you've got the issues after a system restart or not. If you didn't maybe you should try again and restart after driver installation.
      Which panel configuration where you using? Have you tried the 1.75b drivers, how these work in this regard?

      If you decide to try the 1.80a drivers again, I suggest trying the WASAPI output with another player and see if the behavior is different, I recommend trying AIMP player.


  8. Travis19 Sep 2015 @ 01:58

    The installer for the new version hangs and won't let me install.
    The old installers worked fine.
    Any ideas why this might happen?


    • CarvedInside19 Sep 2015 @ 04:31

      Tell me your card and OS. Did you try 1.80a or 1.80b?
      Maybe it seems like it's hanging. I've changed how the audio driver installer is ran by the UNi Xonar installer, it does not show up like before, instead it is running without a interface. Please clarify what makes you say the installer hangs. Do you get the installation failed message in the UNi Xonar installer?


  9. Gary19 Sep 2015 @ 05:10

    I have tried to update to the 1.80 but my antivirus program keeps blocking it. I have tried to force it to allow it but it blocks files during the install. I am running windows 8.1 and have Trend Micro Maximum security. Any ideas why it thinks it is a threat?


  10. Wulfgar19 Sep 2015 @ 12:49

    Just to let you know that I installed the new 1.80a on my Essence ST and everything went fine just as the previous driver (Win10 Pro x64). First I uninstalled the old 1.75a r2 from Windows control panel, rebooted, installed 1.80a with the driver cleaning option checked. It didn't even require a reboot after installing but I rebooted anyway. Low DPC and Essence ST was automatically selected on setup. Great driver for me. Thanks. 🙂


    • CarvedInside21 Sep 2015 @ 20:57

      I appreciate the feedback 🙂

      FYI restarting after driver install is only useful if audio playback isn't working properly or if one would install the drivers while the audio card was in use (playing audio).


  11. mh000119 Sep 2015 @ 16:14

    Observed a strange bug while updating from v1.75a r2 to v1.80a: The old driver got uninstalled by "driver cleaning" and the Xonar device was removed from device manager, BUT all the inputs and outputs of the Xonar card were still listed in control panel -> sound (Speaker, mic, line-in ....) and the installer reported that the Installation of the new drivers failed. After a reboot everything Xonar-related was wiped completely and I was able to install the new driver by just running the installer again. Maybe you should consider a reboot between driver cleaning and installation, so that the installer continues automatically after restarting?

    Forgot to mention: I was running Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview build 10532 when I updated to 1.80a. (Now I’m using the new build 10547 and can confirm that the new driver is still working in that build :). In Insider hub, MS announced that they fixed a lot of audio stuff.)


    • CarvedInside22 Sep 2015 @ 01:27

      Thanks for the feedback and for the heads up on audio fixes in the new Windows 10 build. Regarding the installation problem, maybe an application that you had running (browser, chat client, audio/video player) was holding the card in active mode and thus preventing the driver cleaner from uninstalling the card until reboot. In most cases there is no need to restart in order to complete uninstallation of the drivers but I will see what I can do about those cases that do need that. If you run into this problem again instead of restarting try closing everything and try installing the drivers again and let me know how that go.


  12. Xtec19 Sep 2015 @ 22:44

    Stereo Upmix does not work for me. I tried to run the upmix switch again manually but with no result. Any ideas?


  13. Gabor Dinnyes20 Sep 2015 @ 12:01

    good morning! For me the blue screen of death 1.80 driver. Windows 7 Ultimate


    • CarvedInside22 Sep 2015 @ 01:30

      Hi. I assume you've tried 1.80a driver. What audio card do you have? Which where the previous drivers that you had installed previously and worked?
      Have you tried running the 1.80a driver installer again after the BSOD? Thanks.


  14. Roope Kiviniemi20 Sep 2015 @ 12:43

    New driver works great. With previous driver i got strange ''crackling'' sounds while playing Mad Max, but now they are gone.


    • CarvedInside22 Sep 2015 @ 01:32

      Thanks for the feedback. Can you tell me what audio card you have, your OS and which is the driver version that you previously had?


  15. d-kara20 Sep 2015 @ 14:10

    I want xonar d-kara drive for win 10,When can you do it?Thanks~


    • CarvedInside22 Sep 2015 @ 23:14

      I don't have any plans of supporting D-Kara cards. Sorry. You should contact ASUS and ask for Win10 drivers for your card.



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