

  1. Fons20 Aug 2010 @ 18:11

    Finally everything works fine now (even ASIO) with my XONAR D2 on Windows XP SP3! Thanks a lot 🙂


  2. rankena20 Aug 2010 @ 19:16

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-127">
    Fons :
    Finally everything works fine now (even ASIO) with my XONAR D2 on Windows XP SP3! Thanks a lot

    With UNi Xonar with original C-Media Audio Center b1 ?


  3. disco21 Aug 2010 @ 08:15

    update after a happy week with uni drivers...

    the freezing issue was because windows media player was holding sound card locked in background even when wmp was not running (there was no wmp app window but wmp process was present in task manager). problem was specific to g15 keyboard (or any other device with lcd) and sideshow. after turning off wmp in sideshow control panel the problem was gone forever.

    changing asio settings didn't work even when ableton live was running as administrator because live was running at the time and was holding sound card locked. don't try to change asio settings directly from live. the proper way to do this is to close live (and any other application which is using audio) and then change asio settings from xonar audio center (start xonar audio center if it's not already running, right click the icon in tray, click "asus xonar asio", make changes, click ok). run live and enjoy low latency.

    this will hopefully help people who encounter same issue(s) in the future.

    thanks once again for these excellent drivers!


  4. rankena21 Aug 2010 @ 18:50

    19.08.2010 news.Why it not marked in red?


    • CarvedInside21 Aug 2010 @ 19:13

      Well the mark in red thing was more for the actual page, so you could find the new stuff more easily.


  5. DonToro21 Aug 2010 @ 23:55

    I've installed Unified Drivers 1.01 on my Win7 64bit with Xonar Essence STX audio card.
    Clicking "ASUS Xonar ASIO" on menu in the tray icon of Audio Center it shows this message:
    "ASIO ControlPanel not found"


    • CarvedInside22 Aug 2010 @ 00:53

      This message appear with or without ASIO 1.0 Patch installed? It may not work with the ASIO 1.0 Patch.


      • DonToro22 Aug 2010 @ 13:18

        without ASIO 1.0 patch installed.
        If I installed the patch I've a digital signature problem (read my other post).


  6. DonToro22 Aug 2010 @ 00:21

    I've installed ASIO 1.0 patch in Win7 64bit with Xonar Essence STS audio card but the driver stop to work because the file's driver have not a digital signature (it show in property of audio card hardware).
    How can I solve it?


    • CarvedInside22 Aug 2010 @ 00:57

      Do you have SP1 beta installed? On win7 without Sp1 it should work, no one with Win7 reported this. Try reinstalling the drivers this way: uninstall, restart, registry clean (with ccleaner),restart and install again.


  7. raz23 Aug 2010 @ 17:44

    New driver out 1790 for new product Xonar DG


  8. Guardian23 Aug 2010 @ 18:42

    GX-mode doesn't work here, I've follow your steps but it doesn't work. This even seems to be with the Dolby Virtual Speaker. No difference here. Am I doing something wrong?


    • CarvedInside24 Aug 2010 @ 19:06

      I suppose you wanted to post your comment in the Uni Xonar with Original Cmedia post. Maybe you are doing something wrong. Check the comments there for info you might have miss.
      I will post another solution in a couple of days.


  9. Jayakiran23 Aug 2010 @ 23:34

    I am a huge music fan, audiophile, amatuer musician, computer geek, etc.

    I live in India. Buying the Asus Xonar D2X was a huge investment, but there were many problems, mainly with very high DPC latency, as well as ASIO recording latency. I coulnd't just send my card back, because there is no customer support in India.

    In short, you saved the day with your alternate and hugely improved drivers. Now I can play 1080p video without stuttering, record my instruments without latency, and also have ASIO bit-perfect playback.

    My gratitude.


    Jayakiran, India.


  10. Rexian24 Aug 2010 @ 00:38

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-166">
    CarvedInside :
    Did you installed the ASIO 1.0 Patch?

    I did not earlier. Today after installed b1 again and then ASIO 1.0 patch before restarting. Now after rebooting, the system volume works even with MediaMonkey outputting in ASIO! THANK YOU again.


  11. Whinette24 Aug 2010 @ 15:52

    I don't find how to make the s/pdif in working (on d2x).
    Also, all the pretty button (mute etc) don't seem to do anything.
    Note, I just received the card and never installed the asus official driver.


    • CarvedInside25 Aug 2010 @ 13:13

      Please read the Xonar manual. Because you're new and you are not familiar with the drivers you should try the official drivers first.


  12. rankena24 Aug 2010 @ 17:30

    Asus drivers 1790 is out!Next step for CarvedIns.Second step for us "testers" 🙂


    • Jenyar24 Aug 2010 @ 17:35

      Can't find them on the official ASUS site. Where did you see them?


    • CarvedInside24 Aug 2010 @ 18:53

      May take a couple of days. And there might be more to work on them, cause this driver doesn't have ASIO at all. Also they are made about a month after the 1788 so I don't think they improved/fixed a lot.


  13. rankena24 Aug 2010 @ 20:50

    if doesn’t have ASIO,it no good.


  14. edward25 Aug 2010 @ 00:57

    Uni Xonar 1788 XP-Vista-7 v.1.01
    Uninstall does not exist 🙁 (i want to try the c-media version)

    [merged comments]
    Uni Xonar 1788 C-Media Center b1
    Install fail. with error “Please plug-in uni Xonar audio device”
    Xonar D2X win7@64


    • CarvedInside25 Aug 2010 @ 13:04

      It should be there, I installed & reinstalled it dozen times! Look for the name Asus Xonar Drivers or Uni Xonar Drivers.
      If it doesn't work try installing again and then look to uninstall.
      After you manage to uninstall the Uni Xonar Drivers 1.01 try again with the b1 version.



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