

  1. Giovanni Maria Rossi30 May 2012 @ 17:37

    Hi, I keep getting BSODs. I bought a Xonar DG recently and immediately installed your drivers. I tried all three versions of them, apparantely to no avail. I have disabled the integrated soundcard from the BIOS too. Is there something I'm missing? Every time I installed a new one I uninstalled the previous one cleanly, following your instructions. I use foobar to listen to music, with the wasapi component.


    • CarvedInside30 May 2012 @ 18:05

      Which OS do you have? You mean you've tried the installation types/versions (Normal, Low DPC, Cmedia) or older versions (1.53,1.41)? As far as regarding UNi Xonar drivers, you should try 1.53 drivers and make sure you don't enable GX. If this doesn't work there is a conflict in your system either with other applications or within Windows or with your motherboard. At this point you could try the card in another pc and/or install OS again or besides the current installation to try and see if the problem is still there. This would help you pinpoint the main cause.


  2. Matias30 May 2012 @ 17:58

    I have Xonar ST with Windows Xp SP3 up to date and sometimes windows frezze for 2 seconds and then continue ok, anyone knows why this happens?
    I reinstall the system and the problem persists.


    • CarvedInside30 May 2012 @ 21:11

      Are you sure its from the Xonar card and drivers?

      Make sure that GX is disabled if you previously enabled it. Try newer/older drivers. There might be a conflict with something else like for example tools from motherboard, other drivers.


  3. Giovanni Maria Rossi30 May 2012 @ 18:14

    Hi, I have win 7. I meant I tried the three types. All of the last version (1.60). Should I install the older one, 1.53? GX is disabled from the program interface. Should I disable it with other means?


    • CarvedInside30 May 2012 @ 21:01

      Yes try 1.53. No you don't need to disable GX by other means, its fine the way it is. I was just checking to see if you enabled it by yourself.


  4. Matias30 May 2012 @ 22:47

    Windwos is newly installed, I tried it with the original drivers from asus and multiple versions of unixonar but the problem persists, if I disconnect the card from the motherboard I have no problem, this can be a problem with the sound card or incompatibility with Windows XP , which tests could be done to identify the problem.


    • CarvedInside31 May 2012 @ 15:11

      Its not a incompatibility with Windows XP itself. Check your DPC latency, read the article I wrote. Try card in another PC. And if isolate the problem, please share it with us as it might be useful for others as well.


  5. therealrhyno31 May 2012 @ 20:37

    Any word on how soon we can expect drivers for the DGX? I know a feel people that are looking quite forward to it.


    • CarvedInside01 Jun 2012 @ 12:52

      There are some complications with this, I don't know it could be later today or next week.


  6. Tim01 Jun 2012 @ 03:59

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-4634">
    Tim :
    This driver does NOT install on my Windows 7 64bit… with my Asus Xonar Essence STX sound card. It also keeps prompting me to plug in my sound card, but its already plugged in.

    Nevermind, I got it working by enabling the test mode as mentioned. I just have to figure out now how to raise the headphone power.


  7. TC01 Jun 2012 @ 07:52

    Windows 8 doesn't work with any of the drivers despite what anyone claims here. I don't understand why Asus is so lazy with their own drivers. Their cards are higher priced than most, they should be giving better service, but no they give no updates for the past year.

    I think I'll stay away from Asus in the future.


    • CarvedInside01 Jun 2012 @ 12:55

      Drivers do install on Win8 (at least on DP,CP) however Asus Audio Center or Cmedia Panel most likely won't work.


  8. slaithe01 Jun 2012 @ 11:32

    "High Quality Headphone Amplifier for Audio Listening Pleasure"
    -- http://www.futurelooks.com/asus-xonar-d2x-sound-card-review/

    This was one of the reasons I got a D2X. As great as the Uni Drivers are, my D2X no longer seems to switch to a Heaphone Amp mode, that is, it doesn't sound any different from 2.0 Speaker mode (Win7x64, using C-Meida Audio Panel, Beyerdynamic DT770 32Ohm) I do hear a slight clip as I switch between modes. Did older drivers just automatically up the gain on the headphone, or something?


    • CarvedInside01 Jun 2012 @ 12:58

      Try with an older version of the drivers (like 1.53) and see if there it works and report back. It might be because of these new drivers.


