

  1. Anon05 Oct 2011 @ 01:01

    Does this also give better sound quality than stock Asus drivers?

    I have Windows XP (also makes me inherently stuck on version 5 of drivers), and audio seems to echo less. Vocals also sound less off, oddly enough.


  2. Tom05 Oct 2011 @ 18:06

    xonar is shit, asus fucks people, I bought creative xi-fi and there's no problem like f...ng xonar


  3. Azure Sky07 Oct 2011 @ 11:26

    I was just wondering if there is any way to enable DTS connect as suggested in past comments be it via a .bat file or small app?

    I Just got ahold of a xonar dx and would really like to be able to get 24/96 over optical(to my z5500's or shelf system) as it stands the best i can manage with ddl is 16/48.

    thanks in advance for any info you can give me, I really wish asus wouldnt have pulled a creative and hidden/disabled features for some cards and not others despite them all using the same chips....


    • CarvedInside12 Oct 2011 @ 09:52

      Hello & sorry for the late reply.
      Please point to which previous comments are you referring.
      Yeah, I am planning to try and enable some of the hidden options. In past attempts where unsuccesfull, but I haven't given up. My only big problem right now is time to do it.

      BTW: Maco is right, using analog output is better than the digital outputs.


  4. maco07 Oct 2011 @ 19:30

    Azure, the DAC's on your Xonar are far better than your z5500. I recommend you use analog output in xonar for evrything, stereo music, DTS, DD, games, etc.


    • hunterz008 Oct 2011 @ 18:28

      I've tried both analog 5.1 and TOSLINK (optical) DDL/SPDIF with my Xonar DX and Z-5500d, and I don't really notice a difference. I'm not an audiophile, though, and I don't listen to music much (just games and movies).


  5. -=WolverinE=-08 Oct 2011 @ 09:27

    I was wondering if there's a way to force or implement a better EQ in the audio control panel? Something like the Electri-Q VST plugin maybe?


    • CarvedInside12 Oct 2011 @ 09:54

      I don't know how the Electri-Q VST plugin looks like. Please show me a screenshot. Still im not sure it can be implemented.


  6. husmoaschta08 Oct 2011 @ 19:50

    I'm very sad about that, but sound is significant better with actual original drivers ....


    • maco11 Oct 2011 @ 02:07

      Elaborate please.


      • husmoaschta11 Oct 2011 @ 20:04

        Nothing to elaborate. Just my listening-impressions ....


        • Enoch0o12 Oct 2011 @ 02:57

          Sure there is.Like which install options did you try?Normal,Low DPC, or C-media and with any optional settings like GX enable/disabled,asio..etc;?

          Which original/asus driver version are you referring to,btw?And what programs/media/games did you use to test sound quality?Headphones or 5.1/7.1 surround sound what bitrate and all that...?

          Did you also try the sonicfocus mod alexa provided?Let me know if you have trouble installing if you decide to try it. 🙂


    • blahblah123344511 Oct 2011 @ 17:38



  7. Anon10 Oct 2011 @ 07:36

    Hey, great work on the drivers. Can the headphone amp setting be changed on a Xonar DG using the C-Media driver? The only headphone option I see is flipping left/right. This would be the 32-64ohm, >64ohm settings etc, thanks in advance.


    • CarvedInside12 Oct 2011 @ 09:56

      hey, I think it can't as from what i know the other Xonar cards that support headphone amp have an hardware amplifier.


  8. John11 Oct 2011 @ 21:58

    Hi there brainbit
    Thanks for your amazing drivers , i managed to install them once in my old windows 7instalnation but now when they finish installing the os doesnt recognize my card and i dont get any sound
    Could you help me please?


    • CarvedInside12 Oct 2011 @ 10:03

      Have you selected ASIO patch when installing? If so, don't and try installing then.

      If this doesnt solve the problem uncheck silent installation and tell us what error do you get.


    • Will Wenzel12 Oct 2011 @ 23:00

      to install with the least amount of errors...

      first uninstall the device out of the device manager.

      run driversweeper clean all asus - Sound files, if anything is left(usually 3 registry keys seem to error out) open regedit and remove them.

      restart computer.

      install the UNiXonar drivers make sure silent install is Not Checked, make sure Asio is Not Checked, check the others to your personal taste, personally i love the 5.1 upmix, some cant stand it. i personally use the Low DPC latency regular ones. just works and allows the FP headphones to work well.

      restart computer.



  9. Andy12 Oct 2011 @ 21:52


    I have a Xonar DG and I have installed the unified driver with ASIO patch. However, in the ASIO Control Panel, I see the bit-depth is blank and grayed out. When I try to play a files using foobar ASIO output, I get this.

