

  1. rohit09 Mar 2011 @ 11:03

    Hi CarvedIns,
    Could you please tell atleast is it possible to stream TRUEHD from ASUS HDAV card. This work is getting high priority.
    Seeking your valued guidance.....



    • CarvedInside09 Mar 2011 @ 11:52

      From what I could find, TrueHD is only available in TMT software.

      Did you previously used it without TMT software with the original Asus drivers?


      • rohit09 Mar 2011 @ 13:14

        Hi CarvedIns,
        I tried using original ASUS driver with TMT player but my receiver did not receive it as TRUEHD. So what settings are to be chosed in ASUS driver in order to ouput TRUEHD from ASUS card..?



      • rohit16 Mar 2011 @ 07:32

        Hi CarvedIns,
        Am very thankful for your guidance.
        I saw TMT3 decoding Truehd. Now i have raised a request for buying TMT3.
        I need to know one more thing i.e where can i get Truehd 192khz audio samples?
        I searched on net but didnt get any audio samples and not even converters, So plz help me.....



  2. Gombo09 Mar 2011 @ 17:33


    The Line-In volume is very low on the Xonar DX compared to other sound cards such as the Audigy. Is it possible to raise the gain ?



  3. Adam C09 Mar 2011 @ 18:12

    Dude you just saved my Onkyo 805 sounding really good through spdif before it clipped like crazy.

    / hat off

    p.s i dont understand what is “5.1 stereo upmix” i assume it encodes to 5.1 on the fly but how, changing to 6ch output on digital?


    • CarvedInside09 Mar 2011 @ 19:07

      Thats great:)

      It takes stereo sounds (like mp3s) upmixes them to 5.1 , meaning instead of hearing these type of sounds on 2 speakers + subwoofer(of 5.1) you will hear them on all 5.


  4. Kevin Finnegan10 Mar 2011 @ 00:07

    @carvedinside whats the disadvantages of using stereo upmixing on a 5.1 setup especially for games?


    • JoeBar10 Mar 2011 @ 00:52

      In games DON'T use 5.1 upmix. Games are 5.1...


    • CarvedInside10 Mar 2011 @ 16:08

      There shouldn't be any, only if somehow by "mistake" the sounds for front speakers get passed on to the rear, just like 2.0 sounds are.

      One thing that is more possible is if you play a 2.0 game, your positioning will be a little mixed by center and rear speakers (which should play any sounds at all in this case).


  5. Adam C10 Mar 2011 @ 13:29

    thanks for the reply, how do i exactly enable upmixing, via 6ch setting?

    + is it supported by spdif


    • CarvedInside10 Mar 2011 @ 16:19

      Well you have to check the Stereo upmix option in the Uni xonar driver installer. But it might not work in your case, only if you previously noticed it with original drivers.
      For xp it will work without any additional options, but vista/win7 you need to set the audio channels to 2 Channels and Speaker Output to 5.1 Speakers.
      Yes it works with spdif too.


  6. Adam C10 Mar 2011 @ 17:33

    sweet jesus audigy 4 goto hell =) this is awesome! donation incoming


    • CarvedInside10 Mar 2011 @ 22:16

      If you decide to donate it would be great.
      I just want to point out that the 2ch and 7.1 virtual speakers might sound the almost the same on original drivers, except off course for the delay. 🙂


  7. Adam C10 Mar 2011 @ 17:35

    so ive changed to 2ch and turned on 7.1 virtual speaker, i take it im doing something wrong, though it does sound incredible


  8. Alexa10 Mar 2011 @ 20:38

    I just found driver for Asus Xonar Thunderbolt audio driver and they are fully based for Windows 7 (and Xp & Vista).The Card use USB audio chip from C-Media http://i56.tinypic.com/vgsh83.png
    d I believe that for the other Xonars cards to take out the drivers.


    • CarvedInside10 Mar 2011 @ 22:12

      Its released yet? I've seen pictures of xonar thunderbolt audio panel and they are similiar but the skin is red and its branded with Rog logo.

      LE. Found it, just this morning I was checking Asus FTP for Thunderbolt driver, but by then only the manual was up.


  9. Alexa10 Mar 2011 @ 23:34

    netfx3.5 update, drivers and some documents...nothing special..i will try to mod for xonar dx card tommorow and remove all this our posts for this driver


  10. Alexa10 Mar 2011 @ 22:38

    I do not know whether to modify them or to wait to publish them asus


    • CarvedInside10 Mar 2011 @ 23:01

      Anyway if Asus decides to publish it for other Xonar cards, it only means that they where kind of embarrassed(which they should) by the things that I said and by the fact that my drivers are better .
      But I doubt it would happen, at least not anytime soon.


