

  1. GaHero20 Nov 2010 @ 13:38

    5.1 upmix sin't working for me also.

    Are there special settings, we have to set to enbale this feature?

    I have input 6 channels und output analog 5.1 channels.

    Asus Xonar DX2 with Win 7 64bit.

    Another thing I noticed: The Asus Xonar Driver Suite doesn't have a taskbar icon for me.

    I will also test a complete uninstall...


    • GaHero20 Nov 2010 @ 13:52

      Ok, uninstall worked for me...

      Upmix is working and taskbar icon is back.

      Here what I done:

      - Uninstall driver normally
      - Delete everything related to xonar (search your computer), some files can't be delete, because they are flaged as system files
      - restart your computer
      - install (normal, with upmix)
      - restart
      - input : 6 channels, output; 5.1, flexbass on, svn: both works

      Thanks for the great work and pls continue to make these driver even better!


  2. khaos20 Nov 2010 @ 15:51


    First of all, thanks for your great effort and work w/ your unified drivers. At least someone is working on fixing the mess Asus has us dealing w/ daily.

    Please don't get me wrong but I'd like to ask you how you make sure there are no trojans, viruses or alike in the drivers you provide? Being a computer scientist and open source guy myself, I'm always hesitant to use anything I don't have the source code for... 🙂 I guess you take the files from different driver releases and mix the best of all together for your unified drivers?

    Thanks for taking the time to answer this.

    So long,


    • CarvedInside21 Nov 2010 @ 13:48

      Hi mat,

      The drivers are based on the latest Asus/C-media drivers I can find, and I enhance them, so to speak. In some cases I mix files from other releases, like for ASIO 1.0 Patch.
      Not sure if i understand you correctly but, if this was some sort of scam I don't think I wouldn't have put this amount of work, I mostly do this because I am a Xonar owner too.
      Also I make sure I don't have any viruses in my computer or on the ftp server so "contamination" is highly unlikely.


      • khaos23 Nov 2010 @ 14:35


        First I have to clear up a very unfortunate misunderstanding. I was not implying that you're putting trojans/viruses/... or anything alike in your releases. Sorry for that. I was simply curious what safeguards you put in place to make sure nothing bad gets in your releases. That's all.

        On the bright side: I recently tried your unified drivers for the first time and they really made my day. They work a lot smoother and fixed some issues I was having. So _really_ great work... thanks a lot again!

        Nevertheless I've to admit, even though I think that the Xonar cards are very good pieces of hardware, the software really lacks a lot to be desired from Asus's side. It's a shame that you "have to" invest your time and energy to fix things that shouldn't need fixing in the first place. So my next card is definitely not going to be from Asus. Even though your releases really rock. 🙂

        Thanks again.

        So long,


  3. Virus20 Nov 2010 @ 23:36

    Front Panel bat is not working for me, I have done as in instruction: run and disable/enable card in device menager, and still working only speakers. I have Xonar DX.


  4. Virus20 Nov 2010 @ 23:42

    I found a problem, form me device is a 0007, not 0005. I have some basic skills in C/C++ programming so maybe tomorrow I will write small app to detect cmedia device and set registry keys 🙂 Also I will check for some Windows API that allow to automatically re-enable device.


    • CarvedInside21 Nov 2010 @ 13:51

      Yes in some rare cases the end registry path differs . That would be a great idea, let us know if you manage to do something.
      I wish you good luck 🙂


  5. Andrei Croitor21 Nov 2010 @ 15:38


    I am really happy you added the stereo upmix to 5.1 in the setup. It was kinda annoying to replace those files in the kit.
    But there is a little problem (This will also help Eric with his problem):
    The stereo upmix is not working when GX is not activated (and by default it's not).
    So for Eric: Just enable GX mode and it will work properly (Only if you don't have any problems with GX).

    Keep up the very good job you are doing.


  6. Virus21 Nov 2010 @ 16:27

    I had no time to write new app (maybe in this week) but compiled devcon from Windows DDK. devcon is CLI implementation of Device Manager, is here: http://virusdev.ovh.org/files/UniXonar%20Helpers/...

    Do something like: devcon restart "PCIVEN_13F6&DEV_8788"
    to restart Xonar, also note you must use x86 for x86 systems and x64 for x64 systems, this is Windows API limitation. And Xonar must be in idle state (no playing/recording).

