

  1. Cuypers Rob12 Feb 2016 @ 23:56

    Hi Carvedinside, I have downloaded a driver from this site for a xonar essence stx for windows 10 and everything works just fine. However I was hoping to be able to adjust some sound settings but I can't seem to find an audio panel. Can you help me out with this please? Thx


    • CarvedInside13 Feb 2016 @ 00:07

      Hi. Which panel configuration have you chosen when you installed the drivers?
      Try searching for AsusAudioCenter.exe in C:\ drive.


      • Cuypers Rob15 Feb 2016 @ 22:23

        It was the STX_8_1_8_1823_Win10 driver. When I try to open it from the AsusAudioCenter in C drive it replies: Can't find any device. Yet I do have sound and the speaker icon down in the right hand side of my computer now identifies the Xonar ssence STX instead of the Realtek Audio. The device manager on my pc also Detects the Xonar Essence STX. It is clearly installed.


        • CarvedInside15 Feb 2016 @ 22:40

          Your comments don't add up and you are not exactly replying to my question. You've said that you've installed the driver from this site, then you mention the STX_8_1_8_1823_Win10 which is the name of the original Asus driver.

          For the "Can't find any device" you can check the FAQ Q&A15, a Google search would have shown that up. C-Media Panel will only be available if you install UNi Xonar drivers.


  2. Jake15 Feb 2016 @ 20:20

    I have the Xonar DX audio card with the latest drivers 1.80r3 and Windows 10. I have the Astro A50 headphones and some external speakers.

    I'm having and issue when checking and unchecking SPDIF Out. When I use the headset, i check SPDIF Out>Dolby Digital Live, and Audio Channel > 8 channel. A lot of the time when I uncheck this an try to switch to 2 channel for regular PC use, the Audio Center freezes up and becomes unresponsive with the spinning activity wheel. I have to say to close the program out, it crashes, then I have to reload the Audio Center, after that it works fine again.

    Has anyone ran into this?


  3. Namrac16 Feb 2016 @ 20:51

    I have downloaded the lasted drivers and I am unable to get them to install and find the Razor Barracuda AC-1 can anyone help with this if someone was able to get this driver to work.


  4. Dominich18 Feb 2016 @ 01:02

    Hi, i have an asus xonar dgx but with low dpc configuration i get this dpc :

    DPC routines are part of the interrupt servicing dispatch mechanism and disable the possibility for a process to utilize the CPU while it is interrupted until the DPC has finished execution.

    Highest DPC routine execution time (µs): 837,784529
    Driver with highest DPC routine execution time: cmudaxp.sys - C-Media Audio WDM Driver, C-Media Inc

    Highest reported total DPC routine time (%): 0,907527
    Driver with highest DPC total execution time: cmudaxp.sys - C-Media Audio WDM Driver, C-Media Inc

    Total time spent in DPCs (%) 1,386596

    DPC count (execution time =4000 µs): 0

    unfortunately it create micro stutters and audio poops. any idea to how fix this ?
    i'm looking to solve this problem since september sadly.

    thank you

    LE: sorry i forgot to say i’m on windows 10 pro x64


    • CarvedInside18 Feb 2016 @ 02:57

      Even if cmudaxp.sys is reported as having the highest DPC latency your issues might not be from the Xonar card/drivers or from the DPC latency of your system. In my experience LatencyMon reports are not that useful.
      I would start by disabling the Xonar card and trying the system with the onboard audio card. This will clarify if the issues are with the Xonar card or not.
      For general tips for improving DPC latency you may want to check The case of DPC latency - Part 2 if you haven't already.


  5. amaneden22 Feb 2016 @ 03:48


    I used to use Xonar D2/PM with 64bit Windows 10 thanks to your drivers. I've changed my motherboard now i cant get sound anymore 🙁
    Panel works, Drivers are installed, i hear switching sounds when starting windows and shutting down. But my z5500 does not get data, it says no digital data . I can see bars showing activity of sound when i play music, but somehow z5500 wont get sound from the card. I use optical cable btw.
    What could be the problem?


    • CarvedInside22 Feb 2016 @ 05:13

      Hi. Try the S/PDIF output with the onboard audio and see if it works there.
      Uninstall and install the UNi Xonar drivers if you haven't done that.


  6. Mrrshal23 Feb 2016 @ 02:14

    Hello CarvedInside! ASUS have on their website win10 beta drivers for Xonar D2X called D2X-2.08(W10-PR). Are they any good, what can you say about it?


    • CarvedInside23 Feb 2016 @ 17:33

      Hello. The "D2X-2.08(W10-PR)" is the unpacked folder name of the "D2X_8_1_8_1823_Win10.zip" driver file. Please next time look and use the driver file and not the unpacked folder name. Those are the same audio drivers (1823) used in UNi Xonar v1.80a drivers.


  7. Jfe23 Feb 2016 @ 03:37

    Hello, I have question is possible to configurate the inputs on this card. I mean to connect my headphones and speakers to soundcard in the same time.


    • CarvedInside23 Feb 2016 @ 19:11

      There is a trick that works if you have 2.0 or 2.1 speakers, you can clone the output from the front speakers output jack to another output jack (the rear or center speakers) where you could connect your headphones. Guide for WIN7/8/10: 1)Enable stereo upmix if you’ve installed the drivers without it. 2)In the panel set the following: 2 channels and 4 speakers. 3)Don’t enable Dolby enhancements (like Dolby Pro-logic).
      If you have Windows XP then there is a different guide for that.


      • Jfe23 Feb 2016 @ 22:02

        So I just have to set up it like that? http://imgur.com/ClQbv9e

        But then my headphones will play whole time. Doesnt it breaks down them?


