

  1. Astek8623 Apr 2017 @ 15:12

    Hello. Does anyone else have fun with the sound card driver if you use teamspeak? That is, the microphone is completely shut down for something. With 1.75 driver good but above they are not good either 🙁 (d2x)


  2. rBose23 Apr 2017 @ 15:15

    I found a particularly weird issue today, fresh W10 Pro X64 install, latest version for my D2PM ( 1825 v1.81a r2 ) and when I click on this button :


    The music im listening to stutters for 1-2 seconds ( 100% repro rate ), to make it more weird, it only occurs on that specific button, no idea why.

    I was listening to music in my browser ( Chrome on mixcloud.com )


  3. JamminR25 Apr 2017 @ 00:10

    Apologies - I've searched back a few pages but find no real easy way to search.
    Indeed, as many here, thanks for keeping this chipset alive as best as you can with what you're given.
    I wish to report a BSOD that I can replicate almost 100% of the time.
    2 Windows machines, both Win10 Pro x64 - BSOD occurs both pre and post anniversary update (unsure if I have the Creative update yet, and I'm not in front of the two PCs as I'm making this report).
    Both were updated from Win7 x64 Ultimate. I don't remember, but don't think BSOD's occurred pre Win10.
    Since June 2016 Win7=>Win10 update, both have been wiped and installed win10 fresh.
    Main rig - Asus MVN98TD Evo motherboard, Razer AC-1 Barracuda sound card. Have had 2 different AMD processors, and two diff chipset vid cards (Nvidia and AMD), so pretty sure that isn't a factor.
    Secondary - An intel rig/no dedicated vid/sound, all on CPU and motherboard.
    I frequently RDP from main rig to secondary.
    If I leave RDP session connected. put main rig to sleep. Upon attempting to wake main rig, I almost always get ":( IRQL NOT LESS THAN EQUAL "cmudaxp/cmudxp/cmudexp?(sorry, I forget exact)".sys - you can restart" bsod error.
    If I (remember and) disconnect the RDP session before placing rig to sleep, no issue with wake.
    Both with UNi Xonar W10 1825 v1.81a r2 (Cmedia no GX) and with UNi Xonar 1816/1823 v1.80a r3 (Cmedia no GX)


    • CarvedInside25 Apr 2017 @ 21:19

      Things you could try:
      1) You could try older drivers like v1.64.
      2) On Remote Desktop Connection settings you could disable the remote audio playback/recording if it's enabled and you don't need it.
      3) Try another remote desktop application like TeamViewer for example.


  4. Submarine29 Apr 2017 @ 11:34

    I'm not sure if it's my new Xonar DSX sound card or some other hardware failure, but ever since having mounted it I have noticed some random audio lag/freeze every once in a while and it completely freeze everything on my screen for a short duration ~1s at the most ever hour or so and it's getting really annoying, especially when driving, would be kind of cool to see what's making my computer react like this and I guess DPC Latency Checker would be a good starting point to see what's up: DPC Latency Checker http://www.thesycon.de/eng/latency_check.shtml P8P67 DELUXE, i7-2600K, 16GB, GTX 760, 850 EVO on Windows 10 Pro (x64) Creators Update (1703/15063.250).


    • CarvedInside29 Apr 2017 @ 13:30

      DPC Latency Checker does not work correctly on Windows 10. Use LatencyMon instead. I suggest you install the UNi Xonar drivers with Low DPC Latency configuration and also try different drivers.
      You should remove the Xonar card and see if the issue is related to the Xonar card. The issue could be related to a failing HDD or some newly introduced issue with Creators Update.


      • Submarine29 Apr 2017 @ 19:10

        Thanks for the heads-up, I will try that.


      • Submarine02 May 2017 @ 21:07

        I tried running both v1.80a-r3 and v1.81a-r2 with the low dpc latency configuration, but the occasional audio freeze still occurs no matter what.


  5. Eugene29 Apr 2017 @ 16:28

    Hello! Deleted v1.75a-r3, installed v1.81a-r2. It seems to work properly, but immediately there is a note - "ASUSAUDIOCENTER: Error" pops up on the test of the speakers, and the sound does not play.

    Windows 10.0.15063.250-x64, Xonar DS.


  6. elgo29 Apr 2017 @ 22:12

    Hi, I add my quick feedback here on the Unified love of Win 10. I had to go from Win7 to Win10 (creative update/1703) for a new Ryzen machine, and I installed again the Unified drivers for my Xonar DX (thanks for your work btw). But on the first reboot post install with v1.80a r3 (low dpc flavor), Win10 wouldn't boot at all, black screen. I had to remove 1.80 and install v1.81a-r2 (low dpc flavor too) which was fine first reboot.
    Too bad I have no useful error message or log entry to share.


    • CarvedInside29 Apr 2017 @ 23:08

      Hi. Thanks for the feedback. How did you remove the v1.80a?


      • elgo30 Apr 2017 @ 01:11

        I think the corresponding mode in english is: boot win10 in "failsafe mode" then uninstall Unified drivers like any other program.


    • CarvedInside30 May 2017 @ 07:18

      I've check this and I could not reproduce the issue on my system. Windows 10 CU with and without updates. Maybe that it was one time thing or it happens randomly.


