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Hi! My comment disappeared so i have to write it again.
So ive just bought a Xonar DX today, and i have a wierd problem. My OS is Win XP x64. With the latest official drivers, and setting the output to 5.1 (ive a 5.1 headset) all the stereo outputs got a strange and annoying reverb effect where the front, rear, center channels had a small time delay between. Only 5.1 output didnt had it. Is this strange effect ,the consequence of the upmixing issue you are talking about?
After installing the Uni Xonar driver the problem disappeared mostly, but it still does this damn reverb effects for any directsound input, even if it is 5.1 and not stereo. Any idea?
Hey Petko - the card had severe 5.1 issues out of the box. Did you update the card's firmware?
Yes, that was my first thing, i used the file "AsusSndUpdate_v110.rar" from the official website.
Then this problem is not connected to the upmixing issues? Its something different?
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Yeah some kind of echo or reverb could come from the stereo upmixing. But that should be completly gone with the my drivers.
1)Try installing the drivers with C-Media Audio center instead and you should check the reducing the sound delay sliders, see if its still present and report back.
2) Try on another audio card, lets say your onboard , and make sure you set it to 5.1.
I don't think that this has to do your version of Windows.
@Petko, I guess that it is an upmix issue than - maybe when Carved is back he'll be able to help you more. Do you have any DSP effects activated? SVN or any other effects for that matter? If so switch them all off and try again. Best of luck to you.
No effect activated at all, GX is also off. Im very angry at this card. Ive read all the reviews before i bought it, all said its very cool, and now it seems its useless for me. Maybe its a problem with my OS (win xp x64), but i dont want to change it.
Win XP x64, that is probably the problem it is notorious for bad driver support. Basically it is built on Win Server 2003 x64 and needs driver support just for it.
That's why people usually have performance and support issues with it, it's not updated nor supported much anymore, esp with consumer devices.
No I don't think its a specific Win XP x64 problem, . It was notorious for bad driver support when it was lauched, being the first x64 bit Windows for user. Now drivers work just as they do on XP x86 (32 bit). Also it gets regular updates from Microsoft.
Win XP SP3 x86, Essence ST, everything (that I need from the card) is working fine so far after uninstalling the latest stable drivers from ASUS and installing your set. I had some issues with the original drivers in Ventrilo that are now a thing of the past. One problem I ran into is that I can't use ASIO in foobar (haven't checked any other apps), but I don't really care as I always use KS anyway. ASIO from the official set caused some problems with foobar; when the music was playing, there were heavy delays on opening folders, sending links from Miranda IM to my browser etc.
BTW, how do I go about changing the sample rate with the C-Media Center installed? I kind of prefer it to the Audio Center from Asus.
For ASIO you shoud try ASIO 1.0 Patch.
For Sample rate switching see the dedicated page & comments for Uni Xonar with C-Media Audio center. I will try to enable sample rate switcher directly in the Audio center.
Hi man,
At last with this driver I can use S/PDIF bitstream over HDMI. Thank you, nice one!
I installed the software with me from the razer ac-1 and it works fine.
kannst du damit auch ein treiber erstellen.
sorry for my languages is german ^^
ps. here is a pic with razer ac-1 software:
ohhh,german text 😀
so that you can also create a driver.
Nice to know. How did you install them , with the setup or in updated your card from Device manager ?
I will add support for your card as well, but note that it will be without the Razer Control center, it will work with C-Media's one.
Well everything seems to be tight on this release with the exception of the ASIO driver. It has bestowed upon me low latency like it promised, but it has taken away the ability to play music along with asio playback. What I mean is, I connect an electric kit up to my computer using the MIDI port, and use Superior drummer 2.0. When I select the kit I want and use the Asus ASIO Xonar driver as the sound device, it works perfect, but I used to be able to use Media player and jam along to some music with the old drivers from asus. Now it is not possible. This ain't cool as this is the reason I bought the card. Please somebody help!!!