        • CarvedInside24 Feb 2016 @ 00:11

          Your configuration is right. What is the point of having the speakers and headphones connected at the same time if you want only 1 active at a time? Why not use the front panel jack and enable it when you want the headphones? If you lack an audio front panel on your case you could just switch from 2 to 4 speakers when you need the headphones and turn off the speakers.
          "Doesn't it breaks down them? " - I have no idea what you are asking.


          • Jfe24 Feb 2016 @ 02:45

            Why I need configuration like this? Because my frontpanel jack make that I don't hear sound on my right headphone. Something happend with the jack and it isn't working properly. "Doesn't it breaks down them" I had on mean If my headphones will work whole time It can hurts them?

            Second question. Sometimes in CSGO after installing UNi Drivers I have some spikes for 1sec and I don't know. If It's because of configuration that I am using or something with drivers ;/


  8. XionEternum23 Feb 2016 @ 19:59

    Plans/intentions regarding the new STRIX line?


    • CarvedInside23 Feb 2016 @ 21:11

      I don't have any plans to make modded drivers for the Asus STRIX soundcards. Asus STRIX soundcards have a different audio chip and have different audio drivers than Asus Xonar cards.


  9. Ocelot26 Feb 2016 @ 08:38

    I just wanted to say thank you guys for all your hard work! I really appreciate it! Is there anyway I can send you bitcoin? I don't like using paypal. Thank you again!


    • CarvedInside27 Feb 2016 @ 17:14

      I too dislike paypal but in the current situation it is much more useful to me. But I would appreciate any donation regardless of whether it's with paypal or in bitcoins. If bitcoins are more accessible to you then you can send them to this address: 139gdtTSiEKE2vqKzVtfepPP6EmWuwqgsK
      Thank you.


  10. RSH29 Feb 2016 @ 01:00

    I am having issues with my xonar dx on windows 10. The sound is not loud enough, I am not enjoying this card at the current time. I had more success on windows vista. Would any one please guide me to the best settings to apply for “Uni-Xonar-1823-v1.80a-r3” driver.


    • CarvedInside29 Feb 2016 @ 23:57

      I am not familiar with such an issue. I haven't received similiar complains and I haven't experienced a lower volume on Windows 10 than on Windows 7.
      I don't know what settings you look for but you may take a look at FAQ Q&A:9


      • RSH01 Mar 2016 @ 10:55

        I have tried altering the settings and no luck.
        I have to put volume to 100 % and it still feels comparable to 30 % on board motherboard sound, the sound is washed out and hollow on Win 10.
        I used to get rich sound from the card on vista, I have had this card for a long time.

        Has the card reached the end of its lifespan ?


  11. my name29 Feb 2016 @ 16:18

    I have a xonar DG and installed this because I was getting a BSOD about cmudaxp.sys every 1-3 days and it keeps happening even after a clean windows 7 reinstall and drivers cleaning and "GX" disabled and everything that can be done
    I know its a common issue but I just can't find a solution about it and the "custom drivers" for this card that some guy released in the asus forum are offline since 2012
    Should I just burn the card?


    • CarvedInside29 Feb 2016 @ 23:53

      You should check the Xonar card in another system. If you get the same issues the card has a hardware defect.


      • my name03 Mar 2016 @ 02:24

        But its a common issue on windows 7, I heard windows 8.1 drivers fix it but I can't install them in windows 7 that is why that ones was modified


        • CarvedInside03 Mar 2016 @ 04:46

          It's not a common issue if you disable GX and you did that. I don't think I ever had a BSOD caused by cmudaxp.sys since I've started using Windows 7 a few years ago.
          If you've installed UNi Xonar drivers then you've already installed audio drivers even newer than those included in ASUS Xonar DG drivers for Windows 8.1.


  12. WD29 Feb 2016 @ 23:23

    Just a heads up, your #1 driver download said it's a virus and can't be downloaded, the mirror worked fine.


  13. KZ06 Mar 2016 @ 02:03

    Can Headphones ohm Amp make my fps lower or add some input lag?


    • CarvedInside08 Mar 2016 @ 00:45

      I don't see any reason why it would. If you think you get lower FPS then you should benchmark with something like 3DMark(paid) or FurMark(free).


  14. fabio dias07 Mar 2016 @ 19:16

    I'm with an ASUS DG with W10 using 1816/1823 v1.80a r3. Ever now and then, the sound will crack and the system seems to lag for one second, mostly on youtube and gaming. Didn't happened with the same computer/card/driver with windows 8.1. Also, dont seem to happen with the onboard realtek 1150.


    • CarvedInside08 Mar 2016 @ 00:43

      I don't know the cause of this, might be because of a bug with windows 10, could be related to high DPC latency or something else. If you've installed drivers with Normal (Asus Audio Center) configuration then you should try Low DPC Latency or C-Media configuration. Unfortunately there isn't a reliable way to check for high DPC latency on Windows 10, but you should look at DPC latency tips and tweaks from Part2 of DPC Latency article. If you still have the isseus then you should try with v1.75a drivers and v1.80b UNi Xonar drivers.

      Hope this helps. Let us know if any of these advices helped.


  15. Tuoni08 Mar 2016 @ 22:43

    Just an heads up
    Mirror 1 of the UNi Xonar 1816/1823 v1.80a r3 driver actually links to and downloads UNi Xonar STXII 11.5 v1.80b r3 driver and the other way around.


    • CarvedInside08 Mar 2016 @ 23:19

      Thank you. A couple of days ago I've switched the links between primary and mirror and it looks like I messed up.



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