      • Giovanni Maria Rossi01 Jun 2012 @ 12:59

        Thank you. Did as you suggested, at the moment no BSODs but who knows :). I'll let you know if I get others! thanks again


  9. Laurentiu Larry01 Jun 2012 @ 19:40

    works on 32 bit Release Preview on Xonar DX. Finally


  10. genclaymore01 Jun 2012 @ 21:18

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-4637">
    TC :
    Windows 8 doesn’t work with any of the drivers despite what anyone claims here. I don’t understand why Asus is so lazy with their own drivers. Their cards are higher priced than most, they should be giving better service, but no they give no updates for the past year.
    I think I’ll stay away from Asus in the future.

    They do install, I been using them in Consumer Preview and even now in RC, you have to go to more PC options, then general and then click on Advance tools. You pretty much have to disable Drivers Enforcer before they will install. If you don't do this the drivers will not install.

    The Driver Enforcement stops the uni drivers from installing that's why you have to disable it so you can install it. After Reboot the drivers will be installed and working.

    Er I mean Chance PC settings, General then Advance Start up, Theirs another option you click which will reboot the computer and bring up a menu and disable driver enforcement will be on the menu.


  11. BlackDevCon02 Jun 2012 @ 10:14

    It is possible to Support Windows 8 full with the Driver ?
    i installed but there is no working c-media panel.
    thank you


    • CarvedInside02 Jun 2012 @ 10:43

      No, at least not yet. Please read "Regarding WIN8 CP support" note in this page.


      • bof03 Jun 2012 @ 21:14

        Seems to be a problem with your driver signing, the panel will launch when driver signing is disabled at boot.


        • CarvedInside04 Jun 2012 @ 12:36

          I am not sure why you say the panel will work if driver signing is disabled, does the sound work either way? Because there is a problem when drivers aren't being installed because of a issue with some systems not recognizing the driver signature How did you disable driver signing? And please give details about your card and OS.


          • bof04 Jun 2012 @ 17:10

            I'm running the Windows 8 Release Preview with a Xonar DG. I installed the drivers and the front panel connection worked, but not the back. When I updated my bios (which restarted itself with driver enforcement disabled) I noticed that the xonar panel showed up in the system tray after the restart, and I could bring up the panel, so I enable the headphone port on the back and restarted again, and the panel was gone but the back headphone port/amp was working. When I do an advanced restart from the metro "PC Settings" menu and disabled driver enforcement the panel will work for that boot session as well.


          • bof07 Jun 2012 @ 18:40

            Were you able to replicate this? I tried to do it again and now the panel won't even show up with driver signature enforcement disabled :/

            Guess its something else then

            In any case I was able to change some settings like the amp mode through the registry, referencing someone's export of their settings.


            • CarvedInside07 Jun 2012 @ 20:01

              I've read a topic(check last posts) and others where saying that it worked. Maybe driver enforcement got reactivated automatically (bug) or updates to win 8 RP changed something.

              I didn't and can't replicate this as I no longer have any Win8 installed.


  12. Laurentiu Larry02 Jun 2012 @ 13:58

    holy shit i installed C-Media driver on W7 64 bit it works... thanks

    okay something funny happened.. i have both c-media and usual unified drivers now… lol


    • CarvedInside02 Jun 2012 @ 19:37

      Win7 or Win8?

      Well they both work, but only cmedia should autostart.


      • Laurentiu Larry02 Jun 2012 @ 20:09

        well cmedia autostarts and i have them both as operational control panels. win 7. but it seems to be working okay


  13. Bluto03 Jun 2012 @ 17:20

    mediafire is not letting me access the link. please can this be mirrored somewhere


  14. nina03 Jun 2012 @ 23:10

    hi, I just intalled UNi Xonar 1800 1.61 for the first time. Seems to work, only the asio driver gives a problem in 5.1 surround, no sound through center channel, all other channels ok.
    This with win 7 x86 and xonar hd slim, with 5.1 flac.


    • CarvedInside04 Jun 2012 @ 12:30

      This problem is there with the original drivers? what about with older uni drivers(like 1.41 or 1.53)?

      There is a option in the installer to downgrade Asio to , you can also try that.


  15. Albert04 Jun 2012 @ 00:21

    Thank you very much,forward to a good working driver for windows 8.



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