

  1. Serhat05 Mar 2017 @ 11:23

    I own a STX II and for me the original drivers sound better. I have also noticed that ASIO version of unified drivers are older than the original drivers'.


    • CarvedInside05 Mar 2017 @ 17:02

      I don't know which UNi Xonar drivers have you tried but v1.80b has the same audio drivers and ASIO version as the original STXII drivers.


      • Serhat05 Mar 2017 @ 20:19

        Tried this one: UNi Xonar W10 1825 v1.81a r2


        • CarvedInside06 Mar 2017 @ 22:52

          Regarding the sound quality in v1.81 drivers, there have been reports that is different. I've yet to make some RMAA tests to see how different.


  2. Robert Medley08 Mar 2017 @ 01:13

    Wow I have actually had this Xonar soundcard for over a year probably a year and a half. The sound card has always been decent but it would always seem to develop this buzz/feedback after a while. I would change out the drivers and it would primarily go away and or get better but never completely. When I am listening I can't really hear it and or the sound defeats the feedback. I had gotten back around until it is always having the buzz again and I went looking for drivers to see if there was anything new and walla I found your drivers and they fixed the whole problem.

    Thank you it is really appreciated. Just as a note I am partially deaf (legally I am deaf but I can hear 40% out of one ear and the other ear picks up the sub and mid/ranges-bass) so highend headphones are a must and I use some Masters and Dynamic cans. The help is very appreciated.


    • CarvedInside08 Mar 2017 @ 02:09

      Thanks for the feedback. I'm pleased to hear that these drivers helped with the problem you've been having.
      If you can tell me what Xonar card do you have, the original driver version you had previously installed, your OS, what UNi Xonar driver you have currently installed and what panel configuration have you selected when you've installed them?


  3. Momi08 Mar 2017 @ 19:11

    Hey! Just a quick feedback on the new audio driver:
    I'm using the STX II, running the latest v1.81a rev.2 (low DPC) drivers on Win 10 64-bit.
    Yesterday i ran into an issue: Suddenly, the left canal did not make any sound anymore, neither on the headphone-out nor the regular cinch-out's. Balance options were ok. However, when turning up the volume to 100 % (and only 100 %), the left canal kicked back in.
    The only thing i changed on the system was installing Titanfall 2 via Origin, so that might have something to do with it.

    Reinstalling the v1.81a rev.2 driver, following the correct uninstalling (play audio file) and installing (test mode or signature control deactivated) procedure completely solved the problem.

    Nevertheless, thank you very much for making the UNi drivers!


    • CarvedInside09 Mar 2017 @ 21:19

      Hi. Before you've tried to reinstall the drivers, have you tried to restart the system?
      Thank you for the feedback.


      • Momi09 Mar 2017 @ 22:05

        Yes, first i've tried to just logoff-login and then i've restarted the system twice - nothing but reinstalling helped in my case. I will report if this issue occurs again.


  4. Demian Martin11 Mar 2017 @ 07:40

    I just installed for both Win 10 and XP for a Xonar DX. The card works fine in ASIO but in WDM I can't get playback working correctly above 48 KHz sample rate. Record works well. Simple test is using ARTA in loopback and set the sample rate to 192KHz. Set the generator to 60 KHz and typically something around 16 KHz comes out. In ASIO 60 KHz comes out. it seems to record correctly at 192, just playback. Sam issue in XP and Win 10. an ESI Juli@ in the same system works correctly. Something in the driver is causing resampling on playback.


    • CarvedInside13 Mar 2017 @ 22:38

      I wasn't aware of this problem. Unfortunately, there is little chance I could do something about it. Probably C-Media (if informed by ASUS) could fix this.
      Thanks for reporting.


  5. jovigom11 Mar 2017 @ 13:13

    Hello, good morning!

    Thanks for drivers.
    I have a question. Is it normal I cannot adjust EQ with optical connection?


