

  1. Espionage72429 Feb 2012 @ 21:21

    Driver installs fine on Windows Consumer Preview (x64) but neither C-Media or ASUS's audio CP start.

    Normally, I wouldn't mind, but I need access to either CP at least once to enable SPDIF


    • steve30xx29 Feb 2012 @ 21:51

      I go the Asus control panel to open , but I cant change the settings with windows 8 consumer preview


      • Espionage72429 Feb 2012 @ 21:53

        hmm, I can't get the CP to open at all lol, not sure what's up with that...

        In any case though, is there a way to manually enable SPDIF? Maybe a registry entry? Command Line?


        • steve30xx29 Feb 2012 @ 21:59

          Did you try running it as administrator and windows 7 compatibiltiy?


          • Espionage72429 Feb 2012 @ 22:11

            Yep. Nothing ever appears on-screen, Task Manager, nor taskbar :/

            I also have UAC disabled


          • steve30xx29 Feb 2012 @ 22:19

            Thw Asus control panel will load for me but all settings are blanf , but C-Media control panel wont load for me. Im on 64 bit OS


          • steve30xx29 Feb 2012 @ 22:35

            I have the same problem with the official driver so we need an updated driver or control panel.


          • Pyr001 Mar 2012 @ 19:46

            Has anyone managed to get 5.1 working in windows 8 consumer preview?
            I'm using a xonar dx and despite setting the windows sound control to 5.1, audio only comes from the front speakers


    • Souldrinker03 Mar 2012 @ 17:14

      I just installed Win8 Consumer Preview x64 on my media pc after testing it for a few days on another computer without issues. After not having any success with the original drivers I uninstalled them and ran DriverSweeper and tried these drivers.

      But as it seems for the rest of you I can't get any sound through SPDIF to my Logitech Z5500 speakers no matter what I try and when I try to run analog "Direct 6ch" I only get sound through the front, center and sub speakers, not the rear/side speakers.

      I would be really happy for a solution to this, since I use this machine for watching movies and would like to use my full 5.1 setup...

      Maybe I should have mentioned I'm on a Xonar DS, but it seem like a general issues?


      • Souldrinker03 Mar 2012 @ 22:41

        I just got my sound working on Win8 Consumer Preview x64 using these drivers (the same probably work on the official drivers), with the help of "pyr0" over at the Asus forums.

        I found my Xonar DS under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}008Settings] (0007 was my Hauppage TV tuner, but for some people the Xonar cards could be there, check the DriverDesc key directly under 0007/0008 or whatever you might have to see where your card is).

        I first added a new binary SpeakerConfig key with the values 06 00 00 00 and after a reboot I got analog sound from all six speakers.

        Then I changed SpDigitalOut from 00 00 00 00 to 01 00 00 00 and rebooted again, and after that I'm successfully using also the optical sound with full surround. Both stereo (using Dolby Prologic II), DTS and Dolby Digital works splendid on all six speakers 🙂


        • Chriscom04 Mar 2012 @ 19:51

          Thanks for information! I will look into Win8 now. Hope theyve done some things since Dev Prev.


        • hgoed06 Mar 2012 @ 01:43

          I've installed Windows 8 exclusively, with a backup of my W7 install, so I can't easily try this myself, but I'm wondering if it would be simple enough to record the registry changes in W7 when each option is toggled. That way, people could manually edit the registry settings until the control panel starts working (if ever).


  2. antonyfrn01 Mar 2012 @ 21:46

    Just so you know this driver works really nicely with Windows 8 64bit and with my Xonar D2X


  3. shon3i01 Mar 2012 @ 22:52

    Thanks so much, i installed last 1.52 no driver signature errors anymore !!! 🙂 even i selected ASIO 1.0 Patch 🙂



  4. vladan02 Mar 2012 @ 06:19

    my xonar d1 conected with optical cable 1.52 drivers dont produce any sound windows 8 consumer p


  5. Albert Einstein02 Mar 2012 @ 14:07

    I just installed Windows 8 Consumer preview, and installed version 1.52 of the drivers with C-media panel. I noticed that the C-media panel interface is somewhat different in Windows 8 than windows 7. For instance there is an option to switch between front and rear outputs. In windows 7 I have to open Xonar Audio center to do this. Any idea why it is different in Windows 8?


    • Espionage72402 Mar 2012 @ 14:52

      Did you do anything special at all in order to open C-media panel? I can't open either ASUS nor C-Media's CP...


    • CarvedInside02 Mar 2012 @ 17:13

      I suppose you have installed the x86(32bit) version of Win8CP, right? Because on x64 neither CP works.
      I think what you are seing is the C-media panel for windows XP instead of the one for Win7. This is a glitch from the point of how C-media programmed the panel.
      I will post a more detailed comment about this so everyone will see it.


  6. BakmieGuest02 Mar 2012 @ 18:36

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-3833">
    CarvedInside :
    I suppose you have installed the x86(32bit) version of Win8CP, right? Because on x64 neither CP works.

    There's any known reason of why on 64bit version of Windows 8 CP the control panel doesn't start?


