

  1. Espionage72414 Sep 2011 @ 08:40

    Unrelated to anything, but the Test2 drivers worked without issue on Windows Developer Preview 8102 🙂


  2. -=WolverinE=-16 Sep 2011 @ 14:59

    This seems to happen randomly, but sometimes when booting into windows 7, my microphone doesn't work. Disabling it and changing the source doesn't help. They only way to make it work is rebooting. Maybe the driver fails to load all modules properly? I'm using the C-Media control panel on a Xonar Essence card.


  3. Tomek19 Sep 2011 @ 11:04


    I have xonar d2/pm & win 7 x64 professional, after changing sound 16 to 24 bit, audio output, when play MPC-HC with output to direct sound asus xonar my system crash when I use foobar & flac I tested last & previous asus driver, but today I found this project, so I installed UNiXonar_v2.0.1794_test2 & ver for D2, after this "other soundcard" every time foobar plays flac few second & crash... after reboot another crash when changing option spdiff to off
    So there is a questions:
    -is there a normal way to play flac in win 7 x64 without problems? /24 bit 96 hz too?/
    - to work properly d2/pm I must reinstall system?,
    -what other componnents are requied /library, codec's.../ for foobar & flac
    , ape, wv ?
    -is there a conflict with my graphic card: asus with hdmi & sound driver nvidia for hdmi? when I installed graphic card first in windows option xonar it's not a default sound card, and foobar plays good, but after changing to xonar default it's crash system..
    -is special bios option requied for xonar /like Virtualization tech .../?
    I have dvb skystar hd 2, but in my system are only haalimediaspliter, ffdshow /32-bit/ codecs

    best regards & I hope for your help & sugesstion!


  4. Gattsu27 Sep 2011 @ 11:04

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-2760">
    Virus :
    *Fixed some bugs
    *Added uninstall and cleaning of old driver.

    I'd like to say that I tried the ASIO patch and... it actually worked, just like before! On a xonar DX card. However, is there any chance to have a control panel while using this driver (such as to enable virtual surround for anything else but the ASIO output, or at least change speakers to headphones)?

    Much appreciated, will try the default mode right now!


    • Gattsu27 Sep 2011 @ 11:17

      Uninstall feature works just as intended, or so it seems. Kernel streaming, ASIO and DS all work right from the start. I'm very impressed!


  5. Alexa27 Sep 2011 @ 15:28

    This driver support Universal Audio Architecture and Sonic Focus APO.
    Find ur xonar model scrip and copy to asus driver folder (WIN7SoftwareDriverdriver).
    Support both Windows 7 32/64 bit.

    Carvedinside can add this to his uni driver.


  6. Alexa29 Sep 2011 @ 10:44

    Sorry for previous post link..i updated new.


  7. Roman29 Sep 2011 @ 22:59

    Does not work for me, it always says plug in the Asus xonar D1 card


  8. Roman30 Sep 2011 @ 11:26

    i get error 43 driver bot found, how can i install it anyway


  9. BC0030 Sep 2011 @ 17:38

    What is that Sonic Focus APO?


  10. Roman01 Oct 2011 @ 01:15

    maybe it won't install because i have DHT4 installed?


  11. Christoph Leipold01 Oct 2011 @ 04:05

    Hey Alexa, many thanks for sharing with us! What do u mean with script to install? where do i find or what is the name of the file?thanks!


  12. Christoph Leipold01 Oct 2011 @ 04:05

    ah ok sry i think i know what u mean.my fault.thanks again!


  13. Anon02 Oct 2011 @ 05:56

    Low-DPC latency config + ASIO = No front panel headphones.


  14. Espionage72403 Oct 2011 @ 21:16

    Is there anyway to have application profiles for Xear3D? Maybe even a quick way to enable/disable it? For example, I would like it enabled for when I run World of Warcraft and Diablo II (few other games too), but I don't want it to run when anything else is ran.



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