  11. Alexa10 Mar 2011 @ 22:47

    this USb driver is very similiar to xonar old drivers,but this have APO and new features!
    New Features:Dolby Surround(Dolby Digital live,Pro logic 2x(Panorama,Music and movie mode)dolby headphone and virtual speaker ,Xear Speaker/Headphones Surround,Speaker Shifter,Xear Plus,Speaker Room Corection(like Realtek's),DTS Surround Sensation Ultra PC,Smart Volume,Clone Channel (For 4.1,5.1,7.1 speakers),Flex Bass,new EQ<Microfone Beam Forming,AEC...


    • CarvedInside10 Mar 2011 @ 22:55

      So did you download it? Maybe you can recompress it in 7z and add it to file server. It take 4 hours for me to dl it.


      • Alexa10 Mar 2011 @ 23:05

        Ok i will upload for xp and windows 7.


        • CarvedInside10 Mar 2011 @ 23:30

          Thanks a lot, will remove the posts with the links after dl, as they are useless to anyone else.

          BTW:What was in that 300 MB pack?


  12. Reputator11 Mar 2011 @ 03:53

    Is there a possibility of getting Dolby Headphone to work with "2 speaker" output on a card like the Essence?


  13. Yomo11 Mar 2011 @ 07:17


    The Line-In gain of the DX & D2X cards is very low. Can you please increase it ? The D2X had the same problem with the Mic-In but it was fixed in an driver release but the Line-In was NOT fixed for both cards.

    D2X Driver Version
    New Fucntions:
    1.Microphone boost is enabled by default
    2.Microphone gain is increased by +9dB for bigger volume

    But Line-In on both DX & D2X cards have not been fixed hence recording of weak Analog sound is quite difficult. Since Asus Support has totally forgotten about the Line-In gain, if you would boost it, it would be very useful for the recording functions of the cards which as been totally neglected by Asus.



    • CarvedInside11 Mar 2011 @ 12:45


      I worked quite a bit on this problem, but found no solution yet.
      I will continue trying.

      Its good that you mention the driver version which had boosted the microphone, might be helpful.


      • Yomo11 Mar 2011 @ 15:15

        Thanks for the reply ! The drivers I mentioned are for Windows XP. THe later drivers such as Windows 7 would have the Mic-In gain fix already build in.

        Its obviously a driver problem as the Line-In & Mic-In gain had been set too low for the Cirrus Logic ADC. These posts may be helpful for you to find a fix.


  14. Alper11 Mar 2011 @ 20:28

    Hi Alexa and CarvedIns,

    Appreciate the great work but I can't make Creative features work. Alexa, can you please re-explain the regedit stuff? I'm not sure which FxProperties to copy. I have ATI 4870. I also have realtek onboard sound card but it's disabled via bios. Should I enable it to make it work? All I could get is Microsoft Audio Effects. I can reach Creative Mixer and other stuff but they simply won't work. Can you help me out? Thanks.


    • Alexa11 Mar 2011 @ 21:44

      For Creative effects you must have enabled onboard realtek and modded drivers for them which i posted one of the previous page.The procedure is the same as for Microsoft HT effects.


    • HunterZ07 Apr 2011 @ 17:22

      The Xonar DX mic-in might be fine in Windows 7 (been too long since I last tested), but line-in and aux-in are still low. I had to switch to using my on-board Realtek chip's line-in because of this.


  15. Chriscom14 Mar 2011 @ 01:53

    Hey Carved i can confirm that with cleaning my PC with Driver Sweeper newest Version 2.9.0 everything worked fine for me after a reboot (normal?)! I have installed the Version 1.30 original build with GX enabled and silent install option checcked.again big thx for ur work,keep it up great as it is ... cant wait to see next version of ur mod driver 😉 one last thing: can u explain me what the Front Panel Switcher for Win 7 do or why i need him or for what?!??greetz


    • CarvedInside16 Mar 2011 @ 09:42

      Thats great news. I am thinking of adding a cleaning routine before driver installation, might make this in a new test build.
      Thanks for your feedback.:)

      Most of the cases have 2 audio jacks in front on the case, but by default the Xonar cards don't send signal to the front panel, so you need to enable it if you want to connect headphones or microphone to the front panel jacks. The C-media Audio Center for Win7 doesn't have these options.
      These additional files are technically no longer needed, as with 1.30 C-media Audio Panel you can also access the Asus Xonar Audio Center.



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