  6. Lindsay Addie12 Mar 2017 @ 03:11

    First thanks to CarvedInside for continuing to produce new drivers for us all to use. A couple of days ago I installed the 1825 2 1.81a rev2 drivers on Windows 10 PC with a Xonar STX Essence. As other have already the sound footprint with these drivers is definitely different. I listen exclusively to classical music and find that stereo positioning is more precise and the bass seems slightly deeper with these drivers.


  7. petr13 Mar 2017 @ 22:57

    Installed the last driver on the Xonar DG after a pause and playback it gives a reverse


  8. Michael15 Mar 2017 @ 00:31

    I am not 100% able to pin down the cause yet, but I have the feeling that the 1.81 drivers have introduced DPC latency issues, and the do seem to sound different to me too. I am not using any control panel, just XonarSwitch. I am using a Xonar D2X and Windows 10 with the latest patches applied as of this time. I have been using your drivers for years man, thanks for the offer to the community.

    I actually installed the 1.80a -r3. The difference in DPC latency is quite massive, with exactly the same settings through XonarSwitch. The driver highest reported dpc latency via LatencyMon went from 800-900ns with 1825, to 260ns with 1823.
    With the 1825 driver, whenever I pressed the “start monitoring” button in LatencyMon while music was playing, the whole system would freeze with a repeat sound for half a second, and then start monitoring. I would also eventually get the report that my system isn’t capable of realtime video/audio tasks. That’s with everything equal except the difference in drivers. The older driver (1823, 1.80a-r3) behaves properly, the new one seems to be hogging my system completely. I even tried to switch systemplarform clock with it, and it was doing the same.


    • CarvedInside15 Mar 2017 @ 00:43

      First, I want to give you some advices regarding the use of the comment section:
      1. You've replied to a discussion thread that wasn't about the problem you are reporting. If you are bringing a new issue then write a new comment instead.
      2. You've added your e-mail in the website field. The website field is visible for the public and bot crawlers. I've removed that information from your existing comment but you should remove the address from the Website comment field for future comments.

      Regarding the DPC latency issue. Thanks for reporting. I will look into it to see if I get the similar behavior.


      • Michael15 Mar 2017 @ 02:09

        Thanks for tidying up my posts! The difference was quite massive, I can write down my specs if you want them:
        CPU Intel Core i7 [email protected] (overclocked via Turbo multiplier, HT enabled, and with frequency scaling enabled)
        Sapphire P67 Hydra (with the last available Sandy Bridge bios, 32 PCI clocks set, all usb handoffs to "enabled", and the last AHCI Intel storage driver for my platform installed)
        Radeon 7970 oc with boost (bios modded to a 280x with the 17.3.1 AMD driver installed)
        Xonar D2X
        Windows 10 Pro x64 14393.953

        I first noticed something was off when I tried moving the Groove Music window while music was playing and I was adjusting EQ settings for my headphones. The window movement was jerky and the music would glitch out for a second. Then I realized that I have had high-DPC related issues with my system since installing 1825, and then I verify that DPC latency was indeed crazy, using LatencyMon. You have to use the system a bit, in order to verify it, but one of the sure tells is that pressing the "Start monitoring" button in LatencyMon will glitch any music playing and pause the whole system for a while and then DPC latency will start going insane as you use.

        I'm 99% certain that it was responsible for at least two complete freezes in my computer.


        • kean3D16 Mar 2017 @ 21:08

          i got same dpc latency problems months ago, and the cause was the antivirus (avast); uninstalled it and problem solved; strange cause before change platform (cpu+mobo) i used same antivirus/os/audio card with no problem at all


        • Shrymp18 Mar 2017 @ 14:26

          I have the exactly same behaviour on my machine as Michael. i7 6700K@4 GHz. Latency was lower with former driver, stalling with some music programs or simply playing music via MPC HC or WMP was not a problem. Tested with exactly same system settings in various games & programs. Nevertheless the driver itself is good.


