

  1. Alexa23 Apr 2011 @ 20:17

    OMG Just found superior Realtek driver!
    SRS http://i51.tinypic.com/16awhhl.png
    Sonic Focus http://i51.tinypic.com/339okg9.png
    Dolby http://i53.tinypic.com/so8hug.png
    DTS http://i55.tinypic.com/2ee9beq.png
    Andrea http://i52.tinypic.com/rvbzux.png
    + Creative X-fi mb http://i51.tinypic.com/rli7av.png

    All effects work with Speakers,Headphones,SPDIF and HDMI Output 😀

    I will share this driver if anyvone want it 😉

    Has anyone asked whether the effects can work on Xonar’s? http://i51.tinypic.com/2lmuyc0.png


    • mfker24 Apr 2011 @ 01:09

      That does look interesting. Don't really care about x-fi mb but the other stuff looks interesting.
      So, how do I get this driver then? 🙂


    • Andrey24 Apr 2011 @ 02:17

      Where do you find all this stuff i wonder?))
      Really impressive! We wanna some of this 🙂


  2. Alexa24 Apr 2011 @ 11:23

    I will upload driver later.;)


  3. Icedog24 Apr 2011 @ 15:15

    @Alexa, Your saying these drivers work on an Asus xonar dx2??


  4. nick24 Apr 2011 @ 15:55

    filled out form. 1st ever install of these drivers. tried 1.31-tb v6.exe & 1.31-tb v7.exe – dmudaxp.sys is not signed. STX has yellow ! in device manager. no audio card shows up in Playback devices. Nothings working. Is there something I have to do other then run the .exe ??


    • CarvedInside24 Apr 2011 @ 19:28

      Technically no, did you installed with ASIO patch checked or not? Try without. Also did you uninstalled the previous drivers and restarted? So far for 2 people worked and for other 2 didn't.


      • nick24 Apr 2011 @ 22:28

        I tried both with and without ASIO patch. I also tried the base 1.31. I uninstalled the ASUS drivers first (and rebooted).


  5. Gattsu25 Apr 2011 @ 00:26

    Do you have Microsoft Word and/or Office 2003/2007/2010?


    • Gattsu25 Apr 2011 @ 01:05

      Actually, nevermind, I thought tests would be slightly different.

      v6 (silent installation enabled, Stereo Upmix enabled):

      Normal (this actually is the same exact diagnose for all possible installations [Normal, Low latency, either C-Media Panel] under the same conditions. I did all 4, but no point in copy pasting the same thing four times.):

      Uninstall, Reboot.

      Installed driver under specified settings.

      Works, driver detected. DS works fine. KS works, but mutes sound. Using ASIO works, without patch (volume can only be adjusted through headphones, not through Windows or Foobar).

      ASIO is recognized as 16bit and cannot be changed (as Foobar crashes).

      Installing ASIO patch over works OK. Can hear the difference between DS & KS, but KS still mutes everything else.

      ASIO is now 24bit by default and can be configured through Foobar.

      Using ASIO output in foobar causes the following error (& no sound):

      Unrecoverable playback error: The ASIO device does not support specified sample rate (44100Hz); please configure resampler appropriately.

      This was tested under:
      CPU: Q9550
      Motherboard: P5Q-E (Updated to BIOS v2001)
      RAM: 2x2GB (1066MHz, used at 800MHz)
      Sound card: Xonar DX
      Video Card: ATI 5870 (11.4 catalyst, dated 5th of April)
      Headphones: Gamecom 377 (stereo 2.0, comes with a microphone jack).
      OS: Windows 7 Professional SP1 (legit, downloaded from torrent because MSDN does not provide SP1 .iso).

      Foobar settings:
      Convert stereo to 4channel

      Uni Xonar Driver settings:

      Default (Speakers, no DSP at all. 44.1KHz digital audio [analog output]).

      Uninstall, Reboot.

      If ASIO patch is installed from scratch:

      v6 with ASIO patch enabled from start (silent installation enabled, Stereo Upmix enabled):

      Normal (all 4 possible modes):

      Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source. (Code 52)


  6. olegausany25 Apr 2011 @ 00:31

    Hi i have a very strange problem regardless which drivers i use official from asus or unixonar 1.31. If i have drivers installed set dsp mode HiFi and play music using foobar 2000 everything sounds excellent but if i switch to game play the game and switch back to hifi it does looses some details. Uninstalling and reinstalling foobar without restarting computer fixes the problem until next time.
    Also if you install inixonar 1.31 with cmedia panel impedance selection option is missing from headphones settings. Also what are correct steps of installing missing front panel options after download of the archive


  7. Gattsu25 Apr 2011 @ 02:09

    By the way, v1.11 link has expired.


