

  1. Xenyn04 Sep 2017 @ 23:08

    What do you guys recommend I use on XonarSwitch for Analog settings? I am using Sennheiser 598. Currently using Rear Headphone. Is there a difference at all between that and Rear 2 Speaker?


    • CarvedInside05 Sep 2017 @ 22:39

      Rear Headphone offers different options targeted to headphone use. If you card has a headphone amplifier then it will be used when your select Rear Headphone. If you have no need for the specific headphone options or your card does not a headphone amplifier then there should be any difference using Rear 2 Speakers or Rear Headphones options.


  2. Aidan07 Sep 2017 @ 06:27

    Hi there, recently updated to windows 10 creator and haven't had any issues so far, but I have been switching between speakers & headphones more and more recently for recording purposes and have a very simple question: what is the purpose of this button? lol



  3. VirtualInsanity09 Sep 2017 @ 11:28

    Having issues downloading "3. Xonar related applications:" from http://ge.tt
    Not sure i trust the site either.
    Is there any change the files could be hosted elsewhere?


  4. cmon man!20 Sep 2017 @ 04:56

    Fix the drivers for windows 10, not able to install even when driver disable asign is off will not load on next boot when did before! please do more testing, im not going to go through to trouble of disable drive assign each time works no problem after disable driver assign!


    • CarvedInside21 Sep 2017 @ 01:03

      Please clarify your complaint, do drivers install and work until reboot, do not install at all or they do install and work but you have to always boot with “Disable driver signature enforcement” boot option?
      Tell me which audio card do you have, which driver versions have you tried and didn't installed, which driver version worked(is it v1.71?), Windows 10 build number.
      If you are having problems installing the drivers, I would like to know if you've tried installing the audio drivers manually, and if so, what error you've got?


      • cmon man!21 Sep 2017 @ 23:31

        Yes drivers install and work until reboot. Will work again when i disable driver enforcement (installed) windows 10 1607 pro x64. Asus stx. Ive tried even with driver sweeper and cleaned all drivers in safemode….I think the current working driver i installed was PCI_STX_8_0_8_1821_Win8.rar


        • CarvedInside22 Sep 2017 @ 00:06

          I moved your comment from new comment to a reply to my comment. For future comments please use the reply button on the right when replying to a existing discussion.
          Your should also know the e-mail field from the comment form is used as a unique non-public identifier so that your future comments are automatically approved.

          Which UNi Xonar driver versions you've tried and had problems with?


          • joe25 Sep 2017 @ 23:53

            All i know is PCI_STX_8_0_8_1821_Win8.rar 1.72 revision which you dont even have on the site works good, im not sure if there better sonic differences with 1825, maybe someone can test, but i cannot get to stay enabled after drive enforcement is done.


            • CarvedInside26 Sep 2017 @ 05:48

              UNi Xonar v1.71 is the one that has the 1821 audio driver.
              Thanks for the information. I'm don't know why you are having such an issue with 1825 drivers. The 1.81a drivers have a valid driver signature for the STX card and do not require "Disable Driver Signature Enforcement" at all. As far as I know, only you and maybe a few others have such an issue. I think the issue is with your particular Windows installation. At the moment I don't know what it can be done to fix the issue.


              • joe26 Sep 2017 @ 06:46

                Is it worth upgrading to 1703 from 1607?


                • CarvedInside26 Sep 2017 @ 06:59

                  For 1825 audio drivers it isn't. In my opinion, Win10 build 1703 isn't that great and as far as I know it has a shorter support period than build 1607.
                  Speaking of drivers, if you are happy with your current drivers or if any of the other UNi Xonar drivers do work fine for now, then I suggest your don't change things for the sake of change as you might run into different problems.


  5. Paul Rossi21 Sep 2017 @ 03:50

    Windows Taskbar sound configuration setting keep resetting after a reboot
    ASUS Audio Center is OK,setting stay fine
    If I shut down They will stick
    upon reboot they reset to 2 channel and 16bit 44100 Hz
    have to keep resetting them
    Thank you

    windows 10 ent 16281 RS3
    Asus Essence STX II 7.1 | Energy Take Classic 7.1
    Onkyo TX-NR809
    Skylake-X i7-8720x
    MSI X299 Tomahawk Arctic
    Corsair H115i
    32GB PC3200 DDR4 GSkill Trident Z
    Coolermaster v1000 Gold Series PS
    MSI GTX1070 8G Gaming X
    OCZ RD400 NVME M2 512GB SSD for OS
    corsair K95 RGB Keyboard
    corsair CS Air540 Cube case


    • CarvedInside21 Sep 2017 @ 05:10

      Try with C-Media Panel and XonarSwitch and tell me if with those the settings stick after reboot.