Yeah thats a new "feature" of ASIO 2.0. You're problem will be solved after you install ASIO 1.0 Patch.
Hi there, I have a problem using my 5.1 headset. I get some weird reverb which was fixed for a while with the newest Uni Xonar drivers but after I restarted the extremely disturbing reverb came back. It only happens when playing 3d games, music is unaffected (using Foobar). EAX is off. I wiped the drivers from my hd but after reinstalling the drivers, I had the same problem (tried several times using ccleaner aswell to clean the registry, there were no settings left in the registry).
2nd edit Lol, I actually get this using the Channel Mixer in foobar too. Seems like using more than 2 Channels causes this.
3rd edit Sry for tripple posting (there is no edit button ;o) but I played around with the jacks, it seams that it's the Center/Sub channel which is screwing around, it's maybe connected to the problem that I can't use the Center and Sub Channel simultaneously, I can either make the sub or the Center work by changing them around in the driver.
Welcome back CarvedIns!
I'd like to confirm that the 1788 1.01 low DPC latency set is working fine with Windows XP SP3 32-bit.
I can confirm that after installing the "patch", that in windows 7 ultimate, the problem is not rectified, and in fact all control of volume is then nullified, and the sound quality goes to crap almost like you are running the lowest latency possible, indicated by the popping sounds and crackling.
For the volume you can try running as administrator.
There isn't much you can do in this case, if you find that the quality of asio 1.0 is crap. Maybe C-media will fix the ASIO 2.0 , but somehow I doubt that.
Hi, I bought an Asus Xonar D2X today and I got home. Impressed at first, but quickly went to notice all the "gotchas". I tried your modded drivers, 1790 build, Win 7 x64. First, many thanks for your awesome work with these drivers. Now for the feedback:
- Sound quality seems perfect.
- ASIO defaults to 16-bit at 10ms and the combo boxes are disabled so I can't change anything there 🙁 (tried Guitar Rig for this).
- ASIO device simply doesn't show up in Reaper. Maybe I need the ASIO patch? I haven't yet understood what it does at all.
- Is there any way at all to have real-time monitoring of the line-in? This is the *big* issue that makes me want to sell the card right away, as I run a guitar pedalboard to the PC's line in for monitoring so I can play with headphones at night (I do the actual recording via USB). The latency is horrible and makes the monitoring unusable. This is a flaw with the original drivers, and I was hoping your mods could fix it.
I'll report more on stability and game sound later.
Just a thought, try installing the C-Media Panel version and try playing with the sound delay switcher.
You can't control the Center and Sub channel simultaneously, but they should both work, at least they do work on my 5.1 speakers. Can you confirm that only one works (depending on the setting) in the speaker test, or in a 5.1 movie?
Like R4yn0r im also having the same problem, im using Xonar DS with a pair of Sharkoon Xtatics analog 5.1 (4 speakers in each cup) Grean, Orange and black inputs.
in Bad Comapany 2 it sounds like im playing in a glass jar, its similar as turning on Bathroom in the effects options, although everytthing is off.
Speakers set to 6
Sample rate ive tried them all no diffrence but i default at 96k
analog out set to 5.1
GX on or off makes no diffrence.
Flexbass set to on and at 80hz
Mixer all volumes level
everything else turned off.
please help as i cant play BC2 like this its horrendous.
This is with both Asus’s and your drivers, not just your drivers, sorry i didnt point that out
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CarvedInside :
Just a thought, try installing the C-Media Panel version and try playing with the sound delay switcher.
You can’t control the Center and Sub channel simultaneously, but they should both work, at least they do work on my 5.1 speakers. Can you confirm that only one works (depending on the setting) in the speaker test, or in a 5.1 movie?
I tried using the C-Media center as you suggested and played a bit around but it didn't change anything. I've tested it as you suggested and it seems like it doesn't want to talk to the sub at all, it just sends the sub channel to the center... .