    • steve30xx02 Mar 2012 @ 19:59

      Were you answering a question or asking a question. It looks like you answered a question with a question mark at the end.


  7. ultimatron02 Mar 2012 @ 19:00

    Hi first of all thanks alot for your uni xonar driver, it's working great on my xonar dx 🙂

    I realised when playing 24 bit/ 96khz files the spectrum analyzer in the asus control panel shows nothing. I think only 96 khz files had the problem. 24 bit / 44.1khz, and all other 16 bit files activates the spectrum correctly. May I know why is that so?


  8. steve30xx02 Mar 2012 @ 19:54

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-3833">
    CarvedInside :
    I suppose you have installed the x86(32bit) version of Win8CP, right? Because on x64 neither CP works.
    I think what you are seing is the C-media panel for windows XP instead of the one for Win7. This is a glitch from the point of how C-media programmed the panel.
    I will post a more detailed comment about this so everyone will see it.
    The Asus control panel works for me on Windows 8 Customer Preview but all the settings options show blank.


  9. Larry Younameit02 Mar 2012 @ 21:02

    i tried installing 1.52 on the 32 bit flavour of CP and nothing... i do not know what to do next... please help. thanks!


    • CarvedInside05 Mar 2012 @ 18:44

      Maybe try installing the drivers with "run as Administrator". What audio card do you have?


  10. sam03 Mar 2012 @ 00:10

    same here ..can I ask if you are using any subwoofer for 24/96? (2.1 system) Flex Bass redirection is not working with these files for me. But I guess you are using only stereo setup for hi-rez playback. Thanks for answer.


    • ultimatron03 Mar 2012 @ 02:14

      i'm using 5.1 system, so yea i'm using a subwoofer. but i use a analog speaker system so flex bass is of no use to me at all. im guessing u use a receiver/speaker system?


      • hunterz003 Mar 2012 @ 04:34

        I'm surprised that there are still 5.1 receivers out there without built-in bass redirection. Both my computer's Logitech Z-5500's and my home theater's Yamaha RXV-665 handle bass redirection for me in both digital and analog input modes.


    • laurentiu11 Mar 2012 @ 09:46

      hi sorry for the late reply i was not in the country... xonar dx and it does run as admin settings but no success.. i reverted to windows 7 again unfortunately


  11. wohali03 Mar 2012 @ 03:01

    Do you have any feedback from people using the ST + H6 board with these drivers? I'm looking at the new Razer Tiamat 7.1 headset and have access to an ST + H6, am curious for any feedback.


  12. redblob04 Mar 2012 @ 09:47

    Weird. I got the drivers and both panels to work and open up at any time without problems on Windows 8 CP x64.

    Albeit the C media panel is different looking like stated (XP style), but both panels (C media+Asus) open and work.

    Would post a screenshot, but don't see how to.


    • CarvedInside05 Mar 2012 @ 18:36

      Yeah pretty its weird. I don't know what to make of it. If you can please provide more details:
      This may sound stupid but please check to see if you installed the x64 version of Win8(in the Computer->Proprieties). Which UNi Xonar driver you installed & options ticked. If you run the installer as administrator and/or windows 7 compatibility mode? Did you previously installed official Win7 drivers in compatibility mode? Have you tried installing other applications or uni xonar drivers with Application Verifier?
      And of course if there was anything out of the usual that you did before installing the driver.



      • redblob06 Mar 2012 @ 00:55

        No problem.

        Definitely Windows 8 CP 64 bit (8250 build).
        Sound card - Asus Xonar D2X
        Installed the 1.52 version of yours.
        Options ticked -
        C-Media Panel
        Silent installation
        Enable stereo upmix

        No ASIO options applied. Left out.

        Installed after installing my nvidia 295.73 drivers, and before running the Intel chipset software utility on a clean fresh install of Windows 8 CP x64.

        Installed drivers before applying any Windows updates.

        Didn't mess with any UAC setting beforehand. Default Window UAC settings.
        95% sure I ran the installer as administrator, but not totally sure on that. Rebooted after install, even though Windows didn't tell me I needed to.

        Didn't run in any Compatibility mode.

        Didn't run any other sound card drivers on the clean install. Only these 1.52's.

        Haven't used application verifier at all.

        Besides that, don't think there was anything I did out of the ordinary.

        Mobo - Asus P6X58D Premium
        Sound Card Asus Xonar D2X
        SSD - OCZ Vertex 2.
        GFX card nvidia GTX 480
        Corsair Dominator RAM
        Corsair Power supply


        • CarvedInside07 Mar 2012 @ 17:52

          Thank you for the details.

          Sadly I wasn't able to figure out why it works for you. I guess the only thing that explains why the panels work for a few but not for all is that there is a glitch that allows this.


  13. qaz05 Mar 2012 @ 10:55

    A bit of information: after many days of uptime I've just got bluescreen with cmudaxp.sys (our xonar drivers) version 1796.


  14. Minda07 Mar 2012 @ 18:48

    Hello Everybody and thanks CarvedIns for your work!