          • Michael20 Mar 2017 @ 21:19

            How do you mean "the driver itself is good"? DPC latency is quite detrimental here. You do have a more powerful CPU, but you're keeping the new driver? My guess is that you have HPET enabled?


            • Shrymp24 Mar 2017 @ 17:43

              Everything else than the DPC latency is good, meaning all the work Carved put into it. And yes, I keep the driver because it does what it should and beside the higher latency (which still is low enough that LatencyMon says it's ok without any dropouts) I don't have any complaints. I'm into music and work often with Buzz and loads of VST's but don't have problems. Only a few higher numbers as before don not create a problem as such (for me). But technically spoken: this driver HAS a higher DPC latency than the one before and it stutters the system if you start playing a file with Mediaplayer etc. I think one has to balance if it's a problem (use older driver) or just something uncomfortable because DPC latency values are higher.
              Oh, and just to mention - the impact of HPET is overvalued nowadays (imho). 😉


              • Zsolt25 Mar 2017 @ 17:19

                Does this mean that the DPC issues are back, or you never had them?
                I had clicking and high latency since day one on windows 10. After I got fed up with it I downgraded to 8.1


                • Shrymp26 Mar 2017 @ 13:21

                  @Zsolt: The DPC issues are permanent. Where "issue" only means higher DPC latency values and stuttering when starting Mediaplayer or such (on my system). It is insignificant with "daily work", so to say.


    • Devorra03 Apr 2017 @ 21:51

      Hi, i have the same problems with the driver "UNi-Xonar-W10-1825-v1.81a-r2"
      The Latency is very high. Since i upgrade to RX480 i have also Stuttering on my PC. I think the driver can be responsible for this.
      Sorry for my english, but you need more confirmations. 🙂


  9. Alex17 Mar 2017 @ 12:19

    I use win 10, asus Xonar DS. I have crashes in Skype when PC is turning off.

    Install your driver (UNi-Xonar-W10-1825-v1.81a-r2): Normal - Asus Xonar Audio Center - don't fix my problem. All other options have fixed the Skype crashes.
    But in front panel i have the headphones, and can't change the stream from back panel to my headphone. (in Normal - asus xonar audio center, i can do this.)
    Please, help.


  10. Mike Ch20 Mar 2017 @ 03:36

    Thanks for all the support for so many years!
    I found out about uni xonar drivers after making the switch to win10 and searching online. I have owned the Essence ST pci since Sept 2010, no issues since until win10. I experienced the random 6kHz screech while using headphones via the headphone port of the card. Thought it was fluke until it occurred again. Thought it might've been driver issue, so I stopped using the headphone port and only used the L/R rca with an adapter for 3.5mm port. Few months later, I tried the headphone port again, fine for few weeks, then bam, the 6kHz surprise... Again I returned to using the L/R rca's, even got an amp for passive speaker which also had it's own headphone amp. So I used that for few months, until yesterday the 6kHz happened... I was comfortable, was not expecting the screech to affect rca ports of the card... It's sad such a quality and well-regarded product is flawed.
    For my uses, I am settled on using a cheap usb sound adapter. On the plus side, the adapter has a dedicated mic port so it's very clear sound recorded with modmic, according to friends on discord.
    I really enjoyed using the uni xonar drivers, as I didn't want to part with my essence card at the time. Thanks for your time, I really appreciate the work!


  11. John24 Mar 2017 @ 22:14

    Hi, I noticed when not using the original xonar audio center, and installing the dolby software, the sound was much worse on my DSX. But with the original software that comes with the Asus drivers, the sound is ok.

    Just out of interest, what are the differences between the original asus xonar drivers and the unified drivers?


    • CarvedInside24 Mar 2017 @ 22:32

      Hi. I moved the comment to it's own discussion thread as it contains topics unrelated to the discussion you replied too.
      If you've installed v1.81 drivers then those specific drivers might have a different sound quality. Try previous releases or try the version that has the same audio drivers as ASUS original drivers that you previously had.
      Another factor that could change the sound quality is the fact that you've installed the Dolby software. You should try the drivers as they are and then install them with additional software/modifications.

