

  1. Kondziu13 Jun 2012 @ 00:06

    Sounds funny, but I uninstalled 1.53 and sweeped drivers, and now 1.61, 1.51 and Asus' own installer prompts me to plug in my card. The card works and is plugged, as I just made sure on my Linux installation. Checking 1.41 now...


    • Kondziu13 Jun 2012 @ 00:07

      No luck. Seems I'm stuck without sound on Windows 8 now. And all this just to have a panel (which I didn't have on Asus' drivers).


    • Espionage72413 Jun 2012 @ 23:47

      I've had a lot of trouble with these drivers and W8RP. I was able to install the drivers and have the CP work only once... After that I was never able to get it back, even with reinstall (although I was playing around with stuff like testing mode and disabling UAC)


  2. Kondziu12 Jun 2012 @ 21:54

    Just giving a heads up, 1.61 has issues installing on Windows 8 Release Preview, test mode enabled, driver signature enforcement disabled, driver signature bypass option enabled in installer. Drivers don't install; when silent install is unchecked it keeps asking to plug in uni xonar device. It actually installed once, but I had to reinstall due to driver signature enforcement being enabled at that time (no panel).

    1.53 installs without a trouble.


  3. wild0east13 Jun 2012 @ 02:25

    Hey, I've been using these drivers and I like it. However the equalizer settings work for all apps but it won't work for YouTube videos, haven't really tried other video streaming websites though. I've tried both Chrome and Firefox.


  4. Espionage72413 Jun 2012 @ 23:46

    Hmm, is it possible to have Dolby Digital Live with these drivers on cards that don't have it? Some of Realtek's hardware have the ability to use DDL, but all processing is done CPU-side instead of the Hardware itself, which leads me to believe it might be possible to do this on any card? I have a Xonar DG btw


    • MasterFaster14 Jun 2012 @ 13:12

      What you ask is illegal and against Asus intentions. Please don't give CarvedInside such headaches. 🙂

      Software decoding (based on cpu) of Dolby Digital Live is possible, but if you don't have a powerful cpu, it may strangle performance. I'm not an expert on these stuff, though.

      If I remember correctly, there was a Dolby Home Theater 4 solution posted some months ago. You may want to check older posts.


  5. Igor14 Jun 2012 @ 22:04

    Hi all. I have the Xonar DS and notised that output sample rate does not depends on slected in configuration tool and is always 48 kHz. SamleRate switch does not work for me on WinXP 32bit. Every body can check this by plaing 40kHz tone. Te 8 khz audible sound will appear. I think it is not only my troble. Has any one fixed this?

    I think a lot of audiophiles hears new sound causing by aliasing when listening 96 or 192 khz files :))


  6. Gradius16 Jun 2012 @ 07:22

    The "Dolby Home Theater 4 solution" doesn't works anymore!


  7. Gradius16 Jun 2012 @ 08:32

    About DHT... Fixed, the registry changed the usual alternative.


  8. Ocet16 Jun 2012 @ 12:48

    man the dht destroys natural sound i dont know how you can like it i modded to test that on xonar dx and sound was horrible no mids at all, all sound very compressed (even with all setings on off only dht panlel on) speaker surround gives strange reverb so i think its usless


  9. Igor19 Jun 2012 @ 15:32

    Has any one tried to generate 40 kHz tone with CollEdit or something else and listen what happen on the CMI8788 based Xonar output at 192kHz sample rate?


  10. reavpeals20 Jun 2012 @ 01:39

    Since the ASUS Control panel doesn't work at the moment, does anyone here know which registry values to edit in order to enable the headphone jack and the +12dB gain on the Xonar Essence?

    Thank you in advance! 🙂


  11. Outcast20 Jun 2012 @ 18:07

    [solved] Good day every one! I have trouble installing the drivers using the installer. I have to use the Device Manager method which only install but drivers but I lost the ability to use ASUS control panel since the installer is just stuck at 100% of the progress bar.

    I have tried 10+ times (each removal was done using Driver Sweeper) with both version 1.61 and 1.53. I have also tried going back Asus driver which again the installer just hangs at 100% of the progress bar.

    My system is running Win7 x64 Ultimate and my sound card is Xonar DX. Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Never mind; got it resolve by checking “Older 1794 Asus Audio Center”.


  12. Ilia21 Jun 2012 @ 11:36

    I have Xonar DSX running at Win7 64bit.
    With both Asus and Uni drivers I have strange background noise, exactly like here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjzWUVVWW7A

    To reproduce it:
    I start playing any game after some time the noise appears and stays even after I quit the game.
    To kill the noise I need either to restart the PC or disable->enable drivers via control panel.

    I have 5.1 setup and the strange thing is that noise is coming only from left and right speakers.

    I think it is software problem where some leftovers get stuck in buffers and played in a loop.
    Any one had similar problem? or/and managed to solve it?


  13. Steve D22 Jun 2012 @ 22:14

    Hello all,

    Dont know if this is the place to ask or not but here goes -

    I have a xonar DS and try as I might, all i can get it to do is freeze my system.
    Everything locks up. Sometimes 5-10 minutes after loading windows, but mostly as soon as my system tries to load wndows itslef.
    I've tried a complete reinstall. Tried disabling onboard sound. Tried windows 7 32 and 64 but versions. Standard drivers and unified. Nothing. Same result every time.
    Anyone have any suggestions? The only thing i can think it may be is I have an xfx hd 6870 graphics with onboard 7.1 decoder over hdmi. tried disabling that also through device manager (as its the only way i know how), still nothing.


  14. CounterPillow23 Jun 2012 @ 23:06

    I've got a bluescreen in cmudaxp.sys from the official drivers when playing games for a while or transcoding videos. ASUS support has been more than unhelpful towards me.
    Can these drivers possibly fix my problems?


  15. Tony27 Jun 2012 @ 19:45

    Hello! I have that problem: I want when I am listening music (Winamp) all six channels to work - stereo upmix to 5.1. When I enable GX it is working but when a game crashed annoying sound appears.



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