      • Paul Rossi21 Sep 2017 @ 23:27

        Ok,I reinstalled with c-media Panel and Xonar Switch set it up to 7.1 and 24/96 and after reboot windows audio taskbar resets to 2ch and 16/44100 the c-media and Xonar programs were loaded on startup and setting were still set correctly

        Ok,I loaded a profile in the Xonar switch and restarted windows the program said it successfully loaded the profile but windows taskbar audio app said 2ch/16/44100 still now I’m stumped !

        If I manually load the saved profile after windows is loaded it will apply fine though


        • CarvedInside21 Sep 2017 @ 23:59

          I moved your comments as they where written as new comments instead of a reply to my comment. In the future please use Reply button.
          In your original comments I also noticed that you split a proposition over multiple lines(with enter probably), I suggest you avoid doing that so your comments are easily read.

          Now getting back to your problem. My guess is that something is preventing the panels from writing to the registry entries where the Xonar settings are stored and reloaded after boot. It could be: 1) a Windows registry permission issue, either caused by using a limited permissions windows account or some weird issue that blocked your account from writing to the Xonar registry entries.
          2) because of a security suite(antivirus, firewall, sandbox) that either prevents the Xonar panels from writing to the registry or virtualize/sandbox the registry writes so they are not done to the actual registry.

          To check the Xonar registry follow this guide. There you can check the SpeakerConfig entry and see if it changes when your change the speaker settings in the panel. Use F5 key to refresh the registry screen after changing the settings. Let me know what it does and then tell me if you are familiar with setting Windows file permissions.

          Depending what causes the issue I may be able to assist you further.


          • Paul Rossi22 Sep 2017 @ 02:56

            when I changed the speaker configuration in the windows speaker config(taskbar icon)
            the "SpeakerConfig" information (07 00 00 00) (7.1)didn't change
            when I changes it in the c-media panel(taskbar) it changed (04 00 14 00)(2ch)

            LE: windows updated to16296.0 tonight and it didn’t fix the issue
            but I noticed something wierd
            If I set the hdmi monitor as the default device and set the asus card
            settings ,when I rebooted windows the setting of the asus cart stayed at 7.1/24/96

            LE2: I take that back,it reset as well a couple of reboots later


            • CarvedInside24 Sep 2017 @ 08:02

              Are you sure it was "04 00 14 00" for 2 speakers? Because it should be "04 00 00 00".
              Anyway, this means the registry updates with the settings made by the audio panel. The problem seems to be that registry is reset/restored each time you reboot, this could be some program you've installed or updated, go back to when you noticed this problem and see if you've installed any new program (you can sort by date in "Program and Features"). It could be some security program that you have installed that has been recently updated. Speaking from experience, I had a problem with MalwareBytes 3.1 update as it was removing all my startup programs from registry again and again.

              I also suggest changing other settings like those for the video card, change the volume level from Windows Volume and change the speaker config on your Xonar and reboot. When the Xonar settings restore, check the other settings you've made and see if those too where restored.


              • Paul Rossi24 Sep 2017 @ 21:39

                I’m positive it was 04 00 14 00. I went through and removed any 3rd party apps that would affect the sound settings.
                I’m using the stock AV/MW i.e defender and went through that as well.
                The Xonarswitch app starts at startup and has a profile setup and says that it executed it but it doesn’t reflect in the windows sound panel.If I manually apply the profile it will succeed in changing the parameters to 7.1/24/96.
                Thank you


                • Paul Rossi29 Sep 2017 @ 21:49

                  So,I guess you don't have any answers for this issue or are you still looking into it ?
                  I could just do a reload ,then neither you nor I wouldn't learn anything would we?


                  • CarvedInside30 Sep 2017 @ 01:08

                    An answer to solve the issue? I don't have that, the only thing I can do is guide you through, give you suggestions on what to try. I was waiting for you to do what I've asked here(the video card settings part) and report back. For the record this most likely is not a Xonar driver issue.
                    From my point of view you can do Windows restore.


                    • Paul Rossi03 Oct 2017 @ 19:59

                      windows RS3 1709 16299.15 just went rtm,and still has the same issues
                      I clean installed 1703 last week and it was ok
                      as soon as I updated to 1709 rs3 the problem came back .so I guess it's a windows issue

                    • CarvedInside05 Oct 2017 @ 07:04

                      Thanks for the information. It seems that Microsoft is really persistent in screwing things up with each Windows 10 major update.

    • Steph14 Oct 2017 @ 18:23

      I have the same issue since the windows 10 creator update with the driver Version from asus and the Xonar Essence STX
      But the reset is not each reboot. It seems random.