  7. goat10 May 2017 @ 00:10

    Ever since I updated to Windows 10 Creators Update, my Xonar DGX starts outputting white noise through right speaker after having my headphones unplugged for a while. The noise does not go away if I touch any setting other than changing the Analog output from Rear Headphones to Rear 2 Speakers from XonarSwitch settings, that or completely restarting the system.


    • CarvedInside10 May 2017 @ 22:57

      Which driver version have you installed? Have you tried with other driver versions? You connect the headphones to the front panel?


  8. corx11 May 2017 @ 09:28

    Hey! Im using a fresh installed Win10 Pro x64 (Anniversary Update) upgraded to the Creators Update and i have no problems so far with my STXII and the v1.81a r2 driver...


  9. Malcolm13 May 2017 @ 17:52

    There was a recent windows 10 update and since then, the sound card cannot or poorly plays audio bytes that are a fraction of a second long. For example, the sound a folder makes when you click on it is broken and so are hitsounds in overwatch, ect. I was wondering if there is a way to fix these issues with either a patch or if there was something else.


    • CarvedInside14 May 2017 @ 03:19

      I don't think there is something I can do. You can uninstall the update and block it from installing again with Wushowhide tool. If you find the name of the update responsible please let us know. Once you know which update is responsible I suggest you report the issue to Microsoft.


  10. availlyrics15 May 2017 @ 08:12

    Thanks maxedtech! Out of blue I started having continuous background hiss (irrespective of audio playback ON or OFF. OS Win7 64) on my Asus Xonar D2X with official drivers. The Uni driver (UNi-Xonar-1823-v1.80a-r3.exe ) solved this issue incl. stuttering of audio if I did vol. boost in mixer->playback settings. Middle finger to Asus team.


  11. Submarine17 May 2017 @ 21:11

    My Xonar DSX died, didn't even last a month, all audio went bad (sounded like a loud bell in the win environment) then it all went, oh well, was happy while it lasted, cheers.


  12. Jeroen Bode17 May 2017 @ 21:32

    After the upgrade to Win10, build 15063.296 the already installed UNi Xonar Driver 1825 v1.81a r2 is being blocked because it is unsigned. Re-installing with Disabled Driver Signature Verification works fine, but the freshly installed driver is blocked immediately after restarting the PC. So it doesn't work anymore. Is there anyone who knows a solution?


    • CarvedInside22 May 2017 @ 21:42

      Which audio card do you have?
      On the same 15063.296 build, I've checked with the 1.80b drivers which are unsigned for my card and for me drivers still worked after restart. Might be a bug with Disabled Driver Signature Enforcement on your installation.
      You could turn on Test Mode or install the drivers that are signed for your card.


      • Jeroen Bode02 Jun 2017 @ 16:13

        My audio card is an ASUS Essence STX II. The problem is not the installation of the driver. No problem in test mode or with driver signing enforcement turned off. But when I shut down the PC and restart it after a couple of minutes Windows blocks the driver. Even with driver signing enforcement turned off permanently. On my second PC with the same audio card and Windows version the problem exists also - however it started a few weeks later. Can be a Microsoft policy...


        • CarvedInside03 Jun 2017 @ 00:52

          You might not understood correctly what I said. For me drivers that required "Disable driver signature enforcement" to install continued to work after system restart.
          When the driver is blocked, go to Device Manager and go to STXII card proprieties. What does it say under "Device status"?
          You should look into Windows's Event Viewer->Windows Logs->System for the entry where Windows blocks the driver and tell me what it says.
          If you try the v1.80b, is this behavior happening?

          If we can't figure out what's going on, I might have another solution that could work, but it takes some time to do it.


          • Jeroen Bode23 Jun 2017 @ 18:14

            Drivers 1.80b r3 (signed) worked fine. But after upgrading to build 15063.413 driver version 1.81a r2 is working again (no longer being blocked). So indeed it seems like a bug in the previous Windows build (or in my installation).


  13. technics21 May 2017 @ 00:23

    Hi, Dolby console cant play with last windows10 updates. anyone know what can i do 😉


  14. watbat21 May 2017 @ 02:37

    Anyone knows anything about the Xonar AE? Any plans to support it? There's like nothing about it anywhere.



    • CarvedInside22 May 2017 @ 02:14

      It uses a C-Media USB2.0 6632AE audio chipset which is a different one than previous Xonar cards use so for that reason it can't be supported with UNi Xonar drivers. This chipset is similar with that of ASUS Strix cards, I am not sure why they didn't use that brand instead. From a quick look at it specs I would say it's a card somewhere between Xonar DSX and Xonar DX in terms of sound quality.


      • watbat22 May 2017 @ 19:32

        Yeah to me this looks like a modern Xonar DG basically with improved sound quality, official Windows 10 support and native PCIe (or atleast no PCI to PCIe conversion going on) hence why I'm also intrested in it now that I got a motherboard with no legacy PCI slots and can't use my Xonar DG anymore. This is has been probably released quite recently seeing how little information there is about it. Hopefully someone posts a proper review soonish and what I'm most intrested in is if this has lower output impedance than what the DG(X) has.



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