      For the differences between UNi and ASUS drivers you can check the UNi Xonar Features page.


  12. Arnold Schwarzenigger26 Mar 2017 @ 04:07

    There is still problem with W10 + Firefox + Youtube. Sometimes very high sound on playback. But with latest drivers(v1.81a) and newest FF the problem is very very rare. Is much better than before. No problem on CIA spyware AKA Chrome.


    • CarvedInside28 Mar 2017 @ 19:17

      Thanks for the feedback. Can you tell me which card do you have, if you use front panel jack and if you have set a specific headphone gain.


      • Arnold Schwarzeneger05 Apr 2017 @ 01:03

        ST, headphones connected directly to the card and normal gain, but currently i use speakers.


        • billgates16 Jun 2017 @ 15:49

          You can switch you card to different PCI slot. Several month from switching (xonar st) I have no that 6khz sound. Before I have it from 1 time per week to several times per day.


  13. Simon Wirths26 Mar 2017 @ 19:21

    Hi maxedtech Team,
    First and foremost, thanks for these amazing drivers. Secondly, my question: How to set a special use case up for which I could not find any tips on the site.

    I want to use the Frontpanel Out and the Headphone Out of my Xonard DG simultanesously, so that audio is streamed to both ports. In the Xonar Setting only one can be chosen at a time. Is there maybe a registry setting or a part in the application code that I can tweak to achieve that? Not afraid of long code files, so hit me :).

    Thanks in advance and in hope for a quick response,



    • CarvedInside26 Mar 2017 @ 21:30

      I don't think something like this is possible.
      There is a trick that works if you have 2.0 or 2.1 speakers, you can clone the output from the front speakers output jack to another output jack (rear or center speakers) where you could connect your headphones. Guide for WIN7/8/10:
      1) Enable stereo upmix if you’ve installed the drivers without it.
      2) In the panel set the following: 2 channels and 4 speakers.
      3) Don’t enable Dolby enhancements (like Dolby Pro-logic).
      If you have Windows XP then there is a different guide for that.


  14. Karmak31 Mar 2017 @ 12:15

    Anyone knows why Asus Audio center is not working? DO I have to install it from the original Asus website BEFORE installing the UNI drivers? atm it just won't launch. Thank you


    • CarvedInside01 Apr 2017 @ 01:00

      Asus drivers are not required for Asus Audio Center. By any chance, have you installed the UNi Xonar drivers with Low DPC Latency configuration? Because with Low DPC Latency configuration you have access to Asus Audio Center but it does not autostart with Windows.
      Do you have Asus Audio Center entry in Start->All Programs->UNi Xonar Audio or C:\Program Files\UNi Xonar Audio\Customapp\AsusAudioCenter.exe? If you launch it, does it work?


      • Karmak01 Apr 2017 @ 14:39

        I don't think I used low dpc, I first installed c-media without gx, and tried with normal later. In both cases I did have asus audio center in Start and in the program files folder but won't launch if I double click the executable


        • CarvedInside02 Apr 2017 @ 01:55

          Which audio card do you have? Which OS? Which UNi Xonar driver version have you installed?


          • Karmak02 Apr 2017 @ 03:04

            Essence stx II on win 10, drivers 1.80a


            • CarvedInside02 Apr 2017 @ 04:14

              Yeah, Asus Audio Center that's included with 1.80a r3 drivers doesn't work with STXII cards.
              To make it work, download this one and copy paste it over "C:\Program Files\UNi Xonar Audio\Customapp\".


  15. bizuka02 Apr 2017 @ 01:58

    can you guys please tell me what is the driver with lowest input lag for an essence stxii?
    for windows 7 and for windows 10. thank you.



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