    A couple of days ago I came to the unixonar drivers and I'd like to join the discussion about the upmix.

    I used to have Creative SB Audigy 2 ZS analog connected to 4.0 speakers from Logitech, and PC running on Win 7 64 Bit. Unlike mentioned by Kado I was able to select in Creative drivers that I wish to have my stereo sound (hardware?) upmixed to 4.0 and all working nice without any additional soft. That is, winamp and stereo movies were playing 4.0, and 5.1 were donwmixed by app decoder to 4.0.

    I got small new pc (Win 7 64 Bit), I bought Asus Xonar DX, and I guess since half of a year I have been listening 4.0 upmixed stereo and unfortunately also 5.1 sources upmixed to 4.0 from two channels.

    Like hunterz0 said:
    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-3413">
    What I’d really like to see is something that lets me choose 6CH input and 5.1 output, but still have stereo streams go through a Dolby Pro Logic IIx decoder to become 5.1.

    1. Is there a chance, that Xonar itself detects the source and does hardware upmix for stereo and leaves more channels unchanged? I guess this was, how Audigy 2 ZS was working,

    I have now newest Low Latency Unixonar drivers with upmix enabled, but source set to 6 channels. Surely, stereo now stays stereo, and I am going to reinstall with upmix disable, as
    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-3413">
    CarvedInside :
    IMHO If you want the best sound out of your card you have this disabled.

    2. Can you, CarvedIns, elaborate on that? To what respect best?

    3. What is the best way to play quod sound through Winamp stereo source?

    4. Pros and cons upmixing/downmixing by SB Card (hardware) or additional App (software)?

    Thanks for your replies.


    • CarvedInside07 Mar 2012 @ 19:43

      1. I'm not sure how to answer this
      2. Note I was referring to stereo to come from 2 speakers(even in 5.1 system), and not the option "stereo upmix" itself. Having drivers installed the way you did and setting 5.1 speakers, 6 channels, you are fine, nothing will change if you reinstall with upmix disable. The thing is that stereo upmix doesn't work the same on Win7 as it does on Win XP , at least now it doesnt. With original Asus drivers, on XP you always get stereo upmix if source is 2.0 and surround if the source is 5.1.
      Getting back to my statement, stereo sounds are meant to come from 2 speakers,stereo music is carefully separated to 2 channels. IMHO upmixining (especially 5.1, 7.1) will in fact get you a sound more closer to mono sound coming from 5 speakers. I am saying this mainly from the way its perceived by ears and decoded in the brain.
      If its done right (by drivers or software), upmixing stereo to 4 speakers is be better that to 5.1 speakers but I would say that at least no audiophile would ever prefer this to 2 speakers.
      3. This is most a guess as I don't use any stereo upmix. I would say Winamp (or foobar) with a plugin that upmixes this. If the plugin allows different user changes then you will have more control over the options. I know that foobar2000 has a great plugin for upmixing and "cloning" sounds to 4 speakers for example. This plugin is called "Channel Mixer".

      This is my opinion. Anyone could add his opinion about this as long as they don't try to start a flame war.


      • Minda07 Mar 2012 @ 21:49

        1. Does source detection depends on sound driver or could be programmed on the control panel? It is just a bit pity that Creative can do that and Asus not.

        2. Thanks. I agree, stereo should be listened on stereo, if you have a decent speakers. On my 4.0 system it sounds to me better on all speakers.

        3. I will give a try to foobar and other options.

        As I said, all upmixing stuff was working fine on my win7 system with Audigy2. I will make it sure not to be the case as with Xonar.


        • hunterz007 Mar 2012 @ 21:55

          I prefer listening to stereo with Dolby Surround mode on my speakers, as most stereo music and video these days actually has some surround encoding.

          It's interesting to hear that Creative found some way to do selective upmixing in Win 7. If that's true then it would definitely be nice to see the feature replicated on a Xonar.


          • Minda08 Mar 2012 @ 00:10

            I can confirm, that in Creative Audio Console one can enable CMSS 3D mode and Direct Sound Winamp Stereo is played multichannel, whereas WinampAC3 plays perfectly each channel as well.

            Maybe it is not most wanted feature, but it is sad, that Asus/ C-Media do not have this. I will report it to customer support.


    • hunterz007 Mar 2012 @ 20:00

      It was possible to upmix stereo to 5.1 in WinXP because most applications that output stereo did so on the WaveOut channel, while 5.1 applications used DirectSound.

      With the new audio stack in Windows Vista & 7, however, there are no longer separate audio paths, and because of this it's apparently no longer trivial to upmix stereo sources while leaving 5.1 sources alone.


  15. Guset07 Mar 2012 @ 18:49

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-3868">
    hgoed :
    I’ve installed Windows 8 exclusively, with a backup of my W7 install, so I can’t easily try this myself, but I’m wondering if it would be simple enough to record the registry changes in W7 when each option is toggled. That way, people could manually edit the registry settings until the control panel starts working (if ever).

    it's possibile, i've exported the settings from the registry in my windows 7 partition and imported in windows 8 and all work. But is very annoying editing the registry key to modify anything...



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