  8. Alexa25 Apr 2011 @ 22:27

    Dolby Home Theater 4 for ASUS XONAR Unified Drivers

    Driver and Application http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H80JZTJV
    User manual to install it on Xonar 😉

    If you do all steps like in manual you must see Dolby tab under Xonar Speakers http://i56.tinypic.com/352rnna.png

    Enjoy 😀

    P.S. On Board Audio must be enabled for Dolby driver!


  9. Steve27 Apr 2011 @ 07:31

    I'm using a Xonar DG, UNi drivers (low latency install) and Windows XP 32-bit.

    The way I understand, with low latency install, GX mode is disabled so I cannot use EAX.

    What puzzles me is, I can still enable EAX in 'Diablo 2' and hear a difference, but I cannot enable EAX in 'Counter-Strike 1.6' (s_eax keeps reverting back to 0). Can anyone explain this?


    • CarvedInside27 Apr 2011 @ 10:11

      Could be that Diablo 2 uses a different version of EAX which works without GX on.


      • Steve27 Apr 2011 @ 23:28

        Yeah, probably. I did manage to "force" EAX with CS 1.6 by putting s_eax 1 in my userconfig. EAX is indeed enabled in options but I'm hard pressed to hear a difference (it's quite obvious with Creative card).

        Anyways, this is really a non-issue for me, I was more or less curious.


  10. Chris Leipold28 Apr 2011 @ 03:16

    Hey Alexa thank you very much for sharing this way of make DHT work on Xonar!!!everything works fine for me also without disabling onboard sound 😀 so would be nice when u can share links to the other FX Extensions!!! Are the other effects only possible with realtek onboard sound or also with via?thx again!chris


  11. Crosshead30 Apr 2011 @ 03:18

    Thanks for your driver!
    Though i can not install it [windows 7 refuses because of missing signature] BUT the modified controlpanel works fine with the old driver and now all functions are availiable, fox example: Soundtest works and Smart Volume reacts to changes 😉



    • CarvedInside30 Apr 2011 @ 10:58

      Sorry I don't quite understand . "BUT the modified controlpanel works fine with the old driver and now all functions are availiable"- can you rephrase this?


      • Crosshead30 Apr 2011 @ 12:31

        With the Original Asus driver, my Xonar audio-center was missing some functions.

        1) I was able te click on test speakers, but no sound would be played back.
        2) I was able to use the volume-control, but the volume would not change.
        3) The Buttons SVN and Mute were clickable but had no function.

        With the New driver, i installed the C-Media Audio Panel, when i now start the Xonar Audio center, all functions work properly.

        However i can not use the Driver of version, because no signature is found.

        Sorry for my bad english, its not my native language



  12. Ocet01 May 2011 @ 15:05

    i think if you would make a pack with xonar driver + dolby ht or with creative panel those drivers would be the best


  13. Dima03 May 2011 @ 11:25

    A pack with xonar driver and creative panel (cmss 3d for headphones) will be the best decision.


    • CarvedInside04 May 2011 @ 11:59

      @Dima ; @ocet

      The main thing is that I'm not sure how legal this would be, at least the creative panel needed a the use of a crack.

      The only thing I can say is that I will consider the possibility.


  14. char03 May 2011 @ 13:02

    I can't find any option to configure the headphone amplifier of the Xonar DG (using the C-Media Panel). Any solutions?
    The Normal driver is out of question and the low-latency version seems to be useless since I need some control panel to enable/disable Dolby Headphone on the fly.


    • CarvedInside04 May 2011 @ 12:03

      Its fairly simple, try launching the Asus Xonar Audio Panel (from Start) when you need to change the headphone amp. I think this will work.


      • char04 May 2011 @ 16:14

        Thanks. I totally overlooked the possibility to use the Asus Panel with the C-Media version of your drivers. Great job btw.


  15. Allen03 May 2011 @ 21:50

    I installed these drivers hoping to resolve the issue I was having with the stock Asus ones - whenever waking my computer from sleep, output mode would be reset to FP headphone. If I use the Asus Xonar Control Panel with these drivers, the problem still exists. If I use the C-media one, I can't use my front panel headphones (however the settings don't change upon waking from sleep). I tried the FP switch v3 and it did nothing. I know Asus won't address this issue, is there anything you kind folks can do?


    • CarvedInside04 May 2011 @ 12:06

      Yeah it might be that the FP switch doesn't work will try to see why that is.
      In the meantime try to launch Asus Xonar Audio Center from start when you need to change to FP.



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