    "Unrecoverable playback error: The ASIO device does not support specified sample rate (44100Hz); please configure resampler appropriately"

    Does anyone know why?

    Also, I am hearing some ticks/pops (every few seconds) in my headphone when I use either the soundcard's optical out, or even USB connected to my headphone DAC/Amp. I do not hear those if I connect from a different computer.Any idea or help is greatly appreciated!


    • CarvedInside13 Oct 2011 @ 11:11

      ASIO Patch doesnt work on these newer Xonar cards like DG, DS.

      Regarding the 2nd problem, when do you hear those pops? You head them when playing using ASIO output? What settings do you have, like sample rate, a higher sample might be at fault, try with 44.1 KHz.


      • Andy14 Oct 2011 @ 22:55

        Thanks for your response, and I have fixed both the problems.

        1. I uninstalled and then re-installed the unified driver without ASIO 1.0 patch. I can now use the ASIO driver in FB2K.

        2. I enabled memory play and also increased buffer length to 2000ms in the playback output setting, and then I am not hearing any pops/ticks anymore. Apparently, my system is not able to read the files fast enough which is pretty odd to begin with as I have a pretty solid workstation (2 yrs old though).

        Anyhow, thanks and thanks for a great driver and I hope my experience helps whoever have similar problems in future.


        • CarvedInside16 Oct 2011 @ 15:05

          Glad you managed to fix the problems.

          Regarding the pops , probably its not the computer at fault, but the problem lies in component configuration(for example not having HDD in AHCI mode in Bios) or software wise like windows being filled with bloat-ware , with problematic DRM from games or a resource demanding Anti-virus.


  10. Charlie14 Oct 2011 @ 12:32

    Hi, I've really enjoyed using your superb drivers, but recently after some security update I have to use the F8 on startup to disable the checking of driver signatures. Any new workarounds/fixes for this issue? I'm using 1.41 Uni drivers with C-Media Audio Panel for a Xonar DX card on Windows 7 x64.

    I would be also grateful if you could explain how to install the sonicfocus mod from alexa with your drivers. I tried installing normally and copied the extracted setup from the temp folder during the process. After the install and a restart I replaced the XonarDX.INF file in SoftwareDriverDriver and tried to update via Device Manager but I get an error that 'System cannot find the file specified'. I copied everything from the temp file so I don't know what is missing...


    • CarvedInside16 Oct 2011 @ 14:59

      Sorry for this, these driver signature errors are driving me nuts and the fact that i don't get them makes debugging even worse. I've been working on a workaround that should bypass this, but its uses tools from Microsoft that aren't exactly meant to be distributed , but downloaded by every individual, and they are only included in a software pack that is about 700 MB 🙁

      If you have windows updater always on, then is most likely that one of the updates made it so that the drivers don't work. That only thing I can say for now is : you can check which of the last updates were installed since the problem started is responsible and uninstall it.

      Regarding the sonicfocus mod that alexa did, I didn't tried it yet so I don't know how to install it. Maybe he will post detailed instructions on this.


  11. Alexa16 Oct 2011 @ 20:10

    Ok,ok i put inf files to the unixonar driver package...

    This package support only Xonar cards.(D2/D2X,D1/DX,ST/STX,HDAV,DS,DG)
    For others on demand. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WYCA0035


  12. Roman19 Oct 2011 @ 18:41

    Yeah same issue, platform not supported. i tried via device manager but got an code 43 error, can't find the drivers.


    • Charlie19 Oct 2011 @ 19:11

      Have you tried installing the normal Uni Xonar drivers and than (preferably after a restart) updating the driver via device manager? It worked for me this way, but could be sheer luck...


  13. Roman19 Oct 2011 @ 20:40

    yeah didn't work


  14. atler21 Oct 2011 @ 17:10

    would like to know how to uninstall it completely. To be honest i'm not even sure how it installed I had the same problems as those above me, re-installed the Uni driver from here (I thought from scratch after ccleaner, driver sweeper etc) and all of sudden in the sound properties there was the sonicfocus but raises my DPC too much for not enough benefit in my case. So any help would be nice, thank you


  15. -=WolverinE=-22 Oct 2011 @ 23:37

    Sorry for my super late reply, Carved. Here's a screenshot of the EQ I was talking about: http://cdn.head-fi.org/a/a4/a4f71656_95444fc7_ele...

    Basically, I need a more complex EQ. If that's a possible addition to the drivers, it will be more than welcome not only by me, I'm sure. 🙂



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