    Also sorry for my poor English ...


  7. adm22 Nov 2010 @ 00:09

    Regarding the unsigned driver problem:
    I had these issues and was able to fix them by signing the driver's files using NG HQ's 'Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider' (DSEO). I imagine that should work still if the new patch doesn't.


  8. adm22 Nov 2010 @ 00:10

    Oh, and I'm using a Xonar D1 on Windows 7 x64


  9. Virus22 Nov 2010 @ 03:17


    But this change will switch system to TESTING MODE, for me not a option (security risk, etc.).

    If sys file is not modified, it should be fine. I have UniXonar now on Windows 7 x64, Xonar DX and work fine.


  10. Virus22 Nov 2010 @ 03:20


    If you want completely uninstall Xonar drivers use Driver Sweeper: http://www.phyxion.net/275/View-category


  11. Mark22 Nov 2010 @ 16:26

    Just donated for your superb work! More people should do this o/

    If you need a another mirror for your work please contact me (mark86_ajax at hotmail.com) and I'll send you ftp login details of an excellent server (The Netherlands, Europe)


    • CarvedInside23 Nov 2010 @ 22:30

      Thank you very much! I put a lot of time in this and its rewarding when people do this kind of generous acts.

      I might take that ftp offer. If so, I will contact you by e-mail.


  12. Smiffy23 Nov 2010 @ 02:50

    since version 1.25 the panorma enhancement to DPLIIx is missing


    • CarvedInside23 Nov 2010 @ 10:57

      in normal or C-Media Panel?


      • Andrey23 Nov 2010 @ 14:26

        Don`t know about Smiffy but as for me - in C-Media panel.
        Using 1.26 Uni drver, my card - Xonar DX


        • CarvedInside23 Nov 2010 @ 20:15

          I noticed the file responsible for C-Media Audio Panel was modified with 1792 release. If you need the panorama enhancement, you can download(but not install) version 1.11 and copy-replace CmiCnfgP64.cpl and CmiCnfgP.cpl from the 1.11 driver folder to windowssystem32 directory. Use search.


      • Andrey24 Nov 2010 @ 18:09

        Yep, thx! Totally works method with copyreplace CmiCnfgP.cpl from 1.11 release driver.


  13. GlucK27 Nov 2010 @ 14:20

    What is with front pannel? How to make it working?


  14. Anthony.B28 Nov 2010 @ 03:38

    Really love the drivers so far, only what bugs me is the Digital Signature but I rarely restart my computer so I don't think it will cause me any issues.

    I had the old official drivers from Asus installed, installed 1.26 and good god... I'm noticing background noises from music that I never noticed before.

    Also, 7.1 Speakers doesn't enable all of my speakers, only 2 of them, so I gotta use Dolby Pro Logic IIx in order to hear from all my speakers.

    Windows 7 Pro 64bit
    Xonar D1


    • CarvedInside29 Nov 2010 @ 11:07

      You get the Digital Signature whenever you restart?

      Good background noises or bad?:)

      Regarding the sound on 7.1, if you listen to stereo music and what it to go through all 7.1 speakers, then you need to check the Stereo Upmix option when installing the drivers.


  15. GlucK28 Nov 2010 @ 11:11

    Yes, for C-Media. But this doesn't matter anymore. There is smth strange with my Xonar D1. After switching off the computer after some time I switch on and the sound becomes VERY quite. Does anybody knows what can be done about this problem? Configuration:

    motherboard - Gigabyte GA-MA770-UD3 v2.0
    BIOS - Award Modular ver.FJ (AMD 770 BIOS for GA-MA770-UD3 FJ)
    CPU - DualCore AMD Athlon II X2 250, 2982 MHz (15 x 199)
    RAM - Samsung M3 78T5663QZ3-CF7 x2 =4Гб
    GPU - NVIDIA GeForce 9600gt
    operating system - Microsoft Windows 7 Professional x32
    HDD - STM3500418AS ATA Device


    • CarvedInside29 Nov 2010 @ 11:12

      This is strange, never heard of this before. I suggest uninstalling the drivers, use driver sweeper & installing them again, disabling SVN if its enabled (in normal version), checking the cable connections and maybe trying with other speakers.



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