      • Roumen12 Nov 2017 @ 19:11

        Same thing happens to me with the fall creator’s update, channels reset to 2 after reboot. Doesn’t happen after each reboot, sometimes settings are preserved.
        And it seems this happens only after Restart / Reboot. After complete shutdown and cold boot settings are preserved. Weird…


  6. Arnold Schwarzeneger24 Sep 2017 @ 14:21

    Hey i use latest version with xonar st and windows 10 pro and i havent got youtube problems for last few months in firefox.
    so i think the problem with random high pitch sound was resolved by firefox or by the drivers or by windows 10 update, shiiiiit homie i dunno ???
    In the past every once, twice a week i had this problem but it was ONLY in firefox + youtube. Never had any problems with this audiocard except this one.
    But now everything is ok. I have asus p8z68 mainboard and i5 2500k so old shit but it works hard to believe excellent.


    • CarvedInside26 Sep 2017 @ 05:33

      Hi. Thanks for the update. I'm happy to hear that. To bad we still don't know what was causing the issue and from where the fix came.
      If by any chance the issue returns you can let me know, preferably as a reply to this discussion thread.


  7. joe26 Sep 2017 @ 08:17

    In reply to http://maxedtech.com/asus-xonar-unified-drivers/comment-page-196/#comment-135341 comment.
    Excellent, thanks for all your help. Exactly what i'm looking for. Just a question does this stay permanent ?


  8. Yanno27 Sep 2017 @ 22:18

    Hello...thanks for this driver.
    I recently got a Logitech Z906 Game surround system, this one is plugged as PCM Optical output and working in 6 channels, but i would like to have Stereo (green analog output) working at the same time, to get my stereo amplifier working also on the same audio source.
    Windows does not let met enable both Audio Devices together...Is it possible through the driver ?


    • CarvedInside28 Sep 2017 @ 09:47

      Hi. If you are outputting to 6 channels, I think you meant that you've selected DTS or DDL(Dolby Digital Live) for the S/PDIF output. As far as I know, PCM Optical S/PDIF output and 2 channel stereo works out of box, but DTS or DDL S/PDIF do not and I don't know if such thing is possible to do.
      If your onboard card supports DTS or DDL then I suggest you connect the Logitech Z906 to that output and use this method to pass the sound from the Xonar card.

      LE: BTW By using DTS or DDL with your onboard card you are not missing any sound quality compared to the Xonar card.


      • Yanno28 Sep 2017 @ 13:37

        Hi. I used to listen movies and music with my Logitech Z906 and my Stereo Amplifier together by using a 2x Jack splitter Y cable plugged in the green analog stereo output, but now it's no longer possible since Z906 is plugged on optical, which provides a real better sound quality.
        I believe i will have to buy a kind of splitter/converter which has an Optical input and divides into Optical on one side and a 3.5mm jack on other side because the "Stereo mix" trick in Recording devices does not work for me, or maybe after PC reboot.


  9. Gordon29 Sep 2017 @ 22:04


    Hey Guys,
    my Xonar STX II card fail to be recognized. Its a EEPROM Failure, but i cant find the STXII Hardware/Sub IDs.
    I flashed the EEPROM of the STX with "restoree". The STX II now plays sound but is recognized as a STX.
    Does somebody have a verison of "restoree" with an STX II entry or can someone compile a version with the STXII.

    Please help


    • CarvedInside30 Sep 2017 @ 04:37

      Hi. While this is a restoree.exe problem which should be dealt by it's creators I will try to help you with this because I have suggested the inclusion of STX II id to restoree creators a long time ago and they didn't do it.
      I made you a modified restoree.exe that includes the STXII id. I am not responsible for any side effects that might occur by using this so keep that in mind. If you try it let me know of the result.


      • Gordon30 Sep 2017 @ 13:31

        You Sir made my day! Thank you so much 🙂

        Works perfect. The STXII is up and running again 🙂


        • CarvedInside01 Oct 2017 @ 00:08

          I'm glad to hear that it worked. 🙂
          If you ever find yourself in a position to make a donation it would be appreciated.


  10. Petrovich199902 Oct 2017 @ 22:01

    Hi, I have an issue with an asus xonar essence ST card (win10 with all latest updates).
    It has been working for years with few occasional problems like high pitch sound squeal/bsods after sleep or just random bsod/not being recognized - reboot or even once switched pci slot

    Now it doesn't work anymore. I've switched pci slot again and it is now recognized but:
    Driver installed ok, but there is no sound and no card's playback device.
    Device status: This device cannot start. (Code 10) The request is not supported.
    On device hardware ids I have {normal id from wiki}&REV_00 (it probably have always been there)

    I've tried installing latest driver and 1.71 version (turned on test mode for this)


  11. Punkdthrice05 Oct 2017 @ 03:44

    Hi. I'm using Xonar drivers v1.80a and cannot consistently get audio to automatically switch to FP Headphones. Only works sometimes. Opening Xonar DGX Audio Center switches it instantly. I want it to switch automatically every time. Please help! I'm using Xonar DGX Pci E 5.1 Card. Windows 10 64 Bit.


    • CarvedInside05 Oct 2017 @ 07:12

      Hi. Is this happening with original drivers as well? If it works fine with original drivers, then maybe I could fix it. If it does not work, then I don't know what it can be done about it.


      • Punkdthrice05 Oct 2017 @ 07:23

        Yes, it does happen with the original drivers as well. It's very hit or miss. The issue happens after a reboot of the PC. Unplugging and replugging headphone in the front panel doesn't work. The only solution is to open Xonar Audio Center then it works immediately.

        Although I just installed v1.75a the issue hasn't happened after I rebooted the PC a few times. It automatically switches now. Fingers crossed. But I'm not confident it will work 100% every time.
        It seems Asus's implementation of the "auto jack sensing" in their drivers is a bit flaky. It sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. I understand these are 3rd party drivers so it might be unrelated but any type of fix ensuring it can work 100% will be greatly appreciated.


        • CarvedInside05 Oct 2017 @ 08:11

          Let me know when you are sure that front panel autoswitching works fine every time with v1.75a. If it does not work then maybe you should look at "Front Panel switch (new version)" application. Search it in this page.
          These are modded drivers so they rely on original drivers. It's unlikely I could fix this and even if it where within my reach to fix this, I do not have a Xonar card that has front panel jack sensing.

          I've separated your other issue in a new comment and answered to it there.


          • Punkdthrice05 Oct 2017 @ 08:21

            I've restarted my computer many times since the last post and so far its been working every time. Looks like v1.75 is much more stable in this area, and although it might not be a permanent fix so far I am pleased. I will report back if it starts to not work again. If you don't mind could you please provide me a brief explanation on what "Front panel switch" application does? I'm afraid to install it and cause a malfunction with my current setup at the moment.


            • CarvedInside05 Oct 2017 @ 08:32

              “Front Panel switch (new version)” is a application that each time you launch it, it will switch between rear speakers and front panel and vice versa. No need to check it until jack auto sensing won't work.


  12. Punkdthrice05 Oct 2017 @ 07:48

    Another unrelated issue I am having is while syncing my iPhone over USB, I get slight crackling sounds. The crackling is very light and sometimes I miss it but when listening to music I could catch it sometimes. Could be or not be driver related but if you can provide some input that’d be nice!
    Could the crackling sounds from syncing through USB be related to electromagnetic interference?


    • CarvedInside05 Oct 2017 @ 07:58

      It's unlikely it's a driver issue. Take a look at FAQ Q&A 21. If you are using the front panel USB and it happens when you are listening to headphone connected to the front panel then you can read about a solution in FAQ Q&A 21.1.


      • Punkdthrice05 Oct 2017 @ 08:26

        The crackling happens with headphones and using speakers. And yes I am using Front panel USB. The thing is it only happens when syncing my iPhone. I've also tried transferring some files to an external hard drive though USB with no issues at all. What are the chances I could have a defective sound card? Sounds unlikely but you never know.. I took a look at the FAQ and I can't think of what is causing it other than it being electromagnetic interference. I currently have the sound card placed 2 PCIE slots below my GPU. I could move it 3 slots down if I wanted to.


        • CarvedInside05 Oct 2017 @ 08:38

          Try rear USB connections and see if it still happens. You should move your sound card only if you can get it further away from the USB front cable. I don't think this could be because of a defective soundcard.


  13. Legionx06 Oct 2017 @ 21:10

    I like the driver and thanks for the work. Being trying to solve one issue with STX II where the switching would cause a computer to restart randomly. Seems if you switch your device back and forth between lets say speakers and headphones it will reboot the computer after X amount of times ranging from 1-6 times. Anyone experience this or have a fix for it?


    • CarvedInside06 Oct 2017 @ 22:31

      Never heard of this issue before. Which OS, driver version and audio panel(Asus, C-Media, XonarSwitch) are you using? If you are using Windows 10 also tell me the build number.


      • Legionx08 Oct 2017 @ 22:36

        Using Windows 10 1703 latest build. Driver and Audio Center this link may also help:


        Yea not sure if it's just a Ryzen issue but it seems the latest Xonar driver for STX II on this site it is more stable then the Asus driver.


  14. Chris10 Oct 2017 @ 06:49

    My STXII is failing randomly for some reason. Is there any known issue that could cause the audio to suddenly stop until reboot? If not it could be a physical issue with the card slot or something but I wanted to check to see if anyone else has this problem.


    • CarvedInside11 Oct 2017 @ 22:58

      It's not a known issue. If you can, try your card in another system, that would clarify if the card has some hardware issue. If it's not the card then maybe it's compatibility issue with your motherboard.



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